Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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just for you blkdlaur


He looks almost as good in the Nazi garb as he'll look in prison garb!
But let me ask you this, which is worse, adding MORE socialistic programs or reducing the revenue necessary to pay for the current social programs? There's really no difference if there is no adjustments to the revenue-spending budget, which has been the problem ever since President Reagan sold the Republicans on "trickle down" tax cuts.

I agree to a balanced budget amendment.

You sure do like to blame Regan and the Republicans for every problem - but what have the Democrats done to correct the issue? (hint the correct answer is a big fat NOTHING) So that only leaves 2 options, 1) the Democrats are just as corrupt as the Republicans or 2) Trickle down isn't as bad as you say it is. Which is it ??? I tend to believe it is Number 1. The Democrats are enjoying the same benefits and that is why nothing has really changed since Regan. Sorry, but I just don't buy your BS that the Republicans have such a strong hold on the economy for the past 30+ years that the Dems have been totally powerless to do anything about it. Same ******* - different election.
I agree to a balanced budget amendment.

You sure do like to blame Regan and the Republicans for every problem - but what have the Democrats done to correct the issue? (hint the correct answer is a big fat NOTHING) So that only leaves 2 options, 1) the Democrats are just as corrupt as the Republicans or 2) Trickle down isn't as bad as you say it is. Which is it ??? I tend to believe it is Number 1. The Democrats are enjoying the same benefits and that is why nothing has really changed since Regan. Sorry, but I just don't buy your BS that the Republicans have such a strong hold on the economy for the past 30+ years that the Dems have been totally powerless to do anything about it. Same ******* - different election.
We should have had a balanced budget amendment. We came within a whisker of getting it. It was also part of the Contract With America. Republicans passed it with the needed 2/3 majority in the House. It lost by just one damn vote in the Senate. ALL 34 Senators who voted against it were in the DEMOCRAT PARTY OF NO. (with exception of Doles procedural no vote which he made to allow him to bring it back up at a later date if could have gotten just one more democrap to support it)

We should have had a balanced budget amendment. We came within a whisker of getting it. It was also part of the Contract With America. Republicans passed it with the needed 2/3 majority in the House. It lost by just one damn vote in the Senate. ALL 34 Senators who voted against it were in the DEMOCRAT PARTY OF NO. (with exception of Doles procedural no vote which he made to allow him to bring it back up at a later date if could have gotten just one more democrap to support it)


there you go again...….want the truth about who puts us in the red all the time....but then I think you already know that
the party of conservative spending....and what did they just approve?

and how much did Bush spend.....NOT COUNTING all the money he drained from social security to pay for his war...and how about Reagan....we was the richest country in the world when he took over...by the time he was done...we were broke and had a huge deficit AND he had conned the people into paying more for social security...saying it was going bankrupt..it was he had robbed abunch from that also...then took the new raise to help run the gov because trickle down didn't work....your party has no idea how to run anything....except to fatten your own wallets off the bribes and kick backs you get while in office

and do you know how many times you have made that same silly assed comment and how many times I have posted charts and graphs.....guess just something to do with your reading and comprehension skills wouldn't you think....but then education is something Kansas is really lacking on anyway isn't that right......schools had to sue for funding....but heh...no need to tell you that I'm sure you saw it in your Jr. High class yesterday
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The shabbiest U.S. president ever is an inexpressibly sad specimen!

