Sexual doubles standards between Men and Women


When we are talking about ancient societies we're not talking about states with millions of people as habitants that require a big set of well-defined laws and law enforcement to make such a society work. We are talking about rather small communities that would count not more than a few dozen or perhaps a very few hundred individuals. In such communities people are strongly reliant on each other and share their tasks and the few goods they have in order to survive.

Viewing the "cave man" as a brute who forces Women to whatever because it is assumed he physically can, is not a realistic image because such behavior does not build strong societies. A man who runs around ******* Women would most probably not have a high standard/value or become a leader but instead risk to be excommunicated or to be used for his strength as a servant for the community, also as a means of punishment.

A lot of assumptions about archeologic findings and prehistoric living happen by translating today's societies' "norms" and the historician's views and believes into how we view ancient societies. But those biased assumptions can actually be wrong and perhaps are many times. Here's an example...
All of this may be true, but is dismissive of conflicts between societies, war. Throughout almost all of human history, from tribes, city/states, nations, empires AND religions, men were killed, the 'losers' homes ransacked, burned, the women and daughters raped and/or taken. It still happens in Africa today, and Bosnia and Croatia were not that long ago.
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Why is there such a double standard when men have multiple sex partners/girlfriends, but when women have multiple sexual partners there is so much scrutiny and labeling of the women?

It is okay for women to embrace being a sexual being just as much as it is for men to be sexual beings.


I’m honestly do not understand the question. It’s jibberish.
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Why is there such a double standard when men have multiple sex partners/girlfriends, but when women have multiple sexual partners there is so much scrutiny and labeling of the women?

It is okay for women to embrace being a sexual being just as much as it is for men to be sexual beings.


Many a marriage has broken up because either the husband or wife did not initiate sex !