Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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That would be true if we had actually done anything legislatively yet. We haven't. We've been patching up the bullshit left behind and trying to stop this damn virus from mutating, and fucking 'tards from outlawing vaccines and masks, and forsing people to work or go to school in unsafe but politically righteous situations.

The governor of Texas just passed a statement saying that PRIVATE employers cannot have a mask mandate for their employees!?!?
You're OK with that?
The HYPOCRACIES of the Republicans ...

And Republicans have been saying "keep government out of people's lives" .... just more hypocrisy by the Republicans.
So NOW, small businesses don't have a choice to require their employees to follow mandates or cdc suggestions and NOW when one employee gets sick because their governor, Greg Abbott says employers can't mandate masks or shots to come to work, that the WHOLE BUSINESS will get infected and shut totally DOWN.
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You're too fucking stupid to know anything about half the ******* you write.
We should ignore you, until you show us that you applied for three jobs today.
Some acts of violence? 140 'Back the Blue' and 'Blue Lives Matter' cops were hospitalized.
You're a fucking dope that wasted his own life and wants to come on here and tell us anything.
Maybe if Joe's free community college program was already in effect, I wouldn't have to be concerned about my money paying for dipshits like you, and soon that Mule Fucker from Missouri.
Ed, we all are no better then anyone else ever, that is not meant to be an insult but a fact. Maybe you should ignore this stupid, poor, disabled, man from rural America. We are all humans and you are really wrong in judging anyone's life situation because you aren't them. I haven't wasted my life, I apparently have not gone the route you consider to be successful. Have I every even attempted to judge your life? All I know for sure is that your a Member of B2W and you seem to be educated, everything else is speculation. I have responded to your posts, not always correctly but we all have our own opinions right or wrong.
Yeah well how come nobody shot anyone when they were trying to take over and probably burn the Federal courthouse during the BLM riots ?????!!!
I said it occurred during the peaceful protests - the articles point the finger at BLM protestors - not me. At any rate the protests gave whoever was at fault the cover to riot, loot and try to destroy government buildings.
When your side does it - seems to be ok - just the double standard that identifies Dems.
So now it's our fault that right wing racists and left wing anarchists used protests to hide and cause chaos?
Again, you failed to mention the tear gas and rubber bullets on peaceful protestors.
Here's the problem. The government treats white protestors different than those fighting for equality;
You do this, and the police come and clear you out at night and fire tear gas and rubber bullets at you so the president can do a photo shoot.

But these same cops, are fine with 'protestors' who do this:


Got plenty more. But only one person is shot. No rubber bullets. No beatings.
At least 30 million in damages.
I can assure you, IF I had been at the Capitol on that day, and had a revolver, there would have been at least two perpetrators dead THAT DAY.
I'd give them several warnings, show my weapon, then I'd use it if they persisted ... end of story.
Sure was a good thing for those protestors that little Ralphie Mac wasn't there with Ol' Blue....and wearing safety glasses...
why make it stated policy to just be assholes I don't even get it

Ed, we all are no better then anyone else ever, that is not meant to be an insult but a fact. Maybe you should ignore this stupid, poor, disabled, man from rural America. We are all humans and you are really wrong in judging anyone's life situation because you aren't them. I haven't wasted my life, I apparently have not gone the route you consider to be successful. Have I every even attempted to judge your life? All I know for sure is that your a Member of B2W and you seem to be educated, everything else is speculation. I have responded to your posts, not always correctly but we all have our own opinions right or wrong.
Oh, I don't think I'm better than anyone. It's people like you, that have thought in that manner.
You've had every opportunity to be in a better position in life, and you chose not to. Fine.
But, you come on here, and stand against policies, that if were in place, would have made your life better, you would have contributed more to the economy in profit and taxes, which means the investment in you would have been worth out.
Yet, you bark out like the Fool of the Year against these programs, some you need right now!!!

