Vote for Mr. Trump why ? Check out please

We couldn’t find anything remotely like this quote –and no interview at all in 1998.”

In 1998, Trump was cited frequently in the pages of People, but at the time, most of the stories were about Trump’s pending divorce from Marla Maples and appearances at various social and entertainment events.
they can't even keep it straight... first no interview at all.... then several articles. MOSTLY on his divorce
face it... trump thinks you are stupid
they can't even keep it straight... first no interview at all.... then several articles.
How is that "not keeping it straight"? FYI, a magazine can print an article about a story without doing an interview of the person.

I realize you really want that meme to be true, but it isn't. If you're going to claim factcheck got it wrong, then post a link to where he was quoted saying that in People magazine.

Jesus, don't politicians across the board actually say enough stupid stuff to make fun of? Why do you have to make stuff up?
I realize you really want that meme to be true, but it isn't
you haven't shown anything to disprove it either!.... you just want e to do the checking for you and if I did you still wouldn't believe it anyway... so why bother

with his comments just this time around... I will believe he said it!
after all wasn't one of his comments he could ******* someone and his ratings still go up?!
you haven't shown anything to disprove it either!.... you just want e to do the checking for you and if I did you still wouldn't believe it anyway... so why bother

with his comments just this time around... I will believe he said it!
after all wasn't one of his comments he could ******* someone and his ratings still go up?!
I did post evidence to disprove it. Factcheck researched and found he wasn't even interviewed by People in 98. If you want us to believe otherwise, the burden of proof is on you.

Of course you'll believe it regardless of proof. Reality doesn't matter does it?
Why do you have to make stuff up?
I didn't make that up... just found something that you don't like and it irritates you
If I could make caps like that... I would have a field day on this election cycle
BTW read any of the other articles I posted..... ride that ship to the bottom!... hope you can swim!
I didn't make that up... just found something that you don't like and it irritates you
If I could make caps like that... I would have a field day on this election cycle
BTW read any of the other articles I posted..... ride that ship to the bottom!... hope you can swim!
Sorry, but it doesn't irritate me. I actually find it quite humorous to see the mental gymnastics you'll go through to believe BS like that.
I did post evidence to disprove it
no you didn't!... just in your own mind!
even the article said... they couldn't find it.... but they did do several interviews with him and about him... but mostly on his divorce and social events.... they couldn't find it.... doesn't mean it is not true!... wellllll I guess that's enough for you... but then you never really get much right anyway.... look who you are backing....people always get a little testy when they realize they are on the losing side
There is a difference between backing them for president and pointing out when you post lies about them.
I have posted no lies about any of them.... just facts you don't want to believe.... that's all.... most of what I have posted is actual articles... you aren't interested in reading because they don't agree with your point of view.... but then it's hard to really see anything different when you have your head in your ass!
I have posted no lies about any of them.... just facts you don't want to believe.... that's all.... most of what I have posted is actual articles... you aren't interested in reading because they don't agree with your point of view.... but then it's hard to really see anything different when you have your head in your ass!
You did post a fake Trump quote. If you can prove it isn't fake do so. You have a year and the magazine, so you only have to read 12 magazines to find it. Otherwise I'm done with your mindless back and forth on that meme. You're just wasting bandwidth with pointless woofing.
And I heard that the reason why the Kool-aid was burning as it went down when people ******* it was because of spiked LSD acid not potassium Cyanide.

Be extremely careful and critical of all you hear, see, and read and what source you pick it up at or what fountains of information you ******* from (Mind-control & psychological warfare is VERY real and going on in America at its highest levels). There are armies of high-paid agents feeding talking points to be propagated on the 24hr news-coverage channels everyday to repeatedly weave a narrative tale they want people to mindlessly parrot according to their political agendas (goes for both Demo-crips and Republi-bloods).

View attachment 800783
Don't be blinded by cultural warfare biases, Free Your Mind!

Now Trump just did an interview yesterday (THIS IS FACT) with the NYT where he says and I qoute:
"Hillary is the one disrupting my rallies. Its more Hillary than Sanders, I found out." [1]

See what I mean about Psychological Warfare going on, I knew that Bernie Sanders couldn't even get his own campaign managed and organized well enough for himself much less band an organized group of people together to protest Trump. If you would've said its George Soros funding the support of the 'MOVE.ORG' group and people organizing under the banner and twitter hash of '#Blacklivesmatter' who maybe Bernie supporters protesting at Trump Rallies that would have been more plausible.

