Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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lets see if I get this right...……..the white supremist are holding a rally to proclaim they don't like minorities....they have shot and killed more people in the last 2 years than any terrorist group has......the FBI thinks they should be on a terrorist watch list....but trump not only says no to that....warns the minorities and wants to put the minorities on the terrorist watch list....but he is not racist?
Plus if you watch what Cortes said it was not the first time the media got something wrong just like the Charlottesville riot in Virginia @subhub174014 ?

My Evidence
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/go-trump.160047/page-83#post-2513673 )
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/go-trump.160047/post-2514012 )
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/go-trump.160047/post-2514079 )
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stiff...every time you make some rash statement that I have to look up.....it just convinces me that much more how bad this guy truly is.….and how many that read some of what I post now have doubts in their minds.....you are doing more to defeat trump than you realize

true...there are a few on here that will support trump no matter what...after all he stated he could shoot someone and nothing happen....you few will support him.....but the ones that drop by and read some of this?

I've got to the point...you post something crazy...someone posts a vid or a meme....I really enjoy looking up all the ******* this guy has done and posting it...facts are a lot more striking than a meme or a vid
You post a lot @subhub174014 but I try to observe and read your posts as time allows for it. But if Ivanka takes over from her Dad in 2025 as POTUS ( as wacky as that might sound ) I would be more inclined to think something fishy is going on, provided I am still am on this site at that time. And you can quote me.
FBI, DHS report warned of threat posed by white supremacists
Aug 15, 2017 · Victims in white supremacist extremist attacks from 2000-2016 DHS/FBI ... The presidential candidates who say Trump is a white supremacist ... their cancers are said to want

Trump plan to re-raise flags on August 8 will send message ...
10 days ago · A former FBI official has claimed that Donald Trump’s decision to re-raise flags on 8 August is a mistake, because the date is significant to white supremacist groups and neo-Nazis.

Ex-FBI Official Warns: Trump Re-Raising US Flags On 8/8 ...
10 days ago · A former FBI official is warning that President Donald Trump’s decision to re-raise American flags on August 8 is a mistake because the date is significant to white supremacist groups and neo-Nazis. President Trump on Sunday singed a directive ordering U.S. flags to be flown at half-mast because of the mass shootings in El Paso, […]

FBI director: White nationalist violence is a “pervasive ...
Apr 04, 2019 · President Trump has largely shrugged off concerns about white nationalism in the United States — telling reporters on March 15 after a white nationalist murdered 50 people in Christchurch, New ...

Former FBI Agent Says Agency Is "Hamstrung" by Trump in ...
12 days ago · Former FBI Agent Says Agency Is "Hamstrung" by Trump in Investigating White Supremacist Movements. ... When he spoke to WIRED in 2012, after a white supremacist murdered six people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin, there was reportedly a single analyst in the entire DHS who was dedicated to non-Islamic terrorism.

Former FBI Agent Says Agency Is “Hamstrung” by Trump in ...
Aug 05, 2019 · Former FBI Agent Says Agency Is “Hamstrung” by Trump in Investigating White Supremacist Movements When white nationalist rhetoric is a …

and now from our resident terrorist in the white house....doing what any good white supremist would do

Trump Wants to Declare Antifa a Terrorist Organization ...
Jul 27, 2019 · President Donald Trump declared Saturday that he may soon try to classify Antifa ⁠— a loosely defined movement composed of left-wing, autonomous, militant anti-fascist groups

Trump Wants To Declare Antifa A Terrorist Organization To ...
Aug 17, 2019 · Trump Wants To Declare Antifa A Terrorist Organization To Protect His Racist Mass Shooting Supporters. 652. SHARES. Facebook Twitter Subscribe Whatsapp Pinterest Stumbleupon Print

Trump Wants to Declare Antifa a Terrorist Organization, Even Though Right-Wing Extremists Have Been More Violent
https://www.newsweek.com/trump-want...hough-right-wing-extremists-have-been-1451444 · Jul 28, 2019
I have read the Bible @subhub174014 and I disagree with you about Trump being the antichrist. Even our mutual friend who prefers to remain unnamed agrees with me about that fact @subhub174014 here:

If you prefer to drill down on Trump's ******* I will devour that as I cannot refute that and should I discover something contrary I will refute it.

