Why White Women?

Okay..I understand. I just hope people can give chances and understand were not anywhere the same. I've had bad experiences but I don't want it to cloud my mind. I just really love all types of girls and I hope they don't look at me as inferior to black guys. Why were blue collar guys the opposite of your views? You mean politically?
It’s very complex. But yeah pretty much everything blue collar guys are into. I’m not. I got stuck in a weird place w them. Now I realize I kind of made them a fetish and enjoyed taking them out of their bubbles and making them do things they probably wouldn’t do with out me. I liked shy young guys the ones that weren’t strong enough to leave their social group. I was kinda predatory. It wasn’t healthy.
Before that I was married to a white guy 19 years older than me. For 10 years. So all my younger years. He was very mean to me. It was a bad marriage
It’s very complex. But yeah pretty much everything blue collar guys are into. I’m not. I got stuck in a weird place w them. Now I realize I kind of made them a fetish and enjoyed taking them out of their bubbles and making them do things they probably wouldn’t do with out me. I liked shy young guys the ones that weren’t strong enough to leave their social group. I was kinda predatory. It wasn’t healthy.
Before that I was married to a white guy 19 years older than me. For 10 years. So all my younger years. He was very mean to me. It was a bad marriage
Oh okay. I always did blue collar work so I was wondering why. But of course there's a lot to variation in it people don't see. I'm just skinny country whiteboy and I hope we're not falling out of style completely. Just seems girls think black guys either are physically better or that we don't have personalities which is so strange to me, and kinda mean.
Jealousy is what drives the flavor of this fetish.
Lol you’re so right. I feel like an incel sometimes though

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