What is hotwifing for couples who are not yet married called?

No. In absence of a better term it is still called "hotwifing." ;)

"Swinging" is an "ancient" umbrella term for non-monogamy coined when studies about human sexuality were introduced to a broader public audience in the late 1950s. It became almost fashionable (yet within a rather small population) during the "flower power" movement in the 60s and 70s, where it caught up negative connotation by "bigotted" American society. That was the reason why "the lifestyle" was suggested as an alternative term in the early 1980s, but that never came in fashion and is rarely used even today.

As human sexology has developed into a science including not only the physical-biological aspects but also including aspects of social science, more sophisticated differenciations have been made, and work in this field is still in progress.

More recent publications discriminate between...
* swinging ... sexual activities carried out with one or more "secondary" players (= who is/are not the "primary" partner) by one or both partners of a couple (with both of them present!) for a recreational purpose; an example would be a full partner swap with another swinging couple
* (half-) open relationship ... a relationship model where one or both "primary" partners is/are free to have "sexual relations" with someone else (not the "primary" partner), but with consent of the partner; in this kind of relationship the "primary" partner need not be present or even in knowledge of the partner`s sexual activities
* polyamory ... a relationship where one or both partners has/have one or more other partners on the side, with the defference to the aforementioned that any possible relations "outside one relationship" are not purely sexual/physical but also include some sort of romantic/emotional attachment

"Hotwifing" is not an "official" term thus far. :( However it is acknowledged that a "cuckolding relationship" model exists that doesn`t fit any of the non-monogamous relationship models described above, in the way that it is...
* not swinging, because the motivations behind it are not purely recreational, but the fact of one or more "secondary" player(s) adds to one or both partner`s sexual arousal
* not a (half-) open relationship because it always involves both "primary" partners, if not physically then at least emotionally
* not (necessarily) polyamory, because the type of involvement with the (hotwife`s) "secondary" partner solely depends on the relationship dynamic (which means that some cuckolding/hotwifing couples are polyamorous, others are not)

The differenciation between "cuckolding" and "hotwifing" is rather new and has no scientific backup (thus far ;) )... but it helps those cuckold/hotwife couples who don`t identify (lifestyle-wise) with a situation where the cuckold takes on a more submissive role and sometimes is into humiliation/degradation of some sort.

Other recently introduced terms include "Stag" (for a non-submissive "cuckold") and "Vixen" (for the "hotwife"), both also being terms more appropriate for non-married couples as well. ;)

{ Sorry for bad formatting. ;) i hope it`s reasonably readable though. }
...BTW neither of those terms have necessarily to do with Black men for the vixen`s lover/bull or "interracial" sex per se. That would be yet another guise/subcategory.
...BTW neither of those terms have necessarily to do with Black men for the vixen`s lover/bull or "interracial" sex per se. That would be yet another guise/subcategory.

Thanks very much for all that. I really appreciate it!

Though I would prefer to help her choose her lovers, beforehand, it doesn't matter whether or not she wants me to be present when she actually goes on dates. Though I would enjoy taking pictures and videos of the dates, driving them around etc. I would also ideally want to be waiting/sleeping in my car close to the area (either our place or his) where she's having personal time with her lover, to assure her safety.

Basically I'm just hoping that my future wife would go on dates with, have relationships with, and eventually get pregnant by her black male lovers we choose together beforehand. I would really like to have a family someday.

What do you think is the most appropriate term to use for this type of relationship?
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If you have been lucky enough to find a woman who will indulge your fantasy about fucking black men the question should be.....why haven't you put a ring on it? lol
I haven't actually. I've yet to be cuckolded. I've had very close girlfriends but haven't brought up or even hinted at this idea, nor have I gotten to the point where I feel I'm ready.

For one thing, this is difficult and embarrassing to bring up. But, more importantly, I'm waiting for the perfect moment to be cuckolded. I want to have very strong feelings for, and feel like I have a future with a girl. I want to feel like she's "the one". That way my first cuckold experience will be more intense, powerful, emotionally painful, nervous and uneasy and thus more exciting and more hot. Once that happens, I'm definitely ready to put a ring on it.
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We have a winner! Perfect answer
The thing is, I would never define or establish a relationship based on cuckoldry. That's for once I fall in love, and have very strong feelings for the girl. Also, the cuckolding would only develop with my encouragement and facilitation. So there would be nothing naughty about it, on her part.
It's called notwifing! :bounce:
I think you're just joking around but in case you're not, I don't think this is a appropriate term either. Marriage isn't out of the question if it gets to that point. In fact, I think marriage would be very likely if it gets that far.
It was a joke, yeah.

You're very right. Unless a couple gets together for the basis of cuckolding (not likely), progressing to the point where this lifestyle enters the realm of possibility definitely means marriage is probably in the wheelhouse.
I still go by hotwife. We may never marry. We are older and both divorced and don't feel like we need the paperwork. But we lived together and except for the paperwork live just like we would if married.
Whether she is an official hotwife or just a hotgirl having a hot girl summer her title isn't going to get her dicked down any less in the presence of her boyfriend than the woman with the title of wife! ♠️😎