Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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How to make friends and influence people, by Donald Trump. Turkey occupies one of the hottest geopolitical locations in the world. They are a proud people with a fantastic military record and one of the biggest and most well-equipped armies in the world. Put in woos Turkey and would love ties between their two countries to be closer. Trump's response?
trump just having a little trouble right now......he shuts down the government to keep people focused on that and not the fact that he hired 17 lawyers to try and restrict what mueller gets to release to the public....and seems to be working....until now..this new report out with the FBI investigating him and being a Russian plant....we find out now trump made the interpreter destroy his notes on any conversations he had with p u t I n....just gets better and better....and still the right supports him
So NOW its been determined that Trump HAS met with the Russians on several occasions and taken his interpreter's notes after the meetings.
First he said (way, way back) that he hadn't even BEEN to Russia.
Now he says he's never worked for Russia in any way ... (this coming from a man who's recorded LIES total over FOUR THOUSAND since taking office.)
So, lets just suppose, for a second, that all this is fake news media as Trump is saying NOW ... this coming from a man who started the rumors about Barrack Obama's fake citizenship a YEAR before he ran for President ... and continued the rumor for OVER SIX YEARS.
Tell me WHY I'm laughing my ass off inside that Trump is simply getting a dose of his own KARMA ... and THAT is assuming it is ALL LIES!
What I want to know NOW is WHERE are all those Trump supporters who, just a month ago were denying anything and everything the media or Democrats were saying about him?

espionage: (noun) Wikipedia
Espionage or spying, is the act of obtaining secret or confidential information without the permission of the holder of the information. Spies help agencies uncover secret information. Any individual or spy ring, in the service of a government, company or independent operation, can commit espionage. The practice is clandestine, as it is by definition unwelcome and in many cases illegal and punishable by law. Espionage is a method of "intelligence" gathering ......


So NOW its been determined that Trump HAS met with the Russians on several occasions and taken his interpreter's notes after the meetings.
First he said (way, way back) that he hadn't even BEEN to Russia.
Now he says he's never worked for Russia in any way ... (this coming from a man who's recorded LIES total over FOUR THOUSAND since taking office.)
So, lets just suppose, for a second, that all this is fake news media as Trump is saying NOW ... this coming from a man who started the rumors about Barrack Obama's fake citizenship a YEAR before he ran for President ... and continued the rumor for OVER SIX YEARS.
Tell me WHY I'm laughing my ass off inside that Trump is simply getting a dose of his own KARMA ... and THAT is assuming it is ALL LIES!
What I want to know NOW is WHERE are all those Trump supporters who, just a month ago were denying anything and everything the media or Democrats were saying about him?

espionage: (noun) Wikipedia
Espionage or spying, is the act of obtaining secret or confidential information without the permission of the holder of the information. Spies help agencies uncover secret information. Any individual or spy ring, in the service of a government, company or independent operation, can commit espionage. The practice is clandestine, as it is by definition unwelcome and in many cases illegal and punishable by law. Espionage is a method of "intelligence" gathering ......


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said it before...he is a Russian plant

funny all these trump supporters on here must have went back to sticking their head in …...the sand!
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