Half or a quarter of the way through this interesting experiment with an incessantly splenetic presidency, much of the nation has become accustomed to daily mortifications. Or has lost its capacity for embarrassment, which is even worse.
If the country’s condition is calibrated simply by economic data — if, that is, the United States is nothing but an economy — then the state of the union is good. Except that after two years of unified government under the party that formerly claimed to care about fiscal facts and rectitude, the nation faces a $1 trillion deficit during brisk growth and full employment. Unless the president has forever banished business cycles — if he has, his modesty would not have prevented him from mentioning it — the next recession will begin with gargantuan deficits, which will be instructive.
The president has kept his promise not to address the unsustainable trajectory of the entitlement state (about the coming unpleasant reckoning, he said: “Yeah, but I won’t be here”), and his party’s congressional caucuses have elevated subservience to him into a political philosophy. The Republican-controlled Senate — the world’s most overrated deliberative body — will not deliberate about, much less pass, legislation the president does not favor. The evident theory is that it would be lèse-majesté for the Senate to express independent judgments.
And that senatorial dignity is too brittle to survive the disapproval of a president not famous for familiarity with actual policies. Congressional Republicans have their ears to the ground — never mind Winston Churchill’s observation that it is difficult to look up to anyone in that position.
The president’s most consequential exercise of power has been the abandonment of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, opening the way for China to fill the void of U.S. involvement. His protectionism — government telling Americans what they can consume, in what quantities and at what prices — completes his extinguishing of the limited-government pretenses of the GOP, which needs an entirely new vocabulary. Pending that, the party is resorting to crybaby conservatism: We are being victimized by “elites,” markets, Wall Street, foreigners, etc.
After 30 years of U.S. diplomatic futility regarding North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, the artist of the deal spent a few hours in Singapore with Kim Jong Un, then tweeted: “There is no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea.” What price will the president pay — easing sanctions? ending joint military exercises with South Korea? — in attempts to make his tweet seem less dotty?
By his comportment, the president benefits his media detractors with serial vindications of their disparagements. They, however, have sunk to his level of insufferable self-satisfaction by preening about their superiority to someone they consider morally horrifying and intellectually cretinous. For most Americans, President Trump’s expostulations are audible wallpaper, always there but not really noticed. Still, the ubiquity of his outpourings in the media’s outpourings gives American life its current claustrophobic feel. This results from many journalists considering him an excuse for a four-year sabbatical from thinking about anything other than the shiny thing that mesmerizes them by dangling himself in front of them.
Dislike of him should be tempered by this consideration: He is an almost inexpressibly sad specimen. It must be misery to awaken to another day of being Donald Trump. He seems to have as many friends as his pluperfect self-centeredness allows, and as he has earned in an entirely transactional life. His historical ignorance deprives him of the satisfaction of working in a house where much magnificent history has been made. His childlike ignorance — preserved by a lifetime of single-minded self-promotion — concerning governance and economics guarantees that whenever he must interact with experienced and accomplished people, he is as bewildered as a kindergartener at a seminar on string theory.
Which is why this fountain of self-refuting boasts (“I have a very good brain”) lies so much. He does so less to deceive anyone than to reassure himself. And as balm for his base, which remains oblivious to his likely contempt for them as sheep who can be effortlessly gulled by preposterous fictions. The tungsten strength of his supporters’ loyalty is as impressive as his indifference to expanding their numbers.
Either the electorate, bored with a menu of faintly variant servings of boorishness, or the 22nd Amendment will end this, our shabbiest but not our first shabby presidency. As Mark Twain and fellow novelist William Dean Howells stepped outside together one morning, a downpour began and Howells asked, “Do you think it will stop?” Twain replied, “It always has.”
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Trump is a slapstick genius for the comically disastrous way he runs the country!
“The Play That Goes Wrong,” a British slapstick comedy, finished a short run at the Kennedy Center this month, so most Washingtonians didn’t get to see its characters stepping on each other, getting struck by falling objects and stymied by stuck doors, forgetting their lines, missing their cues, and eventually having the whole set fall down around them.

But that’s okay. Here in the capital, we see a similar performance every day. Our version is The Government That Goes Wrong. President Trump is, if nothing else, a slapstick genius for the comically disastrous way in which he runs the country.

Large parts of the government have ceased to function for the longest time in U.S. history. Eight hundred thousand people are furloughed or ****** to work without pay. Trump, who proudly said he would take blame for the shutdown, now says “the buck stops with everybody.” This mayhem has been created in service of Trump’s vision of a walled fortress on the border (an idea Trump’s own chief of staff once called “almost childish”) of the sort seen in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” (“Your mom was a hamster and your ******* smelt of elderberries!”).

