Jamaica !! The dark side of vacationing there !! Buyer beware !!

We have made at least 20 trips to Jamaica beginning in the middle 90’s and these are just my observations. All of our trips except the first were to Hedo II, the outlier was a trip to a villa that we rented in the hills above Montego Bay. We have flown in both through Kingston and Montego Bay.

Kingston has some areas that were downright frightening to us. If you decide to fly to Manley International I would suggest catching an air taxi directly from there to Montego Bay. It is very affordable if you connect with another couple and split the cost. We made the mistake of overnighting in Kingston one time and then catching a shuttle, NEVER AGAIN! Kingston is a long way from Negril and you waste most of a day on bad roads getting there. Do the math, Hedo is pricy and you don’t want to waste time in Jamaica on a shuttle bus.

Montego Bay was better but … It is a Port of Call for some big cruise lines that drop off some 2,000 to 3,000 people for a few hours. This fills the downtown area with crowds of tourists and invites crime that often accompanies that kind of activity. When we stayed at the villa my wife and I took a trip to the city once and they provided a driver and a body guard. It seemed like the driver was known by everyone and we got to see some interesting places but I also felt way more secure because we had the body guard with us. It was during this trip that we first heard of Hedo II and went there on a day trip. We loved it and were hooked!

The next time we went we took shuttle bus from Montego Bay and it wasn’t too bad, I seem to remember it taking a couple of hours (counting the stops for Red Stripes). On that trip we learned about the air taxis so we take it every time now. I am sure you will want to get to Hedo as quickly as possible and this is the fastest way to go (if you aren't afraid of small aircraft).

Negril is a decent tourist town with some fun destinations but we only went out during the day and in a group. The local news reported about aggravated assaults on tourists so I don’t know if I can agree there is a vast cover-up. Maybe they covered some and not others, I don’t know how to disprove a negative like that anyway. Antidotally, it seemed like ******* were involved one way or another in most of the reports. As a side comment, Alaska has three times the sexual assault rate as the rest of the country but I have never heard of anyone avoiding vacations there for that cause.

Hedo II is surrounded by very tall walls, I would guess 15-20 feet. They do allow some locals in on day passes and there are some vendors on the beach but the resort is mostly guests and it is patrolled by security. We “felt” safe but we weren’t fools about it. We stayed in the resort at night and stayed on the well-lit paths and inside the clubs. I stayed reasonably clear headed (no ******* and limited drinking) and stayed close to my wife, especially when she played. If things even started to feel out of control then I would get her out of there (read in here - the nude side hot tub late at night). I don’t think it ever got dangerous and we have had similar experiences at sex parties in the good old US of A.

All I am saying is that it doesn't matter if it is Compton or Kingston, Detroit or Negril, Anchorage or Ocho Rios; you have to keep yourself safe but there are no guarantees in life anywhere. My wife has told me many times that she feels like she can let go and enjoy herself because she knows I am there; sober and watchful (OK, I admit that I am mostly watching her :cool: ).

I think the fact that we have gone back to Hedo over and over is the best indication of how safe we feel and how it earned the nickname “the best place on earth”. For us, there is no other experience that quite matches it and the number of repeat guests validate that we are not the only ones.

Finally, it’s true you could get sexually assaulted at Hedo, but there have also been claims of ******* at the Chicago and the Kuala Lampur Ritz-Carlton's. I have stayed both places and Hedo is more fun:dance:.

My suggestion is GO if you are thinking about it! Enjoy it and keep her safe.

Thank you for your insight !! Your perspective is certainly appreciated !!
The problem is just because you feel secure doesn't mean that is true. I talk to a lot of people who are afraid to travel into Mexico because of the ******* problem that we created with our war on *******. What they are saying is that they "feel" less secure. However, the reality is that likely more people are shot and killed in the US than Mexico, but there is a big difference. In Mexico you might get shot if you go there with the intention of getting into the ******* business. They don't like competition. In the US we shoot and ******* others for no reason at all. You might feel more secure in the US than Mexico, but are you? If you go to Europe they might pick your pocket, but in the US they would shoot you first!