You stand against Democratic policies like the one where there is a tax write off and sometimes support from the states, for taking care of an elderly parent. But, that's too socialists! You'd rather be a bigger burden on your children then support a government that makes it easier for them to care for an elderly parent, or get their children a couple of years of college- maybe for skills training or preparation for further education.
Both of those things, add in baby care, makes a productive workforce, which means more people making more money and contributing to the tax rolls for much longer.
But you can't have that because it will bring about the end of the republic.
No, because it will give even more people a better opportunity, opportunities you didn't take.
So, you cheerlead your own demise.

You're a fucking idiot. Wait, a selfish fucking idiot.
Oh, I don't think I'm better than anyone. It's people like you, that have thought in that manner.
You've had every opportunity to be in a better position in life, and you chose not to. Fine.
But, you come on here, and stand against policies, that if were in place, would have made your life better, you would have contributed more to the economy in profit and taxes, which means the investment in you would have been worth out.
Yet, you bark out like the Fool of the Year against these programs, some you need right now!!!

You stand against Democratic policies like the one where there is a tax write off and sometimes support from the states, for taking care of an elderly parent. But, that's too socialists! You'd rather be a bigger burden on your children then support a government that makes it easier for them to care for an elderly parent, or get their children a couple of years of college- maybe for skills training or preparation for further education.
Both of those things, add in baby care, makes a productive workforce, which means more people making more money and contributing to the tax rolls for much longer.
But you can't have that because it will bring about the end of the republic.
No, because it will give even more people a better opportunity, opportunities you didn't take.
So, you cheerlead your own demise.

You're a fucking idiot. Wait, a selfish fucking idiot.

I think Stanley just doesnā€™t like socialism and the government in everyfuckinaspect of our lives.
Ed, we all are no better then anyone else ever, that is not meant to be an insult but a fact. Maybe you should ignore this stupid, poor, disabled, man from rural America. We are all humans and you are really wrong in judging anyone's life situation because you aren't them. I haven't wasted my life, I apparently have not gone the route you consider to be successful. Have I every even attempted to judge your life? All I know for sure is that your a Member of B2W and you seem to be educated, everything else is speculation. I have responded to your posts, not always correctly but we all have our own opinions right or wrong.
poor stanley......


wrong...pretty sure most of the nation feels they are better than trumptards....they can see the light...even the republicans....
next....what you want us to feel sorry about your situation.....what the hell does that have to do with politics....I get a disability check from the VA on hearing and a shoulder injury........I fell out of a tree last spring....messed up a lung...fractured some ribs and a hip...and things not healing well because of my age I guess....but you never hear me use that in a political argument....not sure if i ever brought it up here....so whatever health issues you may have....has no bearing on anything here

successful is different things to different people...and again has no bearing on the politics here....if for some reason you are looking for sympathy...try elsewhere.....

finally a correct statement....you responded...not always right or wrong.....aint that why we are here....everyone except blkliar.....
I think Stanley just doesnā€™t like socialism and the government in everyfuckinaspect of our lives.
That's an extreme exaggeration but you know what you're doing.
Only some government support in some aspects of our lives.
Problem with you is you can't admit that you don't want government direct helping people, only businesses.
Same ol' Republitard philosophy that has sank the economy three fucking times since the 80s.
Yet, it's takes that over reaching government to bail us out and set us on the right track.
poor stanley......

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wrong...pretty sure most of the nation feels they are better than trumptards....they can see the light...even the republicans....
next....what you want us to feel sorry about your situation.....what the hell does that have to do with politics....I get a disability check from the VA on hearing and a shoulder injury........I fell out of a tree last spring....messed up a lung...fractured some ribs and a hip...and things not healing well because of my age I guess....but you never hear me use that in a political argument....not sure if i ever brought it up here....so whatever health issues you may have....has no bearing on anything here

successful is different things to different people...and again has no bearing on the politics here....if for some reason you are looking for sympathy...try elsewhere.....

finally a correct statement....you responded...not always right or wrong.....aint that why we are here....everyone except blkliar.....

Watch the video posted just above - might teach ya something about whoā€™s right here - ā€œFuck Joe Bidenā€ is the new revolutionary war cry heard just about everyfuckinwhere including the prestigious Ryder Cup this weekend - you Dems are DONE !!!! :}
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