Why was the Russian-speaking forum deleted?

Wow, someone is triggered. Was it something I said? You seemed to have doubled down on your white supremacist mindset and double talk. What makes you think you can have any insight on me beyond what you see?
So now you want to tell us that Russia is 'freeing' it's cultural brethren from an oppressive Ukrainian government?
Yesterday it was Nazis in Ukraine that Russia was fighting (though the Ukrainian President is part Jewish).
The day before, it was Ukraine was committing terrorist acts against Russia.
Before that, and today, you are saying that Ukraine doesn't exist as a separate nation, and Russia has a right to it.
- by the way, think of the many countries in Central and South America that share a culture, language and people, yet no one is claiming territory over a sovereign neighbor.
There is this thing called treaties and agreements, you and other Russians should study. All Russian had to do was negotiate safe and open passage for their cultural Ukrainians. If Ukraine used f.orce, then the world would see the monsters that you say they are.
Instead, Russia ignored international law and agreements, invaded a sovereign nation and begin s.hooting the place up. Not a good look.

As far as having a 'real' conversation with you, I don't respect you enough to go further than this. You're dishonest and it's become a game of catching rhetorical bullshit, which you're losing, instead of geo-politics.
Shut the fuck up Ed. You are just another dumb American who believes in all the lies and bullshit that comes out of the mouth of your government and the mainstream presstitudes that serve them. Maybe you should go read a little. You think Russia is going to sit there and let your government use Ukraine to destroy their livelihood like your did to Iraq, Libya, Syria, and lots of countries around the world? Your neoliberalism is the sickness upon which your spread imperialism and try to destroy and sow misery upon others. You don't know *******, so shut the fuck up you dunce. Even if you supported Ukraine, why did they have to remove the Russian forum? What nonsense is that. So someone should hate you from the jump because the US government goes around murdering people in other countries?
Shut the fuck up Ed. You are just another dumb American who believes in all the lies and bullshit that comes out of the mouth of your government and the mainstream presstitudes that serve them. Maybe you should go read a little. You think Russia is going to sit there and let your government use Ukraine to destroy their livelihood like your did to Iraq, Libya, Syria, and lots of countries around the world? Your neoliberalism is the sickness upon which your spread imperialism and try to destroy and sow misery upon others. You don't know *******, so shut the fuck up you dunce. Even if you supported Ukraine, why did they have to remove the Russian forum? What nonsense is that. So someone should hate you from the jump because the US government goes around murdering people in other countries?
Such a feisty Friday! OK. First, I don't know what to believe, you clearly are not in the States but claim to be in Minnesota. Probably not a black man as your avatar suggest. Typical Russian stooge.

So, I should shut up? I just another dumb American? That believes the lies of the media, not what I see with my own eyes?
You are not paying attention if you think Russia was just sitting there until America armed Ukraine. The fighting is happening in Ukraine. Did America push those troops into Ukraine? Did they march there by accident? We they invited there for a parade?
So, unless Ukraine invited another country's military f.orce onto their land, Russia had no business there.

If the US is so bad, why they fuck are both of you here? Terrorism? Why not lend your great minds to mom Russia? Cammie can lend her cunt. You're here, because you can do better here, than there. So shut the fuck up shitting on the country you love to hate. Or, get the fuck out, there is a long line waiting to get in behind you.

And no one has explained, why did Russia invade in the first place?
Why was the Russian-language interracial forum deleted?
I should have answered this before devolving in a free for all.
I think the main owner is Ukrainian, though I think pro-Putin, so it doesn't make sense.
Unless the war discussion between Russian speaking people from both countries went to the politics of the war over and over causing division like it does in most forums online and social media. Probably as a precaution.
Were any of you on there?
Shut the fuck up Ed. You are just another dumb American who believes in all the lies and bullshit that comes out of the mouth of your government and the mainstream presstitudes that serve them. Maybe you should go read a little. You think Russia is going to sit there and let your government use Ukraine to destroy their livelihood like your did to Iraq, Libya, Syria, and lots of countries around the world? Your neoliberalism is the sickness upon which your spread imperialism and try to destroy and sow misery upon others. You don't know *******, so shut the fuck up you dunce. Even if you supported Ukraine, why did they have to remove the Russian forum? What nonsense is that. So someone should hate you from the jump because the US government goes around murdering people in other countries?
No, let people live under fear
I should have answered this before devolving in a free for all.
I think the main owner is Ukrainian, though I think pro-Putin, so it doesn't make sense.
Unless the war discussion between Russian speaking people from both countries went to the politics of the war over and over causing division like it does in most forums online and social media. Probably as a precaution.
Were any of you on there?
Putin fears COMIC
Such a feisty Friday! OK. First, I don't know what to believe, you clearly are not in the States but claim to be in Minnesota. Probably not a black man as your avatar suggest. Typical Russian stooge.

