To black guys: Did your attitude towards white girls change?

I love beautiful women, especially white women. I have always been attracted to white women. But it wasn't until 12 years ago when I had done a 12 month tour in Afghanistan that every thing had changed. While on deployment to Afghanistan while serving in the military I developed a stronger than usual desire for white women. It might have had something to do with Katie, a Navy corpsman who was also there. She had blond hair, blues eyes, big tits, a nice ass, and a very nice body. On top of that she was a freak 😈. She also love to workout. I thought she was extremely sexy. I never slept with her but wish I would have. After returning from my deployment,I messed around with other girls regardless of ethnicity here and there. But it wasn't until I had finally given in to my desire for white women that I was truly satisfied and happy. Then I started playing with white women a lot more often. I noticed the sex was a lot different compared to other ladies. Very few sexual limitations and always more than satisfied. To this day I love everything about white women.
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How have this asian women approached you and are they curious about the bbc?
Well they are definitely ore reserved about the approach than other races. It is rare that a single Asian female would approach me, I would most likely have to innate. When it comes to the couples it is 99.9999999% the husband that contacts me and introduces the idea of a black lover to their marriage. There is a slight curiosity but most tend to say the same thing that they think a black dick will break their pussy, but after the initial insertion happens they get used to it. whether they love it or not depends on the woman more so than anything.

Thank you for your honesty! No reason to be mad on you. I am able to understand that you equated white women with sex - it's the same for me when dealing with black men. Hope you don't hate me now! ♥ ✌ ♠
LOL no I don't. Some folks get sensitive by being objectified.

This is such an interesting topic and love what sirBAO said about having shocks to the system. I think that’s when we grow and open up to truths more versus preformed notions so seems like a good sign. When I’m on isexy chat I always ask what the ethnicity of the women the high im
Speaking w has fucked last and I almost always speak exclusively to bbc on there. I ask bc im asian. They tell me maybe 8/10 times that it’s a white woman. Before revealing my race I ask them which race they prefer and why and they they often say white bc they go the wildest on their ducks. I dunno if this is true but I heard that answer over and over again. I wonder if this has been the experience for a lot of black men here! I feel like I go wild on a bbc dick but I guess maybe white women do more?? Maybe it’s wrapped into what sir BAO and ThoNi were talking about- how each each race views the other. Or maybe it also involves race play and reparations... on some subconscious level at least. I dunno and open and hearing!!

To be honest I think the race dynamics of colonization has shaped some of the narrative on Black men White women sex. For centuries it's been an outright forbidden fruit, a Taboo of monumental proportions so the allure is high even in modern times. I think the concept of Asian women as play partners though appealing doesn't have that same taboo to some black men because the concept of being with an Asian woman culturally is so far fetched for the mind to understand due to the limited historical interaction between Asia and peoples of African diaspora. World history for Black people globally is so influenced by race relations (the good the bad and the ugly) between white and black people that the concept of Black and Asian is not at the forefront so when we add the sexual element for some black men they don't really see Asian women in that same taboo light. If that makes sense
Well they are definitely ore reserved about the approach than other races. It is rare that a single Asian female would approach me, I would most likely have to innate. When it comes to the couples it is 99.9999999% the husband that contacts me and introduces the idea of a black lover to their marriage. There is a slight curiosity but most tend to say the same thing that they think a black dick will break their pussy, but after the initial insertion happens they get used to it. whether they love it or not depends on the woman more so than anything.

LOL no I don't. Some folks get sensitive by being objectified.

To be honest I think the race dynamics of colonization has shaped some of the narrative on Black men White women sex. For centuries it's been an outright forbidden fruit, a Taboo of monumental proportions so the allure is high even in modern times. I think the concept of Asian women as play partners though appealing doesn't have that same taboo to some black men because the concept of being with an Asian woman culturally is so far fetched for the mind to understand due to the limited historical interaction between Asia and peoples of African diaspora. World history for Black people globally is so influenced by race relations (the good the bad and the ugly) between white and black people that the concept of Black and Asian is not at the forefront so when we add the sexual element for some black men they don't really see Asian women in that same taboo light. If that makes sense
super interesting thoughts! I like this chance to talk about it here with different folks with different perspectives. I guess that taboo part of things can really be amazing sexually!
super interesting thoughts! I like this chance to talk about it here with different folks with different perspectives. I guess that taboo part of things can really be amazing sexually!

