Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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lol, LameBrain, you can't possibly be this stupid. It's another Neanderthal RepTard, DuhSantis, that is making the mess in Orlando. We'll circle back and squash that cockroach when we take care the current issues. "Well, we in Port-ur-gurl are bery bery worried about Pusstin and we are more than ready to run and hide faster than anyone!". Now, our ignorant fountain of mis-information, get on back to your slum where your gloryhole job is waiting. Dope.

lol, LameBrain, you can't possibly be this stupid. It's another Neanderthal RepTard, DuhSantis, that is making the mess in Orlando. We'll circle back and squash that cockroach when we take care the current issues. "Well, we in Port-ur-gurl are bery bery worried about Pusstin and we are more than ready to run and hide faster than anyone!". Now, our ignorant fountain of mis-information, get on back to your slum where your gloryhole job is waiting. Dope. :devilish:


It seems you folks in Ohio are taking care of the issues on a daily basis...Ole Morty... Ay, oh, way to go, Ohio;)

By not taking the side of the people who are against pedophiles, means you support pedophiles
lol, interestingly most pedophiles are the first to call other people "pedophiles" as they attempt to hide from anyone looking into they're "special and dark interests". To no one's surprise, our Village Idiot dodo23, is calling every Democrat a *******, but it turns out that RepTards have a real "sweet tooth" for the little and weaker ones. One RepTard after another is being popped in ******* rings, sexually assaulting interns, ******* small boys and/or caught fondlingly themselves while licking women's windows. Well, it brings a new light to "in takes one to know a dodo23". Dope. :devilish:


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lol, interestingly most pedophiles are the first to call other people "pedophiles" as they attempt to hide from anyone looking into they're "special and dark interests". To no one's surprise, our Village Idiot dodo23, is calling every Democrat a *******, but it turns out that RepTards have a real "sweet tooth" for the little and weaker ones. One RepTard after another is being popped in ******* rings, sexually assaulting interns, ******* small boys and/or caught fondlingly themselves while licking women's windows. Well, it brings a new light to "in takes one to know a dodo23". Dope. :devilish:
I mean why stop there Mortimer...Folks can go back and forth about political parties and pedophiles...You´re very own state has had one of the biggest of the bunch...Franklin County...involving both parties...Not only does the United States have a problem with pedophiles but all over the world...Ever heard of Madeleine Beth McCann sic U.K. ...Casa Pia here in Portugal involving elite pieces of *******...
from Hollywood to the White House and everywhere in between...Sex offenders traveling to place like Thailand, Northern Brasil and India just to name a few...How is this possible...How the fuck do they get a passport...Why are these fuckers allowed to travel...Diplomatic status...The Disney ring is just small fries...The bigger Net is not being pursued...for a reason... ;)

former Democrat Ohio Mayor Richard Keenan, has pleaded guilty in court to multiple counts of baby sex crimes, including ******* a baby as young 4 years old

Time to quit toying with this obnoxious Georgia loud mouth.

Lawyers for a group seeking to disqualify Marjorie Taylor Greene from re-election say a recently disclosed text message shows the Republican representative gave false testimony during a hearing over whether she supported last year's insurrection, but Greene's attorney called the allegation "preposterous."​

A motion filed this week by lawyers for advocacy group Free Speech For People asks a Georgia administrative law judge to include a recently released text message that reportedly shows Greene discussing martial law to keep then-President Donald Trump in office. The group argues the text undermines Greene's credibility as she fights a legal challenge that could end her political career.​

The motion centers on a January 17, 2021, text message reportedly sent by Greene to then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. The text is one of thousands that show Trump allies lobbying Meadows to keep the president in office after losing the 2020 election. "In our private chat with only Members, several are saying the only way to save our Republic is for Trump to call for Marshall [sic] law," Greene reportedly wrote in the text. "I don't know on those things. I just wanted you to tell him. They stole this election. We all know. They will destroy our country next. Please tell him to declassify as much as possible so we can go after Biden and anyone else!"
The text contradicts Greene's testimony last week that she did not remember discussing martial law with anyone. The filing further argues the text shows Greene continued fighting against the peaceful transfer of power by advocating extra-legal means 11 days after the insurrection.​
POSTER'S NOTE: Republicans continue to resist testifying under oath to avoid the possibilities of either incriminating themselves or committing perjury. Truth, Honesty, and Integrity as these simply are not in this party's best interests. Lying, Cheating, Stealing, Sabotage, etc is what this party has become since Donald Trump arrived in Washington DC. It's all about party control of Washington DC. Nothing else matters to them.​
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It seems you folks in Ohio are taking care of the issues on a daily basis...Ole Morty... Ay, oh, way to go, Ohio;)