Now Trump is just using the disturbances at his rally to attack Hillary for political expediency as he most likely will face off with her in the General Elections. This has damaged his credibility with me even further. He is no different than the other politicians and the FACTS are also that he has a lousy Business Track record so I don't buy he was a successful businessman.

I posted the facts on Trump's Business Track record from the 'Business Insider' website here:

A successful Con artist like Mitt Romney called him out on is more like it. Now Mitt Romney's Bain Capital is an example of a successful business record for anyone who has seen the John McCain dossier on Mitt Romney would know. Trump's presidency campaign, the way people buy his rhetoric, and his rallies are so eerily reminiscent of Hitler and the Third Reich. Dam I wish people in this country would wake up and stop being played like pawns.

The Full article with the quote can be read here:

SundayReview | Op-Ed Columnist

Will Trump Be Dumped?

Maureen Dowd MARCH 19, 2016


By the way Love that yard-sign, where can I get one of those at? For the record I do not support Sanders or Hillary either (I'm an Independent/Libertarian) and I just don't know what to do at this point myself but definitely not Trump.

Back when I first posted on this thread I was undecided about Trump but now after learning more about him and seeing all the shenanigans going on I'm totally disgusted by the guy. I'm still hoping Kasich could win at the contested convention for the Repubs.

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More exposure on Trump's Idiocy (but this is no surprise);

Trump announcing his Presidential run and his reasons why, 'Going to Make America Great Again', build a wall at the border, and stop China & Mexico from stealing our Jobs

But gets Destroyed by David Letterman on

the issue of all of his clothing line made in China and Bangladesh

Screen Shot 2016-03-21 at 2.05.56 AM.png
Screen Shot 2016-03-21 at 2.08.09 AM.png Screen Shot 2016-03-21 at 2.10.20 AM.png

What the heck was he doing with Rudy Guiliani here dressed in Drag?

Destroyed on The Birther issue:

And for the Grand Finale - Only ******* that Trump Says

Not tryin to start any flame wars here cause I come here to get off not do politics and.... I really wanted to know so I took some time from porn and jacking off to look it up. According to Obama's own OMB office, 2013 spending saw only 18%of the annual budget going to defense spending. 49% went to major entitlements such as Medicare, welfare, social security etc... Hey not my numbers, theirs. 18 percent spending on Department responsible for waging war and we are at war right now!

Moral of the story is, check for facts and stop listening to CNN, Fox, MSNBC etc, lest you be the useful idiot. No disrespect but just sayin..

Check it out.

ok back to porn.

Raj you may be a cuck but you're not stupid.

You should realize Trump will not save you 1 cent on taxes unless you're a billionaire and the tax code can be manipulated better than a middle class person. Also trump is just being an idiot because he employs these same illegals in his hotels. How is that for just lying to everyone just to make them angry to get them to vote for him.

Bottom line is 55% of our taxes goes to military. Another 10% to overseas grants like Pakistan, Israel and stuff (which is stupid). Another 20% to social security, medicaid, another 10% highways, infrastructure, TSA keeping the government running and less than 1% is entitlement spending like food stamps/ women infants and children.

If anything.. the problem is not the president, it's congress.. tell them to vote against giving money to Pakistan and Israel and foreign countries. For me 1 cents of every dollar to a homeless/ struggling person is fine.. it's only 1%. The part I don't like is the 10 billion dollars going to Pakistan every month but hey Bush and a Republican congress started that so.. atleast blame the right guy. However when you do.. you're called a pussy for not wanting to go fight new wars. It's a tough world for cucks.. think and be called a pussy or just be a cuck and appear an idiot.
... Moral of the story is, check for facts and stop listening to CNN, Fox, MSNBC etc, lest you be the useful idiot. No disrespect but just sayin..

Check it out.

ok back to porn.
A couple things, there, pappy ... 1st that chart you provide is from the Heritage Foundation, maybe you're familiar with those folks, maybe not. (Koch Bros., Tea Party etc???) So you say "stop listening to CNN, Fox, MSNBE, etc ... and I can assure you that the Heritage Foundation is a lot more biased than any of those 3 news stations you list.
That chart is for 2013, not that it would make that much difference for a more current year.