White Lady in a Black Bar

Literally, if you're a slim/average and attractive young or middle aged woman, you've got nothing to worry about, especially if you are hot.
As a white guy I've been to a few of these places with ex girlfriends. I had no threatening looks towards me, maybe because the black guys just wanted to be inside her. But I'd never go to them as a single white guy, not a chance.

Single white women, literally, get in there, live it up, zero worries.

By the way, black clubs/bars I mention were in Dudley and Birmingham, England UK. I've no experience of London.
I’m based in Brum what are these places called? Thanks
There's probably a very interesting story behind this picture that I'd VERY much like to hear...
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Anna didn't think of herself as 'musical.' The quiet, mousy, and occasionally struggling Chemical Engineering student always found music a bit baffling. Why did people get so emotional about it? And rhythm--that was really jarring. And so stupid really. She just couldn't see the excitement.

But for her Gen Ed requirement she signed up for an Intro Music Theory course, maybe just to broaden her horizons a bit. The professor, a middle-aged white man with a background in government psychiatric research, gave the class a little personality quiz on the first day. Anna's results showed she had great promise as an 'auditory-suggestive processor submissive,' whatever that meant. It sounded to Anna like more touchy-feely gobbledigook. But the professor seemed to put great stock in this finding. By the end of the 2nd week he had Anna to his office and explained that she would be paired for the semester with another, more 'musically experienced' student as her 'processor submissive.' The two would collaboratively work on demonstrating Anna's enhanced auditory-suggestive capabilities, and the proof of those would entirely determine both students' final grade.

It was a lot to take in--and it all seemed awfully vague. But the professor was insistent that Anna would have to trust herself completely to her partner's suggestions. She would have to keep a very open mind and always be ready to try whatever changes could help awaken her latent auditory processing capabilities. Learning how to 'get into the groove' would not be easy for Anna, the prof conceded, but (his eyes brightening with mischievous excitement) once Anna surrendered herself to the beat and learned to go with her instincts, a whole new world of experiences would open for her. 'Primal passion, boundless pleasure--and even profit!' Or so he claimed.

There was something intriguing about it, Anna admitted to herself. Her college years were going by in a drag of lab routines and dull equations to memorize. Could life really offer such exciting alternatives? The professor really seemed to think she had such potential, almost as though he could see inside Anna some different version of herself, someone who sounded startling and wild. Who was this different version of herself? And would the semester really see her come awake, alive, perhaps even to replace the mousy Anna who looked back at herself in the mirror every morning?

But Anna's quiet little heart skipped a beat when the professor told her who her designated 'processor mistress' was going to be. The one whose every suggestion must be taken as a demand, the partner she must trust herself to no matter how potentially ridiculous the outcome. Not Cimber Pawgkoff! The obnoxious, gum-snapping Kinesthetics/Africana Studies double major with a pierced eyebrow who was well known to work as a, as a--STRIPPER! And in some sort of 'hip-hop nightclub' too!

Anna left the office in sunken spirits. Well, what else could she take for a Gen Ed requirement? Was Conversational Italian still booked to capacity? But as she turned the corner she heard the clomp clomp of a pair of heavy platform boots coming up the stairwell. In a moment, none other than Cimber herself stood before Amber, replete in a midriff baring halter top and low rise schoolgirl skirt that did little to conceal the Chinese characters that inked her pelvis.

Anna froze. But Cimber just batted her glitter-caked lashes and lazily flicked away an ombre-hued lock of hair from her face, revealing her pierced eyebrow raised in amusement. "Hey girl!" she greeted her, her 'r' gently lisped by the weight of the stud piercing her tongue. "I guess you heard you're like my final project now and stuff? *******, we gotta get started on you." Anna just blushed as this menacing apparition appraised her. "Yeah," Cimber decided, "for starter's let's do something about this hair!" And with that, Cimber yanked Anna by the wrist and started leading her down the stairs. Anna's stomach lurched in protest, but she said nothing as Cimber gently mumbled some tune about 'bitches and hoes.' The semester was just getting started. . . .
I went to an all-black bar with my friend, she it would be easy to meet somebody there. I dressed up, heels and short skirt and showed my tommy. There were 4-5 other white girls there, my friend (she is black) told me to sit on one side of the bar. I meet an older man and I ended up sleeping with him later that night – I was not virgin the next morning.
My husband takes me to black gentlemens clubs in Illinois all the time!He lets me out and parks the car and by the time he comes in and takes his seat at the bar I already have a few gorgeous black studs seducing me,carressing me!!!Hubby has come in to me making out passionatly with fine black men,one time he came in and saw me at a back booth sucking of 2 men and swallowing every drop,Then he watched me being led into the mens room where 3 men had a train and took turns using my tiny white pussy!!! Love Illinois night!
What clubs in Illinois do you guys go to? Names? Always looking.