Please help me find a photo

This is like looking for a needle in a haystack but I figured, what the hell, nothing ventured, nothing gained. And this is the best community to ask this kind of question.

So, here goes...

I am looking for a series of pictures of a blonde white woman being fucked by a black gentleman. There's nothing special about the pictures, apart from the fact that the woman looks SO much like my wife, it's untrue. I am 99% certain it isn't her - this woman has a nose ring visible in one of the shots, and a hint of a tattoo, I think (she is not heavily tattooed), which would rule my wife out. But it looks amazingly like her.

When I first saw it, I spent several days convinced it was her, couldn't concrete at work. I only realised that it wasn't here when I found a longer series of the shots and saw some shots that suggested it wasn't her. I was relieved at the time. Now...well, I guess I am still relieved but also kind of wish it had been her, in a way.

Here's what I do know about the pictures:
  • The pictures show the woman having sex on her back, and I think in doggy. In several of the shots, her legs are in the air.
  • They are in a bedroom and there is a yellow sheet or duvet on the bed, I think.
  • The bedroom looks like a house but could be a motel, I guess. A slightly seedy air about the pictures, from memory.
  • The woman isn't wearing much and has a slight tan, not a heavy tan and she is not very pale white. She looks about 25 but could be anywhere between 22 and 30, really. She is Caucasian, could be European or American, I guess.
  • She has dyed blonde hair, a kind of dirty blonde look. She's not fat or curly, by any means, but she isn't defined or gym-fit / muscular. Kind of normal!
  • The black gentleman is fairly light skinned and not that memorable, not particularly muscular, though he looks like he knows what he is doing and from memory, his penis was of a decent size but not eye-poppingly huge. His body was pretty hairless/shaven, from memory.
  • The whole vibe seems quite relaxed, notch passion in the shots, she doesn't seem in ******* and there's no evidence that he's cum at all.
  • Several of the shots are taken from the end of the bed. The woman is shaven, I think, and had fairly large but not remarkable breasts.
  • One shot featured on beautifulblackasses tumblr around 2013, which is where I saw it, but that has closed down and it's not on internet archives that I can find
  • i think a series of the pictures - maybe 9 or so - featured on b2wblog at some stage in the last decade but i can't find that now either!
  • The resolution of the shots isn't super-high quality - they're not exactly grainy but the lighting's a bit yellow, and while it may not be amateur, it's definitely not a very 'high-end' photography production!
  • The shots might be part of film, or shot when a video was being shot, but there's no sign of videos or lights in the room etc, or anyone else.
  • I found some metadata on one of the pictures and it suggested it was shot in the late 2000s or early 2010s.

I don't expect anyone to find it straight away - or ever, really - but if you happen to see something like the above, do drop me a line or post a link, and who knows, it might turn up!

If it does turn up, I might even be able to show it to my wife and say 'Hey, I thought this was you for a second, I found it online' - and it could just be the spark I need to introduce her to interracial liaison...

Hope someone can help - and thank you for reading this, if you got this far.