White wife pregnant by black lover?

Should white wife have a baby with her black lover?

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Why this is Very Self Destructive

I want to start by saying that most things are not black and white or all good or all bad and when it comes to cuckold this applies. There is an argument that cuckold strengthens relationships but I have a thesis that cuckold is self destructive and full of lies or maybe I should be more exact and say cuckold can be self destructive. One could say on the good side cuckold is honest unlike so many couples that run around behind each others back and cheat which often leads to conflict and divorce.

I know someone who found out when his two daughters were around five or six that they were not his biological children which lead to a divorce but I must say I admire him because he kept taking care of them as he said he feels like they are his anyway. Who knows how much this happens but it is clearly a stab in the heart as there is breach of special trust between a man and a woman. I will not be discussing this type of cuckold but the fetish where men watch their wives have sex with other men and to be more specific interracial cuckold which seems to be the most popular and growing type to be found on the Web.

I saw one site where they discuss interracial cuckold and they listed some reason Black men were superior. They said that Black men were better athletes and better entertainers. This is common for them who promote cuckold to make broad sweeping generalities and it is so easy to prove all their statements to be false because there are tens of thousands of exceptions. One can find tons of great white athletes and tons of great white entertainers; this is why I say they are liars and I will expose some more of their lies that they use to promote the “lifestyle.”

If you read any of the forums on the topic you will find that there is a big focus on the pleasures of cuckolding and really no position taking issue with it and if there is it is the kind of opposition that makes one cringe when they read it. Not to be braggadocios but I would like to give an intelligent critique of what is known as the cuckold lifestyle as it seems to not be just an event.

First and foremost, the very act of cuckold is a way of saying the husband/boyfriend is not good enough to satisfy his wife and someone else needs to be brought in to do the job which is an attack on one of the pillars of our psychology - our self image. This is just the start of the assault on the self image as the cuckold husband is routinely criticized and demeaned by his wife and her bull.

I love the Christian ethic which is that we should build up one another and when juxtaposed that ethic with what happens during cuckold they are polar opposites and can not be reconciled. I think the humiliations in cuckold has a very strange twist to it as it plays a part in the pleasure of the cuckold. I firmly believe that all the humiliations can and in many cases does have a negative effect on the cuckold and it is hard to tell if there is acting, role play or serious attacks upon the man. Never the less it is contrary to a higher ethic - that we should build up one another.

One of the common things said is that the cuckold is “not a real man” and then a direct attack upon his manhood - the size of his penis. I do not know who made the woman in these situations be the final determination of what a real man is or is not. It is very simple to figure out who the real man is in their opinion - the man with the large, thick cock.

I did want to take a minute and address this issue of penis size as a lot of men have issues with it. Your penis or it’s sized does not determine if you are a man or not and no woman has the right to use one factor to determine if you are a man or not and I will get into what I define as a real man later.

Saying big is better than small is really a value judgment and is similar to saying that red is better than yellow. If we get rid of the word is we are left with red and yellow where one is not better than the other - each simply is. I like what the Zen has to say “In the spring time some flowers grow short, some long.” If you think about that a long time then you will know that all of this emphasis on penis size is a value judgment that is turned into way to tear down the cuckold. I think one can always point to something to tear another person down. Since the cuckold allows the humiliation he is self imposing the attack upon his self image and this is one reason I say cuckold is self destructive and strangely gets pleasure out of it.

One way to tear down the cuckold is to call them weak, sissy and the like.They are in a position of weakness and once again I think it is part of the fetish. It is as if a lot of these qualities are roles they play but I noticed that many comment that all White men are weak and sissy but I have to think of the Roman army, Vikings, the Goths and Vandals and the Navy Seals. One certainly does not describe the Hell’s Angels as sissy. Once again, making broad sweeping statements that simply are not true. The men in this fetish are playing the part of being weak and effeminate and making the bull seem more masculine than they may really be.

The sperm war theory that when a man’s wife is away from him for a while or when a man is jealous of his wife makes him more virulent is a very good theory but what really seems to happening is that the goal is to allow the bulls to impregnate the wife.

Case in point are the extremes and to my shock there are a small group that say, and I do not know if I believe them, that they take female hormones to be more effeminate and submissive. Wow! That could be dangerous to their bodies and some even saying they have their balls cut off and as they say to “eliminate themselves from the gene pool.” That is extreme and if true which it may be is very self destructive.

