Penis size eugenics

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I've been thinking about this a lot, do you think there should be something done about penis size among Black Men and white boys? I think it would be morally right if all Black Men had penis of at LEAST 8 inches and more, while ALL white boys should have a micropenis or 4 inches erect or less, to remind them daily who is sexually superior.

This could be achieved by permanent chastity cages for first generation white boys and for the second there could be hormonal therapy to bring testosterone levels down around puberty age while for Black Men the testosterone and growth hormone levels should be drastically increased. What do you think about this idea?
No need to get offensive, how is it lacking logic? Black men have endured extreme discrimination by whites(up to this day).
This could be one of the solutions to completely eradicate discrimination and racism by whites. I'm not saying whites should not breed, not at all, they should.