We need to get serious with ISIS

Because i really DON'T care. It's nice, but it is not necessary for me to live life. You seem obsessed with it.
I'm not obsessed with it, but I'm aware of it. Its just one of several measures this site uses to see who's contributing to the website. IF it wasn't IMPORTANT, the website wouldn't have the "likes" count up. The fact that you don't care is your own opinion; I personally like to know that what I'm doing is creating conversation ... either positively or negatively. With you, its negative ... I started playing you the day I found out you were a Tea Party Republican.

.... People like Obama, Clinton, Reid, Pelosi, Dodd, Frank, O'Neil, and the ilk that support them have run this country into the ground. Our education system is crap, race relations are crap, our military is being gutted, the IRS and the NSA are being used as weapons against Americans, and if Bin Laden attacked today, instead of in 2001, we wouldn't have a freaking clue where to catch him. You damned right I'm pissed off.
Listen to yourself, falcond, first you say you're not pissed off, then you say you are pissed off ... which is it?
If you're pissed off about education, you should note it is Republicans making cuts to funding of education; wanting t change school systems to charters, etc. Here in NC, they even funneled some of the state lotto money targeted to public schools, to fund charter schools. And they refuse to give state teachers a adequate pay raise and have tried to remove tenure for older teachers.
Same with race relations ... they're doing everything they can to keep minorities suppressed ... hell, you're in one of the worst states for it. Look at what's going on in the Republican run Southern states ... its shameful. It boiled to the surface, and became visabile during the 2008 elections and has grown ever since. The rich, old white men aren't going to relinquish this country anytime soon, not as long as they have MONEY. Hell, its not all that much different from the Apartheid that took place in S. Africa ... we just call it something different here.
And we already spend way too much money on our military, more so than the top 10 other countries combined. We're just not as frugal with how we spend our money on weaponry. Plus, we turn around and GIVE our technology to countries like Israel for their loyalty. The Defense companies (Lockheed, Northrop, General Dynamics, etc) have been taking advantage of the free-spending likes of Dick Cheneys for years. Cheney profited off the Iraq war, you do know that, right?
And you can't pass moral judgement on OTHERS ... whether it is regarding abortion, entitlements, marriage equality, or whatever ... you have no right to tell everyone else what morals we should have.
The biggest problem we have going right now is the BIG MONEY that is taking over politics, and it was Republicans that opened THAT FACET up ... just remember.
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IF it wasn't IMPORTANT, the website wouldn't have the "likes" count up.

Seriously? You don't know much about web sites. First of all, this forum software is either open source stuff or Dig bought it. It came with the like feature in one revision or another. It is like SMF or PhpBB or vBulletin. All of the forum software makers try to be all things to everyone, so they all put in everything, including the kitchen sink. Dig can either turn the feature on or off (at least, he should be able to). But I doubt dig wants to get involved with our little tiff to confirm whether he turned the feature on at the request of people, because he felt like it, or because it came with the feature on, regardless of whether he wanted it or not.

I personally like to know that what I'm doing is creating conversation ... either positively or negatively.

Nice to see your narcissistic side come out honestly.

Listen to yourself, falcond, first you say you're not pissed off, then you say you are pissed off ... which is it?

Just for those who don't know, here is Mac telling his partial truths again. What's the matter, Mac? Can't deal with the full truth because people will know what a true moron you are?

I believe the FULL quote was "And no, I am not pissed off about politics. I am pissed off that we, the voting public, have allowed this country to become the joke that it is." What's the matter Mac? Capturing the whole quote too much for your ego? I was answering your post that I was pissed off about politics. Sheds things in a slightly different, more honest light, wouldn't you say? Oh. No you wouldn't. It hurts your narrative of superiority.

I am not going to waste my time picking you apart as easily as I pick lint from my clothes. You bore me and I am tired. As for you playing me? Really? How interesting. Nothing like that arrogance and narcissism showing up again. You couldn't play me or anyone else without an instruction manual. Even then, you would probably fail.
You don't know much about web sites. First of all, this forum software is either open source stuff or Dig bought it. It came with the like feature in one revision or another. It is like SMF or PhpBB or vBulletin. .... Dig can either turn the feature on or off (at least, he should be able to).

