TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

I don’t think about South Africa in the 80s.

well maybe you should. where do you think israel got its yellow cake?

maybe look into Israel being the only democracy that didn't have sanctions against apartheid south africa

maybe look into current day south africa insisting israel is an apartheid state. If anyone would know apartheid I think it's them

Jody Kollapen, who was head of Lawyers for Human Rights in the apartheid regime, watches silently. He sees the "carousel" into which masses of people are jammed on their way to work, visit family or go to the hospital. Israeli peace activist Neta Golan, who lived for several years in the besieged city, explains that only 1 percent of the inhabitants are allowed to leave the city by car, and they are suspected of being collaborators with Israel. Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge, a former deputy minister of defense and of health and a current member of Parliament, a revered figure in her country, notices a sick person being taken through on a stretcher and is shocked. "To deprive people of humane medical care? You know, people die because of that," she says in a muted voice.

The tour guides - Palestinian activists - explain that Nablus is closed off by six checkpoints. Until 2005, one of them was open. "The checkpoints are supposedly for security purposes, but anyone who wants to perpetrate an attack can pay NIS 10 for a taxi and travel by bypass roads, or walk through the hills.

The real purpose is to make life hard for the inhabitants. The civilian population suffers," says Said Abu Hijla, a lecturer at Al-Najah University in the city.

In the bus I get acquainted with my two neighbors: Andrew Feinstein, a ******* of Holocaust survivors who is married to a Muslim woman from Bangladesh and served six years as an MP for the ANC; and Nathan Gefen, who has a male Muslim partner and was a member of the right-wing Betar movement in his youth. Gefen is active on the Committee against AIDS in his AIDS-ravaged country.

"Look left and right," the guide says through a loudspeaker, "on the top of every hill, on Gerizim and Ebal, is an Israeli army outpost that is watching us." Here are bullet holes in the wall of a school, there is Joseph's Tomb, guarded by a group of armed Palestinian policemen. Here there was a checkpoint, and this is where a woman passerby was shot to death two years ago. The government building that used to be here was bombed and destroyed by F-16 warplanes. A thousand residents of Nablus were killed in the second intifada, 90 of them in Operation Defensive Shield - more than in Jenin. Two weeks ago, on the day the Gaza Strip truce came into effect, Israel carried out its last two assassinations here for the time being. Last night the soldiers entered again and arrested people.
well maybe you should. where do you think israel got its yellow cake?

maybe look into Israel being the only democracy that didn't have sanctions against apartheid south africa

maybe look into current day south africa insisting israel is an apartheid state. If anyone would know apartheid I think it's them

I go to the bakery for my yellow cake 😉

You’re NEVER gonna change my opinion of ISRAEL - they are the ballsiest people on the planet 👍👍
Right something wrong with these folks ..imagine a old fart with no money trying to convince us to vote for the same ppl who been caught on tape saying they want to raise the age limit and sun set social security smh 🤣😅🤣😅

I got more money than I can ever spend

Dems lies and HORSESHITE is what I currently LUV to tend

You Dems won’t accept the TRUTH it’s plain to see

That’s why screwing with ya gives such glorious pleasure to me 😁
I go to the bakery for my yellow cake 😉

You’re NEVER gonna change my opinion of ISRAEL - they are the ballsiest people on the planet 👍👍

I mean they gotta be ballsy when they do espionage against the US:

truth is we send them money because we think we can use it to assert at least some control over them, but we can't. they flip off the US, the UN, their own treaties, everyone. Then they claim to be some authority for all jewish people which is a joke, like half the orthodox jews in brooklyn are strict anti-zionists
You perceive a bet ????!!

Twas but a statement of FACT 😁
No dumbass, being consistently wrong is different than purposely lying your ass off. Take the bet, you pansy ... like your butt-buddy floppin' says, "leave the f*cking thread if I prove you wrong again". G'damn, buttdlurp ... "duh, statement of fact ... ", you have dropped into a truly pathetic place.

Be ashamed already, we definitely are for you. Another Anti-American sicko RepTard. Dope. :devilish:


  • buttdlurp it was Me Puppet.gif
    buttdlurp it was Me Puppet.gif
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No dumbass, being consistently wrong is different than purposely lying your ass off. Take the bet, you pansy ... like your butt-buddy floppin' says, "leave the f*cking thread if I prove you wrong again". G'damn, buttdlurp ... "duh, statement of fact ... ", you have dropped into a truly pathetic place.

Be ashamed already, we definitely are for you. Another Anti-American sicko RepTard. Dope. :devilish:

I saw no bet - I see no bet - and - I sooooooooooytainly posed no bet 😁

If your opinion was appreciated, solicited or correct I might just be offended 😝
I find the Government overlords to be far worse than a religious person....effectively you ijits have embraced atheism and Satanism as the root of your moral ya, a little Jesus in the medical setting would be a good thing.

why would a 2000 year old corpse be useful medically?

I'm not sure you have much medical training
I find the Government overlords to be far worse than a religious person....effectively you ijits have embraced atheism and Satanism as the root of your moral ya, a little Jesus in the medical setting would be a good thing.
Maybe you just haven't been keeping up with the news & trends, m&d. You probably know nothing of my position on abortion, if you did, you wouldn't go so far as to label me an atheist or satanist. I do have my own opinion regarding abortion and its pretty left-center of the liberal-conservative positions normally being expressed in politics. That is, I support voluntary abortion up to the 16th week, after that based upon the circumstances of the pregnancy. Plus, there are situations where allowing a high medical risk baby to be born would cause unnecessary hardships on a lot of people including mothers with baby problems such as spina-bifida.

