Allowing teachers to ccw

....i know some people like to emphasize with this kid but he is not crazy....he had a well thought out and excuted plan and even tried to blend in with ******* walking out.

He might be crazy...anyone who would do something like that is not right....but I don't think he is that crazy either...he knew
exactly what he was doing by putting the gun down and walking out with the other students
I may be a libber but I agree anyone who kills like that or who does permanent harm to children should be executed!

yesterday yahoo had some article about a guy in Fla they had just caught...he killed some young newly weds...admitted to just killing the girl...but tortured the guy until he died....sick mom fucker...and should have been shot resisting arrest...instead of us paying for his incarceration for life

don't get me wrong...I don't like all these police shootings.....but in cases like this.....justified!
it appears that the left can't comprehend that. Instead they prefer to demonize those who follow the rules because of a few bad eggs.
Its the ******* heart liberals that give criminals these "rights" while incarceration.
You really are totally brainwashed.
It seems to me its the "right", in Washington politics, that are filling up the prisons and resigning their electoral posts.
..... The NRA and 2nd Amend. advocates have really put the "fear of god" in the minds of their constituents & voters that the evil liberal empire is coming to take all their guns away. What liberals have failed to do is remind the conservatives & public that the Constitution is a "living document", not written in stone. In fact, the Constitution has been updated at least 26-27 times in its history. Some of the more notable ones were the way we elect our VP, Senators, and put term limits on the President's seat. And how about the 13th, 15th, 18th and 19th amendments? Talk about a lot of yelling and screaming going on back then. Freeing the slaves & allowing them to vote? Preposterous! And allowing women to vote? No way ... their job was to have babies, cook, and keep a clean home for their male superiors! And who the hell came up with the idea of prohibiting ******* sales ... hell, we've been drinking "strong drinks" since Adam & Eve, I imagine.
..... Our founding fathers realized that no governing document would be "perfect" forever, and that there would be times when revisions & refinements would be necessary. Regarding the 2nd Amendment, guns were necessary, as a new, developing country, to hunt game (no grocery stores back then), fight off the Indians from THEIR land (no wild Indians today except on payday on the reservations), and maintaining a quick militia to fight off invading countries (none invading us today) unless you consider the illegal Hispanics, as Trump does, as invaders. Back then, however, they used flintlock rifles & pistols, but with the continuing development & refinement of our "guns" to rapid fire, we must again ask ourselves "should the public have an unfettered right to have unrestricted access to the guns on today's market?" The gun laws & rights have changed over time ... in the 18th & 19th century one didn't need a license or do a background check to buy & carry a *******.
..... The statistical data available says its time to revisit our rights to bear arms again. Surely conservatives will be willing to sit at the table and again consider a new approach/law to curb the wrongful use of the weapons our gun makers are producing now. Afterall, its to the NRA's advantage to continue creating FEAR of government taking guns away that keeps THEM alive, and they don't give one rat's ass about any of you "2nd Amendment" lovers except to help THEM sell more guns. Encouraging more people to BUY guns to survive only creates a larger base of gun users who will resort to gun use a lot sooner because they HAVE one on them ... not a good solution at all. Don't you folks really think that it is NRA power & money that keeps this issue from really being solved sensibly?
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He might be crazy...anyone who would do something like that is not right....but I don't think he is that crazy either...he knew
exactly what he was doing by putting the gun down and walking out with the other students
I may be a libber but I agree anyone who kills like that or who does permanent harm to children should be executed!

yesterday yahoo had some article about a guy in Fla they had just caught...he killed some young newly weds...admitted to just killing the girl...but tortured the guy until he died....sick mom fucker...and should have been shot resisting arrest...instead of us paying for his incarceration for life

don't get me wrong...I don't like all these police shootings.....but in cases like this.....justified!

