We need to get serious with ISIS

U,said when r we gonna get serious and take off the gloves. That was a stupid comment so u don't think the USA is serious about terrorism?u say that because ur not fighting. Getting rid if terrorism is damn near impossible. Think before u talk impossible bullshit

No i do not think we arr serious about terrorism because Obama is not serious.

You are correct it is damn near impossible especially with the current US policy.
Thanks for insulting me more. here is a suggestion for the US government....lets close the CIA, NSA and FBI and bring home all the troops, then the terrorists will leave us alone and all will be right with the world.

Basically thats your idea, because as you said "we went over there and fucked with them and now they pickin us off"
More homegrown terrorists than foriegn terrorists.....you mean people that own a lot of guns and love this country?????
Come on Mac.....not arguing there are not some crazy fucking idiots in this country but i am talking about fullblown idealogical terrorists who hate america and everything we stand for.

Alanm, maybe you've been sleeping through the 6 pm news or something for the entire 2015, I don't know. I just assumed you knew the difference between domestic & international terrorists ... You know, the Robert Dear (Colorado Springs), Dylann Roof (Charleston SC massacre), surely you recall Timothy McVeigh??? right?

pic_political-Terrorism-DomensticResults.jpg pic_political-Congress-MassShootings.gif

Its a 2nd amendment right and i am going to exercise it to the fullest.
Oh, ok, I guess that'll make the families of the 460+ here in the US feel better at night knowing these domestic terrorists have gun rights ! As far as these people "loving this country?" ... hummm Now, tell me again, how many people in the US have been killed by international terrorists THIS year? Or, even while Obama has been in office? Something to research.
No i do not think we arr serious about terrorism because Obama is not serious.

You are correct it is damn near impossible especially with the current US policy.
What the fuck r u talkin about. Bin Laden was caught on Obama's watch.Bush is a huge reason 9/11 happened. Bush went over there fuckin with them trying to steal oil
Dylan roof wasnt a terrorist, he was a racist who hated blacks and neither was robert dear.....you want to use any mass shooting and classify it as terrorism. Maybe you dont know the true definition of terrorism, which is killing for political and i would say even idealogical reasons.

Timothy mcveigh i would agree. He hated the government and us foreign policy. I am far more worried about muslim extremists who hate america and its just a matter of time until one of these people figures out how to deliver a chemical or biological and possible nuclear weapon to some city
What the fuck r u talkin about. Bin Laden was caught on Obama's watch.Bush is a huge reason 9/11 happened. Bush went over there fuckin with them trying to steal oil

Omg.....i knew it was coming. Bush's fault for 9/11. Stealing oil....you gotta be shitting me.

You been watching to much cnn. Your right Bin Laden was caught on Obamas watch but Obama had nothing to do with it. They were looking for him for years they just finally found him and Obama happened to be president.
Dylan roof wasnt a terrorist, he was a racist who hated blacks and neither was robert dear.....you want to use any mass shooting and classify it as terrorism. Maybe you dont know the true definition of terrorism, which is killing for political and i would say even idealogical reasons.

Timothy mcveigh i would agree. He hated the government and us foreign policy. I am far more worried about muslim extremists who hate america and its just a matter of time until one of these people figures out how to deliver a chemical or biological and possible nuclear weapon to some city
Omg.....i knew it was coming. Bush's fault for 9/11. Stealing oil....you gotta be shitting me.

You been watching to much cnn. Your right Bin Laden was caught on Obamas watch but Obama had nothing to do with it. They were looking for him for years they just finally found him and Obama happened to be president.
I don't know ******* the bin Laden's and the bush family were doing legal business Mr thinks he knows it all.do ur research. Obama was the commanding general when the world's most wanted man was captured. Did u,see Bush's face when they came in that elementary school and told him what happened? He's a fuckin asshole coward.the fear was all in his face.do ur research
I don't know ******* the bin Laden's and the bush family were doing legal business Mr thinks he knows it all.do ur research. Obama was the commanding general when the world's most wanted man was captured. Did u,see Bush's face when they came in that elementary school and told him what happened? He's a fuckin asshole coward.the fear was all in his face.do ur research
I'm done conversing with u.I don't know what the fuck ur talking about
His face was concerned because america just got attacked , he had no idea at the time whom attached us. I dont deny Bush and Bin Ladens family had some tangled dealings in the oil business, i am not a big supporter of Bush and never was but to say for a fact he was the cause of 9/11 is insane.

So what if Obama was commander in chief when Bin Laden was found. Was Obama on the ground with Seal team six, no he just continued the search when he took over office.
His face was concerned because america just got attacked , he had no idea at the time whom attached us. I dont deny Bush and Bin Ladens family had some tangled dealings in the oil business, i am not a big supporter of Bush and never was but to say for a fact he was the cause of 9/11 is insane.

So what if Obama was commander in chief when Bin Laden was found. Was Obama on the ground with Seal team six, no he just continued the search when he took over office.
Never said Bush by his self was the reason for 9/11.it was all of y'all white people put together the reason for 9/11.they hate white Americans.
I think the Terrorists on 9/11 could have cared less who they killed, black, white, asian. As long as you were an American citizen they wanted you dead.
I am just worried when and where the next big attack will come. I hope it doesnt but i think there are too many islamic extremists already in this country for the government to try and keep track of or keep under surviellence, and thats the ones they know about.
Never said Bush by his self was the reason for 9/11.it was all of y'all white people put together the reason for 9/11.they hate white Americans.

Really, it's that simple, huh?