For.cing women to have babies in today's world makes no sense especially when, the government which is for.cing women to follow through with their pregnancy, have no intentions of protecting/supporting that very life AFTER IT IS BORN as they do before they are born which is exactly what conservatives & Republicans do NOT provide. Now, if conservatives are willing to support programs to help needy mothers with the care of their new young after booth, I'll listen more intently as to what you have to say about abortion.

As usual, the far-right conservatives haven't thought their opinions all the way out. A baby born into poverty often becomes a problem in society ... crime, etc which negatively impacts the entire system including innocent members of society. So, unless you are prepared to address the negatives that a high volume of illegitimacy brings to the table, we really have nothing HERE to discuss.
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Lebanon didn't get to be so fucked up all by themselves though. Israel sent around a half-million refugees there when they expelled huge amounts of palestinians as part of their ongoing ethnic cleansing attempts

israel then backed religious militia groups (especially maronites) who have strong anti-muslim sentiment, with resulting massacres and ethnic conflict and civil war

like imagine if someone sent a few million latin american refugees to the US then armed and funded the 3%ers and boogaloo boys to cause an ethnic civil war here. it's fucked up as all hell
Lol. They were Syrian Refugees that came to Israel. Syria claims she is ready to take them back. But since 4000 Palestinians ( Ridged’s chosen name to describe them, not mine ) were killed in Syria over the last 6 years , and since Syrian Pali.’s are fleeing on makeshift rafts , and drowning in the Med. , the Leb. Pali.’s are in no hurry to return to Syria, in spite of Lebanon banning them from 39 careers and treating them as 3 rd class citizens. Maronite’s , are Arab’s. Christian Arabs. Can’t imagine why they prefer living in Israel!?
Ridged must be Mossad, considering he knows just what Israel does and whom she backs. And yet, fails to mention Iran or Syria, which aren’t silent about backing Hamas and Jihad.
Lol. They were Syrian Refugees that came to Israel. Syria claims she is ready to take them back. But since 4000 Palestinians ( Ridged’s chosen name to describe them, not mine ) were killed in Syria over the last 6 years , and since Syrian Pali.’s are fleeing on makeshift rafts , and drowning in the Med. , the Leb. Pali.’s are in no hurry to return to Syria, in spite of Lebanon banning them from 39 careers and treating them as 3 rd class citizens. Maronite’s , are Arab’s. Christian Arabs. Can’t imagine why they prefer living in Israel!?
Ridged must be Mossad, considering he knows just what Israel does and whom she backs. And yet, fails to mention Iran or Syria, which aren’t silent about backing Hamas and Jihad.
you'll just throw out anything to avoid talking about the basic facts, won't you?

israel created a refugee crisis when it made 700,000 people homeless and stateless. those people went to jordan, lebanon, and syria.

the massive influx of stateless people into countries which weren't equipped to handle that amount of people but had no choice destabilized the countries, caused sectarian violence, and led to the lebanese civil war

this was the outcome israel wanted -- and you can tell, because they armed and backed the maronite christians in lebanon, further inflaming tensions and causing a massacre and civil war
I go to the bakery for my yellow cake 😉

You’re NEVER gonna change my opinion of ISRAEL - they are the ballsiest people on the planet 👍👍
Love that ! 💙❤️💜 It takes balls to live surrounded by countries that desire to wipe you off of the map!!
When the Grand Mufti met with H t l r - Heuseinni promised H that he would handle the ME “Jewish problem “. After the Mandate, England split Palestine into Trans- Jordan & Israel, backed by the League of Nations , Arabs immediately attacked Jews. After Israel won the 6 day war, (thus winning , Gaza , West Bank, Golan , Old Jerusalem, S.P. ) , Nassar and the KGB named all refugees- Palestinians - and declared a new war: a Propaganda War. Unfortunately, the kool aid, is offered to all.
you'll just throw out anything to avoid talking about the basic facts, won't you?

israel created a refugee crisis when it made 700,000 people homeless and stateless. those people went to jordan, lebanon, and syria.

the massive influx of stateless people into countries which weren't equipped to handle that amount of people but had no choice destabilized the countries, caused sectarian violence, and led to the lebanese civil war

this was the outcome israel wanted -- and you can tell, because they armed and backed the maronite christians in lebanon, further inflaming tensions and causing a massacre and civil war
Here , I’m thinking that you do that , to avoid any mention of the 900,000 Jews expelled from Arab countries. You tit, I’ll tat !
you'll just throw out anything to avoid talking about the basic facts, won't you?

israel created a refugee crisis when it made 700,000 people homeless and stateless. those people went to jordan, lebanon, and syria.

the massive influx of stateless people into countries which weren't equipped to handle that amount of people but had no choice destabilized the countries, caused sectarian violence, and led to the lebanese civil war

this was the outcome israel wanted -- and you can tell, because they armed and backed the maronite christians in lebanon, further inflaming tensions and causing a massacre and civil war
Mossad Agent Ridge, which attacks? Maybe the attack in the 70’ s when Leftists from the PLO and Syria killed Lebanon’s Christians?
Here , I’m thinking that you do that , to avoid any mention of the 900,000 Jews expelled from Arab countries. You tit, I’ll tat !

you know that in the lead-up to WW2 in germany, the jewish ghettos were modeled after american ghettos (similar to how the extermination of the jewish people was largely inspired by the american genocide of the native americans, yielding us our "living space").

the trick with ghettos is that if you concentrate people in a small area, and give them few resources, crime will immediately go through to roof and you can label the people in the ghetto as criminals worthy of their fate. it's a super effective tool for controlling and demonizing a group of people you want to label undesirable

some people, when confronted with an appalling atrocity, think "wow I want to make sure that doesn't happen to anyone else". others apparently think "damn, I better be the one in charge doing the atrocities next time"