So, I should shut up? I just another dumb American? That believes the lies of the media, not what I see with my own eyes?
You are not paying attention if you think Russia was just sitting there until America armed Ukraine. The fighting is happening in Ukraine. Did America push those troops into Ukraine? Did they march there by accident? We they invited there for a parade?
So, unless Ukraine invited another country's military f.orce onto their land, Russia had no business there.

If the US is so bad, why they fuck are both of you here? Terrorism? Why not lend your great minds to mom Russia? Cammie can lend her cunt. You're here, because you can do better here, than there. So shut the fuck up shitting on the country you love to hate. Or, get the fuck out, there is a long line waiting to get in behind you.

And no one has explained, why did Russia invade in the first place?
Yes indeed, you are a stupid ass American. First, I am Black and I am in America. And to mess with your small brain, I am former military as well. Let me first address your dumb ass on why Russia is in Ukraine. A mentally challenged piece of ******* like you are not able to read, or comprehend even if you do read, geopolitical issues. The US and their vassals in NATO has been encroaching onto the Russian border since the end of the USSR. What do you think the US will do if Russia brought the Warsaw Pact into Mexico? Heck, we don't even have to ask. The US almost started a nuclear war over Russian missiles in Cuba. The Russians have warned the US and their vassals since, but they've been sneaking incrementally, as if they are the only smart people on the planet. Then in 2014 the US overthrew the Ukrainian government, and installed puppet, Nazi-filled government. The US then financed and trained Nazis that were placed all in the Ukrainian security apparatus. This government of Nazis, then attacked ethnic Russians and murdered them for 8 years. All the while Russia looked for a negotiated settlement to the carnage. On February 24th, Russia finally decided to put the nonsense to an end. You are welcome for the history lesson, cause I doubt a stupid piece of ******* like you have enough knowledge to counter. It's is said that "he who knows not, but knows not, that he knows not, is a fool." Well you piece of *******, that describes you. Now let me address your sorry argument about me moving to Russia because I criticize US attempts at hegemony. I can bet your small dick, that you have not done a day in uniform to serve this country which you claim to love. You were just born here, and have enjoyed its largess without paying one sacrifice. Well, I will tell you this, I earn my life in America and I earn the right to criticize it. You can't do ******* about it you piece of lint. So I will criticize its hippocrisy, and it's attempt to be a hegemon because that doesn't serve humanity and certainly not the American people. A good American would not want his country to turn into Nazi Germany, or support Nazis. You are not one of them good Americans. You are just an American piece of *******. So here I an dumb ass, critiquing America, and living in America. What the fuck can you do about it? Dumb ass piece of ******* Americans like you find it quickly easy to hate people you have probably never met, and often support your country murdering them. Your patriotism doesn't exist outside murdering other people for their resources. I bet you supported the attack on Iraq, then Libya, Syria, and now you want to bring it to Russia. But the Russians are unbowed people. They saved the world from Napoleon, Hitler, and they will save the world from US Hegemony. US hegemony is not good for Americans either. Dumb ass!
Yes indeed, you are a stupid ass American. First, I am Black and I am in America. And to mess with your small brain, I am former military as well. Let me first address your dumb ass on why Russia is in Ukraine. A mentally challenged piece of ******* like you are not able to read, or comprehend even if you do read, geopolitical issues. The US and their vassals in NATO has been encroaching onto the Russian border since the end of the USSR. What do you think the US will do if Russia brought the Warsaw Pact into Mexico? Heck, we don't even have to ask. The US almost started a nuclear war over Russian missiles in Cuba. The Russians have warned the US and their vassals since, but they've been sneaking incrementally, as if they are the only smart people on the planet. Then in 2014 the US overthrew the Ukrainian government, and installed puppet, Nazi-filled government. The US then financed and trained Nazis that were placed all in the Ukrainian security apparatus. This government of Nazis, then attacked ethnic Russians and murdered them for 8 years. All the while Russia looked for a negotiated settlement to the carnage. On February 24th, Russia finally decided to put the nonsense to an end. You are welcome for the history lesson, cause I doubt a stupid piece of ******* like you have enough knowledge to counter. It's is said that "he who knows not, but knows not, that he knows not, is a fool." Well you piece of *******, that describes you. Now let me address your sorry argument about me moving to Russia because I criticize US attempts at hegemony. I can bet your small dick, that you have not done a day in uniform to serve this country which you claim to love. You were just born here, and have enjoyed its largess without paying one sacrifice. Well, I will tell you this, I earn my life in America and I earn the right to criticize it. You can't do ******* about it you piece of lint. So I will criticize its hippocrisy, and it's attempt to be a hegemon because that doesn't serve humanity and certainly not the American people. A good American would not want his country to turn into Nazi Germany, or support Nazis. You are not one of them good Americans. You are just an American piece of *******. So here I an dumb ass, critiquing America, and living in America. What the fuck can you do about it? Dumb ass piece of ******* Americans like you find it quickly easy to hate people you have probably never met, and often support your country murdering them. Your patriotism doesn't exist outside murdering other people for their resources. I bet you supported the attack on Iraq, then Libya, Syria, and now you want to bring it to Russia. But the Russians are unbowed people. They saved the world from Napoleon, Hitler, and they will save the world from US Hegemony. US hegemony is not good for Americans either. Dumb ass!
******* are bad. You can support those orcs ******* Ukrainians.
I see the insults have become longer than the substance of the debate. It means you've loss.