To be honest The taboo of being with Asian women is stronger in my opinion. The contrast seems more culturally distinct and definitively different to my own that it turns me on more.
So a question was asked so I'm going to express my truth. Growing up and even now my attitude has always been the same when it comes to white women and white men. A white man has always felt superior to a black man and the white woman always had an attraction for the black man. From the first time they seen our ancestors being led off them slave ships. With our powerful bodies and and shiny skin and our smell our animalistic sense and power that we have. I fuck white woman for one reason and only one. Not because I think they are dirty like the question asked or they are some kind of fantasy. No I fuck them because I'm alpha I want to dominate them and impose my will on them. And send them home to their husbands or boyfriend's with the thought that she has just been manhandled and fuck like only a alpha can do. I fuck white women not because I'm attracted to them but because the thought of them going back home and letting their husbands ,boyfriends ,family smell that alpha scent all over then. And knowing that I'm much more powerful than they will ever be is why i fuck. You white women .
Hey BLACK guys. My question on you is, did your attitude towards us white girls change since you deal in fucking us or just started to think about it? What did you think on white girls in general when you was a lovely kid and teen? Did you ever expect whites could be such dirty as we are in nowadays? Please tell me your true thoughts 😘

My experience was a bit different cause I'm from the Caribbean, heard a bro touch on this point of view in the comments already so respect for that. Yeah there's white women on the islands but we run in different circles. You'll find em on the tourist beaches etc but I never used to really go there tbh lol seen them in porn ofc lol and I remember watching Charlie's angels as a kid and I liked the blonde and the Asian so the attraction was there but that was just on TV. Then I moved to the motherland and surprisingly met more white people there than I did back home.I remember at 1 point I did think they were kind of weird cause a few times they seen me at a party, had locs at the time, they'd always approach me and start touching my hair without permission. But even that was only a few times. Now I'm actually living in Europe, its a different ball game. And I came to Europe in a relationship with a black lady, so it was only after her and I were done was the first time I'd been with a white woman.. And I was probably 22 lol their definitely freaky and willing, but again that's only my experience. And thats not me saying there ain't freaky Asian and black women either. Its all about the individual. And with that being said there's a lot politics that come with an ir lifestyle.. But that's too deep for these platforms.
This is an interesting topic and although my experience with white people growing was different to @SirBAO, my view of white women was similar. I grew up in a multi-cultural community in London with both black and white people. As a young white girls developed a reputation for themselves, some in London but particularly in neighbouring suburban towns. The premise was a white girls were more forward and lived with more sexual freedom than girls of other races. Most of my sexual experiences have been with white women and those young views haven't changed into adulthood. Growing up I was fortunate to travel, to other parts of the UK and parts of Europe with far less black people. Being the only black guy in the room certainly brings a level of attention for women who may have never met a black man. Going to Oslo aged 19 with my then Arab girlfriend's in her hometown made her the target of some envy at a party.

Porn definitely contributed to my views of white women being portraying her as submissive and obedient. A language that speaks to me, being dominant. Ultimately my thoughts almost instantly turn to sex when I see a white woman I find attractive, this doesn't happen as instantly with women of other races. I'm imagining what she looks like on her back with her white soles in the air and her pink pussy open and vacant, giving herself to me.
This is an interesting topic and although my experience with white people growing was different to @SirBAO, my view of white women was similar. I grew up in a multi-cultural community in London with both black and white people. As a young white girls developed a reputation for themselves, some in London but particularly in neighbouring suburban towns. The premise was a white girls were more forward and lived with more sexual freedom than girls of other races. Most of my sexual experiences have been with white women and those young views haven't changed into adulthood. Growing up I was fortunate to travel, to other parts of the UK and parts of Europe with far less black people. Being the only black guy in the room certainly brings a level of attention for women who may have never met a black man. Going to Oslo aged 19 with my then Arab girlfriend's in her hometown made her the target of some envy at a party.

