Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Like I've said before, one good thing about Trump - He has exposed just how corrupt our government as a whole, really is. Whats worse is there is nothing we can do about it. You think Trump is bad, wait another 10 years.
By saying what @TwoBiFour said a different way you should be thanking Trump @MacNfries because if a man as you claim as stupid as Trump is becomes POTUS does that not suggest some form of corruption?
Just watched the AG Barr answering questions before the oversite committee ... no doubt he's working FOR the President. Setting precedence for future presidents ...
Hmmm...your attempts at proper English might be setting a new "precedent" for liberal posters on here to step down to. Your post certainly has temporal precedence over every post that comes after it.


get to select your own judge & jury.
Presume you're referring to Trump selecting Barr as AG since you've repeatedly pointed that out of late. Perhaps you could point out just one example of an Attorney General of the US who was not selected by the President?

Here in reality land, the only "judge and jury" who can preside over the president is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court as judge and the members of the US Senate as jury....provided the House votes to impeach him.
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Hmmm...your attempts at proper English might be setting a new "precedent" for liberal posters on here to step down to. Your post certainly has temporal precedence over every post that comes after it.


Presume you're referring to Trump selecting Barr as AG since you've repeatedly pointed that out of late. Perhaps you could point out just one example of an Attorney General of the US who was not selected by the President?

Here in reality land, the only "judge and jury" who can preside over the president is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court as judge and the members of the US Senate as jury....provided the House votes to impeach him.

nothing ever changes.....still being an ass!

you know damn well why trump chose him....it was because of his letter on the pres being exempt…..
when it comes to corruption...….trump showed us Washington is full of rookies!
So seeing that Trump revealed how incapable those who dwell in Washington are in positions of power, does that not suggest a certain degree of gratitude to a man like Trump despite how stupid as both you @subhub174014 and @MacNfries claim Trump is so at the very least if those incapable people can be voted out they can be voted out in 2020?
So seeing that Trump revealed how incapable those who dwell in Washington are in positions of power, does that not suggest a certain degree of gratitude to a man like Trump despite how stupid as both you @subhub174014 and @MacNfries claim Trump is so at the very least if those incapable people can be voted out they can be voted out in 2020?


he booted a bunch of people because they won't break the law for him.....he wants immigration stopped at any cost!
it's the only campaign promise he wants to keep
another thing odd there...he just recently got rid of a bunch of illegals that have been working for him for years....doesn't want them in the country..but quick to hire them himself.....just like him asking the gov for a special permit to hire more at his resorts...saying he just can't get people to work for what he wants to pay....ever think about raising the pay?....
and getting a little more off topic...how about him telling everyone to buy American...and yet everything he sells comes from china....

he now claims that Obama was the first to separate familys….he did some ..but because there were at that time a lot of children trying to come in with anyone..(not family members)...and now he is trying to claim it is he who is trying to stop it...….yes that's true...because a court order told him to!

he has canned about every major head of security or intelligence or police ******* or immigration....can you imagine what that does to morale?

look at those here that now think the FBI and etc is corrupt...and why?...because trump said so.....they are picking on him...you repeat ******* often enough people believe it....especially those lacking in smarts to begin with...I think we now have 16 acting chiefs...and now he wants to put his own man in the IRS to stop people from seeing his taxes...if he is so honest and above board...what does he have to hide?

and look at how many he fired over the Russian investigation ….and that wasn't obstruction?

pick any politician you want....they run for office...he picks nothing but people friendly with Russia...and they even have meetings with them to try and help their campaign...even the candidates own ******* was happy to meet with them...and that candidate is also working on biz dealings with Russia...a country we are right now not getting along with...…..and you think nothing odd there?

no this guy has canned a lot of good people trying to keep things secret from the country.....and probably weakened our national security in the process

and yet there is nothing wrong with any of that...….why...because trump said so!
just shows how many fools we have in this country....or how many willing to accept corruption hoping to profit in some way themselves
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he (Trump) booted a bunch of people because they won't break the law for him

That would make Trump sound a lot like Justin Trudeau these days as he booted those cabinet ministers because they were greatly embarassing him and they refused to break the law which is what Justin Trudeau did.

