Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I suspect the government is bowing to pressure from the power industry.

Of course they are - and neither side pushes back. Industry is what runs this country, not the left, not the right. I suspect it will be some time yet before people see that.
Of course they are - and neither side pushes back. Industry is what runs this country, not the left, not the right. I suspect it will be some time yet before people see that.
Well change must come. The view from over here presents a country that turns a blind eye to its poor and dispossessed, whilst protecting the rights and privileges enjoyed by the rich. A country which is complacent in the face of a law banning the collection of rainwater by a private individual, but which seethes with righteous indignation if anybody questions the free availability of firearms or has the temerity to suggest that healthcare could be available for all and free at the point of delivery. We don't get it over here. But I guess what think is immaterial.
Well change must come. The view from over here presents a country that turns a blind eye to its poor and dispossessed, whilst protecting the rights and privileges enjoyed by the rich. A country which is complacent in the face of a law banning the collection of rainwater by a private individual, but which seethes with righteous indignation if anybody questions the free availability of firearms or has the temerity to suggest that healthcare could be available for all and free at the point of delivery. We don't get it over here. But I guess what think is immaterial.

That's pretty much it. The right does it blatantly, the left does it a behind our backs - so... We really aren't' given a choice. I don't understand why the American people put up with it either - and I live here. Most seem complacent as long as they have WiFi.

You'll like this too, Another topic we have discussed.
2020 Democratic presidential candidate calls for universal basic income
That's pretty much it. The right does it blatantly, the left does it a behind our backs - so... We really aren't' given a choice. I don't understand why the American people put up with it either - and I live here. Most seem complacent as long as they have WiFi.

You'll like this too, Another topic we have discussed.
2020 Democratic presidential candidate calls for universal basic income
Ha! I can see that would cause some panic over there, and over here as well tbh. He's certainly thinking outside the box and at least you're not rewarding those who just want to 'sit on their arses' whilst others work, because that would give most the opportunity to cover their health care and basic needs I guess? Would they still be motivated to work though? Most still would I feel.
I just don't understand why in the hell there hasn't been a treason charge yet!

Well after an extended working trip to 14 different countries, I'll be happy to be back home at the end of this month!
Subhub174014, one thing I can confirm to you with 110% accuracy, in all 14 counties I've been to over the past 12 weeks , people are asking the same question! It's shameful the damage this man has done to the good reputation of The U.S.
Well after an extended working trip to 14 different countries, I'll be happy to be back home at the end of this month!
Subhub174014, one thing I can confirm to you with 110% accuracy, in all 14 counties I've been to over the past 12 weeks , people are asking the same question! It's shameful the damage this man has done to the good reputation of The U.S.

you can see that when he talks to world leaders
Well after an extended working trip to 14 different countries, I'll be happy to be back home at the end of this month!
Subhub174014, one thing I can confirm to you with 110% accuracy, in all 14 counties I've been to over the past 12 weeks , people are asking the same question! It's shameful the damage this man has done to the good reputation of The U.S.
I know I've been quite scathing of him at times, but generally speaking the British are probably the most well-disposed to him of any country. The French and Germans have almost completely turned their backs on the US because of trump. More than one European leader is on record as saying that they can't trust America as an ally now, largely due to his protectionist policies, but also it is down to how he's performed at meetings. Face to face it is obvious he isn't a statesman.
true...you see it on here...they complain about all the restrictions stopping them from making more money......perfectly legitament excuse.....they should be allowed free enterprise...….the country's health be damned
we are a country of greed and it will be our downfall some day

just like education...you think the right cares about that?...NO...they send their ******* to private schools!

you think they care about health care?...hell no...they can afford the best Dr's

you would think they would care about food..water...air....but that good old greed kicks in again

Hope the year's going fabulous for you SH. The idea's & demand over change in American politics is all right, however every trend which is set there gets blatantly copied here. Such is the success of US in hollywood, real estate, stock broking, legal investment that sets high benchmark for other developing countries to follow SH.

India has countless parties. Ruling party forms the Government of India. The United States has only two major parties SH, Democrats and Republicans. Besides the “Libertarian Party” which is rarely heard of. While we are a parliamentary democracy, the United States is a presidential democracy. It is very possible in India to find politicians with fake degrees, do you understand what i mean by that? Degree within itself is hoax. Is that the same case where you are? Obama as an example, judge from high level court & understands a global legal system.