So when they're chanting "Death to America", why aren't they chanting "Death to White Americans, but we'll leave all the blacks, latinos, asians, and other non white people alone." Do you think their suicide vests are rigged in a way that only white people are killed, or their bullets won't work if they hit a non-white person?
Alanm, so, just out of curiosity, what is the difference between an international terrorist shooting up a mall, killing a couple dozen shoppers, and a bunch of hate filled, American rednecks, using the same type of weaponry and shooting up the very same mall killing the same number of people?
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I have no idea what to do about them. Y'all white folks went over there fuckin with those people now their picking y'all off.they don't go to the hoods and fuck with us black people because we mind our business and do us.those Arabs ain't people u wanna go to war with.How u gonna beef with some people who blow themselves up.don't u get it?we can't stop them because Isis and the other one is too deep and powerful. Their worldwide plus they don't give a fuck about war.y'all white people keep saying this and that but the fact is these people r ready for war.just think:if it was that easy or even possible to stop em it would be done.U can,talk all that bullshit about u fighting, if u could u wouldn't do a fuckin thing but exactly what ur doing now,write about what u would do on the internet.get the fuck outta here with ur fantasy land talk.come to reality

1) Is there anything worth destroying in the hood? Let's see, flying planes into the financial heart of the US and the Pentagon, or blowing up a check cashing agency or a ******* store. Tough choice.

2) Yeah, because the Arabs have been kicking Israel's ass in wars since 1948. I must have forgotten about that with the way the Arabs drove Israel into the sea and wiped them off the map.

3) Right, because World War I and II were easy wars that we went over and ended in a matter of days with very few casualties.
Really, it's that simple, huh?

So when they're chanting "Death to America", why aren't they chanting "Death to White Americans, but we'll leave all the blacks, latinos, asians, and other non white people alone." Do you think their suicide vests are rigged in a way that only white people are killed, or their bullets won't work if they hit a non-white person?
They don't care who gets killed in collateral damage but their aim is white folks from America.I've chilled with older guys from iraq
Dylan roof wasnt a terrorist, he was a racist who hated blacks and neither was robert dear.....you want to use any mass shooting and classify it as terrorism. Maybe you dont know the true definition of terrorism, which is killing for political and i would say even idealogical reasons.

Timothy mcveigh i would agree. He hated the government and us foreign policy. I am far more worried about muslim extremists who hate america and its just a matter of time until one of these people figures out how to deliver a chemical or biological and possible nuclear weapon to some city

.........But, Dylan Roof and Robert Dear were terrorists. The definition of a terrorist is much broader than just someone or organizations which have political motivations. In fact, the various departments in our federal & state governments all have their own definitions of a terrorist ... the FBI's, Department of Defense, of State, etc. What about the KKK, or Irish Republican Army, or the Tamil Tigers? Don't you consider those terrorist groups?
.........Unfortunately, when WE think of terrorism, we think of foreign predators ... the international type. Terrorists, in general, usually target what is defined as "soft targets", or people who are easy to *******/frighten, and not capable of resisting or fighting back. They have very little desire to confront a well equipped, well trained army or fighting unit.

........Here's the definition of a terrorist by the Dept. of Defense ...

The United States Department of Defense defines terrorism as “the calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.”

.......Here's a link to a very good overview of what terrorism really is. Hope you will take a second to glance at it.

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Never said Bush by his self was the reason for 9/11.it was all of y'all white people put together the reason for 9/11.they hate white Americans.

No. They hate non-muslims. And in reality, they hate non-radical muslims. People like Bin Laden and ISIS have no problems killing other muslims if the ideas held by those other muslims do not match their own radical ideas and beliefs. It is the same thing that has been going on for centuries. If you are not a muslim and refuse to convert or you are not radical enough for them, they simply ******* you. They know most Christians will not convert, so, they just ******* us. Black, White, Asian, Latino, or whatever. If you are Christian, they will ******* you given the opportunity. It is in their Koran. It has nothing to do with White and Black. Anyone who thinks it does is sorely misguided.
.........But, Dylan Roof and Robert Dear were terrorists. The definition of a terrorist is much broader than just someone or organizations which have political motivations. In fact, the various departments in our federal & state governments all have their own definitions of a terrorist ... the FBI's, Department of Defense, of State, etc. What about the KKK, or Irish Republican Army, or the Tamil Tigers? Don't you consider those terrorist groups?
.........Unfortunately, when WE think of terrorism, we think of foreign predators ... the international type. Terrorists, in general, usually target what is defined as "soft targets", or people who are easy to *******/frighten, and not capable of resisting or fighting back. They have very little desire to confront a well equipped, well trained army or fighting unit.

........Here's the definition of a terrorist by the Dept. of Defense ...

The United States Department of Defense defines terrorism as “the calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.”

.......Here's a link to a very good overview of what terrorism really is. Hope you will take a second to glance at it.


The DOD has the correct definition. They are trying to induce terror or fear to alter the way society works.
The DOD has the correct definition. They are trying to induce terror or fear to alter the way society works.
.....The DOD's definition may or may not be the correct definition, but I wasn't about to type out every department's definition of terrorists. I figured some people might actually take the time to read the article, rather than just comment at the poster. This is the problem with conservative-liberal conversation ... no one really listens to the other side; just argues with what the other side says. I'm a progressive moderate, myself, on topics of interests (abortion, death sentence, taxation, etc); I simply call 'em like I see 'em ... "if it waddles, quacks, and looks like a duck, it's a frik'n duck". Far right-left always want to make it more than it is; to put their scent on it ... and deny what the other side says.

.....My whole point is to point out that terrorists are not necessarily motivated for political reasons, and that we should be much more concerned with domestic terrorists than international terrorists, as these domestic terrorists are members of our own society ... look, speak, work, etc just like the rest of us. Look at the numbers to date ... attacks & deaths from domestic terrorists far out weigh those from international terrorists.

.....By the way ... terrorists need training, too!
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