Mac Followers:... ..698 as of 1-26-2016 .. .. Had 3 new when I signed in. How 'bout you?
falcond Followers:...37 as of 1-26-2016..... Maybe you need to improve on the quality of your posts?
I am not going to waste my time picking you apart as easily as I pick lint from my clothes. You bore me and I am tired.
Old age, I think ... even my dad gets cranky like you, and he's 67.
gif_Yellowball-violinplaying.gif..."How 'bout some nice Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?" .....
As for you playing me? Really? How interesting. Nothing like that arrogance and narcissism showing up again. You couldn't play me or anyone else without an instruction manual. Even then, you would probably fail.
gif_Yellowball-golfing.gif "Ready to go to the back nine?" .... "and not once did I name call you." "Call your dog" ... gif_StickDog.gif
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I think you need to read your last post on the thread "The Death Penalty" ... ie: "Despite all the appeals and other complications it is a good bet we have executed some innocent people."

The solution is not, as you say, "straight forward", Torp. You have no problem with sending our military power to another country and killing innocent civilians THERE simply because some fanatics threatened you from their country? What would you propose the military to do, once they got THERE ... ask for ID's and Religious Preference cards before they shot the suspected terrorist? .... again, ((( chuckles )))
Then, what about the US military lives that were lost under a false premise ... WMD's in Iraq? Does THAT matter to you? It matters to me ... should to you, too. You're X-military. The first two men that should put boots on the ground in the Middle East next time, should be Rumsfeld & Cheney, and they shouldn't even be armed when they do.
See, you "conservatives" never make sense; never are consistent. You apply your beliefs to what satisfies YOUR needs, not the majority.
Just once, Torp, I'd love for you to admit that a posted comment you made simply didn't make sense ... you clearly contradict yourself regarding "the taking of lives" ... I've never heard you once express remorse over the many thousands of innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan (children included) who were killed in their own homes by our military during the recent wars there? Does it not matter to you simply because these innocent civilians are in Iraq or Afghanistan, or Syria? Because they're Islamic, are they therefore evil to you? Is that it? Guilty until proven innocent? The radicals represent a very small percent of the Islam faith ... very, very small.
Yet you think that a *******, (a real case in Florida) who rapes & murders a 9 year old girl, burying her alive in a shallow grave, with a plastic bag tied over her head, holding her teddy bear, deserves to be shown "MERCY", not "DEATH"?
Just a second, give me some of what you're smoking ...View attachment 762147"ok, I think I see your point clearly, now!"
War is a nasty, dirty business. People die, sometimes innocent people die. I do enjoy your graphics, but I can't say I follow your logic. Wars can be fought for a number of reasons to gain territory, defend territory, protect citizens from a threat. The leader of ISIS has stated his intention of flying his flag over the White House, that should be taken seriously. We didn't take Bin Laden seriously and see what happened. If you want to win a conflict you have to put boots on the ground whether you like it or not. Urban guerrilla warfare is still an evolving thing. The big point you need to think about is that ISIS is not going away they will have to be dealt with at some point. Where do you want the mess? Someplace in the Mideast or in your backyard? Think of this. A van load of terrorist come down I-77 get off on 58 and head towards Meadows of Dan, when they get there they shoot however is readily available, maybe fire a couple of RPG's (Rocket Propelled Grenade) into a business or a house or two, then continue on secondary roads Stuart, Eden, Wentworth, Reidsville, then Summerfield. All small towns not a lot of police protection and close enough together that they could all likely be hit before authorities realize what is happening. After that head for Greensboro because this is a suicide mission. They would be stopped at Greensboro because I am sure they have Tactical teams. Now if you want o getting really ugly lets talk nukes. About 32 pounds of Uranium 235 and a neutron reflector and you can build a nuclear bomb. Not a great one but a workable one. Similar to the Hiroshima bomb. Iran is not our friend, under the terms of our recent treaty they can upgrade their centrifuges and keep most of them inside a hardened facility inside a mountain. There is the old adage "My enemy's enemy is my friend". I could easily see Iran giving or selling ISIS the materials and possibly the technology to build a bomb. Now lets go back to that van full of terrorist I was talking about. Suppose they have a bomb. It would likely have a yield of no more the 30K tons of TNT but if it was detonated in a vehicle it would suck up tons of material and irradiate it. Depending on the wind it could render a good part of the state uninhabitable.