Porn definitely contributed to my views of white women being portraying her as submissive and obedient. A language that speaks to me, being dominant. Ultimately my thoughts almost instantly turn to sex when I see a white woman I find attractive, this doesn't happen as instantly with women of other races. I'm imagining what she looks like on her back with her white soles in the air and her pink pussy open and vacant, giving herself to me.
Love what you’re shared at the end of how your imagine attractive white women on their backs submitting to you! Very hot.
Hey BLACK guys. My question on you is, did your attitude towards us white girls change since you deal in fucking us or just started to think about it? What did you think on white girls in general when you was a lovely kid and teen? Did you ever expect whites could be such dirty as we are in nowadays? Please tell me your true thoughts 😘
No. Not at all. White women have this refreshing innocent look on their face like they’d never try a bbc ... but to find out they will is such a taboo type feeling for me.
I've never thought White women weren't or couldn't be"dirty". A woman's race isn't a factor for me. Period.

If a White woman is easy on the eyes, got her ******* together and craving for some Black man action then she can get it like any other woman. I tend to draw more sexual attention from Latinas, given my location, but I don't discriminate.

I've always viewed White women as undercover Black loving freaks and as my experiences go, I was correct. I have other unpopular views about White women but I'll digress.
Hey BLACK guys. My question on you is, did your attitude towards us white girls change since you deal in fucking us or just started to think about it? What did you think on white girls in general when you was a lovely kid and teen? Did you ever expect whites could be such dirty as we are in nowadays? Please tell me your true thoughts 😘

It never changed for me since I lost my virginity to a white girl (sitter), and since then most of the women I fuck are white.
I thought of a good story now that I came across your thread miss. It was when I was little, no older than 10. I remember me and my mom went to McDonalds, they had the toys and slides for children to play on. Me and this little white girl about the same age somehow caught each other's attention. We played around inside the slide, it started off when she taunted me at the top of slide, trying to get me to chase after her in the slide. She had a huge smile on her face that said, "you can't catch me"! I still remember it till this day because we had a lot of fun. It wasn't a black boy and white girl playing around that day. It was just two plain children with no other thoughts but fun. I never really put much thought into the differences between races of women. They're purely that in my eyes, women. It didn't become different until I started to learn about the world.
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Hey BLACK guys. My question on you is, did your attitude towards us white girls change since you deal in fucking us or just started to think about it? What did you think on white girls in general when you was a lovely kid and teen? Did you ever expect whites could be such dirty as we are in nowadays? Please tell me your true thoughts 😘
Me myself I have always been attracted to white women so my attitudes stays the same. I don't look at white women as Ben dirty I just think that there are some white women that are very slutty as it is with a lot of other women but slutty in a very good way
I believe my answer is much different than those so far posted.....

I was born in the southern US during segregation. Going into the 9th grade I was part of a group that integrated the parochial school system. Before going all of us were warned by parents, previous teachers, neighbors and friends of the danger of approaching the white girls. We were harrassed and bullied that entire year without it. There was one girl in a couple of my classes who was nice (nicer?) to me and I told her that I liked her, not meaning anything sexual. I was ganged twice, and when I went out for baseball the following week, practice was about seven miles from school....after practice, the coach asked the team what they thought about n***rs liking white girls. They stranded me. My parents agreed I could transfer out after that.

Later I joined the navy and went to boot camp in San Diego, and I lost my virginity to a Latina woman. I was then sent to a ship in Jacksonville, FL, ten days before it left for a Med cruise, first stop Portsmouth, England. I got laid. Second stop, Lisbon, Portugal.. I got laid. Same in Nice, France, and Naples, Italy and we actually broke down for a month in Palma de Mallorca, Spain (I know it was sabotage by one of us!) which is a major tourist island we're people partied from all over Europe. We came back to the states after six months, and by that time, I truly thought it was just American white people that were screwed up.

I should point out it wasn't until we came back that I first had sex with a Black woman. To me, it was required to play the 'dating' game, even with women who were married.