There are these “breeding parties” where women will have sex with strangers while ovulating and this has a self destructive aspect to it as the husband is saying he is willing to let another man impregnation his wife while in effect eliminating himself from the gene pool. Again, self destructive. Lots of self destructive comments that go along with this as saying the bull should never wear a condom but the husband should always wear one or that the husband should throw bleach on their sperm.

In the ancient world adultery was a very serious crime because a woman who got pregnant by another man was in effect destroying his linage and cuckold is doing just that or suggesting to do that. Does linage matter? I think so.

I just can not imagine going down the street and taking care of another man’s children but in effect this is what they are doing. For the bulls and the wife it is just lust. They want to fuck the wife and you keep her. It makes me wonder if one could not be more creative with sex and why do they have to simply take refuge in this fetish that has many self destructive aspects to it.

Even if there is this role play and compartmentalization of this fetish I believe that negative and demeaning comments over a period of time takes a toll on the sub ******* mind. This is what leads to them to the ideal of “eliminating themselves from the gene pool” which can only be described as self destructive.

I have also noticed many out right vitriolic racist comments directed towards white males with such comments like “ Eliminate the White Race” or “destroy the White man”, Nature does not care about your heritage” and others like it. I do not take words like that lightly and we know from history where such thinking and talk has always lead. Since the Cuckold accepts and even encourages these statements makes it self destructive

I have heard another theme in interracial cuckold that there is this white guilt of slavery and this is one of the reasons the couple is doing it -to make amends for slavery. Not to get too political here but some of these themes take on some of the ultra liberal ideals of white guilt, white privilege and seem to be themes within cuckold. It is as if there is this self loathing, poking one’s self in the eye for being white and all the crimes of white culture. Slavery has been an institution ( I think is the worst one ever) that has existed thousands of years before Christ and even to this day through out the world so three hundred years of European slavery is a blink of an eye from a historical perspective and I am not trying to down play it but I think maybe White culture could take a bit of pride in the fact that they were the first culture in the whole history of the world to abolish slavery instead of all this White guilt which I think is a destructive thing in our culture. How many white men died to end slavery? Yet one leaves college and thinks White culture is colonialism, slavery and the Holocaust.

This excessive submissive attitude which is making themselves like slaves I find disturbing. Using a towel to wipe the sweat off the bull and just doing anything for them while allowing the bull to be a dictator making all kinds of demands and strange rules. I find dictators to be bullies and this is in effect is what the bulls are. The cuckold are men have no balls and do not stick up for themselves which is a loss of self respect to me and I get it that they like it but this is pathological masochism.

I have also noticed this phrase “black owned” or “black dick only” on some women panties. This almost smacks of racism like the “Whites Only” signs in the South and really is another way of making the white man or white men feel inferior. It is consistent with the chop them down theory and make them feel bad for simply being what they are. It is again an attack on the self image and meant to be destructive and the men in the life style are accepting it. If a man were to say to his wife or girl friend something similar like you have small tits, fat ass, chubby ugly legs or the like it would be clear that they are being mean and nasty. All of this is negative and destructive and is not a good healthy relationship.

The phrase “black owned” is to me a term of self loathing and white guilt to an extreme. It is as if they are saying they want to reverse historic roles and pay for slavery now by being owned and a slave. That can not be productive and positive. I have always said the natural state of man is to be free. Why choose slavery unless you are pathological.

The women will allow the bulls to call them cunts, their bitch, a slut, my whore and the like and being submissive to an excessive degree. It is a loss of dignity and all for the chance to have a great organism. I think a woman should never allow a man to disrespect her and a real man respects women while a thug will dishonor her by calling her a slut or bitch. Dignity is a special quality that makes a person strong with character and to just throw it away is self destructive even for the sake of a sexual fetish. Dignity is forever and the loss of it is forever so those online just throwing it away have forever lost that dignity.

When the women say that their man can not give them an orgasms with their dick and that is why they need another bigger dick there is an important fact missing here which is that orgasms do not come from outside of us but start in our minds. Someone who has a foot fetish does not get off from the foot or shoe but from the ideal that is in his or her mind that the foot is erotic. The foot, the black man, the big dick, the big tits, the Asian chick, the heavy thighs or whatever it is, is not what does the trick, it is the ideal in the mind and how it gets there or even why it is there. So to be critical of someone for not having what your ideal is in your mind is not a valid criticism of them. Those ideals are subject to change and are subjective. If you are in love with someone then big dick, small tits or what have you is not what is the most important thing. How you feel about them.