As to your ******* what is gained by killing him? Revenge is never a good reason. As a deterrent there is no evidence that it works. Have you ever gotten a ticket for speeding, illegal parking, running a stop sign? When you did those things did you plan on getting caught? Not likely. Nobody that breaks the law, at least the vast majority don't plan on being caught. Now to address your *******, sex offenders are rarely rehabilitated, their brains are just wired different. The man needs to be removed from society. If it was my choice I would get an old military base put up a nice high fence around it, put a nice minefield outside that fence and then put another fence around the minefield with warning signs prominently posted. Give them the opportunity to grow their own food, and run their community as they see fit. You go in but you don't come out.

I oppose the death penalty because I haven't seen where it has served any useful purpose other than revenge. I think a more important message is that life is precious. And yes innocent men women and children die in war and most military personnel takes it quite hard when civilian casualties occur. If it were my call I would have the US military deal with the problem and let them do their job. Vietnam was a politician's war that lasted over 19 years and I can't even guess the civilian casualties that occurred there. Give the military a defined task and let them do what they do. Political interference will result in more innocent deaths
Seriously? You don't know much about web sites. First of all, this forum software is either open source stuff or Dig bought it. It came with the like feature in one revision or another. It is like SMF or PhpBB or vBulletin. All of the forum software makers try to be all things to everyone, so they all put in everything, including the kitchen sink. Dig can either turn the feature on or off (at least, he should be able to). But I doubt dig wants to get involved with our little tiff to confirm whether he turned the feature on at the request of people, because he felt like it, or because it came with the feature on, regardless of whether he wanted it or not.

Nice to see your narcissistic side come out honestly.

Just for those who don't know, here is Mac telling his partial truths again. What's the matter, Mac? Can't deal with the full truth because people will know what a true moron you are?

I believe the FULL quote was "And no, I am not pissed off about politics. I am pissed off that we, the voting public, have allowed this country to become the joke that it is." What's the matter Mac? Capturing the whole quote too much for your ego? I was answering your post that I was pissed off about politics. Sheds things in a slightly different, more honest light, wouldn't you say? Oh. No you wouldn't. It hurts your narrative of superiority.

I am not going to waste my time picking you apart as easily as I pick lint from my clothes. You bore me and I am tired. As for you playing me? Really? How interesting. Nothing like that arrogance and narcissism showing up again. You couldn't play me or anyone else without an instruction manual. Even then, you would probably fail.
You made a point I never really thought about. You make the comment about "Mac's narcissistic" side and it hit me why Mac is such an Obama fan. They are both narcissistic. Similar personalities. At one time a year or so ago I ran off a bunch of the posts that Mac and I had exchanged and showed them to my older ******* who is in the mental health field. I felt I was being fair Mac did not. I am somewhat strong willed and I figured my ******* would tell me if I was being to harsh. She read the emails. She chided be about debating with a baby and I told her that Mac was an adult absolutely positively. I got her raised eyebrow stare. and her "Really" comment. She suggested that I give Mac her phone number to make an appointment. I explained that Mac was out of state. She made a smart ass comment about maybe it isn't just children that need to be supervised. I am still unsupervised.
You made a point I never really thought about. You make the comment about "Mac's narcissistic" side and it hit me why Mac is such an Obama fan. They are both narcissistic. Similar personalities. At one time a year or so ago I ran off a bunch of the posts that Mac and I had exchanged and showed them to my older ******* who is in the mental health field. I felt I was being fair Mac did not. I am somewhat strong willed and I figured my ******* would tell me if I was being to harsh. She read the emails. She chided be about debating with a baby and I told her that Mac was an adult absolutely positively. I got her raised eyebrow stare. and her "Really" comment. She suggested that I give Mac her phone number to make an appointment. I explained that Mac was out of state. She made a smart ass comment about maybe it isn't just children that need to be supervised. I am still unsupervised.

Hmmm. And where do you think she gets the impetus to make a smart-ass comment? lol
It's ok. My ******* do too. WAAYYYY too often. lol.