I pretty much agree although i have a different opinion on most of these police shootings.
..... The NRA and 2nd Amend. advocates have really put the "fear of god" in the minds of their constituents & voters that the evil liberal empire is coming to take all their guns away. What liberals have failed to do is remind the conservatives & public that the Constitution is a "living document", not written in stone. In fact, the Constitution has been updated at least 26-27 times in its history. Some of the more notable ones were the way we elect our VP, Senators, and put term limits on the President's seat. And how about the 13th, 15th, 18th and 19th amendments? Talk about a lot of yelling and screaming going on back then. Freeing the slaves & allowing them to vote? Preposterous! And allowing women to vote? No way ... their job was to have babies, cook, and keep a clean home for their male superiors! And who the hell came up with the idea of prohibiting ******* sales ... hell, we've been drinking "strong drinks" since Adam & Eve, I imagine.
..... Our founding fathers realized that no governing document would be "perfect" forever, and that there would be times when revisions & refinements would be necessary. Regarding the 2nd Amendment, guns were necessary, as a new, developing country, to hunt game (no grocery stores back then), fight off the Indians from THEIR land (no wild Indians today except on payday on the reservations), and maintaining a quick militia to fight off invading countries (none invading us today) unless you consider the illegal Hispanics, as Trump does, as invaders. Back then, however, they used flintlock rifles & pistols, but with the continuing development & refinement of our "guns" to rapid fire, we must again ask ourselves "should the public have an unfettered right to have unrestricted access to the guns on today's market?" The gun laws & rights have changed over time ... in the 18th & 19th century one didn't need a license or do a background check to buy & carry a *******.
..... The statistical data available says its time to revisit our rights to bear arms again. Surely conservatives will be willing to sit at the table and again consider a new approach/law to curb the wrongful use of the weapons our gun makers are producing now. Afterall, its to the NRA's advantage to continue creating FEAR of government taking guns away that keeps THEM alive, and they don't give one rat's ass about any of you "2nd Amendment" lovers except to help THEM sell more guns. Encouraging more people to BUY guns to survive only creates a larger base of gun users who will resort to gun use a lot sooner because they HAVE one on them ... not a good solution at all. Don't you folks really think that it is NRA power & money that keeps this issue from really being solved sensibly?
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And just would that "new" second amendment look like Mac? Only allowing the people to have pea shooters and muskets is not an acceptable resolution. I have already demonstrated several points to the contrary of your BS. Take your anger out on these killers, not the law abiding citizens of this country who still make up over 95% of gun owners who didn't ******* anyone.
Take your anger out on these killers, not the law abiding citizens of this country who still make up over 95% of gun owners who didn't ******* anyone.

do your crying and excuses with the parents of all those who have lost young children to people with guns...because there wasn't better control....gun control violates your rights....but think nothing of those who can't speak up because their rights were extinguished along with their life
And just would that "new" second amendment look like Mac? Only allowing the people to have pea shooters and muskets is not an acceptable resolution.
..... Actually, I put a lot of "thought" into what I last posted, TwoBi, as I was hoping for reasonable conversation. And, again, you show the inflexibility of the gun rights RIGHT ... exactly what the problem is ... My Way Or No Way! You take a well written post and say to take "my anger out on the killers" ... gee, I think I eluded to the same, as did subhub, regarding your hate of the liberals. I wasn't saying we needed to rewrite the 2nd amendment, just make a few changes to it ... obviously the constitution has made major changes before, and usually with this same type of protest. Can you imagine how the southerners felt when blacks were freed and given the right to vote? The Southerners didn't just protest, they went on hunting parties, and you know who they were hunting, too. You gun protectionists (not Constitution protectionists) simply want to own any gun there is simply because the Constitution says you have a right to bear arms. The Constitution wasn't written in stone, as I mentioned, but that's not the real issue is it? Personally, I want the citizens of the US to be able to own firearms, but there has to be a line drawn, now, because the country has industrially progressed to a point where it needs to look at "right to bearing arms" with some common sense. I'm not saying we should only be allowed "pea shooters" and "muskets"... that's your verbiage, not mine. If twisting my words to hint I'm referring that way, and that's the best effort of a response you have, maybe you should go stand in front of a full length mirror and point a finger at the figure you see in front of you. You'll then understand why we are WHERE WE ARE now, with gun rights.
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..... Actually, I put a lot of "thought" into what I last posted, TwoBi, as I was hoping for reasonable conversation. And, again, you show the inflexibility of the gun rights RIGHT ... exactly what the problem is ... My Way Or No Way! You take a well written post and say to take "my anger out on the killers" ... gee, I think I eluded to the same, as did subhub, regarding your hate of the liberals. I wasn't saying we needed to rewrite the 2nd amendment, just make a few changes to it ... obviously the constitution has made major changes before, and usually with this same type of protest. Can you imagine how the southerners felt when blacks were freed and given the right to vote? The Southerners didn't just protest, they went on hunting parties, and you know who they were hunting, too. You gun protectionists (not Constitution protectionists) simply want to own any gun there is simply because the Constitution says you have a right to bear arms. The Constitution wasn't written in stone, as I mentioned, but that's not the real issue is it? Personally, I want the citizens of the US to be able to own firearms, but there has to be a line drawn, now, because the country has industrially progressed to a point where it needs to look at "right to bearing arms" with some common sense. I'm not saying we should only be allowed "pea shooters" and "muskets"... that's your verbiage, not mine. If twisting my words to hint I'm referring that way, and that's the best effort of a response you have, maybe you should go stand in front of a full length mirror and point a finger at the figure you see in front of you. You'll then understand why we are WHERE WE ARE now, with gun rights.

