Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Who the fuck are you clown. But I guess I should stop. I'm not the one that gets to hide behind a computer screen. No integrity is what the fuck it is. Hate being snuck. Quit being fuckin nosey. Put something on this got damn phone bill of you wanna take the liberty to fucking listen at your own fucking free will. I can't listen to yo ******* clown. Fuck outta here


In wake of Bannon indictment, Republicans warn of payback​

Republicans are rallying around former White House adviser Stephen K. Bannon after his indictment on charges of contempt of Congress on Friday, warning that Democrats’ efforts to ******* Bannon to comply with what they say is an unfair subpoena paves the way for them to do the same if they take back the House in 2022.

Bannon, like former president Donald Trump, has refused to comply with an order from the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection to turn over records and testify about his actions leading up to the attack, when a pro-Trump mob stormed the U.S. Capitol trying to stop the certification of President Biden’s electoral college win.

Mark Meadows sent a memo to top Mike Pence aide from a former Trump campaign lawyer outlining how to overturn the 2020 election: book

  • Former Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis reportedly outlined a plan for Pence to challenge the 2020 results, according to an upcoming book.
  • ABC News correspondent Jonathan Karl reported the plan would involve select states sending in updated vote totals.
  • The plan leaned heavily on GOP congressional delegations stepping in and selecting the winner.

just dragging this out.....arrest that MF'er....only way to shut him up anyway....can you see him in jail with no way of getting in the news.....his fucking head would explode

Anthony Gonzalez on Donald Trump: 'The cold hard truth is Donald Trump led us into a ditch on January 6'​

Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio, a House Republican who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial earlier this year, repeatedly slammed Trump in an extensive sit-down interview with CNN's Jake Tapper.
The people destroying the property obviously thought it was...
It's getting hard in this thread to tell the difference between a circular argument and pretzel logic.

Americans of African heritage increasingly protested their deaths by police shootings over the last few years from Ferguson, MO to Charleston, SC and after George Floyd, nationally and internationally. The discussion is older than Rodney King, especially in the Civil Rights era of the late 50s-60s.

In this thread, conservatives overwhelmingly responded by pointing out the loss of property, rarely commenting on the reason of the protests and then doubled down by implying that ALL or the majority of the protesters were involved in destruction and never once mentioned the many times peaceful protesters and their leaders denounced the violence.

I have not seen anyone condemn Jan. 6 rally itself. There has been criticism of speakers being incendiary, especially Trump, who was the last speaker and invited the crowd to march with him to the Capitol.

At the Capitol, protesters stormed the building, took selfies, souvenirs, did significant damage, urinated and defecated in public spaces. Ashley Babbitt was shot and killed.

@blkdlaur repeatedly has called her death *******. I asked a few days ago why did that standard not apply to the Americans of African descent, who when shot to death running away, he and others insisted they were at fault for not complying with law enforcement instructions. Ashley Babbitt was repeatedly told to leave. Kyle broke the law illegally acquiring that weapon, he broke the law transporting it across state lines. I personally can't see treating his action as if he awoke to someone breaking into his home.

Nevertheless, when I asked a few days ago why these situations are treated differently along racial lines, some of you demanded race not be brought into the discussion. Now, others ask the question, and the responses are primarily insults and retorts.

For the record, I believe life is sacrosanct above all else.
Thou shalt not *******.
There aren't any excepts, unless, commas, etc. attached to that commandment, and in all honesty, I apply it to the state as well (please, an argument for another day-just my opinion).

I seek better understanding, insults won't bring it. I don't see equal application or equal desire to apply the law. What am I missing?
Methinks Zwing is a bonified Ding a Ling or even worse the reincarnation of Ridgely Fan
but most definitely is a 🤡
And here is our "bone-ified buttdload" pontificating again ... unfortunately, it comes out as defecating. "duh, Methinks a reincarnation sumtin, oh and the Dems ... errr, I dunno". Dope. :devilish:


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    buttdload pontificating.jpg
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can't even read the post....what a fuckhead.....still with the one liners and no intelligent train of thought....stick with the cows they are more your speed

View attachment 4551393
1st of all I read your responses typical whining - what about the less fortunate, the less healthy and every other possibility to make the government more involved in everyone's life....Blah blah

2nd you are such a waste of space 1 liners is all you are worthy of, complete waste of oxygen that you are
you are right....that's why there has to be some changes in the republican party.....they have violated about every law there is with trump.....since then crime and violence is up......you do notice it is going down now
I'd bet if you had to walk from end of the room to the other, you'd make but it would be 3 left circles not a straight line, holy fuck, how many times did your parents drop you on your head ??
I'd bet if you had to walk from end of the room to the other, you'd make but it would be 3 left circles not a straight line, holy fuck, how many times did your parents drop you on your head ??
you are just like a fly....eat ******* and bother people....

you don't have an intelligent thought in your head....go back to your cows

1st of all I read your responses typical whining - what about the less fortunate, the less healthy and every other possibility to make the government more involved in everyone's life....Blah blah

2nd you are such a waste of space 1 liners is all you are worthy of, complete waste of oxygen that you are
you are a perfect example of why some animals eat their young....they know they just don't have what it takes to survive

want to compare likes.....someone must like what I post
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I'd bet if you had to walk from end of the room to the other, you'd make but it would be 3 left circles not a straight line, holy fuck, how many times did your parents drop you on your head ??
might be true....I watch alot of NASCAR....something you wouldn't know anything about being into cows and all.......

also I may have been dropped on my head.....but you were clearly thrown...thinking you would go out with the garbage

So answer TnC93. Is property move valuable than life. You know, the reason Kyle was there with his friend's AR15 style rifle, to protect property at the expense of life.
you are just like a fly....eat ******* and bother people....

you don't have an intelligent thought in your head....go back to your cows

View attachment 4553192
Not an intelligent thought....and I was thinking of you....HMMM
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