Adult ******* has found out about my lifestyle

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Glad you had a good chat and she shows respect. You don't deserve what happened and you need to repeat this to yourself. It is your private life at the end of the day.
I read a lot of stuff like this here. And then reality strikes. All the time, I've been thinking about that happening to us.
If she was around you and still is, that's surely because the picture she has of you both as parents hasn't changed and won't change much.
I don't see how anyone can really help unless they've had a similar experience and resolved the issue.

Simply fetishizing the situation isn't really helping anyone.

Looks like the family are working through their issues and as I haven't anything more practical or constructive to offer, I just wish them all the very best in moving on from all this upset :)
I was thinking with my brain. Nothing is wrong with me.
Just because you have tunnel vision doesn't mean we all do.
Even beenblackened like my post. So what does that say about your closed mind?
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If my benign post thinks of making you not want to participate any longer, then good bye.
Tunnel vision! Ha ha that’s rich. You just go on with your twisted fantasy of her ******* traumatized at finding out a painful secret her mom kept and jump to she’s at home dreaming up fantasy scenarios of being blacked. Totally for sure. You find out out your moms having an illicit affair and you run home and masturbate about it being you. My closed mine says “I am sorry about the diffacult situation you faced” not “hey maybe your ******* went home and is dreaming about black dick now too because she saw you in a very compromising scenario online” Yep that’s thinking with your brain.

Does Hotwife Brooke know that you have her image in your profile? Did she give you promission to repost her image?
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I left my computer on and on this website last week. My adult ******* came over to use it and seen everything and was shocked and upset. So I've been dealing with that and haven't been on here. Trying to explain hasn't went well and has got me in a pretty down mood :(
This just made me LOL. Reminds me of that old saying "what you do in the night come out in the day".
What an absolutely stupid insensitive comment coming out of what is a really difficult situation this woman has gone through. Have some freaking compassion for gods sake and stop thinking with your dick. Do your children or family know of your fetish?
The only negative, to me, about this site is the incredible amount of people like that guy who are just lost in their fantasy. I normally like to keep to myself and just skip over the folks who turn every serious question or comment into their sex fantasy but at times it can be like an avalanche. The whole “every whiteboi should be a sissy bitch black new world order” thing is so laughable. Yeah let’s extinct our race for a sex fantasy. White men have zero worth in the world. I actually feel sorry for those people. If I really felt that way, I’d want to ******* myself. No *******. I have 3 Caucasian sons who I want to have a more or less normal, happy healthy life. If when they grow into adults, they want to pursue certain sexual scenarios or fantasies with a partner, good luck to them. But I would never introduce them to something sexual nor would I secretly hope that they get into cuckold or hotwife relationship. It’s bizarre how far some people take this thing.
@beenblackened You were one of the first b2w 'regulars' I unofficially 'followed' when I signed on to this site. I can only imagine how hard that hit you when you realized your secret was out to your *******. I am heartened to see your subsequent post that you two have opened up a constructive dialog about this and that things seem headed to a great path.

Keep hanging in there. Your b2w family's supporting you.
Thank you James :lips:
I didn't have any twisted fantasy. I just said the gears in her head would be thinking about what she saw.
And then I put myself in her shoes and thought about what would be running through my mind. It's actually trying to feel some empathy for the situation. But you jumped the gun and incorrectly thought I was fantasizing about something.

And yes, Hotwifebrooke does know. She commented twice on it.
You're failing miserably here. You should probably stop.
You’re an idiot. You could have very simply offered condolences and instead you sexualized it by including her ******* no less. There was absolutely no need for you to include that and your comment here just shows where you really were coming from. You put yourself in “her shoes and what would be running through your mind”. Gee I wonder what that could have been. You have no idea as a women how traumatic this kind of situation can be and the ramifications of it within a family unit or professionally. None- and you want to sit here with some kind of bravado and debate about what you said. It’s right here in black and white and you still don’t see it or get it. I will look to you for what a woman is thinking the next time I get confused and need a man who thinks with his dick to tell me what could be going through my mind.
I left my computer on and on this website last week. My adult ******* came over to use it and seen everything and was shocked and upset. So I've been dealing with that and haven't been on here. Trying to explain hasn't went well and has got me in a pretty down mood :(
Sorry to hear that Love, but not like you are cheating on her pops. However it would be a shock unless a person was exposed to that at a younger age. HUGS bella:lips:
What an absolutely stupid insensitive comment coming out of what is a really difficult situation this woman has gone through. Have some freaking compassion for gods sake and stop thinking with your dick. Do your children or family know of your fetish?
Some of the guys on here don’t understand the lifestyle. They think it’s about them or the wife is trying to leave the husband. They don’t understand that we are just the tool to enhance the connected they already have for each other. Smh!
And here is another one thinking with his dick. What the hell is wrong with you. Offer some consolement- not turn it around into some kind of bizarre sexual twist that now her ******* is at home fantasizing about your created fetish. This poor lady has had a very emotional time and yes it is a big deal for a family member to have Pandora's box opened wide to the scrutiny of their children. This is the kind of stuff that seriously makes me think of not participating on the forums any longer.
Well said!
First thank you all for the nice comments from my family here on B2W :lips:. Ok well her and I spent a lot of time together yesterday afternoon and had a very adult talk about my lifestyle and her *******'s. I told her that we are still very much in love with each other and nothing was going to change that. I'm not going to go into details but I pretty much said I have a high sex drive that her ******* can't satisfy and he's good with it and that I like being with black men. Of course there was a hell of a lot more in between and hours of talking. She left with an understanding that I enjoy what I do and she was fine with it :love:. The most important thing was she didn't tell anyone else, which I was very happy with. W
Awesome outcome!!!!!'n good for yall
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