What historical figure...

Did the Romans engage in interracial sex?
Depends on whether you mean Roman men or women. Certainly the WOMEN did because Hannibal pretty much occupied all of Italy at one time. At that time, "To the Victor goes the spoils" and women were certainly considered spoils of war.
Depends on whether you mean Roman men or women. Certainly the WOMEN did because Hannibal pretty much occupied all of Italy at one time. At that time, "To the Victor goes the spoils" and women were certainly considered spoils of war.
By No Means Am I Historian. It Is My Impression That During Those Times Sexual Labels... Gay, Straight, Bi, etc. Were virtually meaningless. People did as they felt. Especially those of means. Reminds of a line from Caligula by Bob Guccione... "To stay healthy one must have b.oys and g.irls." Lol. In all likelihood it just wasn't the women the men were laying siege to... 😆
Also not an historian, and I don't know if this is true, but I once read that, in Roman times, there was no stigma for a man to receive a blowjob from another man. So, whereas today we might perceive BOTH men as engaging in gay sex, in Rome only the blower was considered gay and not the blowee. I think this is somewhat akin to what we see in IR/cuck sex on sites like this. A white husband sucking black dick is often wrapped in the cloak of "cuck humiliation" (however willingly) while the black man being sucked is a "bull".
Also not an historian, and I don't know if this is true, but I once read that, in Roman times, there was no stigma for a man to receive a blowjob from another man. So, whereas today we might perceive BOTH men as engaging in gay sex, in Rome only the blower was considered gay and not the blowee. I think this is somewhat akin to what we see in IR/cuck sex on sites like this. A white husband sucking black dick is often wrapped in the cloak of "cuck humiliation" (however willingly) while the black man being sucked is a "bull".
Agreed...If An Individual Is Engaged In A Homosexual Act. There Are No Degrees Therein. The Pipe Polisher And The Pipe Polishee Both Get Painted With The Same Pink Brush Lol.😆
Doesn't Necessarily Mean The Person Is "Gay". However, They're Clearly Participating In A "Gay" Act.
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Also The Thread "What's This Obsession Of White Men Watching" Has Some Interesting responses.