My wife wants womens opinions on my size. She said she'll cheat if at least 10 girls tell her Im not a man

Omg so many laughing girls pinching my little dicklet and calling me a BITCH. My wife's cool with it cause she knows they aren't turned on by me. Theyre inviting more two more girls. All these girls are hot and I like that they all know I'm a bitch. Lucy put her ass in my face through her boy shorts. Wifey didn't seem to be jealous cause she jiggled her ass cheeks in my face and asked " You like her ass hubby? I don't care if you do, I like black dick I'll admit it. But you won't be getting any so I want you to see her and realize you'll never fuck a girl again and I don't care if you lick them cause you're just a joke in bed." She pulled Lucys shorts and panties down and said " Smell her bitch" I enjoyed her scent. Now I'm watching them strip and twerk and Wifeys trying to get the Bull to come back and bring friends. I'm sure 10 pussies will convince them to come. I guess we'll see.
We'll need pics if this happens