
As far as pig comment I found that hilarious only because it is so un-insightful, simplistic and trite.
Well, thank you. I tried to gauge that comment as to who it applied, as sometimes we have to go back to crayons for simplistic's sake. And what it means is that there is no use talking with closed minds, as it wastes everyone's time. gif_DickHead.gif
pic_OpinionShop.jpg pic_Opinion-2ndopinion.jpg GIF_GrouchoMarx.gif
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Just to piggyback on what some others have said, you need to have a serious talk with your husband where you lay your cards (not your extracurricular interests) on the table. He needs to know that your marriage is emotionally unfulfilling and that you feel stifled by him. If no headway is made, then, and only then, should you start thinking about ending the marriage. Just my opinion, but too many people are willing to yell "no mas" at the first sign of trouble in a marriage without making an honest attempt to troubleshoot the problem.

It should go without saying to not do anything outside the marriage. Don't give him ammunition that he could use against you.
Succinct and to the point, well said