Allowing teachers to ccw

Police forensics can often recover a milled off numbers. Deformations of the metal below the stamping can be raised through an acid etching process. Likely the gun was stolen and if it was tied to any crime you might be answering a lot of questions. I wouldn't have traded it I would have tied it to a rock and dropped it in Lake Michigan. But then I wouldn't buy a gun at a truck stop either

yes I found all that out... it was such a good looking gun and I knew it was worth a lot more... and people do get broke and sell things.... just seemed like a good idea at the time....AFTER I found out about all the BS tied to what could be with it.... I just wanted to try and recover some of my money.... there are people at these flea markets all the time buying and names no nothing... so I took it there...he never questioned anything... but did catch the ser# being gone right away.... didn't say anything ...but didn't offer much either... think he knew I was fucked.... got a nice clean USED Mossberg 12ga for it... so not a complete loss
The receiver with the serial number is the only firearm part that is regulated, all the other parts are just parts. There is a big however though. Anyone can purchase a receiver that is less than 80% complete. There are companies that sell these kits and they are legal no FFL required, however once the firearm is complete it is not legal. I have found kits for sub machine guns among other things. And since I have no desire to spend my golden years as a guest of the federal government I have not nor do I intend to purchase one. What I have been told is that the receivers are machined and only lacking drilling and tapping holes in the receiver to complete it. So if you have a drill press or other basic machine tools you can build a nice illegal firearm for a few hundred dollars that can get you several years in a Federal penitentiary

Torp...i think a little clarification is needed. Finish machining the 80 percent lower reciever does not make the gun illegal, at least when it comes to AR lowers. It only becomes illegal if you then try to sell the firearm or if you try to sell the reciever after machining it, reason being because you now have a machined operable lower reciever that is not serialized. On an AR the only part the ATF requires to be serialized is the lower reciever. I have several friends who have done this and as long as you finish mill it and build the gun and keep it for yourself its perfectly legal. At least for AR's.....
Torp...i think a little clarification is needed. Finish machining the 80 percent lower reciever does not make the gun illegal, at least when it comes to AR lowers. It only becomes illegal if you then try to sell the firearm or if you try to sell the reciever after machining it, reason being because you now have a machined operable lower reciever that is not serialized. On an AR the only part the ATF requires to be serialized is the lower reciever. I have several friends who have done this and as long as you finish mill it and build the gun and keep it for yourself its perfectly legal. At least for AR's.....
Thanks for the clarification. You are correct. However if you can't legally own a firearm it is a way to acquire one. I have seen a couple of kits for what appears to submachine guns which would be illegal as soon as they are functional.
M-14 which was a standard issue rifle for the military for a number of years.

when I went in the M14 was the weapon issued..took my qualifications on it.... thought it was great rifle.... NEVER liked the AR15..looked like a friggn toy... when you tried to shoot on auto the thing would matter how much you tried to hold it down

BUT all these weapons and excuses.... there is still no need for any gun to be on the street that shoots that many rounds
the world is full of to many crazies any more!
....Alanm and others make 'light' of the various accessories available for these new type of man toys at the shopping counters. A bumper stock is still an automated weapon as it provides a mechanism which enables the shooter to produce a rapid number of rounds far beyond the shooter's ability to pull the trigger each time they desire to fire. When the intention is to ******* a large number of people with a weapon, the shooter isn't focusing on one victim at a time ... he's desiring a weapon that can spray multiple rounds from a very large clip in the shortest amount of time. This is because he's cornered his prey, whether a room full of children, church full of members, or a huge crowd in a shopping center. So, Alanm, you still serve us your BS regarding the innocents of these weapons and expect us to eat it. The various accessories ... flash guards, large clips, bumper stock, and what have you, are for one purpose only .... killing large numbers fast. You're still pissing down our backs and saying its just rain. You'll never get some of us to accept your regurgitated bile.
....You also forget to mention, the gun shops sell these accessories at the counters, then ... on the side or private ... make personal income by installing these accessories for the novice, new gun owners. Plus, as you mention, there are ways to automate these weapons to be like their military cousins ... the books & videos are readily available everywhere, and if you aren't talented enough to do the tooling, those gun shops and other gun owners are more than willing to help.
....Here's the catch 22 with you guys, though ... you don't want any ADDED responsibilities for owning these higher tech weapons ... no deeper background checks, no special license, no pre-qualifications, no ANYTHING ... you just want the guns. I'd probably feel quite comfortable in a crowd with most of YOU guys simply because you know the weapons, know the responsibilities of owning them, etc ... BUT, the majority do not and care not for the safety of others, and MY family is too valuable and unreplaceable to sit back and allow the NUT JOBS the easy access to these weapons. So, if you want the blessings and support of the majority of people, like me, to make these over-the-counter weapons available, you'll get behind some stricter regulations for them ... comprenda'? I'm very comfortable with the weapons I have at home without the necessities of carrying concealed or high function weapons on my person in public. The fact that the US leads the civilized world in gun deaths points to the need of better enforced legislation, not more availability of the guns. For once, put your selfishness aside and get on board. No One is trying to take your fucking guns away, Alanm ... no one!
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Thanks for the clarification. You are correct. However if you can't legally own a firearm it is a way to acquire one. I have seen a couple of kits for what appears to submachine guns which would be illegal as soon as they are functional.