That is exactly what I was trying to point out and why I think Mac is such an Obama acolyte.
Mac Followers:... ..698 as of 1-26-2016 .. .. Had 3 new when I signed in. How 'bout you?
falcond Followers:...37 as of 1-26-2016..... Maybe you need to improve on the quality of your posts?
View attachment 762889

Old age, I think ... even my dad gets cranky like you, and he's 67.
View attachment 762888..."How 'bout some nice Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?" .....

View attachment 762894 "Ready to go to the back nine?" .... "and not once did I name call you." "Call your dog" ... View attachment 762904

I get cranky with idiots who refuse to have an honest and open debate. Sue me.

And as for new followers, you really are an arrogant, self-centered, narcissistic bastard aren't you? You really have to check each day how many new followers you have? If that isn't the definition of sad (lame), I don't know what is.

As I said before, grow up, Mac. Or at least grow a set or ask your wife to give them back.
Hmmm. And where do you think she gets the impetus to make a smart-ass comment? lol
It's ok. My ******* do too. WAAYYYY too often. lol.

That is exactly what I was trying to point out and why I think Mac is such an Obama acolyte.
My *******'s attitude probably comes from her mom at least as much as from me. Not too many people crossed my wife twice, especially when it came to family she was definitely a mom bear. My older ******* drove me crazy when she was a young. I had a couple of years I am reasonably certain I was the lowest life form on the planet or pretty close to it, at least in her eyes. I loved her dearly if I hadn't I would have probably ended up in prison for wringing her neck. When she got to be about 17 she started to turn into this totally amazing woman. She will likely do at least as well as I did. She is poised, self confident and has an incredible sense of humor
My *******'s attitude probably comes from her mom at least as much as from me. Not too many people crossed my wife twice, especially when it came to family she was definitely a mom bear. My older ******* drove me crazy when she was a young. I had a couple of years I am reasonably certain I was the lowest life form on the planet or pretty close to it, at least in her eyes. I loved her dearly if I hadn't I would have probably ended up in prison for wringing her neck. When she got to be about 17 she started to turn into this totally amazing woman. She will likely do at least as well as I did. She is poised, self confident and has an incredible sense of humor

Sounds like you had the experience most, if not all, parents had/have. lol. But it seems like you did a pretty good job and she will do well in life.
I only hope and pray I am as lucky with my 3.
I get cranky with idiots who refuse to have an honest and open debate. Sue me.
It's impossible to have a normal, logical conversation with a fanatical, anti-government Tea Party member like you, falcond. You can't put 2 sentences together without tacting insulting names to anyone who disagrees with you.
And as for new followers, you really are an arrogant, self-centered, narcissistic bastard aren't you? You really have to check each day how many new followers you have? If that isn't the definition of sad (lame), I don't know what is.
No, its the evidence of someone who contributes to a website in far more ways than camping out in political forums and tossing out insults and name calling. And again, you confirm my first comment.
If I'd been here almost 3 years as you, and only had 37 people following your posts, that would tell me I wasn't contributing anything positive or interesting that other forum posters were interested in. As far as a positive contributor to b2w ... you're, as Trump would say "a loser".
As I said before, grow up, Mac. Or at least grow a set or ask your wife to give them back.
I love it when I see you angry ... a good salesman can only sell when he's either excited or disturbed his customer enough to react. You're a classic example. It's why you can't put me on ignore; you need someone to release that "hate" on.
I really do suggest you, get some psychological help; you have a lot of pent up anger and aggression ... probably from your past failed marriages, and failure to satisfy #3. Anger like you show causes all kinds of medical problems ... high ******* pressure, diabetes, heart disease, heart attacks ... the list is long. You need to be on some kind of medication.
Sounds like you had the experience most, if not all, parents had/have. lol. But it seems like you did a pretty good job and she will do well in life.
I only hope and pray I am as lucky with my 3.
A good friend told that parenting is one of the most difficult, frustrating things that you will ever love. Both girls are grown and through college, at least for now, are financially independent and employed in careers they seem to enjoy. I am pleased. The only regret I have is my wife isn't here to share their success with.
It's impossible to have a normal, logical conversation with a fanatical, anti-government Tea Party member like you, falcond. You can't put 2 sentences together without tacting insulting names to anyone who disagrees with you.

