
Human life never mattered to the Russians. Even in the Second World War, Zhukov drove people into the minefield, and this mentality has not changed with the Russians. They call everyone a Nazi, but they took over the tool of terror bombing from the Third Reich. They are simply red nazis because of their imperialist delusions. Their leaders are 160-centimetre little ass-plugs with a Napoleon complex!! :) This mostly applies to Medvegev! The unfortunate fool is constantly delirious from so much vodka!! :D :D

Putin is 170 cm judo black belt and 4D chess player. Napoleon was french emperor defeated by Russia. And you are ruled by demented 81 years vegetable. 🫶 😀
With the T-55 tanks and the mostly demoralized mobilized stock??

T-55 tanks is what Slovakia delivers to Ukraine. T-55 and ancient Leopard 1 with cardboard armor. Also completely useless AMX-10 "tanks".
The Russians produce 1600 T-90M tanks each 3 months now. Nevermind 20000 T-72 and T-80 in stocks.
Here are some 2015 figures for ya:
Russia vs NATO+Japan

Tanks 28000+ vs 10600

APC+IFV 25000+ (all amphibious) vs 9000 (only 2500 are amphibious)

Combat aircrafts 1385 vs 5800

SAM+SHORAD units 5000+ vs 1200

Artillery (all) 22357 vs 11545

Nuclear warheads 8000+ vs 7840

Putin is 170 cm judo black belt and 4D chess player. Napoleon was french emperor defeated by Russia. And you are ruled by demented 81 years vegetable. 🫶 😀
The Russian "victory" is due only to "General Winter". Moscow had to be given up! The French army was weakened by the harsh winter and the long logistics lines, but that is not the glory of the Russians! Moscow was able to win the second Chechen war solely because of the treachery of the useless Kadirov clan!! In the first Chechen war, they had to withdraw with a bloody head, just like from Afghanistan! :D
Putin is a Russo-Nazi ass plug! :)
The Russian "victory" is due only to "General Winter". Moscow had to be given up! The French army was weakened by the harsh winter and the long logistics lines, but that is not the glory of the Russians! Moscow was able to win the second Chechen war solely because of the treachery of the useless Kadirov clan!! In the first Chechen war, they had to withdraw with a bloody head, just like from Afghanistan! :D
Putin is a Russo-Nazi ass plug! :)

French invaded in the summer, genius. And whats left of his army fled from Moscow on 19th october 1812. No any winter anywhere on the horizon 😀 👌 Keep fooling yourself.
T-55 tanks is what Slovakia delivers to Ukraine. T-55 and ancient Leopard 1 with cardboard armor. Also completely useless AMX-10 "tanks".
The Russians produce 1600 T-90M tanks each 3 months now. Nevermind 20000 T-72 and T-80 in stocks.
Here are some 2015 figures for ya:
Russia vs NATO+Japan

Tanks 28000+ vs 10600

APC+IFV 25000+ (all amphibious) vs 9000 (only 2500 are amphibious)

Combat aircrafts 1385 vs 5800

SAM+SHORAD units 5000+ vs 1200

Artillery (all) 22357 vs 11545

Nuclear warheads 8000+ vs 7840


Propaganda can claim many things, but the proof somehow fails! Did you manage to destroy the Ukrainian air ******* six times today and 58 HIMARs systems? Have you shot a NATO death star yet? You lie day and night! Most of the Russian "successes" are bluffs!! What a "successful" operation Bahmut was! The losses in Afghanistan were multiple! :)
How many of the items listed are functional? :)
Propaganda can claim many things, but the proof somehow fails! Did you manage to destroy the Ukrainian air ******* six times today and 58 HIMARs systems? Have you shot a NATO death star yet? You lie day and night! Most of the Russian "successes" are bluffs!! What a "successful" operation Bahmut was! The losses in Afghanistan were multiple! :)
How many of the items listed are functional? :)

We are bluffing. Nothing to worry about. Sleep well 🫶 😀 🤡

We are bluffing. Nothing to worry about. ******* well 🫶 😀 🤡

This makes the aberrated fascist Russian soul happy. In your opinion, the Ukrainians and their allies were demoralized by this?Russian chauvinist colonist imperialism is a cancerous tumor that must be excised from the body of humanity! :) Primitive raiding horde. "Worthy" descendants of their former Mongolian owners! Slava Ukraine!
This makes the aberrated fascist Russian soul happy. In your opinion, the Ukrainians and their allies were demoralized by this?Russian chauvinist colonist imperialism is a cancerous tumor that must be excised from the body of humanity! :) Primitive raiding horde. "Worthy" descendants of their former Mongolian owners! Slava Ukraine!

