Pussy free cuckolds, where does your cum end up

I'd venture one of the best ways to go "pussy free" for both husband and wife is strap-on sex. You (the man) wear a strap-on harness with a dildo the size of the bull-cock your wife prefers. You can be chastity caged or bare and throbbing, but she gets an amazing pounding, possibly multiple orgasms, and you get a good workout since you're going to be thrusting a lot longer than usual...where your cum ends up remains up to her.
I'd venture one of the best ways to go "pussy free" for both husband and wife is strap-on sex. You (the man) wear a strap-on harness with a dildo the size of the bull-cock your wife prefers. You can be chastity caged or bare and throbbing, but she gets an amazing pounding, possibly multiple orgasms, and you get a good workout since you're going to be thrusting a lot longer than usual...where your cum ends up remains up to her.
yes.. with the cocklette caged and the strap on above you can fuck with a real-sized cock.. and your cock is just wishing it was out to do the job.. but it's not up to it..