Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Dems are scared SHITELESS of Trump - prolly why they HATE him so much - just look at Mac and Sub - such festering hate - it’s really sad - especially where DOOFUS Biden is such a JOKE 😆
I don't hate Trump. I just don't see him as having any moral character, and don't see why anyone can trust him.
This is a sex site. R. Kelly has been in jail over two years, just convicted in NY, with federal, IL, and MN trials pending as well as sentencing. He's NEVER going to leave jail, and I have no problem with it. But I'd bet every man here has had some variation of fantasies doing what he did. In younger days we may have joined in the locker room bull of "taking the pussy", but I also believe none here are so stupid as to talk like that in the company of women. Those days have LONG been over. To be so stupid as to talk about 'grabbing them by the pussy' in front of camera? And then deny the 20 women who signed legal documents saying he was abusive, some based solely on public assessments of their looks....TnC, look back at what you said in defense of your wife. I am the ******* of daughters. I don't take pictures with my daughters in my lap, hands nearing their privates. Hell, even his wife made it publicly known she doesn't sleep with him, and wouldn't even hold his hand in public. All of that proves to me he's sleazy.
That's not hate in my book, it's accurate assessment.
you mean one of the rioters was killed by a hero cop as she tried to break through a barricade shielding members of congress from the violent mob trying to stop the electoral college vote

get your facts straight blkdlaur

stop defending this scum
You show yourself to be more of an idiot with each post. Again the cop murdered her, if you think that's a hero you have a warped sense of reality. They were not trying to stop the vote they were protesting. most of them were simple Americans voicing true concerns about the questionable 2020 vote. BLKDLAUR is 100% correct. If Capital Police couldn't stop an unarmed woman by simply grabbing her and slapping on the cuffs he should not have been a cop. Also that was 1rst degree *******.
You mean an unarmed, innocent person was shot by an out of control cop... There, fixed it for you, Dr dumbfuckery!
In the REAL WORLD, those type of unarmed, innocent persons are called insurrectionists ... they're given several warnings to cease & desist, then they are shown a weapon, and if the insurrectionist doesn't stop, then they are shown ******* and are shot. It was appropriately done. What do you think should have been done, the officer yell "trick or treat" at her? A coup is a serious event ... many laws broken ... hell, I'm kind of saddened they didn't have mini-guns to use on the crowd inside the Capitol.
Many of the people on the other side of the door barrier were hollowing "hang Pence" "where's Pelosi" ... there was no time to frisk that insurrectionist that got shot, as the enforcement on the other side was outnumbered about 20 to 1. They did the right thing.
She was where she shouldn't have been and now she's dead. Should have been a hundred or so more shot as well. Everyone who was law enforcement was risking their own lives by not using ******* on a crowd that size.
If Trump calls for another coup, you can bet there will be many, many more that die the next time.
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Dems are scared SHITELESS of Trump - prolly why they HATE him so much - just look at Mac and Sub - such festering hate - it’s really sad - especially where DOOFUS Biden is such a JOKE 😆
As should you, blkdlaur. Trump incites RIOTS, DIVISION, HATRED of the population; divide & conquer. Trump wants to take OVER this country, become a dictator, and the man showed in his last 4-years that he wasn't qualified to run a kool-aid stand, much less the United States government.
How many MORE TIMES does the man need to LIE to you for you to see what he's trying to do? The government now has videos, tapes, witnesses who all show Trump for what he is, a traitor to the country. He needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
In the REAL WORLD, those type of unarmed, innocent persons are called insurrectionists ... they're given several warnings to cease & desist, then they are shown a weapon, and if the insurrectionist doesn't stop, then they shown ******* and are shot. It was appropriately done. What do you think should have been done, the officer yell "trick or treat" at her? A coup is a serious event ... many laws broken ... hell, I'm kind of saddened they didn't have mini-guns to use on the crowd inside the Capitol.
Many of the people on the other side of the door barrier were hollowing "hang Pence" "where's Pelosi" ... there was no time to frisk that insurrectionist that got shot, as the enforcement on the other side was outnumbered about 20 to 1. They did the right thing.
She was where she shouldn't have been and now she's dead. Should have been a hundred or so more shot as well. Everyone who was law enforcement was risking their own lives by not using ******* on a crowd that size.
If Trump calls for another coup, you can bet there will be many, many more that die the next time.