you didn't post anything about the 2 gays in portugal getting a killer blowjob
I mean why stop there Mortimer...Folks can go back and forth about political parties and pedophiles...You´re very own state has had one of the biggest of the bunch...Franklin County...involving both parties...Not only does the United States have a problem with pedophiles but all over the world...Ever heard of Madeleine Beth McCann sic U.K. ...Casa Pia here in Portugal involving elite pieces of *******...
from Hollywood to the White House and everywhere in between...Sex offenders traveling to place like Thailand, Northern Brasil and India just to name a few...How is this possible...How the fuck do they get a passport...Why are these fuckers allowed to travel...Diplomatic status...The Disney ring is just small fries...The bigger Net is not being pursued...for a reason... ;)

former Democrat Ohio Mayor Richard Keenan, has pleaded guilty in court to multiple counts of baby sex crimes, including ******* a baby as young 4 years old

View attachment 5037943
Wake Up ! Donald Trump is not, has not and never will be the issue, he came into the political establishment at a point that this country needed someone to lead and at the same time cut through the corruption in both parties and tell the American people to wake up and change the polluted system that had become marred beyond recognition. The administrative criminals have lied, schemed, criticized him and done everything in their power to destroy that man, this way they can continue to thrive on corruption unhindered as they drop just enough crumbs under the table to control the public. Everything that was copied and pasted by the left on here today is complete GARBAGE. Blkdlaur and the others destroy your lies and propaganda by simply stating one liners of truth.
I mean why stop there Mortimer...Folks can go back and forth about political parties and pedophiles...You´re very own state has had one of the biggest of the bunch...Franklin County...involving both parties...Not only does the United States have a problem with pedophiles but all over the world...Ever heard of Madeleine Beth McCann sic U.K. ...Casa Pia here in Portugal involving elite pieces of *******...
from Hollywood to the White House and everywhere in between...Sex offenders traveling to place like Thailand, Northern Brasil and India just to name a few...How is this possible...How the fuck do they get a passport...Why are these fuckers allowed to travel...Diplomatic status...The Disney ring is just small fries...The bigger Net is not being pursued...for a reason... ;)

former Democrat Ohio Mayor Richard Keenan, has pleaded guilty in court to multiple counts of baby sex crimes, including ******* a baby as young 4 years old

View attachment 5037943
I had learned about a baby sex and mind control ring in DC 20 years ago. As a woman that had been one of those children came forward to unveil the massive ******* group of organized politicians led by Sen. Robert Bird known as the Godfather behind these horrors. I have tried to find the video I first saw, I searched Goggle but it is not to be found.


It seems you folks in Ohio are taking care of the issues on a daily basis...Ole Morty... Ay, oh, way to go, Ohio;)
Let's see ... Ohio has 11.6 million people and your choose shootings and bad gummies, all as RepTards are dropping the requirement to register guns, training requirements and now dropping the need for a concealed carry permits. And as the original LameBrain, you put that info up against a specific group of Republican Officials that are crying "all those pedos", while sexually assaulting and ******* young women and children. Quality information sharing is like Chess, LameBrain, and you haven't won a game of Checkers. Now go lay down somewhere. Dope. :devilish:


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Wake Up ! Donald Trump is not, has not and never will be the issue, he came into the political establishment at a point that this country needed someone to lead and at the same time cut through the corruption in both parties and tell the American people to wake up and change the polluted system that had become marred beyond recognition. The administrative criminals have lied, schemed, criticized him and done everything in their power to destroy that man, this way they can continue to thrive on corruption unhindered as they drop just enough crumbs under the table to control the public. Everything that was copied and pasted by the left on here today is complete GARBAGE. Blkdlaur and the others destroy your lies and propaganda by simply stating one liners of truth.
Of course he isn't! He was, is, and at his own insistence continues to be the RESULT of the issue. An active, volatile, and self centered section of this country willingly latched on to his vile, biased, racist, misogynistic behavior.

I asked more than once @StanleyCush1 why would a professed Christian support him. You are both one whom the question was directed toward and one who declined to answer it.

Fine. I'll answer it.

The man has been a liar, swindler and cheat his entire life, long before entering politics. He cheated on EVERY woman he was in a relationship with. He weaponized racism over decades to bolster his standing with the far right, separate from the avowed racists-from the Central Park Five to Obama citizenship to the Moslem ban to 'shithole' countries to disrespecting Puerto Rican storm refugees to Mexicans and Central and South Americans.

