Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Well, he sure wouldn't be a Republican, now, would he? Republicans take from the poor and give to the rich & to themselves.

Matthews 6:3
Modern King James version
"... but when you do merciful deeds, do not let your left hand know what your right hand does."

Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/Matthew/6/3
🤣🤣🤣I love stereotypical humor! I didn't know you were capable of telling a joke!
🤣🤣🤣I love stereotypical humor! I didn't know you were capable of telling a joke!
All THAT just to toss an insult ... how sweet! Thank you.
You're lonely too, aren't you? No liberals to bash, huh? Probably 'cause most the liberals are WORKING right about now.
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Maybe you'd prefer discussing GUN VIOLENCE ... seems to be dramatically on the rise.
Maybe provide your thoughts on how to curb gun violence ... are Republicans still sticking to "the only way to stop a bad man with a gun is to give the good guys guns"? Do they have ANY new ideas not involving restriction of certain guns, ammo types, certifications, guy carry laws, etc?
What age should guns start being automatically distributed to the public ... 18? 21? or maybe teach them in middle school and issue them handguns in High School to teachers & staff? Should it be "conceal & carry"?
What about Biden's Ghost Gun crackdown? Bad, Good ... any suggestions?

You see THIS is how you generate DISCUSSIONS instead of INSULTS & Arguments in the forums.
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They won't watch this but this video shows more than enough facts to convict Joey of treason.
Give it up StanleySteamer ... if they haven't convicted Trump by now, they sure as HELL aren't going to convict "Joey" of anything.
Why not just admit that this Biden THING with Republicans is to distract from Trump & certain Republicans from organizing for their next coup.
They just arrested some guys yesterday for shipping over 400 guns from Ga to Chicago ... the crooks are arming their little armies to "*******" the next time.
Why not just admit that this Biden THING with Republicans is to distract from Trump & certain Republicans from organizing for their next coup.
They just arrested some guys yesterday for shipping over 400 guns from Ga to Chicago ... the crooks are arming their little armies to "*******" the next time.
The 400 gun trafficking issue you speak of happened in 2020. The Federal Government is just now getting around to filing indictments. They were illegally transporting guns to Phillidelphia, not Chicago (not that it matters here).

The ring leader was a 25 year old from Atlanta named Frederick Norman...also known by his rapper name of Slowkey Fred. Here's a video of some of Slowkey's work when not running guns. Definitely appears to be MAGA heads...they're practically wearing swastikas on their sleeves....

Undoubtedly part of Trump's army planning the next coup...

I hear party conversions are up -

Republicans gaining

Dems LOSING - thanks again Bidens !!!! 👍👍

yeah i heard that also.........

Republicans must lie to survive: They have no other choice ...

Published: Oct 12, 2019

The working class would never vote for them. Instead, the only option is to lie. The Republican Party must lie. It has no choice. It must conceal its true inner core. This is a matter of life or ...

Republicans Busted In Massive Florida Voter Fraud Scheme

Feb 25, 2022 · Fri, Feb 25th, 2022 by Jason Easley Republicans Busted In Massive Florida Voter Fraud Scheme The state Republican Party of Florida changed the voter registration of hundreds

Florida voters claim they were duped into changing party ...

Feb 08, 2022 · Florida voters claim they were duped into changing party affiliations Some residents in Miami say their voter registration was unknowingly changed from Democrat to
Dems are such head in the sand dipshites - they’re REALLY a HOOT !!!!! 😆
Other than insults, have you EVER started a conversation in which you wanted to discuss a real topic ... alternative energies, voting rights, health care, education issues, government deficit spending, age limits in politics, conservation, etc etc etc.? Maybe the political platform of the Republicans these days ... other than insulting and negative ads on opponents, what are THEY promising to FIX and HOW they plan to FIX IT?
Hell, even spay & neutering pets would be more interesting than your constant name calling & ridiculing the adversarial party.
Maybe you'll learn something, either from reading the topic or reading someone else's input.
God knows, blkdlaur, you've been going at your same ole BS for well over 3 years and you never really post a DAMN THING, just your repetitive, daily gif_CRAP.gif. I mean, if you're going to ridicule something at least have the decency to expand on the topic so others know what the fuck you're complaining about.

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I expand on the topic plenty - 210 days to the midterms. Biden’s ridiculous policies affecting the good ole USA in such an adverse manner will be your party’s undoing.


Stifling domestic oil production

Lack of border control

Raising crime rates

Interfering with parental rights

Obvious corruption involving his ******* and brother

All these issues which you and your brethren ignore so you can constantly attack Trump who is now irrelevant to the direction the country is going in make me laugh 😆

I got plenty to say - without any insults - you just don’t hear what the opposition has to say and you guys insult WAY more’n me.

GOP's Bizarre Attempt To Paint Joe Biden As Anti-Semitic Backfires Badly​

On Monday, the Republican National Committee went to bizarre lengths to paint President Joe Biden as anti-Semitic, only to have the effort backfire.

It occurred after the president announced he had nominated former federal prosecutor Steve Dettelbach to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.

It happened to be a nice spring day in Washington, D.C., and Biden mentioned in passing that Dettelbach “was responsible for the weather.”

That inspired someone at the RNC to conflate what Raw Story correctly called a “corny joke” into something a lot more sinister by pointing out that the nominee is Jewish.

Although many people might wonder why the RNC felt it necessary to mention Dettelbach’s religion, those familiar with anti-Semitic tropes will note that “Jews control the weather” is an actual conspiracy theory.

In 2018, Washington, D.C., city council member Trayon White Sr. came under fire after citing the theory to explain a brief snowstorm. Far-right Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) referenced the anti-Semitic belief when she tried to blame California’s wildfires on, essentially, Jewish space lasers.

Trump's Fears About Liz Cheney Race May Be Coming True​

Wyoming Republican Representative Liz Cheney raised a personal fundraising record of $2.94 million for the first quarter of 2022, according to a Monday report.

Politico reported that Cheney's campaign will soon announce that it has raised $2.94 million in the first quarter of 2022, which will bring her total to over $10 million. The outlet also said the representative currently has $6.8 million cash on hand with four months left until the August 16 primary.

The substantial amount of money raised by her campaign gives the congresswoman a financial advantage over her opponents in the upcoming GOP primary race for her seat. The news of her fundraising figures comes as former President Donald Trump's strategy of uniting his supporters behind one challenger to defeat Cheney is in jeopardy.

Cheney was the highest-ranking Republican to vote to impeach Trump in January 2021 over allegations that he played a role in inciting the riot on the U.S. Capitol. She has also publicly countered his unproven claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him, and she drew more ire from his supporters by accepting a vice-chair position on the House select committee investigating the Capitol riot.

"The easiest way to defeat Deplorable Liz Cheney is by having only ONE Conservative candidate run and WIN!" Trump said in a statement released on July 30, 2021.

However, Cheney's campaign war chest and the fact that several other GOP candidates are vying for the nomination—in addition to the one endorsed by Trump—may aid Cheney's path to reelection.

Energy Policy



Border Crisis

Foreign policy blunders

Screwing with parental rights

GONNA GETCHA DEMS - 212 days 😁
I was beginning to believe none of you guys would bring up the border again; TX, AZ, and CA all reporting surging numbers of Ukrainians coming across-Tijuana alone now over 1000/day. When are you Cons going to push for conspiracy charges against whoever aided them crossing the Atlantic?
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