Natural Born Cuck

Hi there,

New on here, just looking to chat with like-minded people.

Went through all the angst of trying to pretend to be the alpha male I was supposed to be through several unsuccessful relationships, then one ex cheated and rather than feeling betrayed I was thrilled.

I didn't want to be angry, I wanted to know how good the sex was. I wanted to know it wasn't a one off, it had been going on behind my back for a long time. I wanted to imagine him in my bed without me knowing. I wanted to know she'd worn the lingerie I'd bought for her, for his benefit.

I guess that's what it means to be a natural born cuck.

That relationship didn't last much longer but I discovered cuckoldry on the internet and began to seek out the right kind of woman. After a few misses, I finally found Ms Right, an intelligent, caring, passionate woman who knows just what my role is and how to push all my buttons.