We need to get serious with ISIS

Alanm, so, just out of curiosity, what is the difference between an international terrorist shooting up a mall, killing a couple dozen shoppers, and a bunch of hate filled, American rednecks, using the same type of weaponry and shooting up the very same mall killing the same number of people?
The latest incident that sparked my conversation was not a bunch of rednecks, itwas muslim extremists and to be honest i am much more concerned about them then some rednecks down the street.
The DOD's definition is on that link I provided, but I wasn't about to type out every department's definition of terrorists. I figured some people might actually take the time to read it, rather than just comment to the poster. This is the problem with conservative-liberal conversation ... no one really listens to the other side; just argues with what the other side says. I'm more of moderate, myself, on topics of interests (abortion, death sentence, taxation, etc); I simply call 'em like I see 'em ... "if it waddles, quacks, and looks like a duck, it's a frik'n duck". Far right-left always want to make it more than it is; to put their scent on it ... and deny what the other side says.

Besides, the DOD's definition is NOT the definitive definition, its THEIR definition and its their guideline to run their departmental dealings with terrorists. The other departments of government would probably scoff at the definition. I'm not saying it is or should be the definitive definition.

My whole point is to point out that terrorists are not necessarily motivated for political reasons, and that we should be much more concerned with domestic terrorists than international terrorists, as these domestic terrorists are members of our own society ... look, speak, work, etc just like the rest of us. Look at the numbers to date ... attacks & deaths from domestic terrorists far out weigh those from international terrorists.

By the way ... terrorists need training, too!
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There are some thirty odd definitions of 'what is a terrorist'. The UN states, "Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them.

" The FBI states ' 18 U.S.C. § 2331 defines "international terrorism" and "domestic terrorism" for purposes of Chapter 113B of the Code, entitled "Terrorism”:

"International terrorism" means activities with the following three characteristics:

  • Involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;
  • Appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
  • Occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S., or transcend national boundaries in terms of the means by which they are accomplished, the persons they appear intended to intimidate or coerce, or the locale in which their perpetrators operate or seek asylum.*
"Domestic terrorism" means activities with the following three characteristics:

  • Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;
  • Appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination. or kidnapping; and
  • Occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.

The UK Gov states. ' The Terrorism Act 2000 defines terrorism as:

"The use or threat of action designed to influence the government or an international governmental organisation or to intimidate the public, or a section of the public; made for the purposes of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause; and it involves or causes:

  • serious violence against a person;
  • serious damage to a property;
  • a threat to a person's life;
  • a serious risk to the health and safety of the public; or
  • serious interference with or disruption to an electronic system."

In 1977 Walter Laqueur predicted accurately that "disputes about a detailed, comprehensive definition of terrorism will continue for a long time, they will not result in a consensus and they will make no notable contribution towards the understanding of terrorism." Attempts to incorporate the many manifestations of terrorism within a single definition were doomed from the start. The term 'terrorism' has been applied across the whole spectrum of political violence and over the centuries of history. It has been applied to times of war and of peace; to the actions of states, groups, and individuals; to actions against liberal states and actions against repressive states and dictatorships. To treat terrorism as a general concept separates the action from its context, and consequently from its intention and its justification. Almost a quarter of a century after Laqueur's prophetic words, Omar Malik's paper charts a route out of the definitional log-jam. It provides the important first steps both to understanding terrorism and to formulating a proper response.

- See more at: https://www.chathamhouse.org/publications/books/archive/view/63321#sthash.v6gszOUW.dpuf

So. As it seems the 'experts' cannot agree on a universal definition. How the hell can the lay man?
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Thank you, Daphne ... a lot more detail than I was willing to print, and unless you actually print it ( not link it) many won't even bother to go read a factual link. Facts and beliefs don't matter; its become as simple as choosing which color you want to be, RED or BLUE. Not a lot difference than gang colors, except Republicans & Democrats have chosen their identifiable party colors. The parties are so polarized that no one listens or even cares about the other. Win at all cost, regardless of how senseless the position is. It's quite tiring. Someone crosses a congressman's palms with a million or so in campaign contributions, he becomes numb to reason and common sense.

If we're talking about addressing international terrorism, we first have to avoid encouraging the more peaceful Muslim population in taking sympathy for and joining the Isis ... the peaceful Muslims are the first line of defense ... disclaiming the radicals and informing on them when they know who they are. But, that is easier said than done. We certainly don't need to alienate the peaceful Muslims, however.

Personally, with all the mass shootings & killings we've had this year in the US, we need to address domestic terrorism first. The ONLY reason Republicans are making such a big stink about international terrorists is to obtain voter approval and votes. They have no plans or accomplishments ... distracting the voters away from that is all they have, so they're capitalizing on terrorism and scare tactics to make voters believe the Republican party is the answer to resolving terrorism. No different than what the Texas governor and Republicans did with the Jade Helm BS ... fear mongering. Terrorism is going to be around a long time ... whether its political, religious, or what ever. There's NO quick solution, only a number of applications that can help reduce it.

