Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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There you go a damn gain, trying to tell someone what they think. I know the difference between being fiscally conservative (some in both parties), socially conservative (both parties) as well as legacy Republicans. Who came up with the term RINO? It wasn't us, and it wasn't us who are to this day attempting to exterminate anyone in the Republican party who simply disagreed publicly with anything your Leader said....and he wasn't a lifetime Republican either, just an opportunist.

The left cooked up the 'scamdemic'? That statement is ludicrous....you think 700,000+ Americans died just for the hell of it? Somebody wanted to accelerate the market for respirators?

Did I say I don't believe Black people (myself) aren't smart enough to get a photo ID? No. I did not. But since my voting precinct is the same one I've used since my first ballot in 1972, where I've paid sales taxes, vehicle taxes, and property taxes since the 1980s, in the same county that issued my birth certificate, I don't agree with changing the rules on the supposition of illegal voting that hasn't happened based on the claims of a candidate who was claiming cheating months before voting started. Meanwhile the efforts to restrict the ease of voting (limited polling places in urban areas, limited ballot drop boxes in urban areas, obstructing mail in voting, even when some states vote mail in ONLY), giving elected officials voting oversight escalate.

I don't claim to be a veteran, I AM one, and I didn't falsify a claim of bone spurs to avoid it. What skin do Trump and you and other so called 'patriots' have in the game?
If you don’t agree with changing the rules then good but when you vote you show an ID thats always been the rule. The fact is that the rules did change and the entire process changed. The last election was totally different and states like AZ had more ballots cast than total voters. The pandemic was 100% cooked up for various reasons and mainly to undermine trump and win the election. The number stated of Americans who died from corona was very much inflated and why wouldn’t you inflate it if you get paid to do so. In local areas the numbers of left leaning people working in government jobs or say working at the polls heavily heavily outweighs republicans. Explain to me how my area thats the most conservative place in the entire country in 2016 election all of a sudden in 2020 almost flipped blue. I mean I know just about everyone around here and yeah people here voted more for trump in 20 than 16 and the numbers showed an anomaly thats in no way ever logical. I tried to track my vote and was never able to access it…. When you vote in America you show an ID thats the way it is and anyone with an issue with that should explain. When you fly you show ID, sos anything you get show an ID. Buy beer show ID.
sad that the cons are dreaming about civil war because they're so worried about losing democratic elections

really says a lot about them
Are you serious, if the O'Biden Administration lasts 3 more years in office first there may not be a country or second even Americans with half a brain will remember and realize that we are being attacked from the day O'Biden took office and stop being sheep.
you call that facts.......they admit they are biased and opinionated..they take facts and give them just a little twist to suit their opinions......look at Fox...they start with some kind of news....but by the time they are done there is nothing there to recognize...these people admit to favoring the right....and use alot of opinions.....so i would not say they qualify as facts.......about as reputable as syscunt

PJ Media - Media Bias/Fact Check

Sep 24, 2021 · Analysis / Bias. In review, PJ Media is a popular conservative news and opinion website that garners 13 million+ page views per month. PJ Media uses moderately loaded emotional language in their articles that favor the right, such as this: Suspended Pentagon Whistleblower Says FBI’s Russia Probe Was ‘All a Set-Up.’ When it comes to the sourcing of information, they usually use credible ...


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate PJ Media to be Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, as well as numerous failed fact checks.

If you click on the link above this is the first paragraph you read.....
What did I tell you! You claim all right leaning sources are incorrect. CNN and MSMBC are completely bias and you eat up their false output like an addict does *******. How about you provide detailed arguments in opposition to each and every point addressed by an article instead of treating both your sources and your opinion as law.
If you don’t agree with changing the rules then good but when you vote you show an ID thats always been the rule. The fact is that the rules did change and the entire process changed. The last election was totally different and states like AZ had more ballots cast than total voters. The pandemic was 100% cooked up for various reasons and mainly to undermine trump and win the election. The number stated of Americans who died from corona was very much inflated and why wouldn’t you inflate it if you get paid to do so. In local areas the numbers of left leaning people working in government jobs or say working at the polls heavily heavily outweighs republicans. Explain to me how my area thats the most conservative place in the entire country in 2016 election all of a sudden in 2020 almost flipped blue. I mean I know just about everyone around here and yeah people here voted more for trump in 20 than 16 and the numbers showed an anomaly thats in no way ever logical. I tried to track my vote and was never able to access it…. When you vote in America you show an ID thats the way it is and anyone with an issue with that should explain. When you fly you show ID, sos anything you get show an ID. Buy beer show ID.

I am for ID to vote yeah etc.

Anything to support the "inflated numbers"?

States flipping is wild but there are actually people on this site that say they are one party but vote the other, just saying.

Reasons pandemic was "cooked up"

asking for a friend I am all ears to get a perspective.

