My boss is a member on this site


Hello everybody

I'll try to keep this short and sweet

Thanks to a nickname and a tattoo, I’m 100% positive my boss is on this site. Despite our marital status (we’re both married), professional relationship (he’s my boss and I’m his personal assistant), age difference (he’s 42 and I’m 24) and of course race difference (he’s black and I’m white), sexual chemistry between us has been off the charts. But despite all the compliments and gifts that make me feels more like his fiancee then his protegee, as he likes to call me, I don’t think he’ll be the one to make the first step. He’s too respectful and protective towards me and our personal and professional relationship. I’ll have to be the one that makes the first step if I want what I think we both want.

I’ve been married for 2 years and he’s been married for 12 and we both have “marriage problems”. The kind of “marriage problems” that make both of us come to sites like this. I would cheat on my husband, exclusively with him and him only, and he cheated on his wife, according to the evidence on this site, with at least two white girls already. I would also risk my extremely privileged status and salary, which are not products of my work and contribution, but my looks and personality. I’m a looking for exclusive sexual relationship with him not to destroy both of our marriages.

So, any advice, how should I approach him? In person or should I send him a message?

First, if he is a member of this site opening up to him is low risk as you both have someting to loose. You can afterwards decide if you actually do cheat togeather.

Second, while you are sure there is always some chance it is not him or that his escapades are fantasy. This supports messaging onbthe site.

Finally, the transition in relationship you are discussing might best be handled by message initially and can be followed up in person once the ice is broken.
First, if he is a member of this site opening up to him is low risk as you both have someting to loose. You can afterwards decide if you actually do cheat togeather.

Second, while you are sure there is always some chance it is not him or that his escapades are fantasy. This supports messaging onbthe site.

Finally, the transition in relationship you are discussing might best be handled by message initially and can be followed up in person once the ice is broken.

Thank you so much for taking your time and replying to my post.

I'm 100% positive it's him. He has unique nickname and even more unique tattoo. To make things better, he took some of the photos in a bathroom just him and me share at work. I guess it was a lower risk getting caught by his white assistant then his black wife while taking dick pics for interracial porn site :ROFLMAO:.

Videos he posted with other girls are couple of years old, before he employed me. I don't know if he got caught by his wife in the meantime or he still cheats on her. I'm afraid in so many ways I can't even count when just thinking about posting "Hi" with my photo in his DM's. What he will think? And in real life it's even worse. Talking about double standards, I'm touching him all the fucking time it's embarrassing. Mostly on arms, but still so fucking unprofessional. I can see the way he looks at me, I know he's attracted to me. He's just too respectful and protective and considerate. And yet he fucked girls who look like me like an ******* and posted it on a fucking porn site. Maybe the problem is I want both. To have this great boss who took me under his wing and pays me insultingly high salary and who also fucks me all the time without our marriages going to hell simultaneously. Sound really simple doesn't it 😅.

Sorry for my blabber, I don't even think there is another question in there.
Hello everybody

I'll try to keep this short and sweet

Thanks to a nickname and a tattoo, I’m 100% positive my boss is on this site. Despite our marital status (we’re both married), professional relationship (he’s my boss and I’m his personal assistant), age difference (he’s 42 and I’m 24) and of course race difference (he’s black and I’m white), sexual chemistry between us has been off the charts. But despite all the compliments and gifts that make me feels more like his fiancee then his protegee, as he likes to call me, I don’t think he’ll be the one to make the first step. He’s too respectful and protective towards me and our personal and professional relationship. I’ll have to be the one that makes the first step if I want what I think we both want.

I’ve been married for 2 years and he’s been married for 12 and we both have “marriage problems”. The kind of “marriage problems” that make both of us come to sites like this. I would cheat on my husband, exclusively with him and him only, and he cheated on his wife, according to the evidence on this site, with at least two white girls already. I would also risk my extremely privileged status and salary, which are not products of my work and contribution, but my looks and personality. I’m a looking for exclusive sexual relationship with him not to destroy both of our marriages.

So, any advice, how should I approach him? In person or should I send him a message?

I saw this on Lifetime. Civics Fox was in it, I think.
All of this is make believe until you get verified.

Kanye West Shrug GIF
I would ask his advice. So without saying you want him, tell him what your mind is doing and that you feel like you need to go outside your marriage for sexual fulfillment. And ask him as a mature man if he has any advice or guidelines to follow. Tell him how important this job is to you and how too. Make sure theres no risk, or very little risk of that falling apart if he then makes a move.
It may be that it will need to be You that makes the move, but try not be another bedpost notch. And make sure he doesnt post you on porn sites Lol
I envy your position. It sounds so difficult but extremely exciting! Enjoy the ride 😘
Dear snickersbar, so pleased we both show an interest that this forum promotes. I am a novice at this and would be happy to learn from you as I do at Let's Make Whoopee Inc. You know I can be trusted and discrete.
Never mix business with pleasure. Too many risks and not worth whartever temporary rewards you may get. Just my opinion but I would not do it.
Having said that, good luck.

Crossed my mind billion times believe me. I feel I could go either way based on the smallest detail. Thank you for your advice.
I would ask his advice. So without saying you want him, tell him what your mind is doing and that you feel like you need to go outside your marriage for sexual fulfillment. And ask him as a mature man if he has any advice or guidelines to follow. Tell him how important this job is to you and how too. Make sure theres no risk, or very little risk of that falling apart if he then makes a move.
It may be that it will need to be You that makes the move, but try not be another bedpost notch. And make sure he doesnt post you on porn sites Lol
I envy your position. It sounds so difficult but extremely exciting! Enjoy the ride 😘

Thank you so much for your time and encouragement!