This theme of submission and dominance is a theme found in many sexual fetishes and I am not saying it is all bad because I think it may offer someone some kind of balance as when a judge who has great power gets off work and is then a slave to a dominatrix; were as the dominatrix has no power outside of work.

Speaking of real men I say a real man takes care of his children and the bulls in some cases are neglecting this responsibility and passing the buck to the cuckold who is putting himself in a weak situation and being self destructive. The very fact that some cuckolds want to keep this lifestyle a secret puts them in a situation where they could be blackmailed or intimidated. Once again, self destructive. A self inflicted kind of shame and pain.

A real man will not allow himself to be degraded or his wife to be called a bitch but these men love doing all of this. No wonder they are seen as sissy. A real man stands up for himself and in particular his wife.

The ideal of marriage is to raise your children and not invite someone else into it and have your children. Our children are the most important thing in our lives and not to have them because you want to watch your wife fuck another man and let him have them is self destructive. You have no linage and can you be proud of that. I think it is normal to be protective and jealous of the person you are fucking and cuckold sexualizes these feelings and I think that there is always the possibility that things could go wrong with strong human emotions at play.

A lot of this self destructive behavior with cuckold reminds me of the abused women where they feel they deserve to hurt and mistreated, are verbally abused, feel helpless, are dominated, seen as a sex object, and humiliate you. Remember the axiom, those things equal to each other are the same thing.

Weather it is a threesome, wife swamping, cuckold, orgies, swinging there is always the chance no matter how small that one can get a sexual disease so one has to take this into account. I wonder what one is getting out of cuckold. There is the intense pleasure for the participants but what does the cuckold get in return? I say that there is not a very good return on investment as there is this theme of self destruction running through out this fetish. There has to be a sense of shame having another man fuck your wife because you can not do it well enough and a sense of shame having another man get your wife pregnant. That is self destructive. They call such men schmucks and they earned it with this behavior.

When it comes to fetishes there is all kinds of strange behavior and I think a lot of it tied into deeper personal and social issues. You have the card carrying KKK members going to a interracial gang bang, the conservative politician engaged in gay sex, the cross dressing macho foot ball player, the judge being a slave off hours, the man who collects women’s shoes for sexual pleasure and the list goes on forever but it is all tied into other deeper issues and it is hard to sort out and understand but I think we have to attempt to understand many of these issues because sex is something we are all engaged in - it is how we all got here in the first place.

I have a euphemism for sexual fetishes or what I call ‘having sex standing on your head.’ I get it that there are all kinds of sexual fetishes out here and people have many kinks and what I think must be done is that we must look at weather having sex standing on our heads is something healthy or self destructive. One quality we as human beings have is this tendency to over do things. We eat too much, ******* too much, watch too much TV and what I find fascinating about many sexual fetish is this tendency to make the fetish a central part of their lives. Sex is important for all of us but is does not have to take over or be center stage.

Having heard many of the comments from those engaged in cuckold it seems they have taken it too far. There are some people that can compartmentalize it and have a professional life and on their free time engage in the “lifestyle” and others who are obsessed by it and the later being problematic. The same goes for any fetish.

I had a co-worker that was over sex and always talking about sex and he would frequent prostitutes which got him arrested which lead to a costly and bitter divorce and even lost his job. When any sexual issues become problems I think one needs to step back and have a very serious revaluation of their life, their values and beliefs as well as some soul searching. In the case of cuckolding those few that castrate themselves have serious issues if you ask me. That is going way too far!

I also think a lot of the stated beliefs within and not just cuckolding are simply to broad and false as truth is important. We should not allow ourselves to simply accepted stated beliefs without serious questions. All white people are not wimps and beta and it is absurd to accept absolute statements.

As men we need to talk good to ourselves, build up those around us with positive statements, like ourselves for who and what we are and like our spouse for who and what they are and not degrading ourselves by falsely putting another man above us. After all, they are men like we are, created in the same image we were. As I said before, in the spring time some flowers grow short others long.

I consider my self a very spiritual person and I would like to leave you with a prayer that I like very much because this prayer is asking us to look with in and with out and it does not specially address sexual issues but I think sexual issues need to be vetted, talked about, thought about because many people struggle with such complex sexual issues. It is not easy to sort out and many times people do not know why they are into any particular fetish or the possible long term consequences of that fetish which is something missing.

