When people say no BBC or they don't date Black men

I've dated (in order of volume) white, latina/white, latina/black, black, asian, asian/black, asian/white... and I've realized that I connect most with white women. I still find other races or mixes attractive, but when I look for the qualities I find most appealing in a woman, white women have had the most that I look for. I don't believe that makes me racist, I just discovered what appeals to me most.

As for women who say they are black-only, or black men who say they are white-ony, I don't find that racist either. They have found what appeals to them most and don't want to waste time with other types.

And maybe there are a few racists out there who don't want black or white or latino... or whatever. Who cares? They have a right to be racist, as long as it doesn't infringe upon the rights of other people.
In other words, focus on the ones who want you and forget about the ones who don't.
That's a very polite way of calling out structural white racism.
Image & stereotyping I say makes up a lot of that.
People watch the news a lot more than some may think ... they see a lot of black on black crime, etc .... the 5% ruin it for everyone else. Sad but its the way it is.
You have to understand that for a white woman to date black men is going against the social norm. More than likely her upbringing was not respectful of interracial dating and she was always taught that it was wrong, dirty, immoral and just plain wrong. She was probably taught that black mne only wanted one thing and were violent and would hurt her both physically and emotionally. In addition she was probably taught very little about herself, her desires and wants, needs etc. She was told she was to find a nice white man and marry him have babies and get a house and live her life regardless of this making her happy. If she was like me her family was racist and she grew up with that mentality. In addition not all women ever get to a point where they understand themselves and can act on their own wants/needs instead of what they have been taught. I had to go through rehab before I really started to understand myself and what/who I was and wanted in life. While I might have always found black males attractive and did think about it I would never have done anything with one just because I was scared of the repercussions. People are not kind to those who flaunt the norms. Once a woman learns about her wants and starts to determine they are worth the risk she will date/sleep with black men.
That's a very polite way of calling out structural white racism.
Image & stereotyping I say makes up a lot of that.
People watch the news a lot more than some may think ... they see a lot of black on black crime, etc .... the 5% ruin it for everyone else. Sad but its the way it is.

Is it racist? NO. Not racist for a woman to express a preference in men. I haven't fucked a white boy in years. Only Black and Latino. Does that make me racist? Normally that would be another NO. But these days, who knows.
Refusing sex with whitebois is not racist. It is dismantling their whiteboi social privilege and contributing to Black social equity.
That's a very polite way of calling out structural white racism.

Refusing sex with whitebois is not racist. It is dismantling their whiteboi social privilege and contributing to Black social equity.
Actually, its time we start addressing the differences between RASCISM & BIGOTRY. I suspect most people don't know the difference any more than they know the difference between Pedophiliacs & Molesters. And there are HUGE differences in both sets of words, yet we tend to wrongly LUMP these sets of words together.
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Actually, its time we start addressing the differences between RASCISM & BIGOTRY.
Please do.

MacNFries said:
I suspect most people don't know the difference any more than they know the difference between Pedophiliacs & Molesters. And there are HUGE differences in both sets of words, yet we tend to wrongly LUMP these sets of words together.

Who better than you to 'splain it, Professor.
I'll be Mary Ann and I'll round up Gilligan and that slut Ginger for the coconut classroom. (Skipper's ******* again.)

Uummm, this won't involve any atmospheric wind gradients, will it? :sneaky:
That's a very polite way of calling out structural white racism.

Refusing sex with whitebois is not racist. It is dismantling their whiteboi social privilege and contributing to Black social equity.
No matter the outcome, brushing any race with a broad brush is racist. It's not enough to cry institutional racism against black people. You must also have the courage to call out individuals who are racist. Name them. Show the evidence. Do not romanticize the movement.
No matter the outcome, brushing any race with a broad brush is racist. It's not enough to cry institutional racism against black people. You must also have the courage to call out individuals who are racist. Name them. Show the evidence.
That is outdated and invalidated thinking. Critical Race Theory is the current and dominant study to address racial equity.
Hundreds of years of structural white racism is still oppressing Black people, who are incapable of structural racism, as they do not control the old whiteboi network.