Thats true.....if you really want a gun u could get one somehow.

I was also always amazed that you could buy historical cap and ball guns right online and have them shipped to your house.

Granted you cant do much damage with a .44 cal. 6 shot 1851 navy revolver but it will still ******* a few people if you wanted.
....Alanm and others make 'light' of the various accessories available for these new type of man toys at the shopping counters. A bumper stock is still an automated weapon as it provides a mechanism which enables the shooter to produce a rapid number of rounds far beyond the shooter's ability to pull the trigger each time they desire to fire. When the intention is to ******* a large number of people with a weapon, the shooter isn't focusing on one victim at a time ... he's desiring a weapon that can spray multiple rounds from a very large clip in the shortest amount of time. This is because he's cornered his prey, whether a room full of children, church full of members, or a huge crowd in a shopping center. So, Alanm, you still serve us your BS regarding the innocents of these weapons and expect us to eat it. The various accessories ... flash guards, large clips, bumper stock, and what have you, are for one purpose only .... killing large numbers fast. You're still pissing down our backs and saying its just rain. You'll never get some of us to accept your regurgitated bile.
....You also forget to mention, the gun shops sell these accessories at the counters, then ... on the side or private ... make personal income by installing these accessories for the novice, new gun owners. Plus, as you mention, there are ways to automate these weapons to be like their military cousins ... the books & videos are readily available everywhere, and if you aren't talented enough to do the tooling, those gun shops and other gun owners are more than willing to help.
....Here's the catch 22 with you guys, though ... you don't want any ADDED responsibilities for owning these higher tech weapons ... no deeper background checks, no special license, no pre-qualifications, no ANYTHING ... you just want the guns. I'd probably feel quite comfortable in a crowd with most of YOU guys simply because you know the weapons, know the responsibilities of owning them, etc ... BUT, the majority do not and care not for the safety of others, and MY family is too valuable and unreplaceable to sit back and allow the NUT JOBS the easy access to these weapons. So, if you want the blessings and support of the majority of people, like me, to make these over-the-counter weapons available, you'll get behind some stricter regulations for them ... comprenda'? I'm very comfortable with the weapons I have at home without the necessities of carrying concealed or high function weapons on my person in public. The fact that the US leads the civilized world in gun deaths points to the need of better enforced legislation, not more availability of the guns. For once, put your selfishness aside and get on board. No One is trying to take your fucking guns away, Alanm ... no one!
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Illinois requires a registration card issued by the state police before you can buy a gun. Chicago has additional restrictions and we hear about the homicide rate in Chicago nearly every week. East St. Louis Illinois has the highest homicide rate in the nation. On the other hand where I live in Wisconsin there are more guns than people and it is rare to have someone shot by a local person. Nearly all shootings and homicides are perpetrated by people from outside the area. The Milwaukee metro area is a s bad as Chicago but they don't really think of themselves as part of Wisconsin and neither does the rest of the state.

There isn't any easy answer but more laws aren't a solution. Recently the use of motor vehicles for homicide seems to have gained favor. The Molotov cocktail is easily fabricated and is a potent terror weapon. A lot more firearms are smuggled into and out of this country than the authorities would care to admit to.
Recently the use of motor vehicles for homicide seems to have gained favor.
Ah, here we go with the silly examples ... why not realize, also, that more children under the age of 12 ******* people in the US with GUNS than foreign terrorists in the US.
Ah, here we go with the silly examples ... why not realize, also, that more children under the age of 12 ******* people in the US with GUNS than foreign terrorists in the US.

And its a good example.

******* driving kills more people than guns - Maybe we should do Background checks before serving beer. ??

OK, I agree with what you say needs to happen, better background checks, I have always stated we need at least basic firearm training and safety classes, So, I'll get "On board" as you put it with you on one condition - YOU agree to draw the line at that point and say that is enough gun control and we don't need anymore. I don't believe these things will make much difference, there will still be gang killings and drive-bys, there will still be wak jobs going nuts and killing people, and there will always be accidents. So when will enough gun control be enough gun control? Can you answer that? I have a feeling you will continue to insist on more and more control as people continue to get killed.