India has each ministry headed by a Minister, while in the USA, each department is headed by a Secretary. In US politics, the contribution of civilians is a lot higher as compared to India. I also notice SH, that people here are intimidated by political power whereas in States, one may loathe a president public-ally or over social media. Even we have politicians working for their own selfish motives, while USA has most of politicians working for prosperity in their country. Corruption levels are more in India, truth be told.

And I have analyzed a few speeches by politicians of both countries. I have observed that in India, you will find politicians preparing their speeches by writing it out first, while in the USA, politicians mostly give unscripted speeches and put less pauses. In short, they appear more confident and composed while speaking. Well, our PM Narendra Modi is a notable exception, his speeches are also on-the-spot. He, too, is confident and self-composed. Compare that to Rahul Gandhi or Arvind Kejriwal (opposition leaders). They turn politics into a joke, literally. And they may even fumble in their speeches, a lot. Politics in the United States is more mature. Politicians regularly have debates in which they follow a code of public conduct.

Sadly, politics in India has been reduced to a joke. Debates? Forget them, politicians need to have knowledge about the condition of present affairs. And many times, the scene in our Parliament House is also a joke, where everyone wants to constantly interrupt the other.

Poverty is very rampant where i live SH because as developing economy, you need semi/unskilled labors who can physically manifest big towers, metro junctions, man made marvels & flyovers. Some are aware that poverty might never end but what makes us outstanding is the spiritual wealth, fact that people go on about their daily lives with a prayer, some music, good food & companionship.. that warmth which is missing in west.

no doubt i dislike Trump with the way he's conducting policy related with governance, the way he evicts people from his own staff is mind boggling.. but he hasn't created a world war 3 situation. If he was crazy, he could have done it already. Otherwise its all trade war, Americans have a golden opportunity to boot the guy in 2020, so half the tenure is already gone.
Hope the year's going fabulous for you SH. The idea's & demand over change in American politics is all right, however every trend which is set there gets blatantly copied here. Such is the success of US in hollywood, real estate, stock broking, legal investment that sets high benchmark for other developing countries to follow SH.

India has countless parties. Ruling party forms the Government of India. The United States has only two major parties SH, Democrats and Republicans. Besides the “Libertarian Party” which is rarely heard of. While we are a parliamentary democracy, the United States is a presidential democracy. It is very possible in India to find politicians with fake degrees, do you understand what i mean by that? Degree within itself is hoax. Is that the same case where you are? Obama as an example, judge from high level court & understands a global legal system.

India has each ministry headed by a Minister, while in the USA, each department is headed by a Secretary. In US politics, the contribution of civilians is a lot higher as compared to India. I also notice SH, that people here are intimidated by political power whereas in States, one may loathe a president public-ally or over social media. Even we have politicians working for their own selfish motives, while USA has most of politicians working for prosperity in their country. Corruption levels are more in India, truth be told.

And I have analyzed a few speeches by politicians of both countries. I have observed that in India, you will find politicians preparing their speeches by writing it out first, while in the USA, politicians mostly give unscripted speeches and put less pauses. In short, they appear more confident and composed while speaking. Well, our PM Narendra Modi is a notable exception, his speeches are also on-the-spot. He, too, is confident and self-composed. Compare that to Rahul Gandhi or Arvind Kejriwal (opposition leaders). They turn politics into a joke, literally. And they may even fumble in their speeches, a lot. Politics in the United States is more mature. Politicians regularly have debates in which they follow a code of public conduct.

Sadly, politics in India has been reduced to a joke. Debates? Forget them, politicians need to have knowledge about the condition of present affairs. And many times, the scene in our Parliament House is also a joke, where everyone wants to constantly interrupt the other.

Poverty is very rampant where i live SH because as developing economy, you need semi/unskilled labors who can physically manifest big towers, metro junctions, man made marvels & flyovers. Some are aware that poverty might never end but what makes us outstanding is the spiritual wealth, fact that people go on about their daily lives with a prayer, some music, good food & companionship.. that warmth which is missing in west.

no doubt i dislike Trump with the way he's conducting policy related with governance, the way he evicts people from his own staff is mind boggling.. but he hasn't created a world war 3 situation. If he was crazy, he could have done it already. Otherwise its all trade war, Americans have a golden opportunity to boot the guy in 2020, so half the tenure is already gone.

Confuses me as to how people from other countries have a better grasp of what's going on in this country than most of the people here!

we need some different policies...and mostly politicians...but sadly just doesn't happen...and with the right literally having a strangle hold on most of the country....right now we are at their mercy....and the greed and self interest that goes with it
Hi There it me again. Been thinking about this for a while to day ever since i heard how they had to shut down part of a major US airport due to lack of TSA Screeners due to the goverment shut down.