Yes indeed, you are a stupid ass American. First, I am Black and I am in America.
Bullshit! You are not an American. Probably not black, but definitely not an American.
And to mess with your small brain, I am former military as well.
Lots of traitors and haters wore the uniform, if you want us to believe you are former American military.
Let me first address your dumb ass on why Russia is in Ukraine. A mentally challenged piece of ******* like you are not able to read, or comprehend even if you do read, geopolitical issues.
Hmm, I have a degree and boots on the ground training that disagree with you. And, the whole world saw with their own eyes. Russia went in and starting indiscriminately killing. Not targeting military posts, but bombing schools, hospitals, malls, and apartments. But go ahead.
The US and their vassals in NATO has been encroaching onto the Russian border since the end of the USSR.
It didn't end, it failed. By the time the Soviet Union ceased to be on the day after Christmas 1991, most of their 'bloc' had withdrawn from the Warsaw Pact.
Can you name a single nation that became a member of NATO without asking? No you can't. It's voluntary, and a process.
What do you think the US will do if Russia brought the Warsaw Pact into Mexico?
Heck, we don't even have to ask. The US almost started a nuclear war over Russian missiles in Cuba.
Funny how you say the US almost started a nuclear war. It was the Soviets that tried to set up a missile base just 90 miles from the US. However, there were still Communist military bases there.
What's your point?
The Russians have warned the US and their vassals since, but they've been sneaking incrementally, as if they are the only smart people on the planet.
Explain what you mean by sneaking. And, are you talking about the United States or NATO?
Then in 2014 the US overthrew the Ukrainian government, and installed puppet, Nazi-filled government.
Nice twist on the Revolution of Dignity. but the US had no involvement, it was a European issue. Massive protests erupted across Ukraine in response to President Yanukovych's sudden decision not to sign a political association and free trade agreement with the European Union (EU), instead choosing closer ties to Russia. It was the Ukrainian Parliament that voted him out of office, 328 - 0 out of 427 members. There was a three month government installed until the new election. That former President was of course given asylum in Russia where he had a $53 million dollar mansion. Further investigations found billions missing for the treasury, and ol' Yanukovych had lots of 'homes' and property bought with public dollars for himself. Corrupt. However, it was Ukraine who decided his time was up, and did something about it.

The US then financed and trained Nazis that were placed all in the Ukrainian security apparatus.
You got proof of this? Before you answer, I am very familiar with the American military attache' at the time.
So please, tell us how the United States financed and trained fucking Nazis, and then had the power to place them throughout the SBU.

This government of Nazis, then attacked ethnic Russians and murdered them for 8 years.
There was no government of Nazis. Russians were not being murdered except from each other.

All the while Russia looked for a negotiated settlement to the carnage.
When did Russia look to negotiate anything?

On February 24th, Russia finally decided to put the nonsense to an end.
It invaded a sovereign country and wants to make up a fake history as to why. This is not the 1930s and we have our own eyes to see what happened.

You are welcome for the history lesson, cause I doubt a stupid piece of ******* like you have enough knowledge to counter. It's is said that "he who knows not, but knows not, that he knows not, is a fool." Well you piece of *******, that describes you.
Hmmm, I don't think you like me very much. And, history lesson? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Now let me address your sorry argument about me moving to Russia because I criticize US attempts at hegemony.
Nope. I suggested you move there (or stay there) because you have completely bought into the Russian narrative on this war and their position on their history. Also, because you're more than critical of the US actions, you are downright hateful toward the States.

I can bet your small dick, that you have not done a day in uniform to serve this country which you claim to love.
I'll keep my dick, thank you. And, the most accurate statement I'll make to this is... I have represented the United States in a foreign theater.
You were just born here, and have enjoyed its largess without paying one sacrifice.
Fuck off 🤡
Well, I will tell you this, I earn my life in America and I earn the right to criticize it.
You go beyond criticism. And, nobody really cares.
You can't do ******* about it you piece of lint. So I will criticize its hippocrisy, and it's attempt to be a hegemon because that doesn't serve humanity and certainly not the American people.
Not true. But you're telling us America is attempting to do (which I disagree), what Russia is actually doing!

A good American would not want his country to turn into Nazi Germany, or support Nazis.
You sound so fucking ignorant.

You are not one of them good Americans. You are just an American piece of *******. So here I an dumb ass, critiquing America, and living in America. What the fuck can you do about it?
Mock ignorant fucks, such as yourself. And take comfort that most people don't buy into this bullshit.

Dumb ass piece of ******* Americans like you find it quickly easy to hate people you have probably never met, and often support your country murdering them. Your patriotism doesn't exist outside murdering other people for their resources. I bet you supported the attack on Iraq, then Libya, Syria, and now you want to bring it to Russia.
Americans like me? Americans like make it possible for whatever the fuck you are, to able to pop off online in such an embarrassing manner. You're not in any position to question my patriotism. And definitely supported the actions in Libya and Syria. Saving lives and all.

But the Russians are unbowed people. They saved the world from Napoleon, Hitler, and they will save the world from US Hegemony. US hegemony is not good for Americans either. Dumb ass!
Russians are a lot of bluster. The world didn't need saving from Napoleaon, Russian didn't defeat him. First, he successfully brought new military tactics that are still being studied today, like a professionalized military, mobile reserve batteries, fast shift to defensive maneuvers, how to concentrate fire power etc doesn't matter, russia didn't defeat him, the weather and his own hubris took him down.
Help me remember, didn't Stalin k.ill more of his Russians, than Hitler ever did? There was a genocidal atrocity happening in Russia at the same time of the Holocaust. His own people. So, now we are supposed to believe Russia is saving people from a genocide, while they commit genocide?
Funny how you say the US almost started a nuclear war. It was the Soviets that tried to set up a missile base just 90 miles from the US. However, there were still Communist military bases there.
What's your point?
That actually shows, that Stridepower has learnt history from Russian history book. I had to make history research from this era in high school, so I took from libary books, that were written in soviet time and books that were written when we got free.

Getting into NATO and EU, it took for our country many years, to get accepted.
Help me remember, didn't Stalin k.ill more of his Russians, than Hitler ever did? There was a genocidal atrocity happening in Russia at the same time of the Holocaust. His own people. So, now we are supposed to believe Russia is saving people from a genocide, while they commit genocide?

Actually he did. Mostly he killed educaded and smart succesful people, as it’s easier to rule stupid mass. Today we can see consequences. I hav lots of relatives who can speaks from this time.

When nazi soldier entered civilian territory he was polite and respectful towards civilians. When orc entered, he was unpolite, rough etc…. So it’s believable what orcs do to civilians in Ukraine, as it was the same on WW2. Or did my grandparents had to lie to me?
You can't really blame the Ukrainians that sided with the nazis during ww2. They were caught between two of the most evil regimes that have ever existed. The soviets were a known evil, so I can fully understand them rolling the dice and hoping the nazis would be better.

America made its own choice and decided to side with the soviets. I think the only thing that made them preferable to the nazis however was that the soviets at least seemed to be more sane and more content to try and conquer the world slowly.
it's peobably not the people on here responsible for the war in Europe. I don't think they should be banned.
The whole horror of Russian propaganda is that they infected their people much more than fascist Germany was able to do it with its own, although the technologies were different and Germany had only a little more than 12 years, while in Russia it has been going on for more than 25 years constant flushing brains! It is impossible to explain anything to them, they live in virtual reality! if they support their president, then why do they need such forums as ours, family values that their government is trying to bring to their lives are violated here! their government consists of a bunch of perverts who believe that any perversions are acceptable only for the elite, and slaves must follow orders to serve as cannon fodder and not get any pleasure. Yes, the phrase was not finished, the woman wanted to say no sex on television, but it seems they are returning to the past, and it seems that we are not on the way
I see the insults have become longer than the substance of the debate. It means you've loss.

Bullshit! You are not an American. Probably not black, but definitely not an American.

Lots of traitors and haters wore the uniform, if you want us to believe you are former American military.

Hmm, I have a degree and boots on the ground training that disagree with you. And, the whole world saw with their own eyes. Russia went in and starting indiscriminately killing. Not targeting military posts, but bombing schools, hospitals, malls, and apartments. But go ahead.

It didn't end, it failed. By the time the Soviet Union ceased to be on the day after Christmas 1991, most of their 'bloc' had withdrawn from the Warsaw Pact.
Can you name a single nation that became a member of NATO without asking? No you can't. It's voluntary, and a process.


Funny how you say the US almost started a nuclear war. It was the Soviets that tried to set up a missile base just 90 miles from the US. However, there were still Communist military bases there.
What's your point?

Explain what you mean by sneaking. And, are you talking about the United States or NATO?

Nice twist on the Revolution of Dignity. but the US had no involvement, it was a European issue. Massive protests erupted across Ukraine in response to President Yanukovych's sudden decision not to sign a political association and free trade agreement with the European Union (EU), instead choosing closer ties to Russia. It was the Ukrainian Parliament that voted him out of office, 328 - 0 out of 427 members. There was a three month government installed until the new election. That former President was of course given asylum in Russia where he had a $53 million dollar mansion. Further investigations found billions missing for the treasury, and ol' Yanukovych had lots of 'homes' and property bought with public dollars for himself. Corrupt. However, it was Ukraine who decided his time was up, and did something about it.

You got proof of this? Before you answer, I am very familiar with the American military attache' at the time.
So please, tell us how the United States financed and trained fucking Nazis, and then had the power to place them throughout the SBU.

There was no government of Nazis. Russians were not being murdered except from each other.

When did Russia look to negotiate anything?

It invaded a sovereign country and wants to make up a fake history as to why. This is not the 1930s and we have our own eyes to see what happened.

Hmmm, I don't think you like me very much. And, history lesson? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Nope. I suggested you move there (or stay there) because you have completely bought into the Russian narrative on this war and their position on their history. Also, because you're more than critical of the US actions, you are downright hateful toward the States.

I'll keep my dick, thank you. And, the most accurate statement I'll make to this is... I have represented the United States in a foreign theater.

Fuck off 🤡

You go beyond criticism. And, nobody really cares.

Not true. But you're telling us America is attempting to do (which I disagree), what Russia is actually doing!

You sound so fucking ignorant.

Mock ignorant fucks, such as yourself. And take comfort that most people don't buy into this bullshit.

Americans like me? Americans like make it possible for whatever the fuck you are, to able to pop off online in such an embarrassing manner. You're not in any position to question my patriotism. And definitely supported the actions in Libya and Syria. Saving lives and all.

