Trump wins

All I know is that my house value just doubled, with the mass exodus of sane Americans attempting to flee to Canada before Trump puts up his fucking wall.
To be honest I know little about Trump, I don't even know who his apprentice is, er, I mean Vice President.
Good luck America
I didn't jump for joy when I voted for Trump but considering the alternative it wasn't a hard choice. For all his faults I admire his guts. To fight everything and everybody he had to and never flinch I have to say he has guts. It is also nice to know that a bunch of elitists in D.C, the media and the entertainment industry posing as "regular People" didn't decide the election.
Don't confuse guts with arrogance!
Politics, politics, politics, go figure, I would have thought that at a website dedicated to Strong Black Men and the Women that love them and their white, Cuckold husbands, that everyone would support Hillary, she's a strong, powerful, independent Woman, one would assume the cucks would fall at her feet and everyone else would support her because she's not backed by overtly racist groups that now feel empowered because they have "their" man in the White House, it's not that I'm against the Man perse, but rather that he relies upon the support of these marginal factions and openly acknowledges and promotes them.
I am just surprised to find so many Donald supporters, guess race really does "Trump" logic, lol
Politics, politics, politics, go figure, I would have thought that at a website dedicated to Strong Black Men and the Women that love them and their white, Cuckold husbands, that everyone would support Hillary, she's a strong, powerful, independent Woman, one would assume the cucks would fall at her feet and everyone else would support her because she's not backed by overtly racist groups that now feel empowered because they have "their" man in the White House, it's not that I'm against the Man perse, but rather that he relies upon the support of these marginal factions and openly acknowledges and promotes them.
I am just surprised to find so many Donald supporters, guess race really does "Trump" logic, lol

Hillary as a role model of a strong independent woman is a myth or at least an urban legend. Let's look at the record, she got most of her jobs and opportunities early on from her husband. While her hubby was Governor of Arkansas she became a partner in a major law firm without having much in the way of experience or other contacts to justify such a position.

Then she showed women how to be 'strong' when she ignored her husband's philandering and even worked to keep women that he had allegedly assaulted from coming forward or being ridiculed when they did.

Someone will have to explain to me how Hillary got so put off by Trump using the word 'pussy' but did not seem to mind her husband assaulting women. Can you say 'political expediency?'

Definitely what a strong independent woman would do. You know, the kind who fight for the rights of other women.

Finally, recall that while Bill was out playing the field many marriage counselors were pulling their hair out because guys who were cheating were saying they wished their wife was as understanding as Hillary. Again, the resume of a true fighter for feminism.
Hillary as a role model of a strong independent woman is a myth or at least an urban legend. Let's look at the record, she got most of her jobs and opportunities early on from her husband. While her hubby was Governor of Arkansas she became a partner in a major law firm without having much in the way of experience or other contacts to justify such a position.

Then she showed women how to be 'strong' when she ignored her husband's philandering and even worked to keep women that he had allegedly assaulted from coming forward or being ridiculed when they did.

Someone will have to explain to me how Hillary got so put off by Trump using the word 'pussy' but did not seem to mind her husband assaulting women. Can you say 'political expediency?'

Definitely what a strong independent woman would do. You know, the kind who fight for the rights of other women.

Finally, recall that while Bill was out playing the field many marriage counselors were pulling their hair out because guys who were cheating were saying they wished their wife was as understanding as Hillary. Again, the resume of a true fighter for feminism.
Well said
All of this reminded me of an old joke. Little Timmy is in class and his teacher decides to dismiss the students once they answer a question correctly. The teacher asks a question and the first student to blurt out the answer is dismissed for the day. Timmy is anxious to leave but every time he has the answer one of the girls in the class beats him to it.

Finally little Timmy blurts out "I wish these bitches would keep their mouths shut.'

The teacher says 'Who said that?'

Little Timmy says 'Bill Clinton' and heads for the door.
Yes, very sadly, America has spoken yet again, too bad its right back to the same old crap.
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Thats a complete misconception and ridiculous. Thats not the makeup of Trump supporters....we are not racist....nor do we hate women or immigrants.

What we hate is washington career politicians who lie for a living and think the solution to Americas problems are more taxes and bigger government.
Appalled by the outcome whats worts is his VP whose extremely conservative with radical beliefs about people of color, woman and LBGT and with republican dominate senate and house we'll see what happens. Hopefully all of Trump campaign was just a gimmick and becomes more moderate during his presidency
We can only hope but very doubtful.
It's funny, cause when I first saw this topic, a political topic, posted on a site with more sexual themes I thought, how odd, but then it occurred to me that as Americans you do love good sex and considering that ya'll just got Fucked Good and Proper it's just no wonder that you wanna talk about it on here, lol