Is the QoS tattoo an open invitation?

I would like to ask if you consider that having my QoS tattoo visible is an open invitation to approach me in search of sex? If so, should I serve whoever asks me?

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Approach you in a gentlemanly way, absolutely or you wouldn't have posted it so visibly on your body.
Require you to have sex, absolutely NOT. And if they approach you that way, rudely ... absolutely, positively, fucking NOT. And tell 'em to "grow up" as they walk away.
I agree with some of the comments above. Having a QoS tattoo doesn't mean you have to serve whoever asks you. But it is an open invitation for black men to come up and start a conversation with you. What happens next is solely up to you, and don't feel pressured to have sex if you don't want it.
Speaking for myself, like most women, I don't like disrespectful men who lack good manners.
Are you really asking complete strangers on the internet if you should 'serve' any black guy who approaches you after noticing your QOS tattoo?

pedal stage GIF
I agree with some of the comments above. Having a QoS tattoo doesn't mean you have to serve whoever asks you. But it is an open invitation for black men to come up and start a conversation with you. What happens next is solely up to you, and don't feel pressured to have sex if you don't want it.
Speaking for myself, like most women, I don't like disrespectful men who lack good manners.
well said