Moreover one of the recent quotes you cited about Trump being a racist I did refute weeks ago already @subhub174014 regarding Trump's Black accountants where he would prefer Jewish ones. And if Trump was so racist they would never have even been interviewed to get the job that they currently have working for Donald Trump. So you should review your evidence @subhub174014 and bring any new evidence as I have done over time as well. ;)

My Evidence

oh now ….your facts are mutual friends who wish to remain unknown...….can't find any more pics of anyone?
You post a lot @subhub174014 but I try to observe and read your posts as time allows for it. But if Ivanka takes over from her Dad in 2025 as POTUS ( as wacky as that might sound ) I would be more inclined to think something fishy is going on, provided I am still am on this site at that time. And you can quote me.

she will be lucky to show her face around anything political...her dad even though that is his wish...is killing all that for her with all the ******* he has pulled....Ny for one and NJ I'm sure will try real hard to put him in jail....I'm sure he will stay out....but a lot of nasty ******* will come out during the trial!
The evidence from the websites and videos are based on fact @subhub174014 . If anyone desired to challenge those facts can simply contact those individuals and ask them if they have those views like Steve Cortes or Robert L. Johnson of BET where they support President Trump or not. Just as in the same fashion professors of a university would check the footnotes of a doctoral thesis of a Phd candidate. Have you done so? Did you contact these individuals and ask them their opinion of Trump? If you have verified proof of that I will gladly retract that as evidence but I don't think you ever did @subhub174014 for fear of them more vociferously supporting Trump where he is not a racist.

Our ongoing debates about Trump which literally spanned over years essentially started off where we debated Trump's longevity and I always stated he would not only last throughout his first term, which is something you are finally beginning to accept, but also serve a second term.

Afterwards I was defending the fact that Trump is not a racist which is something that you strongly disbelieve. And I don't think I could ever prove to you that Donald Trump is not a racist even after finding a video from 2000 where he was interviewed on the "Today Show" where he shunned any association with David Duke as seen here ( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/go-trump.160047/post-2513976 ), in addition to the testimony of a Black woman that dated Donald Trump before he married any of his wives as seen here ( https://newsone.com/3732475/trump-not-racist-black-girlfriend-kara-young/ ), plus the testimony of loads of other people seen here ( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/go-trump.160047/page-6 ). Frankly I am not sure what kind of evidence you need @subhub174014 to even develop an ounce of doubt about Donald Trump being a racist? If I could resurrect the late Chuck Berry and have him tell you that Trump was not racist I would as I recall you greatly respect him, otherwise I am at a loss as what could convince you? So here I don't really post so much to convince you but instead it is for others who stumble on these threads who might be more objective about the fact that Donald Trump is not a racist.

After the charges of racism you are literally throwing everything against Trump except the kitchen sink where he is a Nazi, a white supremacist, a *******, a pawn of Russia, and countless other things. It is becoming a full time job to counter every one of those charges and my sole focus is to say he will serve another term and that Donald Trump is not a racist. Those various charges are an attack on his legacy
after he is POTUS. Here anything can happen? He could be to your disgust regarded as a legendary president where all your allegations overtime are disproved with evidence I currently lack, or Donald Trump's legacy will be just as a disgrace as Jeffery Epstein and a scammer like Bernard Madoff? Time will have to tell with that.

I concede that you provided disturbing evidence of Trump being a ******* @subhub174014. I hope you did you exercised your right as an American to blow the whistle against Trump on this issue but one has to wonder that Trump has many enemies in the media and the FBI and many others hate his guts to the degree where they are itching to jump on his ass and impeach him and then arrest him. If this evidence is so widely known that Donald Trump is a ******* why is there no ongoing breaking news about Trump's sexual weaknesses just as they did with Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky on CNN? If professional media companies like CNN and the FBI lack professional data miners like you to find that evidence by all means, share it with them, impeach Trump, and arrest his ass. If this is chess you have checkmate so why not make the checkmating move @subhub174014 where at the very least you say you emailled all these institutions at the very least?

