White Men Breeding Black Women - Is it a Problem?

I'd still like to be called "Toro Negro" by Spanish women, "Sancho" is cool, but "Toro Negro" when they roll the "r's" like good sluts, mm, does it for me. It's a Texas thing.
Actually the population numbers alone says no that isn't a problem! There are more than 2 million more black women then men in America, then after you factor in the 33% percent of black men that are already married, those that only date and marry interracially, those that are LGBTQ, and those that are incarcerated that's at least another one million man deficit unaccessible to black women! That's at least 3 million black women available for fun, dating, and marriage so by all means knock yourself out!

Some of us are practical and realistic!
I have no problem. I am married to a black woman and have mixed race children. I have always been attracted to black women and my wife to white men.
I like the idea of the world becoming mixed race and would encourage more white men to breed black women and black men to breed white women.
I have no problem. I am married to a black woman and have mixed race children. I have always been attracted to black women and my wife to white men.
I like the idea of the world becoming mixed race and would encourage more white men to breed black women and black men to breed white women.
Absolutely true! Mixed race children=end of racism!
I have no problem. I am married to a black woman and have mixed race children. I have always been attracted to black women and my wife to white men.
I like the idea of the world becoming mixed race and would encourage more white men to breed black women and black men to breed white women.
Also, the children of such relationships often look better than both parents combined..