Much respect to all in here.
As I always say, it took four years of Carter to give us eight of Reagan and four of Bush.
Sorta like it took 3 Republican Presidents to put the first $10 trillion of national debt on the books with "trickle down" promises that has basically destroyed the middle working class workers? It basically ****** Obama to spend money on the economy to avoid going into another depression. As Republicans said of the thousands of businesses going bankrupt ... "oh let 'em go bankrupt", not caring that the millions losing their jobs under Bush Jr had families to feed ... "just fuck 'em".
You know, when Reagan implemented Trickle Down it was purposely sold as a upper class & corporate tax cut that would result in lots and lots of good paying jobs that would "trickle down" to lower income workers .... nadda, liar liar pants on fire. And the Republicans made that their base platform for 40 years... cutting taxes for rich & corporate, starving the nation of billions and billions of dollars of operating revenue, then taking slices of low income entitlements & public education. Didn't work Then, Isn't working NOW, and it won't ever work in the FUTURE.
After forty years, syscom, there's plenty of material on this topic and its not biased media either.
Of course you know that ... if you're a small business man you should know its been the Republicans who have been slicing off support to the small businesses these days.

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If you click on the link above this is the first paragraph you read.....
They won't read it, subhub because if they do, its another 'smack in the face' of reality that they're required to face and make excuses for... these folks who are protecting Trump are traitors to the United States and deserve no less than what Trump & his whores of phonies get.
Sorta like it took 3 Republican Presidents to put the first $10 trillion of national debt on the books with "trickle down" promises that has basically destroyed the middle working class workers? It basically ****** Obama to spend money on the economy to avoid going into another depression. As Republicans said of the thousands of businesses going bankrupt ... "oh let 'em go bankrupt", not caring that the millions losing their jobs under Bush Jr had families to feed ... "just fuck 'em".
You know, when Reagan implemented Trickle Down it was purposely sold as a upper class & corporate tax cut that would result in lots and lots of good paying jobs that would "trickle down" to lower income workers .... nadda, liar liar pants on fire. And the Republicans made that their base platform for 40 years... cutting taxes for rich & corporate, starving the nation of billions and billions of dollars of operating revenue, then taking slices of low income entitlements & public education. Didn't work Then, Isn't working NOW, and it won't ever work in the FUTURE.
After forty years, syscom, there's plenty of material on this topic and its not biased media either.
Of course you know that ... if you're a small business man you should know its been the Republicans who have been slicing off support to the small businesses these days.

Having lived through those times I can tell you the inflation and malaise under Carter was intolerable - Reagan came to power and turned those horrendous days under Carter completely around.
They won't read it, subhub because if they do, its another 'smack in the face' of reality that they're required to face and make excuses for... these folks who are protecting Trump are traitors to the United States and deserve no less than what Trump & his whores of phonies get.

Yeah this is the problem - you lefties THINK you know EVERYFUCKINTHING when ya ACTUALLY just know Dem propaganda HORSESHITE !!!!!
Having lived through those times I can tell you the inflation and malaise under Carter was intolerable - Reagan came to power and turned those horrendous days under Carter completely around.
blkdlaur ... inflation has been being kept (******) low for the past 20-30+ years. Why do you don't understand that. Federal Reserve just manipulates the inflation rate with their bag of tricks. Trump used it a lot under Secretary of the Treasury: Steven Mnuchin. Just print more money, right and not give a ******* how it effects the economy in the long run ... right?

Sorta like it took 3 Republican Presidents to put the first $10 trillion of national debt on the books with "trickle down" promises that has basically destroyed the middle working class workers? It basically ****** Obama to spend money on the economy to avoid going into another depression. As Republicans said of the thousands of businesses going bankrupt ... "oh let 'em go bankrupt", not caring that the millions losing their jobs under Bush Jr had families to feed ... "just fuck 'em".
You know, when Reagan implemented Trickle Down it was purposely sold as a upper class & corporate tax cut that would result in lots and lots of good paying jobs that would "trickle down" to lower income workers .... nadda, liar liar pants on fire. And the Republicans made that their base platform for 40 years... cutting taxes for rich & corporate, starving the nation of billions and billions of dollars of operating revenue, then taking slices of low income entitlements & public education. Didn't work Then, Isn't working NOW, and it won't ever work in the FUTURE.
After forty years, syscom, there's plenty of material on this topic and its not biased media either.
Of course you know that ... if you're a small business man you should know its been the Republicans who have been slicing off support to the small businesses these days.
Less tax and cheaper fuel costs was the support I needed. The price of gas is the single biggest kick in the teeth to small business and everyday Americans it costs me twice as much to run machines everyday now, twice as much to get from job to job, every time I order supplies or get containers delivered I get charged more and yet I can’t raise my prices at the same rate and remain competitive and then come tax season dems want to take even more and the minimum wage has gone up and keeps going up so much how are we supposed to afford to pay employees? As a small business owner Bidens choices in a short time have done some very negative things to the middle class. There is no reason the us should be struggling to produce our own oil and no reason pipelines should get shut down and no reason we should be dictated the oil price by forgin places when we have our own. The price of oil immediately affects all of us in everything we do unless you walk to the ocean and swim naked or live off the grid and never purchase anything from the outaide world it affects you. Biden has taken us from energy independence to dependent and made us weak.
The price of gas is the single biggest kick in the teeth to small business and everyday Americans it costs me twice as much to run machines everyday now, twice as much to get from job to job, every time I order supplies or get containers delivered I get charged more and yet I can’t raise my prices ....
Fossil fuels should have gone out in the 1990s and we should be using renewable type fuel sources. Personally I thank the oil industry magas for keeping our country hooked on oil and helping in our resistance to create better, clean and renewable fuel sources. Its not a matter if IF we ever change to a new source of fuel, but when. Eventually, mom nature is going to ******* us and the change, when it happens, probably will be like coming off a major ******* addiction and won't be pretty. The oil industries, however, are deep in the pockets of every congressman in Washington, DC.
Have you ever thought of switching to natural gas sources? I had a friend who's ******* ran a 12-14 fleet of trucks and switched them ... best decision he ever made, so I heard.
As it appears now, we may wait until the big catastrophe before making the switch. Electric vehicles are developing but can't see them effective for at least the next decade or so.

PG&E to Add Up to 160 CNG Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles to Its Fleet​

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Sorta like it took 3 Republican Presidents to put the first $10 trillion of national debt on the books with "trickle down" promises that has basically destroyed the middle working class workers? It basically ****** Obama to spend money on the economy to avoid going into another depression. As Republicans said of the thousands of businesses going bankrupt ... "oh let 'em go bankrupt", not caring that the millions losing their jobs under Bush Jr had families to feed ... "just fuck 'em".
You know, when Reagan implemented Trickle Down it was purposely sold as a upper class & corporate tax cut that would result in lots and lots of good paying jobs that would "trickle down" to lower income workers .... nadda, liar liar pants on fire. And the Republicans made that their base platform for 40 years... cutting taxes for rich & corporate, starving the nation of billions and billions of dollars of operating revenue, then taking slices of low income entitlements & public education. Didn't work Then, Isn't working NOW, and it won't ever work in the FUTURE.
After forty years, syscom, there's plenty of material on this topic and its not biased media either.
Of course you know that ... if you're a small business man you should know its been the Republicans who have been slicing off support to the small businesses these days.

I guarantee that article is bullshit and there is no way 65% of Americans agree to free community college lol. If you read just a few points there its clear thats not a credible study at all and actually quite a bizarre article. Talk about what you want but the average American knows this: I earned this and its mine so don’t take my *******. You want an accurate test then go to a large corporation where employees work a 40 hr week consistently and implement your $15 hr minimum wage to people making around 14-14.50 or whatever and there all happy and then the next week implement Bidens tax and see how angry people get when they ultimately make less and not to mention inflation is rising so much they make even less in terms of buying power. Call it whatever you want trickle down economics along with reduced regulations does work. Look around your house and see all the made in china stuff. They have less regulations and when Trump put regulations on their stuff coming here omg what happened? It was harder to get and more expensive and unreliable so we started making more ******* here. Of course we can’t treat our workers like crap and we want people to earn a decent wage yes but gouging them so they shut down and move to another country is not a bright plan either and trump understood that. Say what you want but its a reality that before the plandemic got blown out of proportion and the media scare and shut downs we were headed in one hell of an upward direction and life was good outside of the left wing media starting race wars for political gain.
If you don’t agree with changing the rules then good but when you vote you show an ID thats always been the rule. The fact is that the rules did change and the entire process changed. The last election was totally different and states like AZ had more ballots cast than total voters. The pandemic was 100% cooked up for various reasons and mainly to undermine trump and win the election. The number stated of Americans who died from corona was very much inflated and why wouldn’t you inflate it if you get paid to do so. In local areas the numbers of left leaning people working in government jobs or say working at the polls heavily heavily outweighs republicans. Explain to me how my area thats the most conservative place in the entire country in 2016 election all of a sudden in 2020 almost flipped blue.
No Proof on that voter tally in Arizona. That's already been proven Bullshit.

You've been brainwashed ....
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Why is THAT, blkdlaur? Please explain.

Because everything and I mean EVERYFUCKINTHING Biden has been doing is counterproductive to our energy industry and it’s driving up energy costs - rising energy costs as stated drive every other cost up because inevitably everything moves by truck. Americans DON’T like to pay for the stupidity of a DOOFUS president. Polls show this clearly :}
Because everything and I mean EVERYFUCKINTHING Biden has been doing is counterproductive to our energy industry and it’s driving up energy costs - rising energy costs as stated drive every other cost up because inevitably everything moves by truck. Americans DON’T like to pay for the stupidity of a DOOFUS president. Polls show this clearly :}
pic_FairyDust-ForSALE3.jpg ...............
Say what you want but its a reality that before the plandemic got blown out of proportion and the media scare and shut downs we were headed in one hell of an upward direction and life was good outside of the left wing media starting race wars for political gain.
Maybe life was good for YOU, maybe, but how about the majority of the country?

This is the state of the Trump economy a year BEFORE the 2020 election .... you be the judge:

I really don't expect you or any right-wingers to read it because it won't support your fantasy of a great economy according to Trump, but its well documented.
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