My Evidence

everything off the net....and I provide several different sources so you can't say this one or that one is fake...I give you several to chose from....all stating the same thing
she will be lucky to show her face around anything political...her dad even though that is his wish...is killing all that for her with all the ******* he has pulled....Ny for one and NJ I'm sure will try real hard to put him in jail....I'm sure he will stay out....but a lot of nasty ******* will come out during the trial!
If she becomes POTUS she can exonerate her daddy with great ease. Seeing we are conspiratorial politics aside for a sec @subhub174014 I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR the sitdown speech that all newly sworn in presidents get. I do recall hearing Obama and Clinton would swear to tell everything they learned about UFOs and after that speech they clammed up about that? JFK? And who knows what else? I'd so love to hear what is said at that point. :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
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I deal in facts with links...…..you have nothing but trump type statements

with a couple others on here just like you...so I guess you fit in with the rest of them

whaaaa booo hooo sob snif whaaaa
Well.. lol who exactly are the "rest of them"? Minorities who fall out of line? Hmmm... your racial bias is showing lol btw, I didn't vote for Trump. You really shouldn't make assumptions before you know the FACTS about the person you are talking to. As for your parting insult? Wow dude lol I mean really? Lol.
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I deal in facts with links...…..you have nothing but trump type statements

with a couple others on here just like you...so I guess you fit in with the rest of them

whaaaa booo hooo sob snif whaaaa
Your self-righteous trash is amusing to say the least. Please do go on :) by the way, disagreeing with my life experience as a minority means you have white privilege and you need to check yourself. :)
Well.. lol who exactly are the "rest of them"? Minorities who fall out of line? Hmmm... your racial bias is showing lol btw, I didn't vote for Trump. You really shouldn't make assumptions before you know the FACTS about the person you are talking to. As for your parting insult? Wow dude lol I mean really? Lol.

sure sound like a trumpie to me...with the wild statements and just crazy talk
oh yes way to many gov restrictions...got to do away with them for the good of big biz

Steel plant dumps cyanide into Little Calumet River ...
2 days ago · Steel plant dumps cyanide into Little Calumet River, killing fish and shutting down part of Indiana Dunes. ... 2019 for a chemical spill in the water. File photo.

Section Of Indiana Dunes Closed Following Cyanide Spill ...
Aug 16, 2019 · The National Park Service has shut down a section of the Indiana Dunes following a chemical spill that is already having an effect on wildlife. ... leaving hundreds of fish dead as a …

Mayor: Indiana officials waited days to warn of lake ...
1 day ago · An Indiana mayor accused state environmental officials Friday of waiting several days before notifying his city about a steel mill's spill of cyanide and another chemical that led to a fish ******* ...

Indiana Dunes National Park areas closed due to chemical spill
1 day ago · Portions of Indiana Dunes National Park have been closed due to an observed fish ******* caused by the spill of an undetermined substance. Officials saw dead fish following a spill
If she becomes POTUS she can exonerate her daddy with great ease. Seeing we are conspiratorial politics aside for a sec @subhub174014 I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR the sitdown speech that all newly sworn in presidents get. I do recall hearing Obama and Clinton would sweat to tell everything they learned about UFOs and after that speech they clam up about that? JFK? And who knows what else? I'd so love to hear what is said at that point. :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

wrong....she may pardon him....but never be able to exonerate him.....but the odds of her ever making it in politics is pretty slim after dad screwed things up for her and cuckner in the name of greed...…..besides she is also mentioned in several lawsuits of her own.....and then there is this little jewel that is strictly on her....corruption just runs in the family!
she will be lucky to stay out of jail herself once he leaves office

Ivanka Trump Could Be Going Down For Tax Crimes In ...
Ivanka Trump may have violated tax laws and is at the center of $40 million missing dollars from Trump's inaugural committee. ... The Trumps raised money for the inauguration and then funneled ...

Staggering $40 Million Of Trump’s Inaugural Funds Missing ...
President Donald J. Trump’s Inauguration Ceremony, Jan 20, 2017. In case you missed it, a stunning segment on OutFrontCNN with Erin Burnett said that a staggering $40 million dollars of Trump’s inaugural funds have just disappeared. Citing a Pro Publica report, host Erin Burnett said, “We know that they[Trump’s Inaugural Committee] raised $107 million from donors….Of the $107 million ...

