White girls against racism..

Every Black American
in America has White American DNA in their Family Tree, DNA and/or bloodline with few exceptions - based on actual records - actual facts - actual dates - actual real world -
actual purposes -
actual practices -
actual normals -
actual behavior -
actual reasons -
actual laws -
( when or if applicable )
History / Historical Knowledge - who here knows the definition or meaning of the word "Antebellum" ? - take it easy - more later -
The word Antebellum means before the war the Civil War
seeing this video makes me think all white girls when they go to college, it should be required for them to take a class called black cock 101. in that class they will learn how to please a black cock in every way possible. second semester would be required black cock 102, teaching how to please multiple black cocks at the same time. final semester would be breeding from black cock and to graduate the white girl would have to be black pregnant and have not idea who the ******* of the baby is.