TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

GOP will 'get crushed': Pastor says evangelicals don't want to nominate 'elementary schoolchild' Trump​

A “silent majority” that supported Donald Trump in his 2016 and 2020 presidential runs is now quietly , Vanity Fair reports.

The University of Chicago Divinity School’s magazine reported that nearly 81 percent of “self-identifying white evangelical voters” voted for Trump in 2016.

However, despite Trump keeping several promises to evangelical voters during his term — including nominating conservative judges to the Supreme Court and successfully overturning Roe v. Wade as a result — it may not be enough to win the voting bloc over again.

Bob Vander Plaats, a noted evangelical pastor said, “There’s a lot of people who share a lot of our similar thoughts but don’t want to go on record.”

Last month,Washington Times Columnist Everett Piper penned an article in which she expressed that Trump is “hurting…not helping” evangelicals. She said, “the take-home of this past week is simple: Donald Trump has to go.”

“If he’s our nominee in 2024, we will get destroyed," Piper added.
Do you have any information from non-biased HONEST sources?
How are the transcripts of conversations, voicemails, text messages and emails biased?
You're saying it is biased to show what THEY were saying and planning?
Then your problem is not with the evidence, your problem is that there is evidence.
Not a very strong position to be in.
Still waiting for you to explain how you these would be prevented given trains are the only viable alternative to pipeline for oil transport:



Try to answer without further violations of FB's admonitions and then quietly leave the site forever as you agreed to do when you lost the bet.
Both are not ideal. one is more controllable. The train's land is already settled. Pipeline is taking routes once avoided because the land is privately owned, and much of it is in use. Hence the ranchers and herders being against the pipeline.
You have ranchers, farmers, Indians, and environmentalists on one side, and politicians and big oil companies on the other side.
Stand with the people who work and respect the land. Not those who see it as a means to an end.

Besides, nothing wrote addresses Mac's question.
G'moaning Everyone and it's time for "RepTards in the News!". The RepTard Balls Falling Party continues to reach a fun new peak every day! With this in mind, the Jan 6th "instupidrection" is delivering one delicious morsel after another. Seems the 814-page Committee report is broken into 8 very fun Chapters as follows:

RepTard's Plan to a Prison Staycation
* TrumpTard's "The Big Lie."
* Trump directive "I just want to find 11,780 votes".
* Chesbro to orchestrate "Fake electors and the "President of the Senate strategy".
* TrumpTard "Just call it corrupt and leave the rest to me".
* Eastman begins "A coup in search of a legal theory".
* Trump tell man "Be there, will be wild" and incites violence.
* The result is "The 187 minutes of dereliction".
* The "instupidrection" was carefully planned by Meadows and incited "Analysis of the attack."

Well, well, well ... as the number of arrests tops 1,000 and over 500 already convicted and story is so exciting. Thank you RepTards! :devilish:


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Back!!! After a short suspension for being "rude". Imagine my surprise to see everyone still here on my return.
Anyway, on with the fuckery I mean, the respectful exchange of ideas among my beloved countrymen.
Welcome back, our King Edward ... :lips:


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Back!!! After a short suspension for being "rude". Imagine my surprise to see everyone still here on my return.
Anyway, on with the fuckery I mean, the respectful exchange of ideas among my beloved countrymen. can you be rude on is just a natural response to saying ouch to a bruise...

let me take a wild guess here and say you offended tendercunt?....he likes to try and get people banned

the thing is every time he or someone else complains it just draws attention to the thread
G'afternoon Everyone and this is a short update to our previous "RepTards in the News!" storyline. In the last few days, the absolute most ignorant RepTards have illustrated the rotting roots of the lifetime losers of the RepTard party. Today's RepTards don't understand the concept of democracy ...
The RepTard 24-hour Strategy
* Scary Kari Lake getting her ass kicked all over the courtroom with 8 of her 10-part baseless lawsuit being throw out and failing the other two.
* Idiot George Santos getting crushed for lying about his entire past and will likely be impeached or resign, giving the Democrats another seat.
* Josh Hee Hawley hiding in his crib instead of attending Zelensky's discussion, strategy and reason for fighting Russie's Pusstin.
* Imbeciles Gaetz and Boebert skip the security checkpoint and cower like asswipes staring at their phone during the entire Zelensky speech.
* McCarthy tries to stop the Omnibus Spending Plan to save his dying chances to maintain the Speaker of the Clowns position.