Russians are a lot of bluster. The world didn't need saving from Napoleaon, Russian didn't defeat him. First, he successfully brought new military tactics that are still being studied today, like a professionalized military, mobile reserve batteries, fast shift to defensive maneuvers, how to concentrate fire power etc doesn't matter, russia didn't defeat him, the weather and his own hubris took him down.
Help me remember, didn't Stalin k.ill more of his Russians, than Hitler ever did? There was a genocidal atrocity happening in Russia at the same time of the Holocaust. His own people. So, now we are supposed to believe Russia is saving people from a genocide, while they commit genocide?
I think where I will start from first, is your nonsense about a "revolution of dignity". Not only are you of small brain, you are a liar too. First, I know that even a dumb ass like you have heard Victoria Nuland admit what the US did in Ukraine. So that you deny it is not due to you not knowing, rather to you being a liar. I know you heard Victoria Nuland pick the entire junta regime that launched the coup. Next, a sovereign government looked at the association deal and noticed that it did nothing for Ukraine, and instead would have given all Ukraine's state enterprises to multinationals for pittance, so he rejected it. For that, the CIA launched their color revolution. Yanukovich actually agreed to not run in the next election which was a few months away in order to resolve the issue, but the US and their Nazi junta decided to launch the coup anyways. You are also a piece of ******* liar for claiming that Yanukovich was voted out of office by the Ukrainian parliament. How stupid are you to pretend that after the junta took over the government at the point of a gun, that the parliament will oppose them? Apparently you didn't notice that of the 427 member parliament who voted after the coup at gun-point, only 328 voted. Why? Because the others fled, and the once that stayed didn't dare oppose it after witnessing such a violent display. You are a lowlife American, you don't make ******* happen. You contribute nothing to the greater society. You are just parasite. I realized that the only thing about the world you know is mainstream media propaganda. Which tells me you are either not a learned person, or you are an educated fool. Maybe I can help you learn for once. I will direct you to just a few known Americans to help educate you. Try John Mearsheimer, or the guy known as America's greatest cold-warrior, George F. Kennan on the matter of America and NATO's moves against Russia. Heck, if you can read, the try Zbigniew Brzezinski's "The Grand Chessboard". I doubt someone as stupid as you would do any of this, but hey, I can only try to educate a fool. Wow! You really hate Russia and Russians. Not surprise though, it's in your nature to have latent hatred for others. Do you know how stupid you sound when you say Napoleon was defeated by the weather? This is how I know you were never in the military. I suppose you have that same sentiment about the Russians defeating Hitler huh? In case you do, read Col. David Glantz. You are dumb, hateful, and just a piece of *******, so your kind I enjoy insulting even as I educate you. You are welcome.
I think where I will start from first, is your nonsense about a "revolution of dignity". Not only are you of small brain, you are a liar too. First, I know that even a dumb ass like you have heard Victoria Nuland admit what the US did in Ukraine. So that you deny it is not due to you not knowing, rather to you being a liar. I know you heard Victoria Nuland pick the entire junta regime that launched the coup. Next, a sovereign government looked at the association deal and noticed that it did nothing for Ukraine, and instead would have given all Ukraine's state enterprises to multinationals for pittance, so he rejected it. For that, the CIA launched their color revolution. Yanukovich actually agreed to not run in the next election which was a few months away in order to resolve the issue, but the US and their Nazi junta decided to launch the coup anyways. You are also a piece of ******* liar for claiming that Yanukovich was voted out of office by the Ukrainian parliament. How stupid are you to pretend that after the junta took over the government at the point of a gun, that the parliament will oppose them? Apparently you didn't notice that of the 427 member parliament who voted after the coup at gun-point, only 328 voted. Why? Because the others fled, and the once that stayed didn't dare oppose it after witnessing such a violent display. You are a lowlife American, you don't make ******* happen. You contribute nothing to the greater society. You are just parasite. I realized that the only thing about the world you know is mainstream media propaganda. Which tells me you are either not a learned person, or you are an educated fool. Maybe I can help you learn for once. I will direct you to just a few known Americans to help educate you. Try John Mearsheimer, or the guy known as America's greatest cold-warrior, George F. Kennan on the matter of America and NATO's moves against Russia. Heck, if you can read, the try Zbigniew Brzezinski's "The Grand Chessboard". I doubt someone as stupid as you would do any of this, but hey, I can only try to educate a fool. Wow! You really hate Russia and Russians. Not surprise though, it's in your nature to have latent hatred for others. Do you know how stupid you sound when you say Napoleon was defeated by the weather? This is how I know you were never in the military. I suppose you have that same sentiment about the Russians defeating Hitler huh? In case you do, read Col. David Glantz. You are dumb, hateful, and just a piece of *******, so your kind I enjoy insulting even as I educate you. You are welcome.