No, its the evidence of someone who contributes to a website in far more ways than camping out in political forums and tossing out insults and name calling. And again, you confirm my first comment.
If I'd been here almost 3 years as you, and only had 37 people following your posts, that would tell me I wasn't contributing anything positive or interesting that other forum posters were interested in. As far as a positive contributor to b2w ... you're, as Trump would say "a loser".

I love it when I see you angry ... a good salesman can only sell when he's either excited or disturbed his customer enough to react. You're a classic example. It's why you can't put me on ignore; you need someone to release that "hate" on.
I really do suggest you, get some psychological help; you have a lot of pent up anger and aggression ... probably from your past failed marriages, and failure to satisfy #3. Anger like you show causes all kinds of medical problems ... high ******* pressure, diabetes, heart disease, heart attacks ... the list is long. You need to be on some kind of medication.
Maybe you could tell him what medication you are using.:bigsmile:
It's impossible to have a normal, logical conversation with a fanatical, anti-government Tea Party member like you, falcond. You can't put 2 sentences together without tacting insulting names to anyone who disagrees with you.

If people check out my previous posts, they will see the lies in your words. Do I cross the line? Sure. I got hot. The difference between you and me is - I can admit it. You refuse to. Again, it doesn't fit your narrative to admit any wrongdoing on your part or that you could be wrong on any issue. Again, sad.

No, its the evidence of someone who contributes to a website in far more ways than camping out in political forums and tossing out insults and name calling. And again, you confirm my first comment.

Not really. I am playing arm-chair psycowatrist and describing the personality traits I see. If I was insulting you or using personal attacks, believe me, both you and everyone else on B2W would know it.And apparebtly, I am not the only one who sees those personality traits in you.

As for camping out in political forums, I enjoy intelligent conversation and learning so shoot me. But I am here for the same reason everyone else is.

You seem to like accusing people of various things. Just remember, when you point at someone, 4 fingers are pointing right back at you. Check the mirror and clean your own house before you throw stones.

you're, as Trump would say "a loser".

THAT is not describing personality traits or anything close. You are such a hypocrite. You accuse me of stuff and then you do what you are accusing me of in the very next line. You really need psychological help.

that would tell me I wasn't contributing anything positive or interesting that other forum posters were interested in.

As I explained in an earlier post, this is a sex forum with tg's, ts's, gays, bi's, and straights. In all seriousness, do you think very many of them would have my political views? If you do, I have some land in Florida I would love to sell you. Slightly damp, but it might be dry one day of the year.
I love it when I see you angry

Sorry. Must have hit the post button by accident. You seriously think I was angry when I wrote that. As usual, you assume to much and we both know where that gets you. But again that is another difference between you and me. I do not post or debate to hurt or make people angry. I debate to exchange ideas and learn. Your feelings and why you do what you do are obvious to everyone here and just plain sad.

It's why you can't put me on ignore; you need someone to release that "hate" on.
I really do suggest you, get some psychological help; you have a lot of pent up anger and aggression ... probably from your past failed marriages, and failure to satisfy #3.

I can't put you on ignore, because I cannot let you get away with your lies and half-truths. Even Moderators have called you out about it.
As for your next statement, please forgive if this offends anyone, but isn't that pot calling the kettle black? As I said before, 4 fingers point to you.
And I would thank you not to get personal, unless you want things to get REALLY ugly, REALLY fast. I want to hear you admit that you just lied in a personal attack. You have no idea how many times I was married or why they failed. You go too far and will be reported. As for failure to satisfy (whatever the heck #3 is), I have never had a woman leave me for failure to satisfy and it was all me baby. I didn't need to bring in outside help to satisfy my women. Can you say the same? I think not base on some of your posts.

Anger like you show causes all kinds of medical problems ... high ******* pressure, diabetes, heart disease, heart attacks ... the list is long. You need to be on some kind of medication.