The fact is Mac, your not willing to stop demanding more gun control at that point. You and I both know that the final and ONLY recourse its Ban, and then confiscation. So no, they are not coming after our guns right now, but that is not to say they never will. Because Liberals will continue to kick and scream until they get their way, there is no compromise. So I'm not willing to back more legislation until everyone else is willing to agree that will be enough and after that they need to start looking at what else may be causing these killings because I assure you, it's not simply because we can own guns.
YOU agree to draw the line at that point and say that is enough gun control and we don't need anymore.
That would be impossible, TwoBi ... would we need the gun laws we have today IF we were all still using flintlocks of the early 19th century? Of course we wouldn't. The fact that weaponry continues to develop and advance demands we continue reviewing and changing our gun laws to the times. What if, in 50 years guns are made obsolete by laser guns or pulse guns? Do we then say, "well, we agreed 40-50 years ago not to demand any more gun laws"? well duhhhh!
So when will enough gun control be enough gun control? Can you answer that?
When will technology quit advancing our weaponry? Never! And by the way, you reference Chicago and gangs, possibly you forget the 20's-30's, prohibition when Republicans outlawed booze, and the gun crimes then. Pretty violent times.
You and I both know that the final and ONLY recourse its Ban, and then confiscation. So no, they are not coming after our guns right now, but that is not to say they never will.
Maybe, I don't know. All laws are meant to be reviewed, revised, improved, or eliminated based on the times, TwoBi. I imagine in a hundred or so years we may not need roads anymore, so will we have vehicle laws that apply to roads but not to air vehicles? Everyone will be using air vehicles or teleportation of some kind.
Everything is advancing at a rapid clip ... old laws can't apply to new technologies. There are lots of things that require a special license and additional qualification to use. Why should guns be an exception? I have to have a special license in my line of work IF I work with Long Term Care products ... annually have to update my credit hours, like flying a plane ... so many hours in the air .... I have to sit for 6 hours annually to review Long Term Care, AND I have to sit for an additional 16 hours to keep my Life, Health, and Disability licenses.
That would be impossible, TwoBi ... would we need the gun laws we have today IF we were all still using flintlocks of the early 19th century? Of course we wouldn't. The fact that weaponry continues to develop and advance demands we continue reviewing and changing our gun laws to the times. What if, in 50 years guns are made obsolete by laser guns or pulse guns? Do we then say, "well, we agreed 40-50 years ago not to demand any more gun laws"? well duhhhh!

When will technology quit advancing our weaponry? Never! And by the way, you reference Chicago and gangs, possibly you forget the 20's-30's, prohibition when Republicans outlawed booze, and the gun crimes then. Pretty violent times.

Maybe, I don't know. All laws are meant to be reviewed, revised, improved, or eliminated based on the times, TwoBi. I imagine in a hundred or so years we may not need roads anymore, so will we have vehicle laws that apply to roads but not to air vehicles? Everyone will be using air vehicles or teleportation of some kind.
Everything is advancing at a rapid clip ... old laws can't apply to new technologies. There are lots of things that require a special license and additional qualification to use. Why should guns be an exception? I have to have a special license in my line of work IF I work with Long Term Care products ... annually have to update my credit hours, like flying a plane ... so many hours in the air .... I have to sit for 6 hours annually to review Long Term Care, AND I have to sit for an additional 16 hours to keep my Life, Health, and Disability licenses.

Look at a majority of the shootings in the US....a special license wont stop the person who suddenly goes crazy and commits mass *******....nor will it prevent criminals from killing because they dont care about any special license.

How about terrorists....nope they wont care. Gang members or ******* dealers...again no. Only thing a special license would do is frustrate people into not buying guns maybe. If people want a gun to actually commit a crime no special license will stop that. What i see happening with any special license is the government putting so many exceptions and stipulations to the license that it essentially becomes more gun control.

As far as have any firearms safety or training before buying a gun i am fine with that.
right now there have been no terrorists using auto's in the US.... so that means we don't have to do anything?
we have just been lucky!
and have a good intelligence that seems to be on top of things.... but the more we do overseas... the more they will want to do something here...last time they used planes... because it could ******* more and do more damage... but the odds are getting their favor of a gun thing here

but forget the terrorists... we have more then enough whacko's here to do *******.... ... we have it all the time... and it's normally women and children who get killed

why don't they ever shoot some of these gun supporters?
I was also always amazed that you could buy historical cap and ball guns right online and have them shipped to your house.

