I’m desperate for a girlfriend and will support her even if she cheats

I’m a 28 yr old 5’5 white male with a 3 inch penis. I’ve had zero luck with women and am desperate at this point. I’m willing to do anything to be able to date a woman, even if it means they constantly cheat on me.

I’ll support their lavish lifestyles and get them anyhting they want. If they choose to be sneaky i’ll look the other way and act as if i’m clueless so that my girl won’t leave me. If she wants me to know she cheats, i’ll do my best to put up with jt and act that i’m fine with everything as long as she’s happy. Even if she wants to humiliate me like making me kiss her cummy mouth or raising moxies babies, i’ll act as if I don’t know better and do anything for her.

She could even try to gaslight me and say that cum has protein and will make me taller, or that the sex she’s having with other men is just practice and not really cheating, or that the guys who groped her were doctors and just checking her vitals, or that the baby were having from another guy is just a practice baby and that i should be grateful

I believe all women deserve the very best and should be worshipped and I will gladly give her my life savings as long as I can call her my wife
Have you tried a strip club? You may find who you’re looking for there. Or on certain websites for monetary exchange for services. Maybe find a lady there at least for some physical interaction?
Should not be a real problem finding that. Most guys battle to avoid those situations, so just go on.