Please show me your medical and psychological degrees. THEN, I might take you seriously. Otherwise, you are, as a typical liberal, just trying to control people's lives.
A good friend told that parenting is one of the most difficult, frustrating things that you will ever love. Both girls are grown and through college, at least for now, are financially independent and employed in careers they seem to enjoy. I am pleased. The only regret I have is my wife isn't here to share their success with.

Maybe you could tell him what medication you are using.:bigsmile:

I am sorry about your wife not being there. For whatever reason. And I don't want to know. That is your business.

As for meds, that is none of his business as it is none of the government's business.
If people check out my previous posts, they will see the lies in your words. Do I cross the line? Sure. I got hot. The difference between you and me is - I can admit it.
It's all according to one's perspective; you prefer to take fragments of a post and ridicule and insult the poster. You shouldn't expect any response from me other than what you have been getting.
If I was insulting you or using personal attacks, believe me, both you and everyone else on B2W would know it.
Same here ... I've actually avoided responding to any of your posts unless your posts have been specifically directed at me, which they are in this thread constantly. Again, you can give us both relief by stating your views without calling the other posters names ... if you can't do that or won't do that, don't expect anything back any differently.
My suggestion ... quit addressing me and I'll do the same with you. Otherwise STFU!
As for camping out in political forums, I enjoy intelligent conversation and learning so shoot me. But I am here for the same reason everyone else is.
Yes you do ... you started this thread, not me. You spend most of your time HERE ... a political forum would be more suitable for you, but then you wouldn't be able to bash the President with every other sentence you type without someone pushing back.
THAT is not describing personality traits or anything close. You are such a hypocrite. You accuse me of stuff and then you do what you are accusing me of in the very next line. You really need psychological help.
Hurts when it's done to you, doesn't it?
I debate to exchange ideas and learn. Your feelings and why you do what you do are obvious to everyone here and just plain sad.
No you don't "debate", you "bash" and there's a difference. You Tea Party folks have abstract opinions about government ... and just like TPers, you prefer to ridicule and blame, rather than simply post your beliefs. You come here because I'm one of the few liberals that will face up to your constant raggings and BS. I PROVIDE you that OUTLET for your anger. Thing is, you grow more silent until you have a "pack" to bark with ... you're nothing more than a "heel hound" as we call 'em in the South. You're harmless when you're by yourself; you need a pack.

I can't put you on ignore, because I cannot let you get away with your lies and half-truths. Even Moderators have called you out about it.
falcond, I haven't the time (as you obviously do) to address every person's comment to me. I'll address comments when I have time permits. You're the one constantly attacking me with your NAME CALLING ... again, I'm your OUTLET of your anger. In my opinion, your Tea Party views suck and your party divisive and destructive to the nation and to a once respectable Republican party. That's why so many mainstream Republicans are tossing up their hands and getting out. People like Cruz and his followers can't have their own party because they couldn't survive as a stand alone party, so they fuck up everyone else. Their idea of working with the opposite party is "don't give in ... don't negotiate ... don't find common ground ... my way or the highway". They'd rather see the economy crash than give an inch. The Tea Party is what is wrong with the Republican Party now; even most Republicans agree with that.
I would thank you not to get personal, unless you want things to get REALLY ugly, REALLY fast. I want to hear you admit that you just lied in a personal attack. You have no idea how many times I was married or why they failed. You go too far and will be reported. As for failure to satisfy (whatever the heck #3 is), I have never had a woman leave me for failure to satisfy and it was all me baby. I didn't need to bring in outside help to satisfy my women. Can you say the same? I think not base on some of your posts.
Then I encourage you to either discontinue the name calling or quit addressing me personally, otherwise, as you say, its going to get really ugly really fast. I will not apologize for anything I say to you, understand. I've asked you too many times to leave me the fuck alone, and you're too boneheaded to do that. It's going to get worse once the party debates begin ... a lot worse.
I've told Torp the same thing about bringing his family's comments into this forum, and once again he does it anyway. If he wants his *******'s comments in here, then he should have her get her own membership to b2w, otherwise, passing along ******* insults and comments is only going to result in bad things being said about family members. I would think he would wish to avoid that kind of stuff.
.... you are, as a typical liberal, just trying to control people's lives.
.... remember that "4 fingers" suggestion, go take your own advice. As a liberal, I'm not trying to control anyone's life, just make them "responsible". You and I agree on a "balanced budget" ... let's leave it at that.
Now, once again, leave me alone and ... gif_yellowball-FuckOFF.gif

wow, 37 followers ... yep, you sure have people interested in what you have to say.
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It's all according to one's perspective; you prefer to take fragments of a post and ridicule and insult the poster. You shouldn't expect any response from me other than what you have been getting.