I think there should be mandatory military service of the top 5% Tax percent of the population. These ******* would have five choices Infantry, Artillary, Tank core as inlisted personal, there are two other options, jail or work on the wall as laborers not management positions for a period of 5 years after they are trained.

Second the wall should be set back from the border by at least a quarter mile to allow for an access road to be built to make repairs to the Mexican side. The wall should be 50 feet high with a slope of 60 degrees on the Mexican side. There should be a road alone the top of the wall three lanes wide. This would allow us border security to rapidly respond to any needs. There should be a maximum slope on the US side of the wall of 30 degrees with an access road on the US side for repairs to the US side. There should be two tunnels running the length of the wall under the wall with seismic listening post every 1/4 mile to listen for sounds of tunneling. There should be a manner guard post built on the US side of the wall that has a clear view of the wall and there should be motion detectors install to monitor the Mexican side of the wall. These posts should be every 1/2 mile. There will need to be a small garrison of border personal every 10 miles or so say 50 to 100 personal as well as a maintainence repair crew of say twenty every 20 miles. I believe this will keep those Mexican Workers out of the USA.

Now to be fair to the local states that this affects they will be the sole source of building materials including cement, fill and paving materials. The construction, maintenance, repair crews, and border personal would come any where in the USA preference going to those that fail to serve in the Amry occupations listed above. This would put flesh in the game of the rich which are under represented in these sections of the military.




the wall should be set back from the border by at least a quarter mile to allow for an access road to be built to make repairs to the Mexican side.
Have you ever wondered why such a large portion of the US-Mexican border (75-80%) has NO fence? You ask a Republican this and they say "its because large portions of the border are protected by canyons and other rough terrain so there's no need for the fence". WRONG! Its because of the hundreds of lawsuits that already exist between land owners & the federal government. The government offers what it calls a "fair market price" for their land, then when the owners won't accept the offer, the government forcefully condemn/take the land. And we're not talking about enough land to just put up a wall ... it is often up to a mile of land from the Mexican border.


If the US was to finish building a fence across its Mexican border, it would take over 10 years AND cost between $50-100 billion.

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Have you ever wondered why such a large portion of the US-Mexican border (75-80%) has NO fence? You ask a Republican this and they say "its because large portions of the border are protected by canyons and other rough terrain so there's no need for the fence". WRONG! Its because of the hundreds of lawsuits that already exist between land owners & the federal government. The government offers what it calls a "fair market price" for their land, then when the owners won't accept the offer, the government forcefully condemn/take the land. And we're not talking about enough land to just put up a wall ... it is often up to a mile of land from the Mexican border.

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If the US was to finish building a fence across its Mexican border, it would take over 10 years AND cost between $50-100 billion.


I understand it also goes to land disputes...we have people who claim land as theirs that is actually on Mexican territory...the wall would end that also
Don’t you worry about it. Build the wall. Nice and big. Just like I told you earlier. Trump knows best. The fact it will bankrupt the country be dammed.
Don’t you worry about it. Build the wall. Nice and big. Just like I told you earlier. Trump knows best. The fact it will bankrupt the country be dammed.

what the hell after those big tax breaks he gave the wealthy earlier.....with no way of compensating for the loss of income (unless he just keeps taking from social programs)...and add another 5 billion for the wall...….we will need those china banks!
Look at all the money he is saving with a goverment shut down. I hear they have to shut part of the Miami air port early because they don’t have enough TSA security screeners. I’ve it time and only the military and air froce one will fly over the USA. Don’t worry about those tourist dollars they won’t be needed as the tourist industry will be working to build the wall at Mexican pay rates. Oh the pure brilliance of his plan. It also means no will care about all those investigations.
Look at all the money he is saving with a goverment shut down. I hear they have to shut part of the Miami air port early because they don’t have enough TSA security screeners. I’ve it time and only the military and air froce one will fly over the USA. Don’t worry about those tourist dollars they won’t be needed as the tourist industry will be working to build the wall at Mexican pay rates. Oh the pure brilliance of his plan. It also means no will care about all those investigations.

they are not saving *******!
losing their ass on this little deal...and hurting a lot of people in the process....I think it's time for gov security...that right now is working with no pay....should take a hike also

I think that is what all this is about....the investigations...if the dems are busy...less investigations......plus I understand he has a bunch of lawyers working with Mueller to try and stop what is released to the public...that sucks!
already have to really wonder what we will get to see and hear anyway...If the Senate under McConnell decides the "need to know" *******....
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