I agree with a lot of what you say about geopolitics. But I do not agree that Russia was ****** to attack Ukraine. There is a more accurate analogy than about the conflict between Mexico and the US, imagine a conflict between the US and Canada. It would be insane, no one would want this anyway
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I think where I will start from first, is your nonsense about a "revolution of dignity". Not only are you of small brain, you are a liar too. First, I know that even a dumb ass like you have heard Victoria Nuland admit what the US did in Ukraine. So that you deny it is not due to you not knowing, rather to you being a liar. I know you heard Victoria Nuland pick the entire junta regime that launched the coup. Next, a sovereign government looked at the association deal and noticed that it did nothing for Ukraine, and instead would have given all Ukraine's state enterprises to multinationals for pittance, so he rejected it. For that, the CIA launched their color revolution. Yanukovich actually agreed to not run in the next election which was a few months away in order to resolve the issue, but the US and their Nazi junta decided to launch the coup anyways. You are also a piece of ******* liar for claiming that Yanukovich was voted out of office by the Ukrainian parliament. How stupid are you to pretend that after the junta took over the government at the point of a gun, that the parliament will oppose them? Apparently you didn't notice that of the 427 member parliament who voted after the coup at gun-point, only 328 voted. Why? Because the others fled, and the once that stayed didn't dare oppose it after witnessing such a violent display. You are a lowlife American, you don't make ******* happen. You contribute nothing to the greater society. You are just parasite. I realized that the only thing about the world you know is mainstream media propaganda. Which tells me you are either not a learned person, or you are an educated fool. Maybe I can help you learn for once. I will direct you to just a few known Americans to help educate you. Try John Mearsheimer, or the guy known as America's greatest cold-warrior, George F. Kennan on the matter of America and NATO's moves against Russia. Heck, if you can read, the try Zbigniew Brzezinski's "The Grand Chessboard". I doubt someone as stupid as you would do any of this, but hey, I can only try to educate a fool. Wow! You really hate Russia and Russians. Not surprise though, it's in your nature to have latent hatred for others. Do you know how stupid you sound when you say Napoleon was defeated by the weather? This is how I know you were never in the military. I suppose you have that same sentiment about the Russians defeating Hitler huh? In case you do, read Col. David Glantz. You are dumb, hateful, and just a piece of *******, so your kind I enjoy insulting even as I educate you. You are welcome.
That sounds exactly like Russian, accusing not argumenting 😂😂😂 But you don’t know much about Russia. I somehow have lived next to it whole life, also visited it few times. They are new age Nazis.
That actually shows, that Stridepower has learnt history from Russian history book. I had to make history research from this era in high school, so I took from libary books, that were written in soviet time and books that were written when we got free.
That, and the complete revision of the incidents around the corrupt Viktor Yanukovych's removal from office.
Getting into NATO and EU, it took for our country many years, to get accepted.
Exactly, and NATO takes support for all members for a new member to be accepted. There are 30 members of NATO - United States, United Kingdom, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway and Portugal are all the 12 founding members from 1949. Greece, Turkey and West Germany joined in the 1950s. Spain in 1982. In the 1990s Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Eastonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia, Albania and Croatia. In the last few years membership was approved from Montenegro and North Macedonia.
There is a group of five aspiring nations to NATO:
At the 2008 Bucharest Summit that Georgia and Ukraine "will become members of NATO in the future"
Bosnia and Herzegovina was invited by NATO to join the Membership Action Plan (MAP) in April 2010.
In May 2022, Finland and Sweden simultaneously submitted official application letters to become NATO members.
Not an organization that f.orces nations to join.
That, and the complete revision of the incidents around the corrupt Viktor Yanukovych's removal from office.