Trump's Inauguration Money Is Still Missing One Year After ...
Trump's Inauguration Money Is Still Missing One Year After His Administration Took Control of the White House. By Linley Sanders On 1/18/18 at 8:15 AM EST ...

Inauguration Committee Money Illegally Went To Donald And ...
New evidence shows that Trump was skimming money off of his inaugural committee by having his ******* Ivanka overcharge for hotel rooms. ... Inauguration Committee Money Illegally Went …

Ivanka, Eric, & Melania In Shock; Family Money ...
Jan 19, 2018 · Donald Trump has a long history of lying about money. In fact, bolstering his image as a successful businessman takes up much of his time. He claimed to be worth $10 billion. He’s not worth $10 billion. He promised to finance his own campaign (via …

The Many Scandals of Ivanka Trump - cheatsheet.com
Nov 28, 2018 · The Many Scandals of Ivanka Trump. The Trump family is no stranger to scandal. Donald Trump has found himself at the center of many expensive scandals. Melania Trump has had her share of PR problems, too. And unsurprisingly, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump’s favorite baby, has had her own brush with controversy. Below,...

Ivanka Trump Could Be Going Down For Tax Crimes In ...
Ivanka Trump may have violated tax laws and is at the center of $40 million missing dollars from Trump's inaugural committee.

Ivanka Trump Diamonds Embroiled in Alleged Money ...
Ivanka Trump Diamonds Embroiled in Alleged Money-Laundering Scheme: Report. By On 12/22/17 at 12:44 PM. U.S. Ivanka Trump money laundering Fraud trump family. Diamonds from first ******* Ivanka Trump’s now-defunct fine jewelry line were allegedly used in a massive money-laundering and fraud scheme, according to a federal court filing, GQ reported.
corruption breeds corruption......it's in the whole family....need to cut off the head of the snake

Trump and Kushner Put Saudi Arabia's Money Ahead of ...
Oct 17, 2018 · Trump and Kushner Put Saudi's Money First. Jamal Khashoggi’s death has exposed the White House and two of its most powerful figures as naive, ill-informed and craven. ... Trump visited Saudi ...

Trump, Khashoggi, and Saudi money: America deserves to ...
Oct 12, 2018 · America deserves to know how much money Trump is getting from the Saudi government. His corruption is a national security issue. ... a.k.a. MBS, and the Saudis? Is his *******-in-law, Jared Kushner?

Are Saudi Arabia Blackmailing Trump Over Donald Jr and ...
Oct 18, 2018 · Ivanka and Jared in Saudi Arabia after Trump fires James Comey. Betsy deVos, sister of Erik Prince, was also there. Weeks after this visit, with Jared Kushner’s approval, according to reports, the United States changed decades of foreign policy and allowed Saudi

Trump, Saudis, money … and a *******. We need a new ...
Trump, Saudis, money … and a *******. We need a new Congress to find out what really happened | Will Bunch. ... his closest aide and *******-in-law Jared Kushner, Trump's ever-growing and ever-sleazier coterie of hangers-on, hundreds of millions of oil-soaked dollars, an illegal offer of help in Trump's 2016 election, alleged misuse of U.S. intel …

Trump and Saudi Arabia: Deep business ties spark new ...
Oct 15, 2018 · President Donald Trump's ties to Saudi Arabia run long and deep, and he's often boasted about his business ties with the kingdom. ... "The Saudis are funneling money

Republican-controlled Senate votes to block Trump’s arms ...
Jun 20, 2019 · Donald Trump holds a chart highlighting arms sales to Saudi Arabia during a meeting with the crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, at the White House, on …

Trump bypasses Congress to push through arms sales to ...
May 24, 2019 · The Trump administration on Friday cited a national security "emergency" allegedly caused by Iran to bypass Congress and rush through arms sales worth billions of dollars to Saudi

Trump Vetoes Measure Blocking Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia ...
Jul 25, 2019 · President Donald Trump vetoed three bipartisan measures passed by Congress intended to block arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the White House said in …
Well, it is good to see this thread still going strong. Albeit based on a false premise, and a misquoted passage at its beginning, by the original poster. A lot of imagination, emotion and fantasy in here.

So let me interject some reality, educated speculation, and fact.

