I’m desperate and will put up with anything for my girl

So for context i’m a 28 year old white male that’s 5’5 and not well-endowed at all. I’ve had zero luck with women my whole life and any relationships i’ve been in have med to me being cheated on. I’m still a virgin and the most i’ve done is kiss and hold hands.

Honestly at this point i’m quite desperate. I’ll put up with a girlfriend who constantly cheats on me as long as we still get to date and she eventually comes back home to me. While i’ll still be upset and jealous I wont ever stay angry or leave my girl over it. She could be the town slut and fuck every guy besides me and i’ll just pretend to not notice and turn a blind eye since I don’t like confrontations.

If bigger guys started groping my girl at the club i’d ask him politely to stop but if he doesn’t i’ll probably just not confront him anymore and hope you will tell the guy no. Even if my girl likes to mess with me and humiliate me such as kissing me after blowing a guy, or spitting some guys cum into my coffee or food i’ll just act as an oblivious and clueless bf as long as my girl is happy with me
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