In the last several days alone:

Trump, hosting the Clemson football team, ordered Big Macs and Whoppers because White House food preparers are on furlough. His tweet about the fast-food fest misspelled hamburger as “hamberder.”

Trump, after publicly disparaging Jeff Sessions, his old attorney general (“Mr. Magoo”), for failing to protect him from special counsel Robert Mueller, was reportedly “startled” to learn on TV that — uh oh! — his nominee to be the new attorney general, William P. Barr, is a dear friend of Mueller’s.

Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, undermined two years of Trump administration denials by telling CNN “I never said there was no collusion” between Trump’s campaign and Russia.

Trump, in a fit of pique because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested he postpone his State of the Union address, used his awesome presidential powers to . . . ground a government airplane that was supposed to take Pelosi to see U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

On top of this, Trump found himself assuring the public that he’s not a Russian asset (after the New York Times reported the FBI investigated exactly that possibility), and BuzzFeed published a report, later challenged by Mueller’s office, that Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about Russian contacts.

It would appear Trump is following the immortal advice of Curly Howard: “If at first you don’t succeed, keep on sucking till you do suck seed.”

Watching Trump’s serial bumbling brings to mind the famous “Pink Panther” scene in which Inspector Clouseau flies off the parallel bars, tumbles down the stairs, destroys a suit of armor and a piano, strikes a beekeeper, burns himself, knocks himself in the head with a vase and falls on a shotgun, which fires.

Anybody who still believes in American exceptionalism will have to account for this week. How did the nation that liberated Europe and put a man on the moon come to be led by Peter Sellers?

Trump’s ongoing spelling troubles prompted George Conway, husband of Trump’s chief strategist, to ponder “how much of a laughingstock” Trump has become. “Sad,” he tweeted.

But what if we could use Trump’s status as international laughingstock to America’s advantage? What if we could weaponize Trump’s slapstick buffoonery?

In Syria, let us suppress the Islamic State with precision-guided stink bombs. In Afghanistan, likewise, covert operatives can thwart the Taliban by putting Vaseline on their doorknobs, “accidentally” hitting them while carrying ladders and putting their fingers in warm water while they sleep.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, who has earned a second meeting with Trump next month even though he hasn’t denuclearized, will be weakened into making concessions when, at the summit, his bed is filled with itching powder and his side of the stage is strewn with banana peels. Other geopolitical foes will be neutralized by upturned rakes and strategically placed mousetraps.

Here at home, Democrats can likewise defeat Trump in his own style. Rather than postponing the State of the Union address, they should:

Leave fake dog poo on the lectern where the germophobic president will speak and put soy sauce in his Diet Coke. Pelosi will greet Trump with a shock ring and a water-squirting lapel pin. Vice President Pence will discover a whoopee cushion when he sits. Republicans will find themselves stuck to their seats with Krazy Glue. Trump will discover that his teleprompter has the lyrics to “I Feel Pretty.”

Pelosi will hit Pence with a cream pie, and a trap door will open beneath Trump. Retreating, Trump will discover his limousine covered in Post-its and the White House wrapped in toilet paper.

After suffering through a dismal two-year run of The Government That Goes Wrong, this is the showstopper we deserve.
Melania Trump stays out of sight -- but in flight -- during shutdown!

(CNN)It has been more than three weeks since the public last saw first lady Melania Trump, who after returning from a surprise Christmas trip to visit troops in Iraq with President Donald Trump on December 27, has all but disappeared from the radar.
Between midnight on December 22, when the longest government shutdown in American history began, and January 18, the first lady had just four public events: calling children from the White House on Christmas Eve; attending Christmas Eve religious services at Washington's National Cathedral; visiting service members at Al Asad Air Base in Iraq; and a quick troop visit at Ramstein Air Base in Germany on the way back to Washington.

But the partial shutdown hasn't halted the first lady's travel. On Thursday night, just an hour after news broke that her husband nixed the use of military aircraft for a war zone trip led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Melania Trump jetted out of Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, aboard her own government plane, bound for Mar-a-Lago.