I think a lot of people may have some religious back ground and are engaged in many sexual behaviors that are not consistent with what they hold as their values and are asking themselves what does God think of what I am doing. We see this in politics as many conservatives are caught in sex scandals and many liberals caught in financial scandals and this prayer is asking us to search our souls with in and to also step outside ourselves to be selfless. Many times we find ourselves at a cross roads and have to ask, do we take the high road or the low road.

I am not here to condemn anyone for their particular sexual fetish but to question weather or not it is something productive or counterproductive to their lives. One day I went to a city council meeting where hundreds of people gathered to call for the head of a member on the city council for being arrested for solicitation of a *******.

After many loud and angry comments I came forward and said that as a Christian I believe in the concept of redemption and that we all deserve a second chance. That we all need to take a good look at our actions and how they affect those around us and in particular those we love the most as none of us are perfect. We need to realize what we did wrong, recognize how far away we are from what we should be and want to be, to make a commitment to do better and change for the better, asking those we hurt to give us a second chance and recognize how it hurt them. After that - all was quiet.

Normally one introduces themselves from the start but I wanted to wait till the end. I like to call my self an angle of light, the mourning star or better known as


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, Where there is hatred, let me sow love;where there is injury, pardon;where there is doubt, faith;where there is despair, hope;where there is darkness, light;where there is sadness, joy;

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

St. Francis of Assisi
I would like your help with a dilemma.
I am married to the most wonderful blonde white woman. For 18 months she has had a black lover with my approval and encouragement. He visits us at least once a week. It has certainly enhanced both our sexual life and our life in general. My wife blossoms because she is adored by two men. And she is very happy that she gets a lot of sexual satisfaction. This has caused her to be a smiling and happy woman which is very important to me.
Both my wife and her lover want to have bareback sex so that's how it is when they are together.
He almost always ejaculates inside my wife which is a huge turn on for all of us. He declares that he is going to impregnate her when he orgasms. This is also very exciting to all of us even if she is on the pill.
A month or two ago my wife indicated for the first time that she would indeed love to have a biracial baby as she finds them beautiful and irresistible.
She also says this would be the crown on our cuckold relationship. Her lover has often ejaculated on our wedding rings as a strong symbolic gesture.
My wife now wants to take the final step in our cuckold relationship, that is by having a black baby.
I don't know what to think. On the one hand it is obviously something that she desires very much. And I want to do almost anything for my wife.
The thought of her belly growing with a black baby is an incredible turn on for me. But it would also be very embarrassing and humiliating when the baby is born and everyone can se that I am a cuckold and that my wife needs a black cock to get real satisfaction. As all cuckolds I am however also turned on by humiliation - very much indeed.
My wife wants me to ask her to stop taking the pill.
What are your thoughts on the subject?
Oh you have chosen the holy grail of IR subjects. Known a few women and men to take the plunge so I will tell you from what I have seen but in the end you have to make the decision.

#1). Regardless of color are you and your wife ready for a baby? If you decide to do this there will be a baby that will need to be loved and cared for and not simply an outcome of a sexual desire. They will be a living breathing human being and come with all the things that go along with that. You will need to be loving parents.

#2). What will the biological *******'s role be? Is he going to want to stay in the baby's life? You and your wife's life? It could get confusing and complicated fast for all three of you not to mention when the baby becomes older. Is he going to have two fathers? Is your wife going to continue to meet with him solely for sexual pleasure?

#3). You've kind of mentioned that the relationship between your bull and your wife has grown over time. It started with just sex and now you are considering a baby. How is you and your wife's relationship? Is she slowly falling in love with her bull and seeing you less and less as her husband? Is that a possibility?

