Wives You'd Never Suspect

Does Your Wife Look like she's a "Hot Wife"

  • Not at all

    Votes: 1,618 25.6%
  • Yes she does

    Votes: 2,571 40.7%
  • No, but she could if she dressed for it

    Votes: 2,133 33.7%

  • Total voters
Isn't this Megan Amazon?
She was all over the talk shows a few years ago after her divorce explaining how her husband used abuse to make her do these videos. I think she found Jesus or something.
I’ve seen the faces of women who were 4ced or abused, made to partake by their husbands, regardless of how good the sex was, or how many orgasms occurred, there was always some blank expression, as if to say “was that good enough for you” to her husband,,,the face on this woman isn’t one of those faces. I’ve also noticed that is the go to excuse for all these women who’s life has become public and videos of this nature don’t go hand in hand with the new life she’s attempting to establish, so blame it on the guy and claim they were being controlled,,,now she has sympathy and people put her on a pedestal for managing to be strong enough to survive her nasty man,,,all fuck’n bullshit!!! You can’t be all smiles with a mouth full of cum and stars twinkling in your eyes because “he made you do it”,,,there’s plenty of occasions in my videos where I sign off, wiping off a chin full of cum, smiling and waving, and saying “that’s all folks”,,,how could I do that knowing I was pressured into doing it? To be honest, a good deal of those women would probably not have a problem with it if their husband wasn’t barking directions at them,,,as in,,,if he wasn’t even there, then she might actually be able to enjoy herself, but if her life went public, she has to remove herself from any blame for having committed these heinous acts.
I’ve seen the faces of women who were 4ced or abused, made to partake by their husbands, regardless of how good the sex was, or how many orgasms occurred, there was always some blank expression, as if to say “was that good enough for you” to her husband,,,the face on this woman isn’t one of those faces. I’ve also noticed that is the go to excuse for all these women who’s life has become public and videos of this nature don’t go hand in hand with the new life she’s attempting to establish, so blame it on the guy and claim they were being controlled,,,now she has sympathy and people put her on a pedestal for managing to be strong enough to survive her nasty man,,,all fuck’n bullshit!!! You can’t be all smiles with a mouth full of cum and stars twinkling in your eyes because “he made you do it”,,,there’s plenty of occasions in my videos where I sign off, wiping off a chin full of cum, smiling and waving, and saying “that’s all folks”,,,how could I do that knowing I was pressured into doing it? To be honest, a good deal of those women would probably not have a problem with it if their husband wasn’t barking directions at them,,,as in,,,if he wasn’t even there, then she might actually be able to enjoy herself, but if her life went public, she has to remove herself from any blame for having committed these heinous acts.
Where did you get your medical degree?
That's a precise assessment and conclusion based on YOURSELF and what you see acted on a 7 minute clip.
You should have warned Johnny Depp about Amanda Heard before they got together. With your skills, you knew she was a bed-shitter back in her Pineapple Express days.
Where did you get your medical degree?
That's a precise assessment and conclusion based on YOURSELF and what you see acted on a 7 minute clip.
You should have warned Johnny Depp about Amanda Heard before they got together. With your skills, you knew she was a bed-shitter back in her Pineapple Express days.
Medical degree? Ha ha,,,that’s funny, albeit somewhat passive aggressive,,,most men have a general idea of where all the action takes place on a woman, and you’d expect doctors even more so. That being said, there’s a big difference between knowing where something is located, and knowing what to do with it, not to mention how! There’s book smarts, and there’s street smarts,,,neither one of them can hold a candle to a lifetime (23 years) of practical experience. Just so you know, if I wanted to I could hang a shingle outside my house that reads psychologist if I chose to, not psychiatrist, that you need a degree for,,,again, experience trumps degrees in every situation. Somehow I get the feeling you took offense to my declaration,,,if that’s the case I can only hope you don’t own a cam corder, or a phone,,,or a sketch pad,,,anything required to put you in the directors chair, I get the feeling your videos would be quite cringe worthy!

P.S. My husband has a degree in architectural drafting,,,yet he’s not an architect,,,but he can make a woman cum all day long,,,so much for degrees versus experience!

P.P.S. As far as Amber Heard is concerned, for all I know she’s of German descent,,,in which case I’d take a back seat to any and all practices that involve excrement with sex,,again, choosing one who “lives” the lifestyle over someone who wrote a book on cleaning pet cages! Amateur sex videos are great because of their “reality”,,,people are choosing to video themselves in their natural state because of a love for the game, not a paycheck to their husband/controller. On behalf of connoisseurs all over the world, please remain a spectator, we’ve already got too many videos directed by people using the lack of degrees to evaluate their knowledge in a particular field!
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Medical degree? Ha ha,,,that’s funny, albeit somewhat passive aggressive,,,most men have a general idea of where all the action takes place on a woman, and you’d expect doctors even more so. That being said, there’s a big difference between knowing where something is located, and knowing what to do with it, not to mention how! There’s book smarts, and there’s street smarts,,,neither one of them can hold a candle to a lifetime (23 years) of practical experience. Just so you know, if I wanted to I could hang a shingle outside my house that reads psychologist if I chose to, not psychiatrist, that you need a degree for,,,again, experience trumps degrees in every situation.
A psychologist actually does have a college degree - two to be exact. At least a Masters' in psychology.
A psychiatrist is a medical doctor so, there's the medical degree.
Any dope on the street can call themselves a "counselor" but, those professions above take brains and education.
To bring this back on point, you have no fucking idea what's going on in people's personal life based on what THEY show you on camera or online. I bet you believe people are living great lives because they show it to you on Instagram or Facebook. It's all a stage.