<img alt="Secret Service lack of pay during shutdown hurting morale" class="media__image" src="//cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/190117004629-secret-service-agents-government-shutdown-dean-pkg-vpx-00000602-large-169.jpg">
A White House official said the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend trip was long-planned and is being spent with her *******.

That trip marked Melania Trump's fifth solo flight since the shutdown began. Per security protocols set in place by the government and the United States Secret Service, the first lady, along with the President and the vice president, must always fly via military aircraft, leaving the Trump private air fleet, or commercial flights, out of the question. Her Secret Service detail, which is accompanying her on the trip per safety protocol, is part of the 800,000 federal employees working without a paycheck.
Between December 27 and January 4, when Trump returned to Mar-a-Lago from Washington, the first lady spent quality time with her ******* Barron, East Wing spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham told CNN.
The President, left alone back at the White House to focus on the shutdown, did not join in on the Florida sunshine.
Shrunken public schedule
<img alt="" class="media__image" src="//<a href="http://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/181226150143-01-trump-in-iraq-1226-large-169.jpg" style="color: rgb(65, 110, 210); text-decoration: none; max-width: 100%;">cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/181226150143-01-trump-in-iraq-1226-large-169.jpg</a>">
Since the December Iraq trip, Melania Trump's public schedule has not included a single event, in large part due to shutdown restraints on her staff and the Secret Service.
The first lady did host Mar-a-Lago's annual black-tie New Year's Eve bash, without the President and, without his presence, the event at the private club was closed to press, unlike the previous year, when photographs of red carpet arrivals were permitted via the President's press pool.
This time, only a handful of pictures of Trump, smiling in a Stella McCartney black sequin dress, leaked out via guests' personal social media accounts.
Her return to Washington after the holidays saw little in the way of change for the first lady in terms of public schedule -- save for staff meetings.
With the shutdown stretching on, the White House appears like a ghost town -- the typically 80-100 household workers have been whittled down to about 29 who are deemed essential.
The core of the first lady's office has been allowed to continue to work, yet her staff was already tight at 12, less than half of the staff of her two most recent predecessors. The shutdown made that small number even tinier. Grisham and Lindsay Reynolds, the first lady's chief of staff, remain working.
"The first lady is in daily communication with her staff," Grisham said of how Trump has spent the shutdown in her East Wing office. "We've been using the time to plan for upcoming White House and initiative events."
White House social secretary Rickie Niceta, who oversees all events at the White House, remains on the job -- though with a skeleton crew working the kitchen and service positions, there isn't much in the way of events.
White House entertainment
<img alt="" class="media__image" src="//<a href="http://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/190115114222-trump-clemson-fast-food-alert-large-169.jpg" style="color: rgb(65, 110, 210); text-decoration: none; max-width: 100%;">cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/190115114222-trump-clemson-fast-food-alert-large-169.jpg</a>">
Last week, the President took it upon himself to buy hundreds of fast food items -- keeping them wrapped in their original containers, save the French fries, which were placed in cups with the Presidential seal -- and serve them to the college championship football team, the Clemson Tigers.
The juxtaposition of the enormous State Dining Room dining table, adorned with candlelit gold candelabras, covered in Big Macs and Whoppers, made the whole event a mashup of posh White House entertaining and a down-home tailgate party.
The portrait of Abraham Lincoln on the wall above the table, where Trump stood, smiling over the greasy bounty, capsulated the surrealism.
When Trump tried to explain why he opted for burgers and pizza for the team, he said he did so because he assumed the football players wouldn't want healthier fare, prepared by his wife -- a joke, as Melania Trump would likely not have prepped a meal for the football team.
"So, I had a choice, do we have no food for you? Because we have a shutdown. Or do we give you some little quick salads that the first lady will make, along with the second lady? They'll make some salads," he said. "And I said, 'You guys aren't into salads.' "
Yet besides that mention, and another one from the President during remarks in New Orleans, the first lady has virtually ghosted.
Melania Trump stays out of sight -- but in flight -- during shutdown!