Thank you for showing up your racist nazi core again. We know what to do with you. 🫶 😀 👌
T-55 tanks is what Slovakia delivers to Ukraine. T-55 and ancient Leopard 1 with cardboard armor. Also completely useless AMX-10 "tanks".
The Russians produce 1600 T-90M tanks each 3 months now. Nevermind 20000 T-72 and T-80 in stocks.
Here are some 2015 figures for ya:
Russia vs NATO+Japan

Tanks 28000+ vs 10600

APC+IFV 25000+ (all amphibious) vs 9000 (only 2500 are amphibious)

Combat aircrafts 1385 vs 5800

SAM+SHORAD units 5000+ vs 1200

Artillery (all) 22357 vs 11545

Nuclear warheads 8000+ vs 7840

Such 'superior' equipment and numbers!! Yet, a year later, you're still losing the war, Ukraine is now attacking Russian Navy, and their drones are bringing the fight to Russian land. Oh, and Russia's leader is still in hiding.
Say what you want, Ukraine is fighting very well, and Russia can't even get it's uniformed soldiers to fight.
Because of that, they have turned to snitching on each other. You can't even speak negatively on the war.
Snitches, cowards and drunks. It's no wonder your women are constantly escaping to the West.
Putin is 170 cm judo black belt and 4D chess player. Napoleon was french emperor defeated by Russia. And you are ruled by demented 81 years vegetable. 🫶 😀
By retreating and burning your own land lmfao matter of fact most wars russia won was by retreating and waiting for winter 🤦🏾 you claim napoleon was defeat but only after taking Moscow. The defeat came when napoleon had to March his solders back to France
Such 'superior' equipment and numbers!! Yet, a year later, you're still losing the war, Ukraine is now attacking Russian Navy, and their drones are bringing the fight to Russian land. Oh, and Russia's leader is still in hiding.
Say what you want, Ukraine is fighting very well, and Russia can't even get it's uniformed soldiers to fight.
Because of that, they have turned to snitching on each other. You can't even speak negatively on the war.
Snitches, cowards and drunks. It's no wonder your women are constantly escaping to the West.

Ukraine has no navy to begin with. Because we destroyed it back in 2014 already. 🫶 😀
By retreating and burning your own land lmfao matter of fact most wars russia won was by retreating and waiting for winter 🤦🏾 you claim napoleon was defeat but only after taking Moscow. The defeat came when napoleon had to March his solders back to France

The defeat came when barely 100K of his 638K Great army reached Moscow. And it happened by september 1812.
Around 30K made it out of Russia alive.
Russia's capital was Saint Petersburg, genius. I do not know why Napoleon marched to Moscow. He must have been full of $hit, just like you are 😀🫶
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The defeat came when barely 100K of his 638K army reached Moscow. Around 30K made it out of Russia alive.
Russia's capital was Saint Petersburg, genius. I do not know why Napoleon marched to Moscow. He must have been full of $hit, just like you are 😀🫶
Lmfao who said anything about st .Petersburg...clearly you don't know history bruh . But the point is still there russia didn't beat napoleon napoleon beat himself while the Russian ran
Lmfao who said anything about st .Petersburg...clearly you don't know history bruh . But the point is still there russia didn't beat napoleon napoleon beat himself while the Russian ran

He marched to Moscow and expected surrender from Alexander I. Who's seat was at Saint Petersburg LOL. The letter never came and he ran away.
And no, he was not defeated on retreat. He lost HALF MILLION troops in the SUMMER of 1812, fighting his way to Moscow. His ENTIRE army, basically.

But hey, thank you for admitting that Russia's enemies are inherently dumb, and defeat themselves without even interacting with Russia's military past 12 centuries LOL.
I agree. Inept barbarians! 🤡
He marched to Moscow and expected surrender from Alexander I. Who's seat was at Saint Petersburg LOL. The letter never came and he ran away.
And no, he was not defeated on retreat. He lost HALF MILLION troops in the SUMMER of 1812, fighting his way to Moscow. His ENTIRE army, basically.

But hey, thank you for admitting that Russia's enemies are inherently dumb, and defeat themselves without even interacting with Russia's military past 12 centuries LOL.
I agree. Inept barbarians! 🤡
Lmfao you literally just repeated what the video already told you lmfao1🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣tf dude
Lmfao you literally just repeated what the video already told you lmfao1🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣tf dude

No. I literally repeated what i said in this post, genius 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤣 :

The defeat came when barely 100K of his 638K Great army reached Moscow. And it happened by september 1812.
Around 30K made it out of Russia alive.
Russia's capital was Saint Petersburg, genius. I do not know why Napoleon marched to Moscow. He must have been full of $hit, just like you are 😀🫶