The Republican party is so fractured right now, they couldn't decide on adding lemon to their tea. I wouldn't vote for them right now if Hitler & the Nazis was the only other party to choose.
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U can shut the fuck up as well. I've chilled with older guys from iraq.these dudes were straight from over there.y'all a ssholes just read about it.I talked face to face with these guys.ask a guy from iraq if he wants to hang with y'all punk ass white boys.bet u won't like his reply

So you have talked only to guys from Iraq, yet have never served????? And you tell others to stfu. Really? You talk the talk but can never walk the walk. . Oh before you set your gums in motion hubby did all three area's of conflict .
U can shut the fuck up as well. I've chilled with older guys from iraq.these dudes were straight from over there.y'all a ssholes just read about it.I talked face to face with these guys.ask a guy from iraq if he wants to hang with y'all punk ass white boys.bet u won't like his reply
Hey buttmunch. You don't know me. Don't know weather I served. Don't know where I served. Yet you have no problems telling me what I don't know. F you and the horse you rode in on. I did not insult you or call you names in my post, but I guess that's just how a "manly man" like you "rolls". When you grow a set and get out of mommy and daddy's basement, then, and only then can you talk to me, *******. You aren't worthy of carrying my used jock.
Hey buttmunch. You don't know me. Don't know weather I served. Don't know where I served. Yet you have no problems telling me what I don't know. F you and the horse you rode in on. I did not insult you or call you names in my post, but I guess that's just how a "manly man" like you "rolls". When you grow a set and get out of mommy and daddy's basement, then, and only then can you talk to me, *******. You aren't worthy of carrying my used jock.
First of all ur like 50 and ur a lonely pervert.don't comment on things u know nothing about u old stale fart
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So you have talked only to guys from Iraq, yet have never served????? And you tell others to stfu. Really? You talk the talk but can never walk the walk. . Oh before you set your gums in motion hubby did all three area's of conflict .
What the hell. Where did u come from dude.do u have a hubby or r u the hubby? U look like a old man.those long saggy titties.u look nasty,get outta here
So you have talked only to guys from Iraq, yet have never served????? And you tell others to stfu. Really? You talk the talk but can never walk the walk. . Oh before you set your gums in motion hubby did all three area's of conflict .
Ill never go to the army.fuck that.I can afford health insurance
First of all ur like 50 and ur a lonely pervert.don't comment on things u know nothing about u old stale fart
As I said earlier (or maybe it is too difficult for you to read, asswipe), you don't know me. You have no idea who I am. You only know what little I tell you or what I post about on these forums, whiich might give you an idea about my politics, but very little else.
And just for shits and giggles, let's assume, for the sake of argument, that you are right about my age (You aren't, but I will humor you), what the hell does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
You must be a liberal. Divert, Denegrate, and Deny. Liberal playbook. Oh, I'm sorry. Words that are too many syllables for you to understand? Let me help. Divert means that when little boy (you) have nothing of substance to say, you move people's attention away from the real subject. Denegrate means when that doesn't work, you insult either the other poster or his or her ideas. Deny means when you either have done something or said something wrong, you either deny doing it or saying it.
I wish I was lonely, actually. My ******* keep me more than busy, active, and occupied. I don't have time to get lonely, unlike you in the basement.
And as for not knowing anything, I had more knowledge in my pinky finger when I was 20 than you will ever accumulate in 20 lifetimes.
U can shut the fuck up as well. I've chilled with older guys from iraq.these dudes were straight from over there.y'all a ssholes just read about it.I talked face to face with these guys.ask a guy from iraq if he wants to hang with y'all punk ass white boys.bet u won't like his reply

The more i hear from you the more i think your just plain fucking crazy..
What the hell. Where did u come from dude.do u have a hubby or r u the hubby? U look like a old man.those long saggy titties.u look nasty,get outta here

You must have been looking in the mirror when you typed that because the fat from your head is now running out your rectum. .

You've never served, yet run your mouth off, exactly like you did from serving your country. Seems your another coward posing as something important. Loud mouth idiots like you make me laugh. @'I talked to some guys coming back' . Really? AHAHAHAHA I talked to the local cashier today coming back from, and she said you were an idiot too.

We know a lot of US servicemen and women (yes, even women serving their country have more balls than you do). A lot are polite, courageous, humble and proud to be who they are and what they have done. They include many fractions from US society and only the ones with a chip on their shoulder and an attitude problem actually run their mouth off at any others who comment or are different. Those and the wannabe 'I talked to some guys coming back from' Walter Mitty types such as yourself.

You have a lot of personal issues you need help for. One is being a normal human being. But then again you knew that already.

As for your intended insult. Please a third grader does better, but then again your IQ and intelligence never reached that level and never will in any lifetime.

Keep replying so we can continue to laugh at you. Go on entertain.
The more i hear from you the more i think your just plain fucking crazy..
Hubby has the idiot profiled. Hell hubby won a bet that the first words out of his mouth would be an insult.
Second would be he would say he didn't care.
Third would be that he would then start to reply to posts despite claiming he didn't care and include gender related insults.

Will wait for number four. And we know he will claim he doesn't care because he will reply to everyone posts claiming he doesn't care LOL
That's so elementary. Have a cup of shut the fuck up. I look dirty dude

Still entertaining by replying. Its so elementary you keep replying to it. Intelligence not your forte' is it. Yes and we all know you look dirty.
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