Exactly, and NATO takes support for all members for a new member to be accepted. There are 30 members of NATO - United States, United Kingdom, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway and Portugal are all the 12 founding members from 1949. Greece, Turkey and West Germany joined in the 1950s. Spain in 1982. In the 1990s Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Eastonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia, Albania and Croatia. In the last few years membership was approved from Montenegro and North Macedonia.
There is a group of five aspiring nations to NATO:
At the 2008 Bucharest Summit that Georgia and Ukraine "will become members of NATO in the future"
Bosnia and Herzegovina was invited by NATO to join the Membership Action Plan (MAP) in April 2010.
In May 2022, Finland and Sweden simultaneously submitted official application letters to become NATO members.
Not an organization that f.orces nations to join.
Baltics got to Nato actually in 2004
I think where I will start from first, is your nonsense about a "revolution of dignity". Not only are you of small brain, you are a liar too.
Nonesense? Small brain? Liar? Your education has failed you, good thing I'm here.
Do you have ANY sources for your position?

First, I know that even a dumb ass like you have heard Victoria Nuland admit what the US did in Ukraine. So that you deny it is not due to you not knowing, rather to you being a liar. I know you heard Victoria Nuland pick the entire junta regime that launched the coup. Next, a sovereign government looked at the association deal and noticed that it did nothing for Ukraine, and instead would have given all Ukraine's state enterprises to multinationals for pittance, so he rejected it. For that, the CIA launched their color revolution. Yanukovich actually agreed to not run in the next election which was a few months away in order to resolve the issue, but the US and their Nazi junta decided to launch the coup anyways.
All answered above but, if you have any sources of support, I'm sure your Russian audience will appreciate it.

You are also a piece of ******* liar for claiming that Yanukovich was voted out of office by the Ukrainian parliament. How stupid are you to pretend that after the junta took over the government at the point of a gun, that the parliament will oppose them? Apparently you didn't notice that of the 427 member parliament who voted after the coup at gun-point, only 328 voted. Why? Because the others fled, and the once that stayed didn't dare oppose it after witnessing such a violent display.
Really? The photos from the parliament on that day seem to miss the guns and fear. Do you have proof of this?
or you can watch a live video:

You are a lowlife American, you don't make ******* happen. You contribute nothing to the greater society. You are just parasite.
Hmmm, you hurt my feelings. My good looks and humor must contribute something to society.

I realized that the only thing about the world you know is mainstream media propaganda. Which tells me you are either not a learned person, or you are an educated fool. Maybe I can help you learn for once. I will direct you to just a few known Americans to help educate you.
I'm going to take a pass on this, if you are an example of what that 'education' looks like.

Try John Mearsheimer, or the guy known as America's greatest cold-warrior, George F. Kennan on the matter of America and NATO's moves against Russia. Heck, if you can read, the try Zbigniew Brzezinski's "The Grand Chessboard".
Great respect for Brzezinski, two better books are Strategic Vision and Second Chance.

I doubt someone as stupid as you would do any of this, but hey, I can only try to educate a fool. Wow! You really hate Russia and Russians.
I like the people, hate their government. Lots of them also hate their government.

Not surprise though, it's in your nature to have latent hatred for others.
My nature? Nevermind.

Do you know how stupid you sound when you say Napoleon was defeated by the weather? This is how I know you were never in the military.
He was. Read up on Waterloo sometime. In Russia it was a combination of weather plus lack of food, disease, bad logistics, and a lack of discipline. You are welcome again, save the insults for someone who care, and show support of your position. Or are the insults you way of blustering your position. I bet when you eat, you leave more food on your clothes than your mouth.

I suppose you have that same sentiment about the Russians defeating Hitler huh? In case you do, read Col. David Glantz. You are dumb, hateful, and just a piece of *******, so your kind I enjoy insulting even as I educate you. You are welcome.
Dumb, hateful and a peice of five stars? My kind?
My kind looks down on a sorry sack like yourself, but cannot let anyone think you represent anyone or anything worthwhile. You don't.
Have a good Sunday, you got a lot of reading up to do.