What an asshole and I thought better of you - shoulda known when ya talked about keying cars - real asshole play. You Dems are completely irredeemable apparently now talking of machine gunning Americans because they don’t agree with your politics !!!!
And you call us Nazis. Oh and by the way asshole the FBI said it was NOT an INSURRECTION !!!!!! 👎
I don't hate Trump. I just don't see him as having any moral character, and don't see why anyone can trust him.
This is a sex site. R. Kelly has been in jail over two years, just convicted in NY, with federal, IL, and MN trials pending as well as sentencing. He's NEVER going to leave jail, and I have no problem with it. But I'd bet every man here has had some variation of fantasies doing what he did. In younger days we may have joined in the locker room bull of "taking the pussy", but I also believe none here are so stupid as to talk like that in the company of women. Those days have LONG been over. To be so stupid as to talk about 'grabbing them by the pussy' in front of camera? And then deny the 20 women who signed legal documents saying he was abusive, some based solely on public assessments of their looks....TnC, look back at what you said in defense of your wife. I am the ******* of daughters. I don't take pictures with my daughters in my lap, hands nearing their privates. Hell, even his wife made it publicly known she doesn't sleep with him, and wouldn't even hold his hand in public. All of that proves to me he's sleazy.
That's not hate in my book, it's accurate assessment.
I won't try to defend Trumps morals myself, as far as his relationship with his *******, you never know what happens behind closed doors, I have always hugged and kissed my ******* and both of my granddaughters, never once had a sexual thought. I really don't want Trump to run in 2024, as far as his involvement in the Republican party, I am glad that he is still relevant.
What an asshole and I thought better of you - shoulda known when ya talked about keying cars - real asshole play. You Dems are completely irredeemable apparently now talking of machine gunning Americans because they don’t agree with your politics !!!!
And you call us Nazis. Oh and by the way asshole the FBI said it was NOT an INSURRECTION !!!!!! 👎
It was some what an invasion, it was not a coup, riot , Insurrection or was it treason, it had some acts of violence and damage but mostly it was trespassing. There were elements of a mixed multitude that started all of this that were not Trump supporters. The Demon-crats are fools to compare this to even one of the hundreds of violent riots displayed by their BLM, and ANTIFA groups of thugs.
It was some what an invasion, it was not a coup, riot , Insurrection or was it treason, it had some acts of violence and damage but mostly it was trespassing.
What kind if wishy washy ******* is this? Oh yeah, you'll never say a white person did anything illegal.
There were elements of a mixed multitude that started all of this that were not Trump supporters.
The Demon-crats are fools to compare this to even one of the hundreds of violent riots displayed by their BLM, and ANTIFA groups of thugs.
Hundreds of violent riots? Stanley you are a racist, dumb sumbitch.
TDS on display - USA was in WAY better shape under Trump than your DOOFUS president that can’t do anything right. Polls show America knows it too - you Dems are fairly well done :}
Fucked up the economy.
Released thousands of terrorists
******* on our allies
Sucked up to our enemies
Did not defend or speak out for Democracy or the American Way
Further and violently divided a nation
Gave rise to the second coming of White Supremacy
Demonstrations for Equality that he ignored
Riots that he manipulated and capitalized
Let a pandemic take us down, and left us there
Added 5 Trillion to the Debt
First President in 232 year to not give us a peaceful transfer of power.