Stevie girl said:
Do not romanticize the movement.

Critical Race Theory is designed to romanticize the movement. It ties the strong sexual desires of Black dominance and white submission to political goals of Black dominance and white submission.

Biden and Harris are promoting CRT from the highest political level down through K-12 school and college. White girls are encouraged to romanticize Black males as ideal sexual mates and whitebois are pushed to embrace their natural femininity as transgirls.

CRT is why Biden/Harris promoted transgender rights literally on day one. Social psychologists are well aware that the huge increase in m-t-f transitioning is almost entirely young whitebois responding to Black male social and sexual dominance.
One of the things I like about this site is that you know people on here are interested in black men. Even on LS sites, you run it to several people who explicitly say no BBC or they don't date Black men.

Everyone has the right to their own preferences but ...

Is this racist? I'm not sure. I used to think it was, then I changed my mind. Now I'm wavering about people who take this stand.

I think a lot of them are going on stereotypes or maybe had bad experiences. They have a certain image of what a Black man is.

I would like your opinion.

Of course it's racist. People chalking it up to 'preferences' are ignorant and are choosing to ignore obvious factors involved in attraction. Making such an extraordinary statement that translates literally into "I do not find a single black man attractive, of the approximately 21M of them in America, and I have no interest in them sexually (and most likely in any other context)" can only come from racist roots. It's pretty ridiculous. It's as offensive as when white men say to black women, " you're attractive for, for a black woman."

We deal with racism every day. This example is nothing new, at all. Just part of the black lived experience.
Of course it's racist. People chalking it up to 'preferences' are ignorant and are choosing to ignore obvious factors involved in attraction. Making such an extraordinary statement that translates literally into "I do not find a single black man attractive, of the approximately 21M of them in America, and I have no interest in them sexually (and most likely in any other context)" can only come from racist roots. It's pretty ridiculous. It's as offensive as when white men say to black women, " you're attractive for, for a black woman."

We deal with racism every day. This example is nothing new, at all. Just part of the black lived experience.
Great point.
You have to understand that for a white woman to date black men is going against the social norm. More than likely her upbringing was not respectful of interracial dating and she was always taught that it was wrong, dirty, immoral and just plain wrong. She was probably taught that black mne only wanted one thing and were violent and would hurt her both physically and emotionally. In addition she was probably taught very little about herself, her desires and wants, needs etc. She was told she was to find a nice white man and marry him have babies and get a house and live her life regardless of this making her happy. If she was like me her family was racist and she grew up with that mentality. In addition not all women ever get to a point where they understand themselves and can act on their own wants/needs instead of what they have been taught. I had to go through rehab before I really started to understand myself and what/who I was and wanted in life. While I might have always found black males attractive and did think about it I would never have done anything with one just because I was scared of the repercussions. People are not kind to those who flaunt the norms. Once a woman learns about her wants and starts to determine they are worth the risk she will date/sleep with black men.

So in short, you're acknowledging that it is racist, as a result of familial ignorance and bigoted upbringing. You're also acknowledging that white women (and people generally) need to do the work to address the anti-blackness that they've internalized.

Thank you for an honest answer.
So in short, you're acknowledging that it is racist, as a result of familial ignorance and bigoted upbringing. You're also acknowledging that white women (and people generally) need to do the work to address the anti-blackness that they've internalized.

Thank you for an honest answer.
It takes a lot of guts for many white women to date Black men. There are a lot of negative, racist myths about Black men that have been propagated by American society. That has a lot to do with power and control. My bro, always says that white men demonized Black men because they didn't want their women to know how good the sex was, otherwise they might never come back to them. I have read 1,000s of stories about white women who fuck one Black guy and then swear they will never go back to fucking white men. Things are changing slowly, but there is still a lot of pushback.

I've also heard stories of white women dating Black men and finding out that we are nothing like the way we are portrayed in the media. As I said before, power and control.
One of the things I like about this site is that you know people on here are interested in black men. Even on LS sites, you run it to several people who explicitly say no BBC or they don't date Black men.