(CNN)It has been more than three weeks since the public last saw first lady Melania Trump, who after returning from a surprise Christmas trip to visit troops in Iraq with President Donald Trump on December 27, has all but disappeared from the radar.
Between midnight on December 22, when the longest government shutdown in American history began, and January 18, the first lady had just four public events: calling children from the White House on Christmas Eve; attending Christmas Eve religious services at Washington's National Cathedral; visiting service members at Al Asad Air Base in Iraq; and a quick troop visit at Ramstein Air Base in Germany on the way back to Washington.

But the partial shutdown hasn't halted the first lady's travel. On Thursday night, just an hour after news broke that her husband nixed the use of military aircraft for a war zone trip led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Melania Trump jetted out of Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, aboard her own government plane, bound for Mar-a-Lago.

<img alt="Secret Service lack of pay during shutdown hurting morale" class="media__image" src="//cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/190117004629-secret-service-agents-government-shutdown-dean-pkg-vpx-00000602-large-169.jpg">
A White House official said the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend trip was long-planned and is being spent with her *******.

That trip marked Melania Trump's fifth solo flight since the shutdown began. Per security protocols set in place by the government and the United States Secret Service, the first lady, along with the President and the vice president, must always fly via military aircraft, leaving the Trump private air fleet, or commercial flights, out of the question. Her Secret Service detail, which is accompanying her on the trip per safety protocol, is part of the 800,000 federal employees working without a paycheck.
Between December 27 and January 4, when Trump returned to Mar-a-Lago from Washington, the first lady spent quality time with her ******* Barron, East Wing spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham told CNN.
The President, left alone back at the White House to focus on the shutdown, did not join in on the Florida sunshine.
Shrunken public schedule
<img alt="" class="media__image" src="//<a href="http://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/181226150143-01-trump-in-iraq-1226-large-169.jpg" style="color: rgb(65, 110, 210); text-decoration: none; max-width: 100%;">cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/181226150143-01-trump-in-iraq-1226-large-169.jpg</a>">
Since the December Iraq trip, Melania Trump's public schedule has not included a single event, in large part due to shutdown restraints on her staff and the Secret Service.
The first lady did host Mar-a-Lago's annual black-tie New Year's Eve bash, without the President and, without his presence, the event at the private club was closed to press, unlike the previous year, when photographs of red carpet arrivals were permitted via the President's press pool.
This time, only a handful of pictures of Trump, smiling in a Stella McCartney black sequin dress, leaked out via guests' personal social media accounts.
Her return to Washington after the holidays saw little in the way of change for the first lady in terms of public schedule -- save for staff meetings.
With the shutdown stretching on, the White House appears like a ghost town -- the typically 80-100 household workers have been whittled down to about 29 who are deemed essential.
The core of the first lady's office has been allowed to continue to work, yet her staff was already tight at 12, less than half of the staff of her two most recent predecessors. The shutdown made that small number even tinier. Grisham and Lindsay Reynolds, the first lady's chief of staff, remain working.
"The first lady is in daily communication with her staff," Grisham said of how Trump has spent the shutdown in her East Wing office. "We've been using the time to plan for upcoming White House and initiative events."
White House social secretary Rickie Niceta, who oversees all events at the White House, remains on the job -- though with a skeleton crew working the kitchen and service positions, there isn't much in the way of events.
White House entertainment
<img alt="" class="media__image" src="//<a href="http://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/190115114222-trump-clemson-fast-food-alert-large-169.jpg" style="color: rgb(65, 110, 210); text-decoration: none; max-width: 100%;">cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/190115114222-trump-clemson-fast-food-alert-large-169.jpg</a>">
Last week, the President took it upon himself to buy hundreds of fast food items -- keeping them wrapped in their original containers, save the French fries, which were placed in cups with the Presidential seal -- and serve them to the college championship football team, the Clemson Tigers.
The juxtaposition of the enormous State Dining Room dining table, adorned with candlelit gold candelabras, covered in Big Macs and Whoppers, made the whole event a mashup of posh White House entertaining and a down-home tailgate party.
The portrait of Abraham Lincoln on the wall above the table, where Trump stood, smiling over the greasy bounty, capsulated the surrealism.
When Trump tried to explain why he opted for burgers and pizza for the team, he said he did so because he assumed the football players wouldn't want healthier fare, prepared by his wife -- a joke, as Melania Trump would likely not have prepped a meal for the football team.
"So, I had a choice, do we have no food for you? Because we have a shutdown. Or do we give you some little quick salads that the first lady will make, along with the second lady? They'll make some salads," he said. "And I said, 'You guys aren't into salads.' "
Yet besides that mention, and another one from the President during remarks in New Orleans, the first lady has virtually ghosted.