Good Ol Days
It was some what an invasion, it was not a coup, riot , Insurrection or was it treason, it had some acts of violence and damage but mostly it was trespassing. There were elements of a mixed multitude that started all of this that were not Trump supporters. The Demon-crats are fools to compare this to even one of the hundreds of violent riots displayed by their BLM, and ANTIFA groups of thugs.
You're too fucking stupid to know anything about half the ******* you write.
We should ignore you, until you show us that you applied for three jobs today.
Some acts of violence? 140 'Back the Blue' and 'Blue Lives Matter' cops were hospitalized.
You're a fucking dope that wasted his own life and wants to come on here and tell us anything.
Maybe if Joe's free community college program was already in effect, I wouldn't have to be concerned about my money paying for dipshits like you, and soon that Mule Fucker from Missouri.
You show yourself to be more of an idiot with each post. Again the cop murdered her, if you think that's a hero you have a warped sense of reality. They were not trying to stop the vote they were protesting. most of them were simple Americans voicing true concerns about the questionable 2020 vote. BLKDLAUR is 100% correct. If Capital Police couldn't stop an unarmed woman by simply grabbing her and slapping on the cuffs he should not have been a cop. Also that was 1rst degree *******.
Take a look at what happened in the lobby and the other office areas when the police tried to engage, they were over ran and some lost fingers, consciousness, and eye, and there were plenty of broken bones.
That little traitor of a woman, who was the same size a Thomas Jefferson, was leading a big armed group. ANYONE who came through that door was getting shot. Too bad there were too many pussies carrying the badge on that day, we should have a had a lot more dead insurrectionists.
Your other hero, MrPutin, would have had them shot the moment the breached the line.
He thinks that link is making an argument.
That fucking idiot sent a link that backed up what we said.
You have to wait until the very end before they sugar coat the atrocities but, it does not contradict anything we said.
He'll never understand it. He's a fucking Goober and a half.
Of course. What Cons don't seem to understand is that you can criticize a historical figure without it being personal. You could easily argue Farrakhan is determined, brave, visionary etc. but that doesn't mean he isn't also a turd who doesn't deserve to be defended. They'll never learn.
Fucked up the economy.
Released thousands of terrorists
******* on our allies
Sucked up to our enemies
Did not defend or speak out for Democracy or the American Way
Further and violently divided a nation
Gave rise to the second coming of White Supremacy
Demonstrations for Equality that he ignored
Riots that he manipulated and capitalized
Let a pandemic take us down, and left us there
Added 5 Trillion to the Debt
First President in 232 year to not give us a peaceful transfer of power.

Good Ol Days
I think Cons like all that stuff. Flies do like *******, remember.
You show yourself to be more of an idiot with each post. Again the cop murdered her, if you think that's a hero you have a warped sense of reality. They were not trying to stop the vote they were protesting. most of them were simple Americans voicing true concerns about the questionable 2020 vote. BLKDLAUR is 100% correct. If Capital Police couldn't stop an unarmed woman by simply grabbing her and slapping on the cuffs he should not have been a cop. Also that was 1rst degree *******.
talk about idiots showing themselves........that is a self .portrait..

Trump 'Encouraging' Violence at DC Rally on January 6: Ex ...

President Donald Trump promised his supporters there would be a "wild" rally in the capital on the day Congress votes to approve the election result.

At least 17 police officers remain out of work with ...


Officer Mike Fanone, a D.C. Metropolitan police officer, penned a letter in May about his ongoing trauma after he was pulled into a crowd, beaten and repeatedly Tased on January 6. Prosecutors have said that as a result of being attacked in the crowd, Fanone lost consciousness and was subsequently hospitalized for his injuries.

2021 United States Capitol attack - Wikipedia


On January 6, 2021, the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. was violently attacked by a mob of supporters of President Donald Trump. The mob sought to overturn his defeat in the 2020 presidential election by disrupting the joint session of Congress assembled to count electoral votes that would formalize President-elect Joe Biden 's victory.

Guess what? The Trump coup against American democracy ...

I would like to share a public secret: Donald Trump and the Republican Party's coup attempt was not defeated on Jan. 6. The war against American democracy continues — and is gaining momentum ...

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Aug 13, 2021 · Donald Trump on January 6th right before thousands of his supporters, fueled by his lies that the election was stolen from him, stormed the Capitol to try to stop the certification of the ...
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