RepTards have only one way of thinking ... if they win, they "brag and boast" incessantly ... but, if they lose, they "whine, pout, deny, and do nothing to help the country nor the world". Their grotesque puss oozes throughout the entire weakest party in American history. There is no future for this selfish, classless, lying and un-American mess called the "Traitors and Treasonous" Republican party. Democratic addition by RepTard subtraction!
It is an absolute pleasure to be beating your asses on a daily, quarterly and annual basis. Enjoy the ride, you have earned it. Clowns. :devilish:


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Back!!! After a short suspension for being "rude". Imagine my surprise to see everyone still here on my return.
Anyway, on with the fuckery I mean, the respectful exchange of ideas among my beloved countrymen.
Do you know who's turn it is next? Seems like my turn is getting closer but I don't think I'm No. 1 yet.... maybe subby...
this IS the complete congressional report.
The "complete" congressional report from a biased committee hand picked by Pelosi in violation of the terms set down in H.R. 503. But of course you always show selective outrage over bias Karen.

The fact that you question it's honesty without reading it or knowing who said what shows exactly where the bias is.
Discussing honesty...from a "man" who lied about receiving a Purple Heart in Vietnam when you didn't even fight in that war. It would be comedic gold if your actions weren't so detestable Stolen Valor Karen...
The "complete" congressional report from a biased committee hand picked by Pelosi in violation of the terms set down in H.R. 503. But of course you always show selective outrage over bias Karen.

Discussing honesty...from a "man" who lied about receiving a Purple Heart in Vietnam when you didn't even fight in that war. It would be comedic gold if your actions weren't so detestable Stolen Valor Karen...
za16 you are an idiot.gif01j.jpg
WORST US PRESIDENTS in History -Historian Rankings

Out of 44 presidents reviewed for the survey by 142 historians and professional observers of the presidency, Trump landed at 41st, the lowest ranking of any president in the past 150 years. The only presidents who ranked lower than Trump were Franklin Pierce, Andrew Johnson, and James Buchanan. William Henry Harrison, who died 32 days into his presidency and had the shortest tenure of any commander in chief, ranked just above Trump. Historians ranked Trump lower than any president in the past 150 years in a new C-SPAN survey.​

This was the first time Trump was ranked in C-SPAN's survey, the fourth in a series. Since 2000, C-SPAN has surveyed historians at every change in a presidential administration.​
Of the 10 characteristics of leadership the presidents were graded on, Trump's highest ratings were in "public persuasion" and "economic management." His lowest marks were in "moral authority" and "administrative skills," for which Trump received the worst ratings of any US president. Trump is one of the few single-term presidents and the only president to be impeached twice. Months after leaving office, Trump has still not acknowledged that Joe Biden defeated him fairly. His lies about the election helped provoke the fatal insurrection at the Capitol on January 6 and have fueled divisions in the US while raising fears among scholars about the future of American democracy.​
Other recent presidents' rankings in the C-SPAN survey changed from 2017. Barack Obama, for example, rose to 10th from 12th; he fell just behind Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy. George W. Bush moved up to 29th after landing in the 33rd spot in 2017. Abraham Lincoln snagged the top spot, followed by George Washington.​

* Read the original article on Business Insider
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The "complete" congressional report from a biased committee hand picked by Pelosi in violation of the terms set down in H.R. 503. But of course you always show selective outrage over bias Karen.
Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire ... you FOOL!

A FULL EXPLANATION to YOU for the third time. AGAIN, READ & SEE how a REAL Speaker Of The House operates a "fair committee". No comparison between Pelosi & MacCarthy. MacCarthy was the one responsible for not having more Republican representation on the committee. Talk to HIM!
I'd trust Democrats a lot more than I'd trust the RePublican Coup Party ... nothing but a bunch of traitors & conspirators and they ARE being lined up to be dealt with as the original planners with Trump.
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Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire ... you FOOL!

A FULL EXPLANATION to YOU for the third time. AGAIN, READ & SEE how a REAL Speaker Of The House operates a "fair committee". No comparison between Pelosi & MacCarthy. MacCarthy was the one responsible for not having more Republican representation on the committee. Talk to HIM!
I'd trust Democrats a lot more than I'd trust the RePublican Coup Party ... nothing but a bunch of traitors & conspirators and they ARE being lined up to be dealt with as the original planners with Trump.
Once again: Name the five members who were appointed to the committee in consult with the Republican leader in the House. Pelosi was required to do this per H.R 503.

You might want to READ this before further demonstration of your ignorance: