White girls against racism..

Don’t believe everything you see is real. This is all just porn video clips and pictures. It’s just sex business $$.

Did you know porn stars, they don’t watch or look at porn? It’s just a job for them, to make a buck $$....

I’ve read an article a while ago about a porn producer, who is married n has a young *******. During an interview, he was asked; what would you tell your ******* about your profession, he said “ I am a film ? producer “ which is half true = still a lie.

The producer n director says, we are not sleeping around with women. The actors n actresses say, we are not sleeping with anyone outside our jobs. The porn viewers say, we are not sleeping or cheating on our partners, only watching porn to spice up our sex life....

Most of us out here, we are living a double life, full of lies and deception. Porn is the perfect example..... lol ?.



Don’t believe everything you see is real. This is all just porn video clips and pictures. It’s just sex business $$.

Did you know porn stars, they don’t watch or look at porn? It’s just a job for them, to make a buck $$....

I’ve read an article a while ago about a porn producer, who is married n has a young *******. During an interview, he was asked; what would you tell your ******* about your profession, he said “ I am a film ? producer “ which is half true = still a lie.

The producer n director says, we are not sleeping around with women. The actors n actresses say, we are not sleeping with anyone outside our jobs. The porn viewers say, we are not sleeping or cheating on our partners, only watching porn to spice up our sex life....

Most of us out here, we are living a double life, full of lies and deception. Porn is the perfect example..... lol ?.

why is porn lies n deception? i mean i like reguler movies too lol its no diffrent...xept more diffrent fun kinds of fucking!