In this case we are talking about rrape. Most rapes go unreported in the US, because the men in charge simply don't care. They think it's something the woman did like dressing sexy. ******* is a crime of violence it's not about sex. There are many conservative leaders who think women should wear Bee Keeper Suits like they do in Muslim countries. It's simply a way of controlling women and keeping them in their place! Just because the country is dominantly black or Muslim does not mean you are less secure. There are dangerous places in this world, but making generalizations based on race or religion is simply wrong!
Wear Bee Keeper Suits..That´s so funny but true:) Otherwise i have to give you mad credit for being so well informed about not only the US,but the whole world in general!
Do you have any idea what your talking about? A report by the govt funded research group Quilium specifically pointed out the massively disproportionate rates of baby grooming in Pakistani Muslim men. It went further to and pointed out of 86% of all type 1 baby sex offences where committed by Pakistani and south Asian muslim men. To put that into context, 5% of the U.K. population is Muslim. Roughly 40% if those are from Pakistan. Assuming there is a 50/50 make / female split, that means just over 1% of the UK population was responsibly for 86% of the offences. This doesn’t mean that ALL Muslims are rapists, it doesn’t mean ALL Pakistani Muslims are rapists but it clearly means there is a much higher chance of them being. Ignoring govts own stats and pretending this isn’t happening just to be PC is absolute maddens and what is driving far right movements around Europe.
Complete bullshit here.
damn.....we haven't been there in a while but sure never saw/heard about any rapes....they did hit on your wife right in front of you....but if your wife in anyway gave them some kind of look or in some kind of encouragement they were on you...but not forcibly……...if she ignored them or didn't look....they never approached

we went to Montego bay several times...stayed at a White Palace?....some place all inclusive...right on the beach....and really enjoyed our stay.....went to Kingston once...and didn't like it as much...….took a taxi at a pretty healthy cost to Dunn's river falls....enjoyed that a lot and ended up paying for another room close by....and the next day the same taxi driver took us back to Kingston....

all in all wife enjoyed herself a lot and was not ****** in anyway....but that was a few years ago so maybe changed some now....on one trip we even went to a B2W bar well up the coast...nothing but black guys and white wives......lot of fun and still nothing ******....dancing ...drinks...and whatever happened after was up to her
Do you have any idea what your talking about? A report by the govt funded research group Quilium specifically pointed out the massively disproportionate rates of baby grooming in Pakistani Muslim men. It went further to and pointed out of 86% of all type 1 baby sex offences where committed by Pakistani and south Asian muslim men. To put that into context, 5% of the U.K. population is Muslim. Roughly 40% if those are from Pakistan. Assuming there is a 50/50 make / female split, that means just over 1% of the UK population was responsibly for 86% of the offences. This doesn’t mean that ALL Muslims are rapists, it doesn’t mean ALL Pakistani Muslims are rapists but it clearly means there is a much higher chance of them being. Ignoring govts own stats and pretending this isn’t happening just to be PC is absolute maddens and what is driving far right movements around Europe.
That report has been thoroughly debunked - poor methodology and lack of evidence led to an unsound conclusion made for political reasons. Was ever thus tho racists cherry pick evidence to suit their agenda.
The places to stay away from are El Salvador, Costa Rica, parts of Mexico, there is a huge anti-American atmosphere and have killed dozens of tourists through messing with *******.

Sadly, we are very quickly becoming the most hated people in the world!
That report has been thoroughly debunked - poor methodology and lack of evidence led to an unsound conclusion made for political reasons. Was ever thus tho racists cherry pick evidence to suit their agenda.
Racist? The author is a left wing Pakistani Muslim and head of a UK govt think tank set up to debunk racial myths and extremism. If you have bothered to read the report you would see that he actually set out to disprove the belief that Muslims are involved in more sex crimes than any other people, but in fact proved himself wrong. Only this week the BBC gave broadcast a undercover documentary where Muslim imans are offering 1 hour marriages to to girls as young as 9 so they can have sex in accordance with sharia law. A practice commonly followed in Iraq, Afghan and Pakistan. Why is it so hard to accept these people won’t change hundreds of years of culture when they pass the yellow line on the floor at Heathrow?
Racist? The author is a left wing Pakistani Muslim and head of a UK govt think tank set up to debunk racial myths and extremism. If you have bothered to read the report you would see that he actually set out to disprove the belief that Muslims are involved in more sex crimes than any other people, but in fact proved himself wrong. Only this week the BBC gave broadcast a undercover documentary where Muslim imans are offering 1 hour marriages to to girls as young as 9 so they can have sex in accordance with sharia law. A practice commonly followed in Iraq, Afghan and Pakistan. Why is it so hard to accept these people won’t change hundreds of years of culture when they pass the yellow line on the floor at Heathrow?
Having lived in Sheffield and Bradford I can confirm that Pakistani Muslim men are a fucking nightmare for white women. Their women walk 20 yards behind the men and boys and are covered from head to foot. They aren't allowed to even look at other men - they are totally oppressed.
Meanwhile, the men catcall, touch up and attempt to groom white women who enter their shops and businesses. Or they hang around high schools trying to chat them up. I've had my ex-wife spat at and abused in the street for wearing a crop top. The abuse is grotesque - "you white slut, sit on this you fucking slag". Horrendous and offensive.

You can call me racist, you can call me a bigot. But what I'm saying is 100% true. We have hateful right wing groups here, hell bent on taking advantage of the situation and thriving on the news blackout. Most right thinking people understand that the gulf between our modern democratic and liberal values and those of Pakistani Islam will eventually close, but for now the gulf is large and women continue to fall victim to these men.
I know, I've lived it.
Having lived in Sheffield and Bradford I can confirm that Pakistani Muslim men are a fucking nightmare for white women. Their women walk 20 yards behind the men and boys and are covered from head to foot. They aren't allowed to even look at other men - they are totally oppressed.
Meanwhile, the men catcall, touch up and attempt to groom white women who enter their shops and businesses. Or they hang around high schools trying to chat them up. I've had my ex-wife spat at and abused in the street for wearing a crop top. The abuse is grotesque - "you white slut, sit on this you fucking slag". Horrendous and offensive.

You can call me racist, you can call me a bigot. But what I'm saying is 100% true. We have hateful right wing groups here, hell bent on taking advantage of the situation and thriving on the news blackout. Most right thinking people understand that the gulf between our modern democratic and liberal values and those of Pakistani Islam will eventually close, but for now the gulf is large and women continue to fall victim to these men.
I know, I've lived it.
Completely agree with everything. Those who can’t see this are in plain denial. 1000’s of ******* raped in front of the authorities and they turned a blind eye because they were too afraid it would look racist as all the men involved were Pakistani/ Afghan Muslims.
Racist? The author is a left wing Pakistani Muslim and head of a UK govt think tank set up to debunk racial myths and extremism. If you have bothered to read the report you would see that he actually set out to disprove the belief that Muslims are involved in more sex crimes than any other people, but in fact proved himself wrong. Only this week the BBC gave broadcast a undercover documentary where Muslim imans are offering 1 hour marriages to to girls as young as 9 so they can have sex in accordance with sharia law. A practice commonly followed in Iraq, Afghan and Pakistan. Why is it so hard to accept these people won’t change hundreds of years of culture when they pass the yellow line on the floor at Heathrow?
Not been funded by the Gov since 2011 and certainly not left-wing - they even tried to get violent racist criminal Yaxley-Lennon on board - Qulliam is actually closer to ex-Reagan guy and well known right wing conspiracy theorist Frank Gaffney and the equally right-wing HJS.

You should check your facts before posting your racist BS.
Not been funded by the Gov since 2011 and certainly not left-wing - they even tried to get violent racist criminal Yaxley-Lennon on board - Qulliam is actually closer to ex-Reagan guy and well known right wing conspiracy theorist Frank Gaffney and the equally right-wing HJS.

You should check your facts before posting your racist BS.
How is it racist that I point out facts? Are you denying that Rotherham, Leeds, Bradford, Bristol, Rochdale ever happened? Are you denying that every single perpetrator was a Muslim male? Or are you denying that every single baby raped was a ******* white girl? See racism treating someone different based on the race they were born into. Treating someone different because of an idiology they choose to live by is not racism in any shape way or form.
How is it racist that I point out facts? Are you denying that Rotherham, Leeds, Bradford, Bristol, Rochdale ever happened? Are you denying that every single perpetrator was a Muslim male? Or are you denying that every single baby raped was a ******* white girl? See racism treating someone different based on the race they were born into. Treating someone different because of an idiology they choose to live by is not racism in any shape way or form.
Lol - no point arguing with racist incels.
Meanwhile, little is done about the fact that Pakistani men treat women like *******, including performing FGM on small girls. They mob primary schools because the school is teaching about tolerance towards homosexuals.
Put simply, their culture needs to change, because we don't live in the 15th century anymore.
Not racist, just real.
Meanwhile, little is done about the fact that Pakistani men treat women like *******, including performing FGM on small girls. They mob primary schools because the school is teaching about tolerance towards homosexuals.
Put simply, their culture needs to change, because we don't live in the 15th century anymore.
Not racist, just real.