Drip, drip, drip.... All the way until the 2020 election.
Thank God you're back! Now we can all benefit from your reality, education and facts. Your erudition is famous and quite breathtaking.
I'm going to alert the media.
trump does not care he is giving nuke power to one of the sleaziest countries in the world...it's all about money...and you say he is not the anti-Christ?
world destruction for profit.....aiding the most corrupt countries in the world while belittling the ones that supported us

News about Trump Giving Nuke Secrets To Saudis

Trump friend lobbied for transfer of US nuclear technology to Saudis, House Democrats say
Thomas Barrack, a longtime friend to President Donald Trump, quietly lobbied senior administration officials on a lucrative bid to build nuclear power plants in Saudi Arabia while seeking to skirt ...
Walla Walla Union Bulletin · 10d

See more news about Trump Giving Nuke Secrets To Saudis

Trump officials sought to help Saudi Arabia build nuclear ...

Feb 20, 2019 · "Saudi Arabia does not want to acquire any nuclear bomb, but without a doubt, if Iran developed a nuclear bomb, we will follow suit as soon as possible," the Saudi crown prince said in 2018. Trump ...

Trump Is Giving Saudi Arabia an Easy Path to Nukes ...
Trump Is Giving Saudi Arabia an Easy Path to Nukes. By. ... It also comes at a time when President Donald Trump has scrapped the nuclear deal between Iran and the permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany. Saudi Arabia has plans to build 16 nuclear power reactors within 25 years, according to the World Nuclear Association. ...
he was given authority to do whatever he wanted for forty-two months. And he spoke terrible words of blasphemy against God, slandering his name and his dwelling—that is, those who dwell in heaven. And the beast was allowed to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And he was given authority to rule over every tribe and people and language and nation. And all the people who belong to this world worshiped the beast.
This is pretty heavy stuff, STIFF, but remember this is biblical prophecy ... sometimes not really clear as to what is meant. The part about 42 months hints, however, to a presidential electoral term of 48 months.
One can get themselves all warped out of shape trying to make meaning of the prophecies of the bible. Think of it in terms of the cuckold time calendar ... its not something that just "suddenly" happens. Its gradual and often not all that noticeable at first. Think I'll just make one of my awesome "dirty martinis" and sit out on the patio and wait. "Just see what happens" ... nothing we can do about it anyways.

Mac's Dirty Grey Goose Martini
pic_Martini2.jpg4oz Grey Goose vodka, 1 oz white vermouth, shake well with ice, strain into well chilled martini glass, pour 1 cap full olive juice in center, add olive
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This is pretty heavy stuff, STIFF, but remember this is biblical prophecy ... sometimes not really clear as to what is meant. The part about 42 months hints, however, to a presidential electoral term of 48 months.
One can get themselves all warped out of shape trying to make meaning of the prophecies of the bible. Think of it in terms of the cuckold time calendar ... its not something that just "suddenly" happens. Its gradual and often not all that noticeable at first. Think I'll just make one of my awesome "dirty martinis" and sit out on the patio and just wait. "Just see what happens" ... nothing we can do about it anyways.

he has to have it say trumps name...or it is no good....I gave several articles comparing trump to the antichrist...….comparing......none specifically saying trump was and that is what he wants it to say

same goes with the Voltaire article......compares trump to …..bad news???????

everything centuries ago....and yet for stiff if it doesn't specifically mention trump it is not good

same with the hitler comparisons...and there are a lot of similarities there...but because hitler didn't name trump as a ******* or something...they are no good

trump represents everything evil and corrupt that has gone on in the world....all wrapped up in one sleazy orange ball

and so far with the help of the right is continuing to pursue his money grubbing at the worlds expense....HE is already setting up the Saudis with nuke capability...…..what is he going to end up giving NK all because they are friends....he is buds with p u t I n ...already gave him at least 2 countries and maybe 3 more before long...…..the only one he is willing to stand up to...China...and willing to ******* on..Europe......because he owes them money....
and the right is fine with that because they got tax breaks...he is firing and just plain making a sham of the FBI and our intelligence agencies that we rely on for our security....all with the help of the right just so they can protect a man giving them those nice tax breaks.....willing to throw minorities under the bus to turn the country white again......all with the help of the right (mostly older white men)...and doing all of that even with the help of some minorities
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