The best job I had in the military was at the indoctrination center Naval Training Center, San Diego, For two months, Mon-Fri, between 45-60 women reported to me straight from boot camp in Orlando...and both of my roommates had the same number. OMG we was whoring!!! We sold pot on 3 bases, on Fri/Sat we would charge guys on boot camp weekend $20 apiece to go to Tijuana, load up 3 cars and drive 12 miles there. The clubs all comped us AND free booze....I went so often, I didn't even pay attention to "the Donkey Show". I didn't cash a Navy check for 9 months.

Sorry, I get caught in reminiscing....

I hope I don't offend anyone with this....what I came to believe, and it's still growing stronger today, for both Black men and white women there is a sense of emancipation within their interracial sex. Specifically, having self control as opposed to white male control (subjugation). As a reference, all over this site and others, the men who decide their women need this, those who want to seduce (trick)her into it, and those who wonder if they should "let" her.

Here, lesbianism, bisexuality......all I really is women deciding to make up their own minds what they want, want to try, want to experiment with, on increasingly even freedom that men took for themselves since the start of humanity. And they are more inclined to let us dumb ass men keep thinking our stupid macho ******* while they're creating a Woman's World. Keep on thinking your dicks are driving if you want to.
I believe my answer is much different than those so far posted.....

I was born in the southern US during segregation. Going into the 9th grade I was part of a group that integrated the parochial school system. Before going all of us were warned by parents, previous teachers, neighbors and friends of the danger of approaching the white girls. We were harrassed and bullied that entire year without it. There was one girl in a couple of my classes who was nice (nicer?) to me and I told her that I liked her, not meaning anything sexual. I was ganged twice, and when I went out for baseball the following week, practice was about seven miles from school....after practice, the coach asked the team what they thought about n***rs liking white girls. They stranded me. My parents agreed I could transfer out after that.

Later I joined the navy and went to boot camp in San Diego, and I lost my virginity to a Latina woman. I was then sent to a ship in Jacksonville, FL, ten days before it left for a Med cruise, first stop Portsmouth, England. I got laid. Second stop, Lisbon, Portugal.. I got laid. Same in Nice, France, and Naples, Italy and we actually broke down for a month in Palma de Mallorca, Spain (I know it was sabotage by one of us!) which is a major tourist island we're people partied from all over Europe. We came back to the states after six months, and by that time, I truly thought it was just American white people that were screwed up.

I should point out it wasn't until we came back that I first had sex with a Black woman. To me, it was required to play the 'dating' game, even with women who were married.

The best job I had in the military was at the indoctrination center Naval Training Center, San Diego, For two months, Mon-Fri, between 45-60 women reported to me straight from boot camp in Orlando...and both of my roommates had the same number. OMG we was whoring!!! We sold pot on 3 bases, on Fri/Sat we would charge guys on boot camp weekend $20 apiece to go to Tijuana, load up 3 cars and drive 12 miles there. The clubs all comped us AND free booze....I went so often, I didn't even pay attention to "the Donkey Show". I didn't cash a Navy check for 9 months.

Sorry, I get caught in reminiscing....

I hope I don't offend anyone with this....what I came to believe, and it's still growing stronger today, for both Black men and white women there is a sense of emancipation within their interracial sex. Specifically, having self control as opposed to white male control (subjugation). As a reference, all over this site and others, the men who decide their women need this, those who want to seduce (trick)her into it, and those who wonder if they should "let" her.

Here, lesbianism, bisexuality......all I really is women deciding to make up their own minds what they want, want to try, want to experiment with, on increasingly even freedom that men took for themselves since the start of humanity. And they are more inclined to let us dumb ass men keep thinking our stupid macho ******* while they're creating a Woman's World. Keep on thinking your dicks are driving if you want to.
Props to you.
I believe my answer is much different than those so far posted.....

I was born in the southern US during segregation. Going into the 9th grade I was part of a group that integrated the parochial school system. Before going all of us were warned by parents, previous teachers, neighbors and friends of the danger of approaching the white girls. We were harrassed and bullied that entire year without it. There was one girl in a couple of my classes who was nice (nicer?) to me and I told her that I liked her, not meaning anything sexual. I was ganged twice, and when I went out for baseball the following week, practice was about seven miles from school....after practice, the coach asked the team what they thought about n***rs liking white girls. They stranded me. My parents agreed I could transfer out after that.