Been several make "trips" during the shutdown...nothing said by the pres

just had a commercial on tv here....contact your senator or congressman...."tell them we do not like being bullied by the democrats!"
but then this is a red state anyway

and to add fuel to the fire.....looks like our idot in charge is about to take a deal that was offered over a year ago!
I agree to a balanced budget amendment.
You sure do like to blame Regan and the Republicans for every problem - but what have the Democrats done to correct the issue? (hint the correct answer is a big fat NOTHING) So that only leaves 2 options, 1) the Democrats are just as corrupt as the Republicans or 2) Trickle down isn't as bad as you say it is. Which is it ??? I tend to believe it is Number 1. The Democrats are enjoying the same benefits and that is why nothing has really changed since Regan. Sorry, but I just don't buy your BS that the Republicans have such a strong hold on the economy for the past 30+ years that the Dems have been totally powerless to do anything about it. Same ******* - different election.
.....Well, most of us admit it definitely IS NOT "trickle down", TwoBi. If done correctly, "trickle down" could possibly work during certain phases of the economic cycle. Trouble is, the Republicans (when in power) are too afraid of cutting the spending necessary to support their tax cuts ... they surely aren't going to cut spending that specifically impacts the wealthy OR the military, and you can only cut domestic spending so much on the middleclass before they become poor, themselves. The only credible impact to spending left are SS & Medicare. We see the effects of that. Reagan shoved in 11to12 back door taxes on the middle class when he gave his tax cuts to the wealthy & corporations, and the middleclass ended up losing at the rear of that cut. One tax implemented, Reagan promised would shore up SS & Medicare for 30 or more years, yet they spent that money on other things. And the sad thing is, trickle down tax cutting is ALL the Republicans know to do, and they start ramping up their promises of tax cuts right around election time. You notice that Trump never fulfilled his promise to that second round of tax cuts specifically for the middleclass that he promised right before the 2016 elections ... like the health insurance, it was total bullshit ... hell, he is libel to say ANYTHING at ANYTIME to get what he wants.
.....As far as trying to "balance the budget" that fart-brain mentions, that's total BS. Nothing more than political posturing. Republicans have no intention of EVER balancing the budget. (see attachment). Republicans spend more and run up debt more when they have control of Washington. They only bring up balancing budgets when they're not in control; notorious about that here in NC. And to think, they like people to believe THEY are the party of Fiscal Responsibility. Obama offered Boehner & Cantor the biggest deal ever when he was president ... 4: 1 & 3:1 spending cuts to new taxes to help pay down the deficit. It was called the $4 Trillion Grand Bargain ... yet Boehner & Cantor turned it DOWN because the Tea Party president Grover Norquist & his Koch Bros were threatening to replace ANY Republican agreeing to ANY tax increases, which, by the way, included the earlier Bush tax cuts that were scheduled to EXPIRE that year. Oh, and lets NOT forget that Boehner didn't want any "cuts" in spending that included the military because the military were building jet aircraft in his district ... remember THAT? So, Republicans wanted NO new revenue taxes, and no cuts that included the military ... in other words, they wanted the middleclass to pay all the cuts to entitlements.
So, its just become a tradition, as a serving President with a dysfunctional congress, to just request a debt ceiling increase and expect to get it.

