Pussy size

Among those things that seem to be completely ignored is the fact that different women have different sizes of pussy.

This is important because, since there are also different sizes of penis, the problem of their compatibility arises and the satisfaction you get also depends on it.

My best sexual experience has been with a woman with a large and deep pussy. I could take her fully, deeply, in any position and she couldn't get enough of it; while women with an average sized or small sized pussy told me to "Be careful with my big dick", "Don't go too far" or "It hurts". And when I say big pussy, I don't mean big women. Women with big pussies are usually taller than average, with big breasts.

This is discussed at length in the real Kama Sutra, the original one written 2000 years ago (the one without the pictures).

What is your experience ?
Jewish wife, mom of four


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Whether you're a big girl or petite with a deep pussy or a shallow one I'm gonna hit that cervix no matter what! See I like to establish from the beginning that I can hit it at will like Hannibal battering the the city gates of Rome! I make it clear from the beginning that until I relinquish this pussy back to hubby it's my hostage to dominate.

So if that pussy or yours is small and there is a bunch of meat hanging out not being used don't worry because it won't go to waste! Those leftover inches inches actually rollover to your next visit so you can try to take more next time!

Violations: a Violation is when you do something to offend the cock!
1. Cock Pushing - We all know that pushing and shoving people isn't a nice thing to do. So is pushing and shoving against the bull with your hands so that he can't get or keep his cock deep inside your sweet pussy where he wants too! Like in your kidneys or your stomach!
2.Blocking - Blocking is similar to pushing except instead of pushing him back so that he loses ground in that pussy you block his path so that he can't go too deep or wherever he wants to go in that pussy!
3. Pushing the cock out - Sometimes it's an accident you might cough or sneeze and the pressure may eject the cock from the pussy and we know accidents happen, but whenever it's done intentionally it's a violation and offensive to the cock!

The consequences for these violations are you getting held down and that cervix get beat up and pounded like Japanese Taiko drummer. Have walking around funny holding your stomach like somebody gave you a nice little gut punch! 🤣😂