That's all fine and dandy Mac, and I'm more than willing to have a sit down compromise, but I'm not referring to you and I. What you are talking about is NOT what is being discussed in Washington, It's not what is being pushed in the media, It's not what is being pushed on our youth, and it is not what the protesters are demanding. Bottom line Mac, it doesn't matter what you and I discuss or even agree to, what matters is what is being discussed and agreed upon in congress. Most conservatives want to find a solution also, most are also willing to compromise based on the facts. but that is not what the liberal agenda is. I'm not talking about your agenda, I'm talking about liberals in general. Like how the left now ties the word "semi-auto" with the word "assault weapon". and how people like David Hogg calls the NRA "kid killers". These people don't want to "discuss".
And, again, you show the inflexibility of the gun rights RIGHT .

Wrong again, Mac. I have on several occasions expressed my willingness to compromise. I have also even agreed with you on some points you have made in the past. Maybe your hate of the right is blinding you?? But Like I said, what you and I are willing to compromise is irrelevant.
can't we all just get along?
we can agree the right doesn't like the left
and the left thinks the right is a bunch of weasels
but the right has indentured immigrants to do their bidding
while the left has labor to perform in the morning
so lets all just call each other a few dirty names and go to bed and sleep in peace
Like a black European I love guns and I like the Idea you can bay guns in USA and you an have it in your home but I think USA must put tougher control to the person the bay guns, medical and psychology control every year to the people they both the guns.
I am pro gun and encourage anyone to seek out additional training but I don't feel as if teachers should be carrying as a policy. I think that is just going to make them and the students around them bigger targets. I would want the teachers worrying about getting my children out of harms way rather than getting into a battle. I am all for armed school resource officers and security though.
Not to get off topic but anyone notice that not only has Dicks sporting goods changed the policy on assault weapons and gun sales but none of the ads i have gotten from Dicks in the last 3 weeks have had one single gun in them.....of any kind. Frankly i wont be patronizing Dicks any longer and will take my business elsewhere. Apparently i am not alone....their revenue is down since thier policy change.
Frankly i wont be patronizing Dicks any longer and will take my business elsewhere.
Until the extremists on both sides settle down, and the moderates of both sides come to the table to discuss the issues/adjustments, this may go on a while. President Chump isn't helping matters at all, and congressional donations need to become transparent so voters can see who's financing their representatives. I'm sure Dick's is going to miss your money. :rolleyes:

Guess you can frequent the gun shows and flea markets ... I saw a nice M1 carbine I'd like to have purchased not long ago .... looked nice. My kind of "attack gun" ... lol
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