Granted you cant do much damage with a .44 cal. 6 shot 1851 navy revolver but it will still ******* a few people if you wanted.

whaaat?...can't do much damage?...I forget... how many died in the civil war.... with a cap and ball!

the south... with their shortage of metal copied the colt...except they used brass frames... after repeated shooting the brass stretched and left a gap between the cylinder and the barrel .. making them dangerous... you see a lot of those brass reproduction ones now... but I doubt anyone would shoot as much as they did back then... the union had steel frames and better.... but the main reason the north won or at least a major contributing factor was the rim fire cartridge.. making reloading so much faster! ( see spencer rifles and ammunition)

the main reason anyone can have one is because unlike the "rimfire" it takes time to re-load them... and even with all six rounds in the navy or colt or Remington revolver... doesn't mean they will all shoot...especially now days... the "hotter' caps are made in Russia.... and the Remington and a few others are made in in five don't fire or put out enough spark to ignite the powder... they "hang fire" making it more dangerous for the shooter than the "target"
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You and I both know that the final and ONLY recourse its Ban, and then confiscation.

impossible!...If you ban them... can't or at least pretty hard to make it retro active...just like three courts have already said... you don't need those type guns to protect your self or home... but make the sale illegal... and ban the ammo!
Advance weaponry requires advanced competency and security ... period!
Some rules for special rifles and handguns that would work if they're not already in place now. And if they are, they need to enforce them:
* Each gun's rifling should be fingerprinted for easier identification when crimes using a similar type of gun occurs.
* Hand guns and special rifles should require competency firing/safety reviews every 2-3 years. If someone has more than one gun, they can get them all done at the same competency review.
* Anyone owning these guns should have a thorough background review including fingerprinting.
* Each year owners should be mailed and required to respond to a questionnaire regarding their specific gun and notify them if any requirements have not been fulfilled ... renewals, if gun is stolen, responses to Questionaires, etc.
examples - do you still possess this firearm? If not, when did you release ownership?
does your firearm have a lock
where is the firearm stored when not in use​
* when a gun is sold, it should be a felony not to follow the rules regarding the sale as to whom it was sold, what address the weapon is now located, etc.​
These seem like fairly easy rules to follow, guys, and it gives the law enforcement the opportunity to track down a weapon used in a crime. If the owner didn't report the gun stolen within a certain period of time after it was sold or stolen, the owner should be fined a heavy penalty while out of his possession.
Now please, please, don't start your gif_BabyCrying1.gif
whaaat?...can't do much damage?...I forget... how many died in the civil war.... with a cap and ball!

the south... with their shortage of metal copied the colt...except they used brass frames... after repeated shooting the brass stretched and left a gap between the cylinder and the barrel .. making them dangerous... you see a lot of those brass reproduction ones now... but I doubt anyone would shoot as much as they did back then... the union had steel frames and better.... but the main reason the north won or at least a major contributing factor was the rim fire cartridge.. making reloading so much faster! ( see spencer rifles and ammunition)

the main reason anyone can have one is because unlike the "rimfire" it takes time to re-load them... and even with all six rounds in the navy or colt or Remington revolver... doesn't mean they will all shoot...especially now days... the "hotter' caps are made in Russia.... and the Remington and a few others are made in in five don't fire or put out enough spark to ignite the powder... they "hang fire" making it more dangerous for the shooter than the "target"

The reason so many died had nothing to do with the cap and ball black powder gun but the line infantry strategy used.

As far as the spencer goes it was not adopted by the military during the civil war for several reasons. One the war dept thought the men would waste ammo by firing to fast. 2nd it was expensive compared to the springfield musket. Although they were used in the civil war they never replaced the springfield as the sole infantry weapon....mostly calvary used them. The confederates liked them but couldnt make ammo for them because of a copper shortage.
Advance weaponry requires advanced competency and security ... period!
Some rules for special rifles and handguns that would work if they're not already in place now. And if they are, they need to enforce them:
* Each gun's rifling should be fingerprinted for easier identification when crimes using a similar type of gun occurs.
* Hand guns and special rifles should require competency firing/safety reviews every 2-3 years. If someone has more than one gun, they can get them all done at the same competency review.
* Anyone owning these guns should have a thorough background review including fingerprinting.
* Each year owners should be mailed and required to respond to a questionnaire regarding their specific gun and notify them if any requirements have not been fulfilled ... renewals, if gun is stolen, responses to Questionaires, etc.
examples - do you still possess this firearm? If not, when did you release ownership?
does your firearm have a lock
where is the firearm stored when not in use​
* when a gun is sold, it should be a felony not to follow the rules regarding the sale as to whom it was sold, what address the weapon is now located, etc.​
These seem like fairly easy rules to follow, guys, and it gives the law enforcement the opportunity to track down a weapon used in a crime. If the owner didn't report the gun stolen within a certain period of time after it was sold or stolen, the owner should be fined a heavy penalty while out of his possession.
Now please, please, don't start your View attachment 1438406
Glad ur not making laws on guns then