Later I joined the navy and went to boot camp in San Diego, and I lost my virginity to a Latina woman. I was then sent to a ship in Jacksonville, FL, ten days before it left for a Med cruise, first stop Portsmouth, England. I got laid. Second stop, Lisbon, Portugal.. I got laid. Same in Nice, France, and Naples, Italy and we actually broke down for a month in Palma de Mallorca, Spain (I know it was sabotage by one of us!) which is a major tourist island we're people partied from all over Europe. We came back to the states after six months, and by that time, I truly thought it was just American white people that were screwed up.

I should point out it wasn't until we came back that I first had sex with a Black woman. To me, it was required to play the 'dating' game, even with women who were married.

The best job I had in the military was at the indoctrination center Naval Training Center, San Diego, For two months, Mon-Fri, between 45-60 women reported to me straight from boot camp in Orlando...and both of my roommates had the same number. OMG we was whoring!!! We sold pot on 3 bases, on Fri/Sat we would charge guys on boot camp weekend $20 apiece to go to Tijuana, load up 3 cars and drive 12 miles there. The clubs all comped us AND free booze....I went so often, I didn't even pay attention to "the Donkey Show". I didn't cash a Navy check for 9 months.

Sorry, I get caught in reminiscing....

I hope I don't offend anyone with this....what I came to believe, and it's still growing stronger today, for both Black men and white women there is a sense of emancipation within their interracial sex. Specifically, having self control as opposed to white male control (subjugation). As a reference, all over this site and others, the men who decide their women need this, those who want to seduce (trick)her into it, and those who wonder if they should "let" her.

Here, lesbianism, bisexuality......all I really is women deciding to make up their own minds what they want, want to try, want to experiment with, on increasingly even freedom that men took for themselves since the start of humanity. And they are more inclined to let us dumb ass men keep thinking our stupid macho ******* while they're creating a Woman's World. Keep on thinking your dicks are driving if you want to.

I really felt you at the end there. The creating a woman's world bit. I'm seeing it happen with my own eyes so I know there's validity to it. Most men won't even see it coming. Poor bastards. Thinking they're pimping the game, when the hole ******* has been uprooted. Our dicks really can be a hindrance, always throbbing for some pussy, like a dog lolling it's tongue. 😑😑😑
I really felt you at the end there. The creating a woman's world bit. I'm seeing it happen with my own eyes so I know there's validity to it. Most men won't even see it coming. Poor bastards. Thinking they're pimping the game, when the hole ******* has been uprooted. Our dicks really can be a hindrance, always throbbing for some pussy, like a dog lolling it's tongue. 😑😑😑
Jump me if I'd reading this incorrectly, but the previous 2 posts - from @MisterPussyPleaser and @Ra Fuu - have a ring to it that implies there's something bad or wrong about women running or taking over things. If that's correct, then I want to push back on that some. First and foremost, what exactly does "a woman's world" mean? If it means women not being afraid to stand up for themselves or finally being capable of controlling or demanding what they want, then I not only see nothing wrong with that but I say "Right on!!" I can recall too vividly when such feelings and fears were rampant and controlling about me and my black brothers. And I say to that - the world does not come to an end, the world does not suffer, the world does not slow down in history because blacks/women/(insert your favorite minority) finally get to control and fulfill their own lives and destinies. And if that spills over to sex, where woman feel free and exert their wants and desires right out there on Front Street, I say "Hooray!" - it would take takes some of the mystery out of "Who wants to fuck?" I get to spend more time matching up with great white sex and less time dancing around or being afraid of getting lynched because I want it. Women want to drive? - let 'em! I still get to ride them and I have my own sense of self and I'm smart enough with common sense to know that if and when I don't like it, I simply get out the Uber or get off the bus!! Wow! What a concept...

Liberated (white) women - OVER HERE!! I'M READY, WILLING AND WAITING ON YOU!! and BRING YOUR BI/LESBIAN FRIENDS WITH YOU!!! :devilish: :cool::love: