Life following Coronavirus - for serious consideration


During this period of lockdown I truly believe many women will be reflecting on their lives and how unfulfilling they have become with their white partners. Perhaps with more time available they venture on line and either by chance or with every intention fall upon the many websites discussing the interracial scene. Curiosity could easily lead them into IR porn and that could be the start of a life very different to that which has gone before.

Another month or two of - let's call it research - and they will be ready to venture into a new life with new friends and new experiences. To what extent that takes them will depend on a number of things but their boring past relationships will never again be tolerated.

I genuinely believe this is not a fantasy Coronavirus will be the turning point for many lives and there will be winners and losers.
We actually started that reflection late last year and were working towards our first "date". We had two casual meets and then, well, all hell broke loose. We're hoping for some type of solution to this virus so it's more safe than not to meet people again for her first BBC. Just one though to start.