There is no such thing as street smarts vs 'book' smarts. Unless you running in them streets, or live in them, 'street smarts' will get you nowhere in life. I grew here in Chicago over on the southside and I value my education or 'book smarts' with me being able to live where I want and raising a great family.

Somehow I get the feeling you took offense to my declaration,,,if that’s the case I can only hope you don’t own a cam corder, or a phone,,,or a sketch pad,,,anything required to put you in the directors chair, I get the feeling your videos would be quite cringe worthy!
Is this your street sense doing another assessment?

P.S. My husband has a degree in architectural drafting,,,yet he’s not an architect,,,but he can make a woman cum all day long,,,so much for degrees versus experience!
He doesn't have a degree. He's a certificate in a vocational discipline. Much different than an actual degree in architecture. He's a draftsman, which is a good job but don't try to sell it as being the same as an architect. Draftsmen usually as very specific in one or two areas where an architect has to be an expert overall. Yes, I've had things built and renovated.

Him making a woman cum all day long is non-germane to having a degree or not.
A psychologist actually does have a college degree - two to be exact. At least a Masters' in psychology.
A psychiatrist is a medical doctor so, there's the medical degree.
Any dope on the street can call themselves a "counselor" but, those professions above take brains and education.
To bring this back on point, you have no fucking idea what's going on in people's personal life based on what THEY show you on camera or online. I bet you believe people are living great lives because they show it to you on Instagram or Facebook. It's all a stage.

There is no such thing as street smarts vs 'book' smarts. Unless you running in them streets, or live in them, 'street smarts' will get you nowhere in life. I grew here in Chicago over on the southside and I value my education or 'book smarts' with me being able to live where I want and raising a great family.

Is this your street sense doing another assessment?

He doesn't have a degree. He's a certificate in a vocational discipline. Much different than an actual degree in architecture. He's a draftsman, which is a good job but don't try to sell it as being the same as an architect. Draftsmen usually as very specific in one or two areas where an architect has to be an expert overall. Yes, I've had things built and renovated.

Him making a woman cum all day long is non-germane to having a degree or not.
Well,,,apparently my assessment on your demeanor was right on,,,not looking to offend anyone, but although an upbringing in Chicago is grounds for taking one seriously when it come to “making it” in real life,,,it doesn’t impress someone born on the lower east side of New York and raised in Brooklyn. As for my hubs degree, its required to be eligible to become an architect, to be a licensed architect merely needs the passing of a forty hour test,,,coincidently, my husband was in charge of the entire HVAC system in the new Sentinel Star building when it was taking over by the Chicago Sun Times, that’s when they changed the name to the Orlando Sentinel,,,the new building was designed by an architectural firm out of Chicago. The same firm that requested my husband REDESIGN 30% of the HVAC system they approved, since there was no way it would work using their designs. Keep in mind, my husband’s actual experience in the field is where the “street smarts” came into play, which translates to knowing all the codes and tolerances of the material that was being used, I did kinda gloss over the fact that the architectural firm that originally designed the build were licensed architects. My husbands degree is just that, not a certificate, he was offered a job by a license firm, even if he never got a degree all he needed to do was work for a licensed firm for 12 years, then he would’ve been eligible to take the test. One other thing, I’m not a genius, but I was amazed when I discovered the average IQ of an American was in the high two digits,,,eligibility into Mensa used to be a minimum IQ of 150, for some reason it’s recently been reduced to 140 (sign of the times I guess), mine happens to be 136. As for my analogy of my hub being able to make a woman cum all day, is an exact representation of the differences of book smarts versus street smarts, the latter being the actual practice of making a woman cum, as opposed to reading about it in a book. While there’s no doubt that some doctors are more than capable of making a woman cum, the seven years it takes to actually be able to call yourself a doctor, again, when it comes to pleasing a woman, I’ll take the porn star over the doctor anytime,,,

P.S. This is the part where I suggest we agree to disagree, you go your way and I’ll go mine,,,I’m even willing to let you go first and I’ll just take a different direction,,,any direction,,,wait, I take that back, forget I mentioned direction, I wouldn’t want you to assume I’m giving you a stamp of approval to start directing videos. Damn,,,I must've really hit a nerve, I have to admit I half expected I did, not too many people take a stand against practical application over “book learning”,,,in fact in most situations, the first thing told to a green employee is to “forget everything you learned in school,,,this is the real world”, whether it’s a doctor, a lawyer, a policeman, or a soldier,,,everybody has a plan till the first shot is fired,,,then you swing over and look to the guy with experience! Keep in mind, this whole thing started over a woman (trying to rewrite history to set her apart from the rest of us sluts), who wanted to avoid blame for her actions, using the very same claim that I described, that she was essentially f0rced. Let’s remember,,,in this day and age, the entire world can flip with just a seven minute clip,,,considering the sixth organized crime family in this country is operating out of the Whitehouse,,,and we’ve seen hundreds of seven minute clips of that fiasco, and an entire country is watching it, yet we either see what we want to see, or what‘s promoted,,,either way I can’t ignore a face that screams “get me outta here“ as opposed to one that clearly says “give me that dick”,,,oh wow, I almost forgot I was on a porn site,,,LOL