Everyone has the right to their own preferences but ...

Is this racist? I'm not sure. I used to think it was, then I changed my mind. Now I'm wavering about people who take this stand.

I think a lot of them are going on stereotypes or maybe had bad experiences. They have a certain image of what a Black man is.

I would like your opinion.
a lot are just based on stereotypes and expiriences .
for example i divide people into assholes and non assholes . both you can find in any race or nation .
but for sure expirience has a big impact .
in case the bad expirience is overhelming you will be very very careful next time .
You have to understand that for a white woman to date black men is going against the social norm. More than likely her upbringing was not respectful of interracial dating and she was always taught that it was wrong, dirty, immoral and just plain wrong. She was probably taught that black mne only wanted one thing and were violent and would hurt her both physically and emotionally. In addition she was probably taught very little about herself, her desires and wants, needs etc. She was told she was to find a nice white man and marry him have babies and get a house and live her life regardless of this making her happy. If she was like me her family was racist and she grew up with that mentality. In addition not all women ever get to a point where they understand themselves and can act on their own wants/needs instead of what they have been taught. I had to go through rehab before I really started to understand myself and what/who I was and wanted in life. While I might have always found black males attractive and did think about it I would never have done anything with one just because I was scared of the repercussions. People are not kind to those who flaunt the norms. Once a woman learns about her wants and starts to determine they are worth the risk she will date/sleep with black men.
i loved this post
i loved this post
Rules ? What rules and who makes and decided these draconian and racist rules , I guess then or should of been wrong to drive a black car or wear a black dress or shirt .. don’t make excuses for those illiterates that came before us and make their awful way of thinking as though it was something to be proud of and rules to actual live by. Rules are are meant to govern and keep the citizens or nationals safe . What was ever unsafe absolute people being in love from other backgrounds.. it’s heinous and barbaric. Never a rule but evil doers and evil intentions to keep people apart and they are still doing it today ..
You have to understand that for a white woman to date black men is going against the social norm. More than likely her upbringing was not respectful of interracial dating and she was always taught that it was wrong, dirty, immoral and just plain wrong. She was probably taught that black mne only wanted one thing and were violent and would hurt her both physically and emotionally. In addition she was probably taught very little about herself, her desires and wants, needs etc. She was told she was to find a nice white man and marry him have babies and get a house and live her life regardless of this making her happy. If she was like me her family was racist and she grew up with that mentality. In addition not all women ever get to a point where they understand themselves and can act on their own wants/needs instead of what they have been taught. I had to go through rehab before I really started to understand myself and what/who I was and wanted in life. While I might have always found black males attractive and did think about it I would never have done anything with one just because I was scared of the repercussions. People are not kind to those who flaunt the norms. Once a woman learns about her wants and starts to determine they are worth the risk she will date/sleep with black men.
I think this is a brutally honest post. Even in the 21st century, there is a lot of pushback to interracial dating.
I've dated (in order of volume) white, latina/white, latina/black, black, asian, asian/black, asian/white... and I've realized that I connect most with white women. I still find other races or mixes attractive, but when I look for the qualities I find most appealing in a woman, white women have had the most that I look for. I don't believe that makes me racist, I just discovered what appeals to me most.

As for women who say they are black-only, or black men who say they are white-ony, I don't find that racist either. They have found what appeals to them most and don't want to waste time with other types.

And maybe there are a few racists out there who don't want black or white or latino... or whatever. Who cares? They have a right to be racist, as long as it doesn't infringe upon the rights of other people.
In other words, focus on the ones who want you and forget about the ones who don't.
I have had sex with over 85 males. I enjoyed them all not matter what race or ethnic background they were. They liked me and I like them, so we chose to have sex. If I like a person and they want sex: I go for it. It's my choice.
It’s not racist to have a preference but if you’re not into black men I kind of find you very weird af. It’s like saying you don’t like pizza like how???