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.....Well, most of us admit it definitely IS NOT "trickle down", TwoBi. If done correctly, "trickle down" could possibly work during certain phases of the economic cycle. Trouble is, the Republicans (when in power) are too afraid of cutting the spending necessary to support their tax cuts ... they surely aren't going to cut spending that specifically impacts the wealthy OR the military, and you can only cut domestic spending so much on the middleclass before they become poor, themselves. The only credible impact to spending left are SS & Medicare. We see the effects of that. Reagan shoved in 11to12 back door taxes on the middle class when he gave his tax cuts to the wealthy & corporations, and the middleclass ended up losing at the rear of that cut. One tax implemented, Reagan promised would shore up SS & Medicare for 30 or more years, yet they spent that money on other things. And the sad thing is, trickle down tax cutting is ALL the Republicans know to do, and they start ramping up their promises of tax cuts right around election time. You notice that Trump never fulfilled his promise to that second round of tax cuts specifically for the middleclass that he promised right before the 2016 elections ... like the health insurance, it was total bullshit ... hell, he is libel to say ANYTHING at ANYTIME to get what he wants.
.....As far as trying to "balance the budget" that fart-brain mentions, that's total BS. Nothing more than political posturing. Republicans have no intention of EVER balancing the budget. (see attachment). Republicans spend more and run up debt more when they have control of Washington. They only bring up balancing budgets when they're not in control; notorious about that here in NC. And to think, they like people to believe THEY are the party of Fiscal Responsibility. Obama offered Boehner & Cantor the biggest deal ever when he was president ... 4: 1 & 3:1 spending cuts to new taxes to help pay down the deficit. It was called the $4 Trillion Grand Bargain ... yet Boehner & Cantor turned it DOWN because the Tea Party president Grover Norquist & his Koch Bros were threatening to replace ANY Republican agreeing to ANY tax increases, which, by the way, included the earlier Bush tax cuts that were scheduled to EXPIRE that year.
So, its just become a tradition, as a serving President with a dysfunctional congress, to just request a debt ceiling increase and expect to get it.


are you trying to hurt HH's feelings?...he consistently says the right is always for the balanced budget...well they might be...right after they add another trillion to the deficit!
are you trying to hurt HH's feelings?...he consistently says the right is always for the balanced budget...well they might be...right after they add another trillion to the deficit!
They want balanced budgets that doesn't include new revenue or and cuts to spending that impacts their military, etc. Remember Eric Cantor offering the BIGGEST spending cuts since WW2 ... nothing but cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Soc. Security. They even called the expiring Bush tax cuts that THEY agreed to as a TAX INCREASE if Obama let them expire. Republicans and Trump negotiate alike ... my way or the highway.
So. he can eat the beans from my gif_CRAP.gif!
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They want balanced budgets that doesn't include new revenue or and cuts to spending that impacts their military, etc. Remember Eric Cantor offering the BIGGEST spending cuts since WW2 ... nothing but cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Soc. Security. They even called the expiring Bush tax cuts that THEY agreed to as a TAX INCREASE if Obama let them expire. Republicans and Trump negotiate alike ... my way or the highway.
So. he can eat the beans from my View attachment 2373650!

oh yes ...wasn't that great?...he didn't get re-elected..career over in politics.....was hoping the same would happen to Ryan...but he is in a strong republican area...although he had to play a few mind games to get re-elected and it wasn't easy...maybe has something to do with him stepping out
trump still playing games on his wall...thought he was going to cut a deal on the dreamers...an offer that he refused a while back...but turns out it is just a temp suspension on them...think he is trying to show the people he is negotiating. But it isn't working.....then his comment about Nancy being held hostage by the radical left...and they are ruining our country....bullshit!...sucking up to Nancy and she isn't buying it...
they need to get him started on a few investigations...just to show him he isn't forgotten and they can do several things at once!

I don't know why Pelosi just doesn't tell him that the US has a policy of not negotiating with terrorists!
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