Questions for Guys Who Approach Wives While With Their Husbands or BFs. in a Club or Bar. (input from ladies is welcome).

Black guys, what encourages you to approach a white woman while accompanied by a male in a bar, club or anywhere in public?

is it her attire?. eye contact? is she giving off some sort of vibe?

has any approach caused a big problem with her guy?

how do you escalate the meeting to something sexual, either in your car, take her to your appt, make a date for another night or follow her home,

i'd also like to hear from the ladies about how you attract attention from other males.
Black guys, what encourages you to approach a white woman while accompanied by a male in a bar, club or anywhere in public?

is it her attire?. eye contact? is she giving off some sort of vibe?

has any approach caused a big problem with her guy?

how do you escalate the meeting to something sexual, either in your car, take her to your appt, make a date for another night or follow her home,

i'd also like to hear from the ladies about how you attract attention from other males.
My wife, Kirsty. Was first approached in a bar on the last cruise we went on. It was what made things happen. I was needing to stay in our cabin to look after the ******* but if we hadn’t been I. The bar she would have stayed in ours too
I have never been approached when with my husband in public. But a long time ago when I was in sales, selling furniture and beds, I would be approached by the salesmen of the different lines we carried. They would ask me to go to lunch with them. Yes, they wanted to take me to lunch, but it was obvious they also wanted more. In my modeling jobs, I am approached often. I do runway modeling as well as modeling women's clothes in high-end stores that husbands frequent along with their wives to buy whatever she wants. I thought, how nice of them until I found out that their reason for being there was to look at us models and if the opportunity arose to slip us a note and money asking for our phone number. I was very lucky and happy when my agent procured an assignment modeling bathing suits in Hawaii. The company wanted a model older than the 20-year-olds to attract older women to buy their bathing suits. There was a film producer there looking for a few women for his upcoming film. He approached me in the restaurant one evening and wanted to talk to me about his upcoming film. I listened to him until I found out that he makes porn movies. I was flattered that he asked me and also that he contacted my agent and asked her to talk to me about taking the assignment. Sometimes I wish I had accepted his offer.
Black guys, what encourages you to approach a white woman while accompanied by a male in a bar, club or anywhere in public?

Generally speaking I would never do it. The odds that she and the man would be open to being approached by a black male and potentially seduced are very slim

eye contact?

Even with eye contact. I'd be suspicious. Is this a set up ? What's going on ? I would not think "I'm just irrestible that she wants me" I'd be very wary.

is she giving off some sort of vibe?

What she looked like.

has any approach caused a big problem with her guy?

I would not do it

how do you escalate the meeting to something sexual, either in your car, take her to your appt, make a date for another night or follow her home,

Follow a woman home from a club ? You cant be serious when you say this.

i'd also like to hear from the ladies about how you attract attention from other males.

With men there is a threat of violence, So approaching a women when she is with a man ? That threat could be on
Before now in my life, If I saw any man, white or black trying to make eye contact with me I would not acknowledge him nor look his way to give him false encouragement. After being on this site and learning why so many white women want to be with a black man my response to a black man would be different if he is handsome, seemed like a gentleman, and sparked some interest in me toward him, I would make eye contact back and give him a smile.
Before now in my life, If I saw any man, white or black trying to make eye contact with me I would not acknowledge him nor look his way to give him false encouragement. After being on this site and learning why so many white women want to be with a black man my response to a black man would be different if he is handsome, seemed like a gentleman, and sparked some interest in me toward him, I would make eye contact back and give him a smile.
Irotama: I really like your down to earth responses. Please comment more often as I would hope you would be willing to share your wisdom. I would like to learn more about the way you think? Your attitudes? Your likes and dislikes? Debman
Irotama: I really like your down to earth responses. Please comment more often as I would hope you would be willing to share your wisdom. I would like to learn more about the way you think? Your attitudes? Your likes and dislikes? Debman
Thank you. I will express myself more. Patricia