Actually, if you will look back, I usually take the whole paragraph so people will have it in context. You are the one who cherry picks.

Same here ... I've actually avoided responding to any of your posts unless your posts have been specifically directed at me, which they are in this thread constantly. Again, you can give us both relief by stating your views without calling the other posters names ... if you can't do that or won't do that, don't expect anything back any differently.
My suggestion ... quit addressing me and I'll do the same with you. Otherwise STFU!

Again, this comment of yours is in response to a cherry picked statement of mine. What's the matter? Afraid people will see who you really are? You must be, because you do it so often (notice, I took the whole paragraph). Well, out of fairness and honesty, I will save you the trouble. The WHOLE paragraph from me was :

"Not really. I am playing arm-chair psycowatrist and describing the personality traits I see. If I was insulting you or using personal attacks, believe me, both you and everyone else on B2W would know it.And apparebtly, I am not the only one who sees those personality traits in you."

Kind of shed's things in a different light now doesn't it. Sorry to bust your bubble, but sometimes it is just so damned easy, I have to.

As for addressing you directly, I do it when you address me and come out with your usual lies, half-truths, and slanders. I also address you to call you out about the lies you tell to make your political side look better. So, stop those things and I will have no reason to address you directly.

falcondfw69 said:
THAT is not describing personality traits or anything close. You are such a hypocrite. You accuse me of stuff and then you do what you are accusing me of in the very next line. You really need psychological help.

You said:
Hurts when it's done to you, doesn't it?

Not when it comes from you, because what you think of me means nothing to me. However, my mom taught me something growing up. Maybe yours forgot the lesson. What she taught me was "Two wrongs don't make a right". Maybe you should learn it.

No you don't "debate", you "bash" and there's a difference. You Tea Party folks have abstract opinions about government ... and just like TPers, you prefer to ridicule and blame, rather than simply post your beliefs. You come here because I'm one of the few liberals that will face up to your constant raggings and BS. I PROVIDE you that OUTLET for your anger. Thing is, you grow more silent until you have a "pack" to bark with ... you're nothing more than a "heel hound" as we call 'em in the South. You're harmless when you're by yourself; you need a pack.

Actually, you are correct in one way. I don't debate, because I don't have the chance to with anyone with intellectual honesty and integrity. You and your minions just slam, slam, slam the Tea Party. I keep asking what is wrong with lower taxes, smaller government, a strong defense, a rewritten tax code, a balanced budget amendment, term limits for congress, a competent foreign and economic policy, standing by your allies, and calling things what they are (radical islamic jihadists)? Neither you, nor your groupies have responded to that, because you can't, except with insults, because those are all reasonable things that every true American would want. If this country had been founded on socialism, then your ideas would hold merit, but it wasn't. I fought for your right to have your ideas, but that doesn't mean I have to like them or cannot oppose them.

And I think anyone with half a brain can see your last sentence is a complete lie. I post many times on many subjects. Sometimes at the same time as people who agree with me. Sometimes not. And I notice you have NEVER counterdicted my statement about you being called out by a Moderator for lying. Care to try and degrade him?
Damn, falcond, you really do have ISSUES ... I hope you'll seek help!

I'm not even sure what or who you're referring to in that last paragraph, but having discussions with you isn't something I want to continue as it simply distracts and takes up way too much time when I'd prefer doing other things on this website, and the discussions never have an ending. You keep going on and on and on. You're the one who started this frik'n thread and I'm obviously the only "liberal" as you refer to me who will put up with your narrow minded insults and BS. And when I provide links to my posts you try to discredit them regardless where they come from ... so, I'll ASK you again, to please quit addressing me, specifically ... if you have comments, make 'em, but quit addressing me.
You have some real mental issues, I'm very serious, and I'd just prefer distancing myself from your issues.
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