TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

Hypocrisy is beneath them – political figures in the Trump era don't bother concealing their misdeeds​

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones tormented the parents of Sandy Hook’s murdered children by spreading the lie that the massacre was faked. The families sued. As the jury’s decision ordering Jones to pay almost US$1 billion to them was read in court on Oct. 12, 2022, Jones, appearing online from his studio, was “laughing and mocking the amounts being awarded,” NBC News reported.

GOP Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker, resolutely anti-abortion – with “no exception” for *******, ******* or the life of the mom – denies allegations that he paid for a girlfriend’s abortion. Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley riled up the Capitol rioters with a clenched fist salute on Jan. 6, 2021 – and then ran from those same rioters when they invaded the Capitol.

( tnc way of attacking )

While Republicans are by far the most prominently shameless among politicians, the condition is bipartisan in some areas. Democrats and Republicans showed up on a long list of legislators caught violating a law that requires them to disclose stock trading.
My way of attacking? I don't suppose you can explain that dumbassed comment?

Your opinion pieces are worn out, do you have anything with merit?

BTW, Josh Hawley is one of the most constitutionally minded senators we've ever had, soon he'll be joined by Eric Schmitt, we'll have 2 constitutionally minded senators, I know you hate that idea, so, continue to go fuck yourself.
Already Trump & his lawyer have started squealing "Conspiracy Theory" by the Left as fresh facts are coming in with the viewing of the MAGA suspect's computer ... Uhhhhooooooo! Doesn't look good for all you TARDS who keep saying its the Democrats who are the violent bunch.

Trump attorney Harmeet Dhillon on Friday posted a conspiratorial tweet where she insinuated that there was something suspicious about the alleged assault of Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Dhillon, who was hired by Trump earlier this month to help him litigate the House Select Committee's subpoena, found it "odd" that Paul Pelosi would be vulnerable to being assaulted given the amount of security that normally surrounds the Pelosis.​
"My firm served a lawsuit against Paul Pelosi one time in [San Francisco] after attempting to serve at other residences -- Napa, Georgetown," she wrote on Twitter. "They weren’t home, but staff were, and multiple law enforcement officers were on the perimeter. Break-in is odd given this level of security." While it is not yet known how the alleged assailant breached security to enter into the Pelosis' home, it has been confirmed that Nancy Pelosi herself was not present when the attack took place.​
Earlier reports have claimed that the attacker specifically targeted the Pelosis' house and that he shouted, "Where is Nancy?" before he began beating Paul Pelosi with hammer and police have still not released the attacker's identity and have not definitively said that the attack was politically motivated. More on the assailant below.​

With the MAGAs
words_StupidMoments2.jpg ...... OFTEN!
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It’s YOURS - all YOURS

just shows Trump owns the DOJ​

Who Appointed the Current FBI Director? Well, Donald Trump

Former president Donald Trump appointed Christopher Wray as head of the FBI. As many leaders in Washington are appointed by a sitting president and replaced when a new one comes into...!&&p=468d...nVkaWNpYWx3YXRjaC5vcmcvZmJpLWRvc3NpZXIv&ntb=1

The FBI Cover-Up of Possible Russian Involvement in The Steele …

The FBI Cover-Up of Possible Russian Involvement in The Steele Dossier. “If you want to know why President Trump was being targeted for impeachment, it’s because they knew that if it …

How Donald Trump Contaminated the Secret Service - Yahoo! News

Within six months of Trump’s arrival in the Oval Office, Keith Schiller retired to Florida. That was seen as a victory for the Secret Service. But Trump wasn’t going to give up that easily. …

Federal judge blasts William Barr for Mueller report …

Mar 5, 2020 · A federal judge criticized Attorney General William Barr on Thursday for his handling of the Mueller report when it was released last spring, saying Barr’s early description of the …

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Again ?????!!

Never happened !!!!!!

SHOULD of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's WAYY past time to flush that crap out of your system. Over the last SEVEN years ALL of your people have investigated her and NONE of them have even charged her. Barack Obama stole her candy in 2008 and James Comey set off the minefield that gave Trump victory in 2016.

I'm not a fan of Hillary Clinton but I do believe in giving credit where credit is due. Call it heart, guts, moxie or whatever- I, you, everybody on this thread, and all the souls we've crossed on this site PUT TOGETHER haven't shown the strength that woman had to have to overcome the entire WORLD for days stretching to weeks stretching to months talking about your husband's jizz on that young girl's dress.

Before you jail her, charge her. That's what we supposedly do in America. Seven years and ticking.
On a serious note - I hear Paul Pelosi got hammered LITERALLY - I sincerely hope it was NOT politically motivated and rather just a sign of the RAMPANT crime that is boiling over in this country now.
On a TRULY serious it remotely possible for you to say what happened to that man was detestable without trying to attach political motive to it?
It’s REALLY unfortunate Paul Pelosi seems to have gotten hammered because of political motivation - guess the intruder was lookin for Nancy - SUX - the 82 year old was fighting with his attacker over the hammer when the police arrived - sounds like a scrappy ole bastard to me 👍👍
I stand corrected. Dude didn't hit him with the hammer until AFTER the police showed up....credible witnesses out the ass!
Woulda been a LOT better if the FBI hadn’t gone to Zuckerberg and told him the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian DISINFORMATION before the 2020 election - thereby influencing the outcome - ya wanna talk about manipulating an election - censoring and hiding the TRUTH from the American electorate so we end up with a DOOFUS like Debacle Joe - I’m DOWN !!!!!
Be thorough and include the FBI, James Comey in October 2016 publicly announcing reopening the Hillary Clinton investigation then saying no we're not the week before the election. A half truth can never be The Truth.