In the end you can go on and on with questions and doubts but it is not something to be taken lightly. I recommend several conversations outside of the bedroom between all three of you if you are seriously considering this. Just my opinion though.
This is a serious step that you and your wife are contemplating. I understand the attraction that such a step has, but you should consider the future ramifications for you, your wife, the baby, and the baby's *******. This is a huge decision that only you two can make. The bull should consider staying out of the picture after the birth of the baby. However, he could still remain as a lover to your wife, before and after the birth.
I would like your help with a dilemma.
I am married to the most wonderful blonde white woman. For 18 months she has had a black lover with my approval and encouragement. He visits us at least once a week. It has certainly enhanced both our sexual life and our life in general. My wife blossoms because she is adored by two men. And she is very happy that she gets a lot of sexual satisfaction. This has caused her to be a smiling and happy woman which is very important to me.
Both my wife and her lover want to have bareback sex so that's how it is when they are together.
He almost always ejaculates inside my wife which is a huge turn on for all of us. He declares that he is going to impregnate her when he orgasms. This is also very exciting to all of us even if she is on the pill.
A month or two ago my wife indicated for the first time that she would indeed love to have a biracial baby as she finds them beautiful and irresistible.
She also says this would be the crown on our cuckold relationship. Her lover has often ejaculated on our wedding rings as a strong symbolic gesture.
My wife now wants to take the final step in our cuckold relationship, that is by having a black baby.
I don't know what to think. On the one hand it is obviously something that she desires very much. And I want to do almost anything for my wife.
The thought of her belly growing with a black baby is an incredible turn on for me. But it would also be very embarrassing and humiliating when the baby is born and everyone can se that I am a cuckold and that my wife needs a black cock to get real satisfaction. As all cuckolds I am however also turned on by humiliation - very much indeed.
My wife wants me to ask her to stop taking the pill.
What are your thoughts on the subject?
Do you want to be ******* to a mixed race baby? If you both want to do this and be parents then go for it and to Hell with what everyone else thinks. Just make sure you're both ready and willing and the baby will be well taken care of.
Breed her and never let that milk run dry. She should provide it to you for the rest of her life like real black owned property. White women would need to also be impregnated with white children to keep whites around to be subservient in future generations, but her milk should available only to the black children and fathers (and black wives/family).
Fantasy wise it sounds perfect., Breeding a another women . Who is not yours. But , let it be just fantasy play and role play etc . Which enhances yours or couples or womens life .

I don't want to be ******* of a kid and not take the responsibility of not raising it and being part of life .

Fantasy wise yummy . In reality nope.... Let it be play only
Yes, fantasy helps to increase the sexual tension. In reality, if you were to consider breeding your wife with a black man, you have to take on the responsibility of raising the baby.
I would like your help with a dilemma.
I am married to the most wonderful blonde white woman. For 18 months she has had a black lover with my approval and encouragement. He visits us at least once a week. It has certainly enhanced both our sexual life and our life in general. My wife blossoms because she is adored by two men. And she is very happy that she gets a lot of sexual satisfaction. This has caused her to be a smiling and happy woman which is very important to me.
Both my wife and her lover want to have bareback sex so that's how it is when they are together.
He almost always ejaculates inside my wife which is a huge turn on for all of us. He declares that he is going to impregnate her when he orgasms. This is also very exciting to all of us even if she is on the pill.
A month or two ago my wife indicated for the first time that she would indeed love to have a biracial baby as she finds them beautiful and irresistible.
She also says this would be the crown on our cuckold relationship. Her lover has often ejaculated on our wedding rings as a strong symbolic gesture.
My wife now wants to take the final step in our cuckold relationship, that is by having a black baby.
I don't know what to think. On the one hand it is obviously something that she desires very much. And I want to do almost anything for my wife.
The thought of her belly growing with a black baby is an incredible turn on for me. But it would also be very embarrassing and humiliating when the baby is born and everyone can se that I am a cuckold and that my wife needs a black cock to get real satisfaction. As all cuckolds I am however also turned on by humiliation - very much indeed.
My wife wants me to ask her to stop taking the pill.
What are your thoughts on the subject?
This could be Pandora's box you are playing with no matter how sexy it is. First and foremost realize that after the sex and impregnation are done there will be a baby looking for their parents. This baby needs to be cared for and loved. If both of you are willing to that then feel free to move forward. The second issue would be this could be the coffin in the nail of your marriage if her bull wants to stick around and be a *******. You might become just the bankroll for the activity. However if all these things are small to you and the baby will be loved and well taken care of then go for it and have fun.
We are in total agreement with your comments on this matter. The bull must be considered and his responsibilities and position in the outcome fully agreed on in advance.
When/if I get married i'd let my wife do this. I always wanted to adopt rather than have ******* so I'd let her. She could have numerous mixed ******* from different fathers. Be tricky to get around it but fucking hot.
When/if I get married i'd let my wife do this. I always wanted to adopt rather than have ******* so I'd let her. She could have numerous mixed ******* from different fathers. Be tricky to get around it but fucking hot.
Just interested, why would you rather adopt than have your own ******* with the woman you love?
Just interested, why would you rather adopt than have your own ******* with the woman you love?
Well prior to having these dirty thoughts, it was an overpopulation thing and not wanting to contribute and also a weakness for ''rescuing'' things, i'd never buy a dog for example, always rescue one that needs a home for a shelter.
Now it's just a hot fantasy, let her get knocked up!