The man made inferences to his own ******* that I find hard to believe so many of you so called children's advocates so easily dismiss. You ignore the multiple sexual misconduct allegations against him before his campaign but because of his election delayed which included his insulting all women through his dismissals based on his view of physical beauty. And note that doesn't include two known improper payments for sex through Michael Cohen.

His run through the Republican primaries of 2016 was built on lying about his taxes and so called audit, and on smearing with lies the front runners one by one until they submitted or the electorate turned on him. And as he went along he pulled in those who hated that Obama, a Black man, actually reached the presidency and inspired sooo many of you to wish to go back to those days where the decisions of America were made only by white men.

You and those of your ilk know what you're doing: our America decided only by us. Your continuing attempt to rationalize it as "TRUTH" is mighty damn feeble. Just because @blkdlaur tries to shout over everybody else won't make it truthful.
I swear.....seems to me the right on here was saying it was all the Dems doing the complaining

GOP governor rips DeSantis' 'punitive approach' toward Disney after parental rights dust-up​

Amid an ongoing feud between Disney and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a fellow Republican governor from Arkansas weighed in on Sunday criticizing what he viewed as a "punitive approach to business."

But I don't believe that government should be punitive against private businesses because we disagree with them. That's not the right approach either," Hutchinson said. "And so, to me, that's the old Republican principle of having a restrained government."
Wake Up ! Donald Trump is not, has not and never will be the issue, he came into the political establishment at a point that this country needed someone to lead and at the same time cut through the corruption in both parties and tell the American people to wake up and change the polluted system that had become marred beyond recognition. The administrative criminals have lied, schemed, criticized him and done everything in their power to destroy that man, this way they can continue to thrive on corruption unhindered as they drop just enough crumbs under the table to control the public. Everything that was copied and pasted by the left on here today is complete GARBAGE. Blkdlaur and the others destroy your lies and propaganda by simply stating one liners of truth.
well dingbat..........you really should talk about things that are over your head....or that require some thought.......you are way out of your league and look foolish.....well even more so i guess
you didn't post anything about the 2 gays in portugal getting a killer blowjob
well fuckhead....since you really like trashing america.....and the parts that suit you.....why don't you open the door all the way........

starting at the top....just love the way you people bring up selective *******.....but then your cry baby ass couldn't handle it here ......so you took off to a safe country....what charges are you running from...... Port known for having gays....

Did Trump Pay $35M to Settle baby ******* ... - Snopes.com​

Since January 2019, claims have circulated online that U.S. President Donald Trump has had to deal with multiple accusations that he raped children aged …

Donald Trump Accused Of ******* 13-Year-Old In Lawsuit ...​

A lawsuit has been filed against Trump for ******* a young girl in 1994. She met Trump at several parties thrown by billionaire Jeffrey Epstein in the 90s. The woman who filed the lawsuit,...

The lawsuit accusing Trump of ******* a 13-year-old girl ...​

Fifteen women have now gone on record to say that Donald Trump sexually assaulted them. Out of all of their stories, one is the most explosive and …

Rep. Jim Jordan, Accused In Sex Abuse Cover-Up, Says, 'I ...

Tom Williams via Getty Images Jordan was accused in 2018 by multiple former wrestlers at Ohio State University of ignoring and covering up sexual misconduct by a team doctor while he was a

Here is a List of Republicans Charged/Convicted of Sex Crimes

Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail. Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found

List Of All US Politicians Charged Or Convicted of Sex ...

Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children. Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a baby.

Republican Sexual Predators, Abusers, and Enablers Pt. 16

424 Republican Judge James Troiano protected alleged ******* because he’s from a “good family” 425 Republican Judge Marcia Silva protected ******* by saying 12-year-old victim didn’t suffer ...

Trump and Republicans and their pals who are Pedophiles ...

In his plea agreement, the former pastor said that he sexually assaulted a 9-year-old girl in 2005; had sexual contact with three girls aged between 7 and 9 …

Pedos in our Politics: Republicans & Democrats Now ...​

Aug 04, 2020 · Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls. Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge

Dennis Hastert Admits He Sexually Abused Former ... - HuffPost

CHICAGO -- Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) was sentenced Wednesday to 15 months in jail for bank fraud charges after admitting he had sexually abused students while working at a high school decades ago.

well fuckhead.....there is plenty more I can easily list them.....they are in several spots
on the internet

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