That would make Trump sound a lot like Justin Trudeau these days as he booted those cabinet ministers because they were greatly embarassing him and they refused to break the law which is what Justin Trudeau did.

not that familiar with his situation......but as for ours...….this guy now literally controls every section of government he is so corrupt he fires anyone who won't break the law for him.....fires anyone who speaks out against him..or tries to jail them for one reason or another...eliminating freedom of speech....someone that corrupt and with that much control will not lose an election...by hook or by crook...he is literally above the law...and just like a good dicktator...he wants the investigation...investigated and people should be tried for treason!
it wouldn't surprise me if Comey doesn't end up in jail or...…...
not that familiar with his situation......but as for ours...….this guy now literally controls every section of government he is so corrupt he fires anyone who won't break the law for him.....fires anyone who speaks out against him..or tries to jail them for one reason or another...eliminating freedom of speech....someone that corrupt and with that much control will not lose an election...by hook or by crook...he is literally above the law...and just like a good dicktator...he wants the investigation...investigated and people should be tried for treason!
it wouldn't surprise me if Comey doesn't end up in jail or...…...
Well let us agree by saying let consequences overtake those who break the law whether it be Justin Trudeau, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton or anyone else.
Well let us agree by saying let consequences overtake those who break the law whether it be Justin Trudeau, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton or anyone else.

well sorry can't agree on that one....right now trump seems to be able to twist the consequences to how he sees them or wants them...he literally is judge jury and wants to be executioner

as for your man...didn't he remove two women because of some kind of scandal or something?
Trump = nationalist = fascist
Which is why he's not replacing people that he's firing now ... total control. He says he'll run Homeland Security by himself. And he's worried about bad people coming up from Mexico ... give me a break!
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Wake Up! Wake Up America! Please!

Why? Glad you asked. Because if you go through my predictions about what was going to transpire, in this thread, and the related political threads, you would need to be willfully and intellectually dishonest to not see my predictions are becoming reality on a daily basis.

Some of you aren't going to be really happy when more comes out.
Wake Up! Wake Up America! Please!

Why? Glad you asked. Because if you go through my predictions about what was going to transpire, in this thread, and the related political threads, you would need to be willfully and intellectually dishonest to not see my predictions are becoming reality on a daily basis.

Some of you aren't going to be really happy when more comes out.
.wrong...nobody asked
Some of you aren't going to be really happy when more comes out.
And what kind of a prediction is THAT, oh wise man? Its pretty obvious when you have 2 sides to a discussion or debate, one side will be happy and the other upset.
If you intend to continue rubbing our face in the most recent results, you might keep in mind that "he who laughs last, laughs the loudest". If you think I'm an arrogant prick now, wait until Trump suddenly resigns before the 2020 election. I'm thinking the Supreme Court (that Trump recently installed) isn't going to be as cooperative as he thought they would. You may learn a lot about your President before this year is out.
Trump = nationalist = fascist
Which is why he's not replacing people that he's firing now ... total control. He says he'll run Homeland Security by himself. And he's worried about bad people coming up from Mexico ... give me a break!


That is why every white supremacist org and peron you ever see is a rabid Trump/GOP supporter.

That is why every white nationalist org and peron you ever see is a rabid Trump/GOP supporter.

That is why every Christian Identity org and peron you ever see is a rabid Trump/GOP supporter.

That is why every KKK org and member you see is a rabid Trump/GOP supporter.

That is why every Nazi org and member you see is a rabid Trump/GOP supporter.

That is why Project Evropa are rabid Trump/GOP supporters.

That is why the Proud Boys are rabid Trump/GOP supporters.

If the left are the racists, why is EVERY RACIST IN THE US a rabid Trump/GOP supporter?

What they've said here is such a blatant denial of reality it's not even funny. It is akin to listening to a cult member deny reality.
well sorry can't agree on that one....right now trump seems to be able to twist the consequences to how he sees them or wants them...he literally is judge jury and wants to be executioner

as for your man...didn't he remove two women because of some kind of scandal or something?
Well if Trump is found guilty like any other man he should get punished. In the Bible Saul was a king and he became arrogant and jealous of David and then David assumed the crown. I won't annoy you about things what I think Trump achieved but after serving that purpose / purposes if he should become arrogant he should fall just like any other man as "pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18).

And yes Justin did removes two of his cabinet ministers for doing their job ironically and forcefully trying to protect him from making a mistake which he did anyways. He is so grreatly shamed and embarrassed about it it will be a miracle if he remains Prime Minister in my humble opinion.
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